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Dina Marselina
Abstrak :
Pembedahan dapat memicu respons stres metabolik yang dapat menimbulkan hiperglikemia. Mekanisme hiperglikemia pascaoperasi dihubungkan dengan resistensi insulin, peningkatan glukoneogenesis, dan glikogenolisis, serta penurunan glucose transporter-4. Hiperglikemia diduga sebagai respons adaptasi fisiologis “fight or flight” tetapi juga dikaitkan dengan peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas pascaoperasi. Risiko hiperglikemia pascaoperasi dan potensi bahaya yang ditimbulkan belum banyak disadari oleh para dokter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik pasien pascaoperasi di Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) di Rumah Sakit Ciptomangunkusumo, insidens hiperglikemia pada anak pascaoperasi, dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi hiperglikemia pascaoperasi. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu studi potong lintang terhadap 199 pasien di RSCM yang dirawat di ruang PICU pascaoperasi sepanjang Januari – Desember 2020. Data demografi serta gula darah pascaoperasi diambil dari rekam medis. Kejadian hiperglikemia pascaoperasi dalam 24 jam pertama adalah 42%. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi hiperglikemia pascaoperasi pada penelitian ini adalah usia > 60 bulan (rasio odds 1,92 (95% IK 1,08-3,41) p=0,025) dan median durasi operasi>5 jam (p=0,001) ......Surgery can trigger metabolic stress response that can lead to hyperglycemia. Mechanism of postoperative hyperglycemia is associated with insulin resistance, increased gluconeogenesis, and glycogenolysis, and decreased glucose transporters-4. Hyperglycemia is thought to be a physiological “fight or flight” adaptive response but also associated with increased postoperative morbidity and mortality. The risk of postoperative hyperglycemia and the potential dangers that it causes have not been widely realized by doctors. This study aims to determine the characteristics of postoperative patients at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), incidence of hyperglycemia in postoperative children, related factors of postoperative hyperglycemia. This study is a cross-sectional study of 199 patients at RSCM who admitted in PICU postoperative during January – December 2020. Demographic data and postoperative blood sugar were taken from medical records. The incidence of postoperative hyperglycemia in the first 24 hours was 42%. Related factors of postoperative hyperglycemia in this study were age > 60 months (Odds ratio 1,92 (95% CI 1,08-3,41); p=0,025 and median operative duration > 5 hours (p=0,001).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Banjarnahor, Reny Damayanti
Abstrak :
Diabetes melitus merupakan suatu kelompok penyakit metabolik dengan hiperglikemia sebagai karakteristik utama. Hiperglikemia terjadi karena kelainan sekresi insulin, kerja insulin, dan atau keduanya. Sekitar 50% penyandang diabetes di Indonesia belum terdiagnosis sehingga komplikasi akibat DM tidak dapat dihindari. Pengendalian terjadinya komplikasi dilakukan dengan kontrol glikemik secara teratur. Pemeriksaan kontrol glikemik antara lain dengan glukosa darah puasa, HbA1c, dan fruktosamin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran kadar fruktosamin dan HbA1c pada diabetes melitus tipe 2 tidak terkontrol, mengetahui perubahan kadar fruktosamin dan HbA1c setelah terapi 2 minggu dan 8 minggu, serta hubungan antara keduanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kohort prospektif pada 33 subyek yang terdiri dari 24 orang perempuan dan 9 orang laki-laki. Subyek penelitian diikuti selama 2 minggu dan 8 minggu sejak dilakukan perubahan terapi. Penelitian dimulai pada bulan Februari sampai April 2015. Subyek yang termasuk dalam penelitian adalah diabetes mellitus tipe 2 yang tidak terkontrol dengan HbA1c>7%. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai median dan rentang fruktosamin pada minggu ke-0, minggu ke-2, dan minggu ke-8 berturut-turut 362 μmol/L (257-711), 327 μmol/L (234-616), dan 350 μmol/L (245-660). Kadar HbA1c memiliki nilai median dan rentang pada minggu ke-0, minggu ke-2, dan minggu ke-8 yaitu 9.3% (7.1-14.8), 8.8% (6.9-12.7), dan 8.4% (5.9-14.2). Terdapat penurunan bermakna kadar fruktosamin dan HbA1c dengan p<0.001. Adanya korelasi yang kuat dan arah korelasi yang positif antara fruktosamin dan HbA1c (minggu ke-0, r=0.86; minggu ke-2, r=0.82; minggu ke-8, r= 0.84). Pada penelitian ini diperoleh penurunan yang bermakna kadar fruktosamin dan HbA1c pada 2 minggu dan 8 minggu setelah terapi dengan korelasi yang kuat ( r > 0.8) dan arah korelasi positif. Fruktosamin lebih baik digunakan untuk kontrol glikemik jangka menengah (2 minggu) sedangkan HbA1c lebih baik dipakai untuk kontrol glikemik jangka panjang (8 minggu).
