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Ditemukan 119 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wilson, John Dover, 1881-1959
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1954
942.046 WIL w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Couperus, Louis, 1863-1923
Amsterdam: G.A. van Oorschot, 1975
BLD 839.36 COU v III
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santi Yuliany
"Sistem distribusi BBM dalam negeri, mencakup kegiatan mulai dari kilang sebagai penghasil produk BBM, kemampuan tankerlpipa untuk mengangkut BBM ke Depot-Depot dan kemampuan sarana pembekalan BBM yang berfungsi sebagai suplai point baik langsung maupun tidak langsung kepada konsumen. Ketiga lingkup kegiatan yang dirangkai menjadi satu kesatuan operasi disebut sistem distribusi BBM, dimana masing-masing fungsi saling terkait dan tidak dapat dipisahkan antara satu dengan lainnya.
Untuk mengidentifikasi Strategi Distribusi BBM digunakan analisis SWOT dengan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktornya, sebagai faktor kekuatan adalah faktor yang dapat mendorong terciptanya sistem distribusi yang terintegrasi dan berkesinambungan, faktor kelemahan antara lain kapasitas sarana penyediaan dan pembekalan BBM belum cukup serta usia pakainya sudah tua, dan pola suplai distribusi yang belum optimal.
Faktor peluang antara lain kesempatan atau peluang bagi pengembangan usaha untuk bekerja sama dengan pihak lain/pihak asing, faktor ancaman adalah lemahnya PERTAMINA dalam menjamin suplai distribusi BBM. Hasil ini dijadikan dasar untuk menetapkan prioritas strategi dengan menggunakan metode Analisa Hierarki Proses (AHP). AHP adalah suatu analisis yang memerlukan para respondennya adalah orang yang ahli dibidangnya, oleh karena itu yang menjadi subyek penelitiannya adalah para pejabat maupun staf terkait di PERTAMINA, khususnya yang berada dibawah satuan kerja Pemasaran dan Niaga pada UPPDN III Jakarta.
Optimalisasi distribusi BBM masing-masing dipengaruhi oleh lima faktor pada strategi distribusinya. Strategi distribusi minyak tanah dipengaruhi oleh lima faktor yaitu : Kebutuhan minyak tanah dengan bobot 0.281, disusul dengan, Kebijakan PERTAMINA dengan bobot 0.228, Sistem distribusi dengan bobot 0.188, Production Cost dengan bobot 0.175, Delivery cost dengan bobot 0.129. Strategi distribusi minyak tanah dibuat beberapa alternatif strategi distribusi minyak tanah dengan urutan prioritas sebagai berikut: Depot Plumpang dengan bobot 0.213, Depot Tasikmalaya/Ujung Berung dan Depot Padalarang mempunyai bobot yang sama yaitu 0.202 Depot Balongan dan Terminal Tg. Gerem dengan bobot yang sama yaitu 0.191
Berikutnya diketahui bahwa Strategi distribusi minyak solar dipengaruhi oleh lima faktor dengan urutan: Kebutuhan minyak solar dengan bobot 0.358 , Kebijakan PERTAMINA dengan bobot 0.214, Sistem distribusi dengan bobot 0.192, Production Cost dengan bobot 0.126, Delivery cost dengan perolehan bobot 0.102. Strategi distribusi minyak solar dibuat beberapa alternatif strategi distribusi minyak solar dengan urutan prioritas sebagai berikut: Depot Tanjung Periok dan Depot Plumpang dengan masing-masing bobot 0.172, Depot Balongan, Tg. Gerem, Depot Tasikmalaya/Ujung Berung dan Depot Padalarang mempunyai bobot yang sama yaitu masing-masing 0.164."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebutuhan pengguna terhadap penyelenggaraan Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan dan hal-hal apa yang mempengaruhi kebutuhan ini.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober-November tahun 2005 di lima Kota di Indonesia yang mempunyai lulusan Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan terbanyak di Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknis Kesehatan di bawah binaan Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesiaa yaitu: Lampung, Semarang, Surabaya, Makasar, Samarinda. Responden (informan) pada penelitian ini adalah pengguna langsung dan pengguna tidak langsung lulusan Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan yang bekerja di rumah sakit pemerintah dan puskesmas.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif untuk memperoleh inforrnasi tentang kebutuhan pengguna terhadap Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan dan juga melakukan penelitian kualitatif untuk memperoleh jawaban atau informasi yang mendalam tentang pendapat dan perasaan seseorang yang dapat memperkaya informasi.
