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Kemampuan Mycobacterium tuberculosis yang dapat memanipulasi dan
menghindari respon imun adalah tantangan dalam mencari terapi dan vaksinasi
efektif. Penelitian ini untuk menguji potensi ekstrak metanol akar Eurycoma
longifolia Jack dalam memodulasi peningkatan IgA dan IgG mencit putih jantan
yang divaksinasi BCG, sekaligus untuk menganalisis peningkatan sitokin
proinflamasi yang berhubungan dengan produksi IgA dan IgG. Plasma diambil
sebelum dan setelah vaksinasi BCG pada 18 ekor mencit yang dibagi ke dalam 2
kelompok; perlakuan dan kontrol. Kadar IgA, IgG, TNF-! dan IL-10 diukur
dengan metode ELISA. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan IgA kelompok air
(0,33±0,16) lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok pasak bumi (0,30±0,30),
sedangkan peningkatan IgG kelompok pasak bumi (0,38±0,25) terlihat lebih
tinggi dibandingkan kelompok air (0,29±0,35). Rasio TNF-!/IL-10 kelompok
pasak bumi (0,46±0,07) lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok air (0,41±0,05).
Terdapat korelasi antara TNF-! dengan IgA pada kelompok air (r=0,601,
p=0,035) juga dengan IgG pada kelompok pasak bumi (r=0,559, p=0,059).
Disimpulkan, pemberian pasak bumi cenderung berpotensi memodulasi
peningkatan IgG, tetapi tidak IgA. Selain itu, pemberian pasak bumi juga
cenderung meningkatkan sitokin proinflamasi yang mempengaruhi produksi IgA
dan IgG.

The ability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to manipulate and evade host?s
immune response is a challenge in finding an effective therapy and vaccination.
The purpose of this research were to investigate the potency of methanol extract
of the roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack as immunomodulators for male white
mice vaccinated with BCG, as well as to analyze the increase of proinflammatory
cytokines associated with IgA and IgG production. Plasma were taken before and
after BCG vaccination from 18 mice, that were divided into 2 groups; treatment
and control. IgA, IgG, TNF-! and IL-10 levels were measured by using ELISA.
The results showed that the enhancement of IgA group with water (0,33±0,16)
was higher than group with pasak bumi (0,30±0,30). On the other hand the
enhancement of IgG group with pasak bumi (0,38±0,25) was higher than group
with water (0,29±0,35). The ratio of TNF-!/IL-10 group with pasak bumi
(0.46±0.07) was higher than group with water (0.41±0.05). There are correlarions
between TNF-! and IgA in the group with water (r=0.601, p=0.035) as well as
between TNF- ! and IgG in group with pasak bumi (r=0.559, p=0.059). As the
conclusion, methanol extract of pasak bumi root tend to potentially modulate the
increase IgG production, but not IgA. In addition, it also tends to increase the
proinflamasi cytokines associated with IgA and IgG production.;The ability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to manipulate and evade host’s
immune response is a challenge in finding an effective therapy and vaccination.
The purpose of this research were to investigate the potency of methanol extract
of the roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack as immunomodulators for male white
mice vaccinated with BCG, as well as to analyze the increase of proinflammatory
cytokines associated with IgA and IgG production. Plasma were taken before and
after BCG vaccination from 18 mice, that were divided into 2 groups; treatment
and control. IgA, IgG, TNF-! and IL-10 levels were measured by using ELISA.
The results showed that the enhancement of IgA group with water (0,33±0,16)
was higher than group with pasak bumi (0,30±0,30). On the other hand the
enhancement of IgG group with pasak bumi (0,38±0,25) was higher than group
with water (0,29±0,35). The ratio of TNF-!/IL-10 group with pasak bumi
(0.46±0.07) was higher than group with water (0.41±0.05). There are correlarions
between TNF-! and IgA in the group with water (r=0.601, p=0.035) as well as
between TNF- ! and IgG in group with pasak bumi (r=0.559, p=0.059). As the
conclusion, methanol extract of pasak bumi root tend to potentially modulate the
increase IgG production, but not IgA. In addition, it also tends to increase the
proinflamasi cytokines associated with IgA and IgG production., The ability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to manipulate and evade host’s
immune response is a challenge in finding an effective therapy and vaccination.
The purpose of this research were to investigate the potency of methanol extract
of the roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack as immunomodulators for male white
mice vaccinated with BCG, as well as to analyze the increase of proinflammatory
cytokines associated with IgA and IgG production. Plasma were taken before and
after BCG vaccination from 18 mice, that were divided into 2 groups; treatment
and control. IgA, IgG, TNF-! and IL-10 levels were measured by using ELISA.