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with hyperglycemia as the main characteristics. Hyperglycemia occurs due to abnormalities in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Approximately 50% of people with diabetes in Indonesia have not been diagnosed, thus complications due to diabetes cannot be avoided. Taking control of diabetes mellitus can be done through glycemic control measurements on a regular basis. Fasting blood glucose, HbA1c, and fructosamine tests are lists of key features for glycemic control measurements. The aims of this study was to overview the levels of fructosamine and HbA1c in uncontrolled type-2 diabetes mellitus, determine changes in fructosamine and HbA1c levels after two weeks and eight weeks of treatment, and analyze the relationship between the two. This study used a prospective cohort design with 33 subjects consisted of 24 women and 9 men. Subjects were followed for two weeks and eight weeks after the initial therapy amendment. The study began in February and April 2015. The subjects included in the study were uncontrolled type-2 diabetes mellitus with HbA1c> 7%. Fructosamine concentration, given as median and range values, at weeks 0, 2, and 8 were 362 μmol/L (257-711), 347 μmol/L (234-660), and 333 μmol/L (235-676), respectively. HbA1c levels (median and range) at weeks 0, 2, and 8 were 9.3% (7.1-14.8), 8.8% (6.9-12.7) and 8.4% (5.9-14.2). There was a significant reduction of fructosamine and HbA1c levels (p <0.001). A strong and positive correlation were found between fructosamine and HbA1c (week 0, r = 0.86; week 2, r = 0.82; week 8, r = 0.84). From this study, it can be concluded that fructosamine and HbA1c levels were significantly reduced at weeks 2 and 8 after treatment, with a positive strong correlation (r> 0.8). Thus, fructosamine is preferable for medium-term (two weeks) glycemic control while the HbA1c is preferred for long-term (eight weeks) glycemic control.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamara Ey Firsty
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Hiperglikemia adalah kondisi dimana nilai GDP >126 mg/dL atau GDPP >200 mg/dL, dan merupakan kriteria penegakan diagnosis diabetes mellitus tipe 2 T2DM dan sindroma metabolik. Konsumsi makanan tinggi fruktosa dan kolesterol berperan dalam patofisiologi hiperglikemia. Ekstrak Acalypha indica Linn. memiliki efek hipoglikemik untuk membantu menurunkan gula darah. Metode: Sebanyak 29 ekor tikus Sprague-Dawley dibagi dalam lima kelompok. Empat kelompok diberi diit tinggi fruktosa dan kolesterol DTFK selama 1,5 bulan. Pada bulan selanjutnya pemberian diit disertai dengan pemberian ekstrak etanol akar Acalypha indica Linn. sebanyak 250 mg/kgBB/hari, metformin 100mg/kgBB/hari, atau kombinasi keduanya. Gula darah tikus dinilai sebelum dan sesudah periode terapi. Hasil: Tidak ditemukan perbedaan kadar glukosa darah sebelum dan setelah perlakuan pada kelompok yang diterapi AI p=0,831 , metformin p=0,056 , maupun kombinasi p=0,908 . Tidak ditemukan perbedaan berat badan, berat hepar, ataupun berat pankreas yang signifikan p=0,386; p=0,395; dan p=0,319 . Perbedaan yang signifikan tampak antara jenis terapi dengan berat lemak peritoneal p=0,031 . Kadar glukosa terendah ditemui pada kelompok yang mendapat terapi kombinasi. Analisis: Ekstrak etanol akar Acalypha indica Linn., meskipun tidak signifikan, tampak menurunkan kadar glukosa darah pada tikus. Dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan periode induksi dan terapi yang lebih lama untuk lebih memahami efek hipoglikemik AI.