Hasil yang didapatkan pada penelitian tentang kebutuhan pengguna terhadap Program Khusus D-Ill Keperawatan sama antara penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengguna langsung dan pengguna tidak langsung lulusan Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan sebagian besar masih membutuhkan Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan. Dengan adanya keinginan pengguna untuk mengirimkan kembali stafnya untuk mengikuti pendidikan pada Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan, ataupun merekomendasikan pada orang lain untuk mengirimkan stafnya yang masih SPK/SPR/Suplementary untuk mengikuti pendidikan pada Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan karena untuk melanjutkan pendidikan dengan Program Regular tidak mungkin dilakukan karena harus meninggalkan tugas.
Sementara basil penelitian kuantitatif dan penelitian kualitatif untuk faktor-faktor yang meyebabkan pengguna membutuhkan Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan Baling mendukung. Adapun faktor-faktor tersebut seperti kepuasan, kebijakan pemerintah tentang tenaga keperawatan lulusan SPK/SPR/Suplementary harus menjadi D-III keperawatan, pendanaan, rencana organisasi, desain organisasi, dan persediaan tenaga memberikan kontribusi yang menyebabkan pengguna membutuhkan Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan.
Dan hasil penelitian ini disarankan bagi Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan Departemen Kesehatan RI supaya tetap mempunyai kebijakan agar Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan diteruskan sampai tidak ada lagi tenaga lulusan SPK/SPR/Suplementary di rumah sakit, puskesmas dan pelayanan kesehatan lainnya dengan selalu meningkatkan peran evaluasi dan koordinasi. Juga agar Politeknik Kesehatan Jurusan Keperawatan melakukan peningkatan mutu yang berkelanjutan agar pengguna tetap puas dan akan terus mengirimkan tenaga keperawatannya untuk mengikuti pendidikan pada Program Khusus D-III Keperawatan.

This research purpose is to find the user needs toward the conducting of Nursing D-III Special Program, and things that affect these needs. This research done in October-November 2005 in five country on Indonesia that have the largest number of Nursing D-M Special Program with Health Polytechnic in Nursing Majors under health staff education centre of health Department RI which are Lampung, Semarang, Surabaya, Makasar, and Samarinda. Respondent in research is direct user and non-direct user from Nursing D-III Special Program that work in government hospital and public health centre.
This research is study case research, by using quantity method to get information about user needs toward Nursing D-111 Special Program, and also using qualitative to get answers or deeper information according to someone opinion and feeling that can excess the information from quantity research.
Result from research about user needs toward Nursing D-III Special Program is equal between quantity and qualitative research. Most of user directly and non-directly from Nursing D-III Special Program, user still need Nursing D-III Special Program. With the present of user will to send back his staff to follow Nursing D-III Special Program education, or recommend other to send his staff that equal to SPI/SPR/Supplementary to follow education in Nursing D-III Special Program because continuing education with Regular Program is impossible to do because they'll leaving the job behind.
Meanwhile the quantitative and qualitative researches for factors that cause the user need Nursing D-III Special Program support each other. Those factors are satisfaction, government policy toward SPK/SPR/Supplementary graduate has to continue their education to Nursing D-III Special Program, financing, organization planning, organization design, and personnel supply, give contribution that cause user need Nursing D-III Special Program.
From this research result suggested to Health Staff Education Centre of Health Department RI constantly have policy that makes Nursing D-III Special Program continues, until there is no SPK/SPR/Supplementary graduate in hospital, public health centre, and other health services, and always conduct evaluation and coordination. Moreover, make Health Polytechnic in Nursing Majors gradually increasing the quality in order to satisfy the user and constantly send their nursing staff to follow Nursing D-III Special Program education.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Murti Komala Dewi
Tesis ini membahas aspek keberhasilan dan kendala dalam implementasi
kebijakan penyesuaian izin PBF sesuai Permenkes 1148 Tahun 2011 tentang PBF
di Propinsi DKI Jakarta dan Jawa Barat Tahun 2013 berdasarkan teori Edward
III. Data pengawasan Badan POM pada PBF di Propinsi Jawa Barat dan DKI
Jakarta Tahun 2012 s/d 2013, dan data Perizinan PBF Kementerian Kesehatan
tahun 2012 s/d Mei 2014, lebih dari 90% PBF yang tidak memenuhi ketentuan
CDOB belum melakukan penyesuaian izin. Penelitian menggunakan metode
kualitatif melalui analisis konten dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian: aspek
keberhasilannya adalah kompetensi dan komitmen petugas, ketersediaan
instrumen dan SOP yang aplikatif, koordinasi antar instansi berjalan dengan baik.
