Dengan berdasar pada Teori Tahap Perkembangan Hubungan dari Knapp & Vangelisti dan menggunakan rancangan penelitian kualitatif, penelitian ini menggambarkan tahap-tahap hubungan antarpribadi yang dijalin oleh korban bersama pelaku kejahatan yang dikenalnya melalui Facebook. Dari empat kasus yang diteliti, hubungan korban dan pelaku secara umum menyerupai pola gerakan non-linier, berkembang dari Inisiasi, Mencoba-coba, Intensifikasi, kemudian melompati tahap-tahap Penggabungan, Pengikatan, Pembedaan, Pembatasan, dan Stagnasi, langsung menuju tahap-tahap Penghindaran dan Penghentian.
As of March 2013, Indonesia ranked second of the most Facebook users in Asia. Behind the euphoria of Facebook in Indonesia, a phenomenon was revealed that a number of girls missing after initiating friendships on Facebook. This study discusses the process of adolescent female friendship on Facebook with people who later became known as the perpetrators of the crime upon them.
Using Knapp & Vangelisti?s Stages of Development and Deterioration and with qualitative research design, this study describes the stages of interpersonal relationships built by the victim and the-latter-known offender of crime through their acquaintainceship in Facebook. From four cases studied, victims? and offenders? relationships resemble the patterns of a non-linear motion. The stages are Initiating, Experimenting, Intensifying, skips the stages of Integrating, Bonding, Differentiating, Circumscribing, and Stagnation, straight to Avoiding and Terminating stages.