Introduction Hyperglycemia is defined as condition where FBG 126mg dL or PPBG 200 mg dL, and is one of diagnosis criteria for type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM and metabolic syndrome. Diet high in fructose and cholesterol plays a role in inducing hyperglycemia. Extract from Acalypha indica Linn. is proposed to have hypoglycemic effect, thus help reduce blood glucose. Methods Twenty nine Sprague Dawley rats were divided into five groups. Four groups were given high fructose high cholesterol diet for 1,5 month. In the following month, this diet was continued while rats were given either 250 mg kgBW day of ethanol extract of Acalypha indica Linn. root, 100 mg kgBW day of metformin, or both. Rats rsquo blood glucose before and after therapy were measured. Result There is no significant difference between pre therapy and post therapy blood glucose in groups treated with AI p 0,831 , metformin p 0,056 , or both p 0,908 . There is no significant difference in body weight, liver weight, nor pancreas weight p 0,386 p 0,395 and p 0,319 . Statistically significant differences are found between therapy given and peritoneal fat weight p 0,031 . Lowest glucose value is found in group receiving both AI and metformin. Analysis Ethanol extract of Acalypha indica Linn., albeit insignificant, is seen to lower blood glucose in rats. Further research with longer induction and therapy periods is needed to better understand AI rsquo s hypoglycemic effect.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Fariz Malvi Zamzam Zein
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Aritmia selama perawatan merupakan komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada pasien sindrom koroner akut (SKA) sehingga dibutuhkan identifikasi risiko secara dini. Tujuan: Mengetahui insidens pasien SKA yang mengalami aritmia selama perawatan dan mengetahui pengaruh hiperglikemia admisi terhadap kejadian aritmia selama perawatan pasien SKA. Metode: Studi kohort retrospektif ini menggunakan rekam medik pasien SKA yang dirawat di ICCU RSPUN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dalam periode 1 Januari-31 Desember 2014. Hiperglikemia admisi didefinisikan sebagai kadar gula darah admisi >140 mg/dL. Kejadian aritmia selama perawatan meliputi aritmia atrium, takikardia supraventrikular, blok AV derajat tinggi, dan aritmia ventrikel, yang diidentifikasi dalam tujuh hari pertama perawatan. Hasil: Terdapat 232 subjek pada penelitian ini. Prevalensi hiperglikemia admisi adalah 50,43%. Insidens pasien SKA yang mengalami aritmia selama perawatan adalah 21,55% (IK 95% 16,26-26,84). Analisis bivariat menunjukkan hiperglikemia admisi terkait dengan peningkatan risiko aritmia selama perawatan (RR 1,747; IK 95% 1,042-2,930). Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara jenis SKA, diabetes melitus (DM), obesitas, dan hipertensi dengan kejadian aritmia selama perawatan. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan OR hiperglikemia admisi setelah penyesuaian adalah 2,852 (IK 95% 1,351-6,024), dengan variabel perancu DM. Simpulan: Insidens pasien SKA yang mengalami aritmia selama perawatan adalah 21,55%. Hiperglikemia admisi dapat meningkatkan risiko kejadian aritmia selama perawatan pasien SKA.ABSTRACT Background: The in-hospital arrhythmias complicating acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a common complication, and its ealy risk identification is urgently needed. Aim: to determine the incidence of in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS and to determine the influence of HA on in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS. Methods: a retrospective cohort study was conducted using secondary data from medical records of patients with ACS who were admitted to ICCU RSCM between January 1st-Desember 31st, 2014. Hyperglycemia at admission was defined when the blood glucose level at admission was >140 mg/dL. The in-hospital arrhythmias were observed during the first seven days of hospitalization. Result: there were 232 subjects. The prevalence of HA WAS 50.43%. The incidence of in-hospital arrhythmias was 21.55% (95% CI 16.26-26.84). In bivariate analysis, there was significant association between HA and in-hospital arrhythmia (RR 1.747; 95% CI 1.042-2.930). There were no significant relationship among the type of