Aspek kendalanya adalah definisi penyesuaian izin belum jelas, sosialisasi belum
maksimal, jumlah petugas kurang, Instrumen tidak dapat diakses secara online,
dan ketersediaan sumber dana dan sarana

This thesis addressess key successes and constraints on the implementation of
policy adjustment on PBF referring to Ministrial Decree no. 1148/2011 in DKI
Jakarta and West Java in 2013 using theory of Edward III. Results on
surveillance on PBF in West Java and Jakarta of NADFC in 2012 until 2013, and
the data PBF Licensing of Ministry of Health in 2012 until May 2014, indicates
that more than 90% PBF did not comply with CDOB, thus not make adjustments
permission. Research using qualitative methods of content analysis and literature
review. Results: aspects of competence and commitment to success of the
officers, the availability of instruments and applicable SOPs, coordination among
agencies run well. Obstacles found in several aspects including lack of clear
definition of permits adjustment, lack of socialization, insufficient number of
officers, inaccessibility of instruments online basis, and lack of availability of
resources and facilities."
[, ], [2014, 2014]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kms Anhar
"[Instalasi gawat darurat (IGD) rumah sakit adalah bagian dari rumah sakit yang memberikan layanan terdepan. Di Rumah Sakit dr. Mohammad Hoesin (RSMH) Palembang sudah terdapat IGD berdasarkan SK Direktur Utama Rumah Sakit yang menetapkan struktur organisasi, tugas dan tanggung jawab, visi dan misi, dan prosedur tetap pelayanan gawat darurat. IGD RSMH Palembang dikepalai oleh seorang dokter spesialis bedah urologi dibantu oleh dua orang kepala ruangan.
Standar pelayanan di IGD sudah menerapkan standar layanan sesuai dengan standar akreditasi KARS 2012. IGD keberadaannya di rumah sakit diatur oleh Kepmenkes RI No. 856/Menkes/SK/IX/2009 tentang Standar IGD. Kepemenkes ini mengatur tentang standarisasi pelayanan gawat darurat di rumah sakit, dalam Kepmenkes tersebut
diatur standar organisasi, sumber daya manusia, pelayanan, kelengkapan sarana prasarana di IGD. Di RSMH Palembang telah dilaksanakan dokter spesialis jaga on site di IGD sejak 30 Januari 2014 sebagai tindak lanjut Kepmenkes RI tersebut. Sejak dilaksanakan kebijakan dokter spesialis jaga on site di IGD masih dijumpai kepatuhan para dokter masih belum optimal dan walaupun mutu layananan semakin membaik sejalan dengan telah terakreditasi paripurna rumah sakit versi KARS 2012. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi kebijakan dokter spesialis jaga on site di IGD sudah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan sesuai dengan Kepmenkes. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam pada informan. Informan yang diwawancarai adalah jajaran Direktur RSMH Palembang, Ketua Komite Medik, Kabag. Keuangan, Kepala ruangan IGD dan para dokter spesialis. Penilaian hasil wawancara menggunakan kerangka fikir model implementasi kebijakan George Edward III dengan variabel
sumber daya, komunikasi, disposisi dan struktur organisasi.
Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan implementasi kebijakan dokter spesialis jaga on site belum berjalan dengan baik, disebabkan karena faktor komunikasi, disposisi dan struktur organisasi belum berjalan baik dan masih banyak perlu dukungan sumber daya. Usulan yang diberikan adalah penambahan dan kompetensi tenaga sesuai standar, revisi SOP, penyediaan media komunikasi, perbaikan fasilitas,
meningkatkan koordinasi dan fungsi pengawasan secara berkala, advokasi ke Kemenkes RI.;Emergency department (ED) is a part of hospital which giving advanced services. In dr. Mohammad Hoesin (RSMH) Palembang hospital already own an emergency department based on SK director of the hospital whom establishes the organizational structure, duties and responsibilities, vision and mission, and standard operating procedures emergency services. ED RSMH Palembang is lead by a specialist urology and assisted by two heads of the room. Standard service of ED has implementing service standards according to accreditation standards KARS 2012. ED in the hospital arranged Indonesian health minister No. 865/Menkes/SK/IX/2009 about ED standards. The head of health minister regulates the standardization of emergency services at the hospital, which managing standard organizations, human resources, services, completeness infrastructure in ED. RSMH Palembang has been implemented specialist doctors duty on site in the ER since January, 30th 2014 as a follow-up of the head of the Indonesian health minister. Ever since implemented a policy specialist on duty in the ER site still found the compliance of the doctors are still not optimal and although the quality of service has improved in line with acreditation hospital KARS version 2012. This research aims to determine how the implementation of policy specialists doctors on site in the ER has been implemented in accordance with the expected goals in accordance with the head of health minister. Research done with qualitative method by performing in-depth interviews on informants. Informants interviewed are RSMH Palembang board of directors, chairman of the medical committee, chief financial officer, head of the ED room and specialist doctors. Assessment interview results are using logical framework policy implementation model George Edward III with variable resources, communications, disposition and organizational structure. From the results of this study, the implementation of policy specialist doctors
on site guard has not run well, due to the communication factor, disposition and organizational structure has not been going well and much needed resource support. The given proposal is the addition of appropriate power and competence standards, the revised SOP, provision of communication media, improvement of facilities,
improving the coordination and monitoring functions regularly, advocacy to the head of the Indonesian health minister, Emergency department (ED) is a part of hospital which giving advanced
services. In dr. Mohammad Hoesin (RSMH) Palembang hospital already own an
emergency department based on SK director of the hospital whom establishes the
organizational structure, duties and responsibilities, vision and mission, and standard
operating procedures emergency services. ED RSMH Palembang is lead by a
specialist urology and assisted by two heads of the room. Standard service of ED has
implementing service standards according to accreditation standards KARS 2012.
ED in the hospital arranged Indonesian health minister No.
865/Menkes/SK/IX/2009 about ED standards. The head of health minister regulates
the standardization of emergency services at the hospital, which managing standard
organizations, human resources, services, completeness infrastructure in ED. RSMH
Palembang has been implemented specialist doctors duty on site in the ER since
January, 30th 2014 as a follow-up of the head of the Indonesian health minister. Ever
since implemented a policy specialist on duty in the ER site still found the
compliance of the doctors are still not optimal and although the quality of service has
improved in line with acreditation hospital KARS version 2012.
This research aims to determine how the implementation of policy specialists
doctors on site in the ER has been implemented in accordance with the expected
goals in accordance with the head of health minister. Research done with qualitative
method by performing in-depth interviews on informants. Informants interviewed are
RSMH Palembang board of directors, chairman of the medical committee, chief
financial officer, head of the ED room and specialist doctors. Assessment interview
results are using logical framework policy implementation model George Edward III
with variable resources, communications, disposition and organizational structure.
From the results of this study, the implementation of policy specialist doctors
on site guard has not run well, due to the communication factor, disposition and
organizational structure has not been going well and much needed resource support.
The given proposal is the addition of appropriate power and competence standards,
the revised SOP, provision of communication media, improvement of facilities,
improving the coordination and monitoring functions regularly, advocacy to the head
of the Indonesian health minister]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cindy Meilinda Sari