ACS, diabetes mellitus (DM), obesity, and hypertension, with the influence of HA on in-hospital arrhythmia. In multivariate analysis, the adjusted OR of HA was 2.852 (95% CI 1.351-6.024), and DM was the confounding variable. Conclusion: In-hospital arrhythmias is a common complication in patients with ACS. Hyperglycemia at admission may increase the risk of in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS. ;Background: The in-hospital arrhythmias complicating acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a common complication, and its ealy risk identification is urgently needed. Aim: to determine the incidence of in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS and to determine the influence of HA on in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS. Methods: a retrospective cohort study was conducted using secondary data from medical records of patients with ACS who were admitted to ICCU RSCM between January 1st-Desember 31st, 2014. Hyperglycemia at admission was defined when the blood glucose level at admission was >140 mg/dL. The in-hospital arrhythmias were observed during the first seven days of hospitalization. Result: there were 232 subjects. The prevalence of HA WAS 50.43%. The incidence of in-hospital arrhythmias was 21.55% (95% CI 16.26-26.84). In bivariate analysis, there was significant association between HA and in-hospital arrhythmia (RR 1.747; 95% CI 1.042-2.930). There were no significant relationship among the type of ACS, diabetes mellitus (DM), obesity, and hypertension, with the influence of HA on in-hospital arrhythmia. In multivariate analysis, the adjusted OR of HA was 2.852 (95% CI 1.351-6.024), and DM was the confounding variable. Conclusion: In-hospital arrhythmias is a common complication in patients with ACS. Hyperglycemia at admission may increase the risk of in-hospital arrhythmia complicating ACS.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tuty Rahayu
Abstrak :
Latar belakang Hiperglikemia pada anak sepsis dan syok septik merupakan keadaan yang sering ditemukan serta mempunyai luaran yang buruk. Patofisiologinya belum jelas mungkin berbeda dengan dewasa yaitu terdapatnya hipofungsi sel beta pankreas dibandingkan dengan resistensi insulin. Tujuan Mengetahui adanya hipofungsi sel beta pankreas dengan didapatnya penurunan kadar insulin melalui pemeriksaan kadar C peptida pada anak sepsis dan syok septik dengan hiperglikemiaMetode. Penelitian dilakukan di PICU Pediatric Intensive Care Unit dan IGD Instalasi Gawat Darurat. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu uji deskriptif analitik dengan memeriksa kadar C peptida pada anak sepsis dan syok septik dengan hiperglikemia Kadar gula darah dan C peptida diperiksa secara periodik selama 48 jam Hasil Hiperglikemia dan penurunan kadar C peptida ditemukan pada 59 dan 52 pasien anak dengan sepsis dan syok septik Keadaan hiperglikemia hanya ditemukan pada 12 jam pertama perawatan. Perbedaan kadar gula darah dan C peptide tampak pada 1 jam pertama yaitu 229 vs 192 mg dl dan 0 5 vs 1 5 ng ml nilai p 0 409 p 0 025 Skor PELOD lebih tinggi pada kadar C peptida rendah 11 vs 1. Penggunaan ventilator inotrops kortikosteroid dan lama rawat PICU tidak terdapat perbedaan pada kedua kelompok. Simpulan Terdapat penurunan kadar C peptida di bawah normal pada anak sepsis dan syok septik dengan hiperglikemia dan meningkat ke normal dalam 48 jam Penurunan gula darah terjadi 12 jam pertama hal ini menunjukkan perlunya infus glukosa pada keadaan akut sepsis. Apakah hiperglikemia merupakan respons normal tubuh dan hipofungsi sel beta pankreas akibat beratnya penyakit pada anak sepsis perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut
Background Hyperglycemia in children sepsis is a condition that is often found Pathophysiology is unclear may differ from the adult that the presence of hypofunction of pancreatic beta cells compared with insulin resistance. Objective To determine the hypofunction pancreatic beta cells with decreased levels of C peptide insulin in children with sepsis hyperglycemiaMethods The study was conducted in the PICU and ER. This study was a descriptive analytic test by examining the levels of C peptide in children with sepsis hyperglycemia Checked blood sugar levels and C peptide during 48 hours on a periodic basis. Results Hyperglycemia and decreased levels of C peptide were 59 and 52 in children with sepsis respectively Hyperglycemia was found only in the first 12 hours Differences in blood sugar levels 229 vs 192 mg dl p value 0 409 and C peptide 0 5 vs 1 5 ng ml p value 0 025 appeared at the first 1 hour. Further analysis between normal and low C peptide showed PELOD score was higher in low C peptide level 11 vs 1. Ventilators inotrops corticosteroids and PICU LOS was should no difference in the two groups. Conclusions There was a decrease in C peptide level below normal in children with sepsis hyperglycemia and increased to normal within 48 hour. The decrease in blood sugar occurs in the first 12 hours which demonstrates the need for infusions of glucose in acute sepsis Further research whether hyperglycemia was a normal response of the body and hypofunction pancreatic beta cells due to the severity of the disease in children sepsis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizqi Amaliah
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Hiperglikemia dan AKI merupakan komorbiditas yang sering dijumpai pada anak sakit kritis. Keduanya berhubungan dengan peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas. Hubungan antara hiperglikemia dan AKI pada anak sakit kritis belum banyak diketahui. Tujuan: Diketahuinya perbedaan proporsi AKI pada kelompok anak sakit kritis dengan hiperglikemia dan nonhiperglikemia. Diketahuinya perbedaan rerata kadar gula darah admisi, kadar gula darah puncak, dan durasi hiperglikemia pada kelompok anak sakit kritis dengan AKI dan tanpa AKI. Metode: Penelitian kohort prospektif dilakukan pada anak sakit kritis usia 1 bulan-18 tahun di ruang resusitasi IGD dan perawatan intensif anak RSCM selama bulan Agustus-Desember 2016. Pemeriksaan kadar gula darah, kreatinin serum, dan kadar NGAL urine dilakukan pada saat admisi. Pemantauan kadar gula darah dilakukan dengan interval 2 jam pada kelompok hiperglikemia. Seluruh subyek diikuti sampai keluar ruang perawatan intensif. Hasil: Proporsi subyek anak sakit kritis yang mengalami hiperglikemia adalah 46,5 IK 95 36,8-56,2 . Proporsi subyek dengan hiperglikemia yang mengalami AKI menurut kriteria AKIN adalah 30,7 IK 95 21,8 ndash;39,6 , sedangkan proporsi subyek dengan hiperglikemia yang memiliki kadar NGAL urine >135 ng/mL adalah 21,8 IK 95 13,8 ndash;29,8 . Acute kidney injury menurut kriteria AKIN maupun kadar NGAL urine lebih banyak dijumpai pada subyek dengan hiperglikemia, namun perbedaan proporsi tersebut tidak bermakna secara statistik kriteria AKIN: RR 2,08; IK 95 0,93-4,67; P 0,072; NGAL urine >135 ng/mL: RR 1,34; IK 95 0,81-2,1; P 0,243 . Paparan hiperglikemia pada perawatan intensif dengan durasi ge;4 jam risiko AKI meningkat sebesar 2,38 kali IK 95 1,25 ndash;4,56. Simpulan: Acute kidney injury banyak dijumpai pada anak sakit kritis yang mengalami hiperglikemia. Paparan hiperglikemia ge;4 jam pada perawatan intensif berkaitan dengan peningkatan risiko AKI pada anak sakit kritis. ......Background Hyperglycemia and AKI are common in critically ill children. Both conditions are associated with increasing mortality and morbidity. The association of hyperglycemia and AKI in critically ill children is still not well understood. Objective To evaluate the difference in proportion of AKI between critically ill children with and without hyperglycemia. To evaluate the mean difference of initial blood glucose, peak blood glucose, and the duration of hyperglycemia between critically ill children with and without AKI. Method A prospective cohort study was conducted in critically ill children aged 1 month to 18 years at the emergency unit and the pediatric intensive care unit at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between August December 2016. Blood glucose, creatinine serum, and urine NGAL was examined at admission. Blood glucose was monitored every 2 hours in hyperglycemic subjects. All of the subjects were followed until time of discharge from the intensive care unit. Result Hyperglycemia in critically ill children was found in 46.5 subject 95 CI 36.8 56.2. Acute kidney injury based on the AKIN criteria was found in 30.7 hyperglycemic subjects 95 CI 21,8 ndash 39,6, and hyperglycemia with an increased urine NGAL level 135 ng mL was found in 21.8 subjects 95 CI 13.8 ndash 29.8. Acute kidney injury and an increased urine NGAL were more frequently found in subjects with hyperglycemia, however, the difference in the proportion was statistically insignificant AKIN criteria RR 2,08 95 CI 0,93 4,67 P 0,072 urine NGAL level 135 ng mL RR 1,34 95 CI 0,81 2,1 P 0,243 . The duration of hyperglycemia ge 4 hours at the intensive care unit increases the risk of AKI up to 2.38 times CI 95 1.25 ndash 4.56. Conclusion Acute kidney injury are frequently seen in hyperglycemic critically ill children. A duration of hyperglycemia of ge 4 hours in intensive care unit is associated with an increased risk of AKI in critically ill children.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Sally Aman
Abstrak :
Kondisi infark miokard akut (IMA) sering disertai hiperglikemia yang meningkatkan risiko aritmia maligna melalui mekanisme yang diduga berupa kerusakan miokard, perubahan kanal ion dan peningkatan respons inflamasi. Penelitian mengenai hubungan hiperglikemia akut dengan kejadian aritmia maligna pada pasien dengan sindrom koroner akut (SKA) sudah banyak dilakukan, namun pada pasien IMA yang merupakan populasi khusus SKA dan memiliki risiko aritmia maligna lebih tinggi, belum ada penelitian yang menelaah peran kerusakan miokard, perubahan kanal ion dan peningkatan respons inflamasi sebagai patomekanisme terjadinya aritmia maligna pada pasien IMA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh hiperglikemia akut terhadap kejadian aritmia maligna, troponin I, VLP, strain ekokardiografi, perubahan kanal ion (CaMKII) dan hsCRP. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan menilai pengaruh troponin I, VLP, GLS, CaMKII dan hsCRP terhadap kejadian aritmia maligna pada pasien IMA dengan hiperglikemia akut. Penelitian potong lintang yang dilanjutkan kohort prospektif pada pasien IMA yang dirawat di ICCU RSCM Jakarta, dilakukan November 2018-Mei 2019. Pasien dengan infeksi berat dan sudah mengalami aritmia maligna saat masuk RS dieksklusi. Data karakteristik dasar dan variabel kadar glukosa darah sewaktu, troponin I, VLP, GLS, CaMKII pertama dan hsCRP diambil pada hari pertama perawatan. Kejadian aritmia maligna sebagai luaran utama penelitian dan kadar CaMKII kedua dinilai pada hari ke-5 perawatan. Pasien yang meninggal sebelum hari perawatan ke-5 bukan akibat aritmia maligna dikeluarkan dari penelitian. Hubungan hiperglikemia akut dengan VLP dan kejadian aritmia maligna dianalisis dengan uji chi-square, sedangkan troponin I, GLS, CaMKII dan hsCRP berdasarkan status hiperglikemia diuji dengan uji-t atau Mann-Whitney. Sejumlah 110 pasien diikutkan dalam penelitian, 2 pasien meninggal pada hari ke-3 perawatan akibat aritmia maligna. Tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara hiperglikemia akut pada IMA dengan aritmia maligna. Pada analisis bivariat, CaMKII hari ke-1 dan ke-5 memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kejadian aritmia maligna (p = 0,03, p = 0,01). Pada kelompok hiperglikemia akut terdapat perbedaan kadar CaMKII di hari ke-5 antara VLP positif dan negatif (p = 0,03). Disimpulkan bahwa IMA pada fase awal akan menimbulkan kerusakan miokard yang lebih dominan dibandingkan peran metabolik. Fase berikutnya terjadi peningkatan katekolamin yang berakibat terjadinya hiperglikemia akut dan akan meningkatkan ROS serta aktivasi perubahan kanal ion yang digambarkan dengan CaMKII. Perubahan ini berakibat remodeling elektrofisiologi jantung yang terlihat dari gambaran VLP pada pemeriksaan SA-ECG. Kata Kunci: Aritmia maligna, CaMKII, Hiperglikemia Akut, hsCRP, IMA, VLP
Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) is often followed by hyperglycemia which will increase the risk of malignant arrhythmias through mechanisms that are thought to be myocardial damage, ion channel changes and increased inflammatory response.There have been many studies on the correlation of acute hyperglycemia with the occurrence of malignant arrhythmias in acute coronary syndromes (ACS), but not much in AMI as a special population of ACS with a higher risk of malignant arrhythmias.There are no studies that examine the role of myocardial damage, ion channel changes and increased inflammatory response as a pathomechanism of malignant arrhythmias in AMI patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of acute hyperglycemia on the occurence of malignant arrhythmias, troponin