Angka kematian ibu tahun 2013 Kabupaten Sambas Provinsi Kalbar masih tinggi sebanyak 17 kasus. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui implementasi manajemen aktif kala III (MAKT) oleh bidan puskesmas wilayah kerja Dinas Kesesehatan Kab. Sambas. Desain penelitian cross sectionaldengan mixed method, sampel 58 menggunakan Total Sampling Hasil penelitian bidan menerapkan manajemen aktif kala III 63,8% dan yang tidak menerapkan manajemen aktif kala III 36,2%. Terdapat hubungan variabel Pengetahuan dan sikap dengan Implementasi Manajemen Aktif Kala III. Variabel sikap terhadap manajemen aktif kala III merupakan faktor paling dominan dengan (nilai p= <0,007)

The county Sambas Henan Borneo west is still high the mortality rate mother in 2013 as much as 17 cases. Research purposes to know the implementation of active management of third stage by a midwife the health center the work the Department of Health District Sambas. Study design cross sectional with mixed method, a total Sampling 58 using the results of the study midwife apply management active time treaty 63,8% and not apply management active time treaty 36,2 %. There is a relationship variable knowledge and the attitude with Implementation active Management words treaty. Variable attitude toward the management active time treaty is the most dominant factor ( pvalue= < 0,001;The county Sambas Henan Borneo west is still high the mortality rate mother in 2013 as much as 17 cases. Research purposes to know the implementation of active management of third stage by a midwife the health center the work the Department of Health District Sambas. Study design cross sectional with mixed method, a total Sampling 58 using the results of the study midwife apply management active time treaty 63,8% and not apply management active time treaty 36,2 %. There is a relationship variable knowledge and the attitude with Implementation active Management words treaty. Variable attitude toward the management active time treaty is the most dominant factor ( pvalue= < 0,001;The county Sambas Henan Borneo west is still high the mortality rate mother in 2013 as much as 17 cases. Research purposes to know the implementation of active management of third stage by a midwife the health center the work the Department of Health District Sambas. Study design cross sectional with mixed method, a total Sampling 58 using the results of the study midwife apply management active time treaty 63,8% and not apply management active time treaty 36,2 %. There is a relationship variable knowledge and the attitude with Implementation active Management words treaty. Variable attitude toward the management active time treaty is the most dominant factor ( pvalue= < 0,001;The county Sambas Henan Borneo west is still high the mortality rate mother in 2013 as much as 17 cases. Research purposes to know the implementation of active management of third stage by a midwife the health center the work the Department of Health District Sambas. Study design cross sectional with mixed method, a total Sampling 58 using the results of the study midwife apply management active time treaty 63,8% and not apply management active time treaty 36,2 %. There is a relationship variable knowledge and the attitude with Implementation active Management words treaty. Variable attitude toward the management active time treaty is the most dominant factor ( pvalue= < 0,001;The county Sambas Henan Borneo west is still high the mortality rate mother in 2013 as much as 17 cases. Research purposes to know the implementation of active management of third stage by a midwife the health center the work the Department of Health District Sambas. Study design cross sectional with mixed method, a total Sampling 58 using the results of the study midwife apply management active time treaty 63,8% and not apply management active time treaty 36,2 %. There is a relationship variable knowledge and the attitude with Implementation active Management words treaty. Variable attitude toward the management active time treaty is the most dominant factor ( pvalue= < 0,001;The county Sambas Henan Borneo west is still high the mortality rate mother in 2013 as much as 17 cases. Research purposes to know the implementation of active management of third stage by a midwife the health center the work the Department of Health District Sambas. Study design cross sectional with mixed method, a total Sampling 58 using the results of the study midwife apply management active time treaty 63,8% and not apply management active time treaty 36,2 %. There is a relationship variable knowledge and the attitude with Implementation active Management words treaty. Variable attitude toward the management active time treaty is the most dominant factor ( pvalue= < 0,001;The county Sambas Henan Borneo west is still high the mortality rate mother in 2013 as much as 17 cases. Research purposes to know the implementation of active management of third stage by a midwife the health center the work the Department of Health District Sambas. Study design cross sectional with mixed method, a total Sampling 58 using the results of the study midwife apply management active time treaty 63,8% and not apply management active time treaty 36,2 %. There is a relationship variable knowledge and the attitude with Implementation active Management words treaty. Variable attitude toward the management active time treaty is the most dominant factor ( pvalue= < 0,001, The county Sambas Henan Borneo west is still high the mortality rate mother in 2013 as much as 17 cases. Research purposes to know the implementation of active management of third stage by a midwife the health center the work the Department of Health District Sambas. Study design cross sectional with mixed method, a total Sampling 58 using the results of the study midwife apply management active time treaty 63,8% and not apply management active time treaty 36,2 %. There is a relationship variable knowledge and the attitude with Implementation active Management words treaty. Variable attitude toward the management active time treaty is the most dominant factor ( pvalue= < 0,001]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Priska Asrana Baidah