I, VLP, echocardiographic strain, ion channel changes (CaMKII) and hsCRP. This study also aims to assess the effect of troponin I, VLP, GLS, CaMKII and hsCRP on the occurence of malignant arrhythmias in AMI patients with acute hyperglycemia. A cross-sectional study followed by a prospective cohort of AMI patients treated at ICCU Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta was done from November 2018– May 2019. Patients with severe infections and who had experienced malignant arrhythmias at admission were excluded. Data on baseline characteristics and random blood glucose levels, troponin I, VLP, GLS, the first CaMKII and hsCRP were collected on the first day of treatment. The occurence of malignant arrhythmias as the main outcome of this study and the second CaMKII level were assessed on the fifth day of treatment. Patients who died before the fifth day of treatment not due to malignant arrhythmias were excluded. The correlation between acute hyperglycemia with VLP and the occurence of malignant arrhythmias was analyzed by chi-square test, whereas troponin I, GLS, CaMKII and hsCRP based on the hyperglycemia status were tested by t-test of Mann-Whitney test. A total of 110 patients were included in the study, 2 patients died on the third day due to malignant arrhythmias. No significant relationship was found between acute hyperglycemia in AMI and malignant arrhythmias. On the first day and fifth day CaMKII bivariate analysis had a significant correlation with the occurence of malignant arrhythmias (p = 0.03, p = 0.01, respectively). In the acute hyperglycemia group there were differences in CaMKII levels on the fifth day between positive and negative VLP (p = 0.03). It was concluded that AMI in the initial phase would cause more dominant myocardial damage compared to the role of metabolic factors. In the next phase there is an acute hyperglycemia and will increase ROS and activation of ion channel changes described by CaMKII. This change results in the electrophysiological remodeling of the heart as seen from the VLP picture on SA-ECG. Key Words: Acute hyperglycemia, AMI, CaMKII, hsCRP, Malignant arrhythmias, VLP
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadel Putra Wicaksono
Abstrak :
Hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi adalah kondisi saat tekanan darah berada pada nilai 130/80 mmHg atau lebih dimana keadaan normal sekitar 120/80 mmHg. Hipertensi jika dibiarkan dapat mengakibatkan penyakit yang lebih berbahaya seperti stroke, serangan jantung, dan penyakit ginjal. Saat ini untuk mengurangi tekanan darah maka dapat digunakan obat seperti ACE inhibitor, Alpha-2 receptor agonist, dan Captoril. Reaksi terhadap obat-obat hipertensi beragam, namun jika dikonsumsi lebih dari yang dianjurkan dapat menimbulkan efek samping seperti mual, diare, sakit kepala, dan berat badan turun atau naik secara drastis. Oleh karena itu diperlupakan kajian tentang jamu anti aterosklerosis memiliki kemampuan menurunkan tekanan darah. Jamu antiaterosklerosis terdiri dari daun tanjung (Mimusops elengi L.), daun belimbing manis (Averrhoa carambola L.), dan temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza L.). Daun tanjung mempunyai kemampuan antioksidan yang tinggi dengan nilai IC50 (inhibitory concentration 50) sebesar 10,6, dan memiliki keaktifan anti kolesterol dapat menurunkan kolesterol sebanyak 36%. Daun belimbing mempunyai kemampuan antioksidan yang sedang dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 75,43, dan sebagai antihiperglikemik dapat menurunkan gula darah sebesar 42 mg/dl. Temulawak mempunyai kemampuan antioksidan yang sedang dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 70,3, dan sebagai hepatoprotector dapat menurunkan kadar ALT (Alanine transaminase) sebanding dengan 80% kurkumin, dan kadar AST (Aspartate transaminase) sebanding dengan 85% kurkumin. Kombinasi dari ketiga jenis tumbuhan tersebut dijadikan formula jamu antiaterosklerosis yang memiliki efek anti hipertensi, dengan dosis 52,8 mg/200g dapat menurunkan tekanan darah sistolik sebesar 22,03% dan menurunkan tekanan darah diastolik sebesar 25,14%. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition when a person blood pressure is higher than 130/80 mmHg, where normal blood pressure is around 120/80 mmHg. Hypertension if leave alone could cause further complication such as stroke, heart attack, and kidney failure. Today, the common medicine to decrease blood presure is ACE inhibitor, Alpha-2 receptor agonist, and Captoril. Reaction to these medicines is varied if these medicine is consumed over the recommended dosage could cause nausea, diarrhea, headache, and drastic fluctuation of weight. According to this there is a need for literature review for anti-atherosclerosis herbs has the ability to decrease blood pressure. Anti-atherosclerosis herbs consist of tanjung leaves (Mimusops elengi L.), starfruit leaves (Averrhoa carambola L.), and curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza L.). Tanjung leaves have high antioxidant potential with IC50(inhibitory concentration 50) as high as 10.6, and the ability as an anti-cholesterol and could decrease 36% of cholesterol level. Starfuit leaves have moderate antioxidant potential with IC50 as high as 75.43, and act as anti-hyperglicemic agent and could decrease bloos sugar level as much as 42 mg/dl. Curcuma have moderate antioxidant potential with IC50 as high as 70.3, and act as hepatoprotector and could deacrease ALT (Alanine transaminase) level as much as 80% of curcumin, and decrease AST (Aspartate transaminase) level as much as 85 of curcumin. The combination of the three herbs is formulated as anti-atherosclerosis herbs which have hypotensive effect. With a dose of 52.8 mg/200 g the herbs could deacrease 22.03% of systolic blood pressure and deacrease 25.14% of diastolic blood pressure.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edwina Priliantika Yuliadi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Batu ginjal merupakan salah satu bentuk dari batu saluran kemih, yang merupakan masalah yang cukup besar dan bisa menyebabkan morbiditas yang bermakna.Batu ginjal dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi ginjal dan dapat berujung pada gagal ginjal, bahkan kematian.Hiperglikemia merupakan salah satu faktor resiko terjadinya batu ginjal. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara hiperglikemia dengan penurunan fungsi ginjal pada pasien batu ginjal. Metode: Studi potong lintang yang melibatkan 5464 pasien batu ginjal yang berobat di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo pada tahun 2000-2013. Analisis data dilakukan pada 877 orang pasien yang memiliki data gula darah sewaktu dan kreatinin serum, dengan cara mempelajari rekam medis pasien. Sampel penelitian didapatkandengan metodetotal population sampling. Hasil: Rasio subjek laki-laki dan perempuan adalah 2:1. Prevalensi hiperglikemia sebesar 4.79% dan prevalensi fungsi ginjal buruk sebesar 32.39%. Pada uji analisis hubungan hiperglikemia dengan fungsi ginjal didapatkan nilai p = 0.013. Kesimpulan: Hiperglikemia memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan fungsi ginjal. Diperlukan tatalaksana serta pencegahan hiperglikemia untuk mencegah perburukan fungsi ginjal pada pasien dengan batu ginjal.
Background: Kidney stones are one of the forms of urinary tract stones, which is a pretty big problem and can cause significant morbidity. Kidney stones can cause renal dysfunction and can lead to kidney failure, and even mortality. Hyperglycemia can affect the risk of developing kidney stones. Aim: Knowing the relationship between hyperglycemia and renal function in patients with kidney stones. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 5464 patients undergoing treatment for calculous disease at the General National Center Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between 2000 and 2013. Analysis was done to 877 patients whoseblood glucose and serum creatinine data were recorded, from patient’s medical record. Samples were obtained by using total population samplingmethod. Results: Male to female subjects ratio were 2:1. Subjects with hyperglycemia was 4.79%, and there were 32.39% subjects havepoor kidney function.In the analysis of the association between hyperglycemia and kidney function, it is shown that the significance value of p = 0.013. Conclusion: Hyperglycemia has a significant association with kidney function.Preventions and management of hyperglycemia are necessary to prevent deterioration of kidney function in kidney stone patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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