Nama : Priska Asrana BaidahProgram Studi : : Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Obstetri dan GinekologiJudul : Prevalensi dan Faktor-Faktor Risiko Konstipasi pada Wanita Hamil di Poliklinik Rawat Jalan Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSCM. LATAR BELAKANG: Konstipasi merupakan masalah saluran gastrointestinal yang sering dialami oleh wanita hamil. Adanya konstipasi dapat menghabiskan biaya dan waktu untuk berobat, menurunkan produktivitas dan kualitas hidup serta dapat pula menimbulkan kelainan permanen seperti rusaknya fungsi penyokong otot-otot dasar panggul. Penelitian untuk melihat prevalensi konstipasi pada ibu hamil dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya di Indonesia belum ada. Padahal dengan mengetahui faktor-faktor risiko konstipasi dalam kehamilan, kualitas perawatan antenatal pada ibu hamil akan lebih baik. TUJUAN: Diketahuinya prevalensi dan hubungan antara usia kehamilan, asupan serat, konsumsi air, dan tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan konstipasi pada ibu hamil di poliklinik rawat jalan obstetric dan ginekologi RSCM. METODE: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang dengan jumlah sampel 174 wanita hamil yang sehat yang berkunjung untuk melakukan pemeriksaan antenatal di poliklinik rawat jalan RSCM. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengisian kuesioner. Diagnosis konstipasi berdasarkan kriteria ROME III, pengukuran asupan serat dengan kuesioner FFQ, pengukuran tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan kuesioner IPAQ. Uji chi square dan Fisher dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan antar variabel. HASIL:Prevalensi konstipasi pada wanita hamil pada penelitian ini 13,2 IK95 8,3-18,1 dengan prevalensi tiap trimester yaitu 5,9 pada trimester 1, 21,4 pada trimester 2, dan 11,3 pada trimester 3. Keluhan tersering yaitu mengedan keras, BAB tidak lampias, dan sensasi tidak dapat mengeluarkan tinja saat BAB. Sebanyak 81,03 subjek asupan serat per harinya kurang dengan rata-rata asupan serat 18,97 gram/hari.Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara asupan serat dengan konstipasi p=0,776 , konsumsi air dengan konstipasi p=0,485 , dan tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan konstipasi p=0,553 . Namun, terdapat nilai OR yang cukup tinggi antara usia kehamilan dengan konstipasi yaitu OR 4.364 untuk trimester 2 dan OR 2,039 untuk trimester 3 yang menunjukkan kemungkinan ada kebermaknaan secara klinis walaupun tidak bermakna secara statistik p=0,254 KESIMPULAN: Prevalensi konstipasi pada wanita hamil sebanyak 13,2 . Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia kehamilan, asupan serat, konsumsi air, dan tingkat aktivitas fisik.KATA KUNCI : konstipasi, ROME III, wanita hamil

Name Prika Asrana BaidahStudy Program Obstetric and GynecologyTitle Prevalence and Risk Factors Constipation in Pregnancy at Obstetric and gynecology Outpatient Clinic RSCM AIM To estimate constipation prevalence and it rsquo s relation with age of gestation, diet fiber, water consumption, and physical activityBACKGROUND Constipation is a common symptom in pregnancy. The presence of constipation can be costly, reducing the productivity and quality of life and can also cause permanent abnormalities of the pelvic floor muscles. There was no research that looking for prevalence of constipation in pregnant women and it rsquo s risk factors in Indonesia yet. Yet by knowing the risk factors for constipation in pregnancy, the quality of antenatal care for pregnant women would be betterDESIGN AND METHODOLOGY This study is a cross sectional study with a sample of 174 healthy pregnant women who visit to antenatal care at outpatient clinic RSCM. Data were collected through questionnaires. The diagnosis of constipation based ROME III criteria, measurement of fiber intake by FFQ questionnaire, measuring the level of physical activity by questionnaire IPAQ. Chi square test and Fisher conducted to assess the relationship between variables.RESULTS The prevalence of constipation in pregnant women in this study 13.2 CI95 8.3 to 18.1 with each trimester prevalence is 5.9 in the first trimester, 21.4 in the second trimester, and 11.3 in third trimester. The most common complaint are straining, incomplete evacuation, and anorectal obstruction. A total of 81.03 of the subjects was poor on fiber intake with an average fiber intake was 18.97 g day. There were no significant association between fiber intake with constipation p 0.776 , water consumption with constipation p 0.485 , and physical activity levels with constipation p 0.553 . However, there is a clinically significant association between gestational age with constipation with OR 4,364 for second trimester to trimester and 2,039 OR 3. This clinical significancy unfortunately not statistically significant p 0.254 CONCLUSION The prevalence of constipation in pregnant women as much as 13.2 . There were no significant association between gestational age, fiber intake, water consumption, and physical activity levels.Keywords Constipation, pregnancy, ROME III "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Bagus Sila Wiweka
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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