The results showed that the enhancement of IgA group with water (0,33±0,16)
was higher than group with pasak bumi (0,30±0,30). On the other hand the
enhancement of IgG group with pasak bumi (0,38±0,25) was higher than group
with water (0,29±0,35). The ratio of TNF-!/IL-10 group with pasak bumi
(0.46±0.07) was higher than group with water (0.41±0.05). There are correlarions
between TNF-! and IgA in the group with water (r=0.601, p=0.035) as well as
between TNF- ! and IgG in group with pasak bumi (r=0.559, p=0.059). As the
conclusion, methanol extract of pasak bumi root tend to potentially modulate the
increase IgG production, but not IgA. In addition, it also tends to increase the
proinflamasi cytokines associated with IgA and IgG production.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggrina Wulan Sari
"Latar balakang: Early Childhood Caries seringkali dijumpai pada anak-anak dalam rentang usia kurang dari 71 bulan. Diduga kuat bakteri Streptococcus Mutans serotipe e menjadi bakteri penyebab terjadinya ECC. Imunoglobulin A (IgA) berperan didalam mulut sebagai penghambat kolonisasi dari bakteri penyebab karies gigi. Tujuan: Menganalisis keterkaitan titer IgA anti S .mutans serotipe e terhadap viskositas saliva dan skor dmft pasien Early Childhood Caries. Metode: 15 subjek ECC dari saliva pasien yang terdiri dari 8 saliva terstimulasi dan 7 saliva tidak terstimulasi yang dihitung titer IgA anti S. mutans serotipe e menggunakan teknik ELISA. Keterkaitan antara level IgA dengan viskositas saliva dan skor dmft pasien ECC dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi. Hasil: Level IgA pada saliva yang terstimulasi lebih rendah daripada level saliva tidak terstimulasi. Adanya hubungan bermakna antara level IgA dengan viskositas saliva (r = 0.766). Tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan yang bermakna (r >0.005) antara level IgA dengan skor dmft (r= -0.413). Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang positif dan bermakna antara level IgA anti S. mutans serotipe e dengan viskositas saliva. Terdapat hubungan negatif dan tidak bermakna antara level IgA anti S. mutans serotipe e dengan skor dmft pasien ECC. Selain itu, titer IgA anti S. mutans serotipe e pada saliva tidak terstimulasi ditemukan lebih tinggi daripada saliva yang terstimulasi tetapi tidak bermakna.
......Background: Early Childhood caries is often found in children in the age range of less than 71 months. Allegedly bacteria Streptococcus mutans serotype e took a stake in the process of formation or the occurrence of ECC. One of the body's natural defense line is immunoglobulin A (IgA). Objective: To analyze the relationship level of IgA anti-bacterial S .mutans serotype e on the viscosity of saliva and saliva dmft score of patients Early Childhood caries. Methods: 15 patients saliva samples ECC consists of 8 saliva stimulated and unstimulated saliva 7 calculated level of IgA anti bacteria S. mutans serotype e. Observations were made using ELISA technique. IgA levels were then analyzed its association with the viscosity of saliva and saliva of patients ECC dmft score. Results: Stimulated saliva ECC patients had IgA levels were lower than unstimulated saliva levels and found no significant correlation (r> 0.005) between salivary IgA level ECC patients with a viscosity of saliva and dmft score. Conclusion: There were no significant correlation and positive correlation between levels of IgA anti S. mutans serotype e dmft score saliva of patients with ECC. Obtained a positive correlation and significant correlation between the viscosity of saliva to the value level of IgA anti S. mutans serotype e. Unstimulated saliva had IgA level anti S. mutans serotype e higher than the stimulated saliva but there was no significantly difference."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Novitasari
"Pendahuluan: Estimasi usia dan jenis kelamin yang akurat memiliki peran penting dalam upaya identifikasi individu yang tidak dikenal terutama pada kasus-kasus forensik, baik pada individu yang masih hidup maupun sudah meninggal. Tulang belakang segmen dada dan iga merupakan tulang yang tidak banyak diteliti dalam penentuan usia dan jenis kelamin, namun tulang-tulang tersebut sering ditemukan pada saat pemeriksaan identifikasi dilakukan. Metodologi: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional deskriptif dan analitik dengan desain potong lintang menggunakan 300 sampel radiografi toraks dari pasien rawat jalan RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, terdiri dari 150 laki-laki dan 150 perempuan dengan rentang usia antara 18 hingga 65 tahun. Pengukuran dilakukan pada tulang belakang segmen dada ke-1 hingga ke-12 dan tulang iga ke-2 hingga ke-7. Penelitian ini disetujui oleh komite etik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia.
Hasil: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan korelasi yang lemah dan sangat lemah pada tulang belakang segmen dada yang signifikan (p<0,05) dan korelasi yang sangat lemah namun tidak signifikan (p>0,05) pada tulang iga terhadap estimasi usia kronologis. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara ukuran lebar, tinggi, diagonal pada seluruh tulang belakang segmen dada dan semua iga yang diperiksa, dimana 14 parameter yang bermakna pada tulang belakang segmen dada ke-2, ke-3 dan ke-8; tulang iga ke-2, ke-3, dan ke-7; serta Y total secara bersama-sama memberikan nilai akurasi 70,7% terhadap estimasi jenis kelamin.
Kesimpulan: Radiografi toraks untuk menilai tulang belakang segmen dada dan iga-iga merupakan metode yang sangat berguna untuk upaya identifikasi usia dan jenis kelamin. Namun, penelitian lebih lanjut tetap diperlukan untuk mendapatkan estimasi yang lebih akurat.

Introduction: Accurate age and sex determination holds important role in determining the identity of unknown individuals in forensic science for both living and remains. Vertebrae are one of the least studied bones for chronologica age and sex identification; however, eventhough its presence at a death scene is the most common of all.
Methodology: This research was an observational descriptive and analytic study using cross-sectional research design with 300 chest radiograph as its sample in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, with 150 males and 150 females taken for T1-T12 thoracic vertebras and second-seventh ribs. All the procedures for this study were approved by the ethical committee of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia.
Results: In this study, weak and very weak significant correlation was calculated from thoracic vertebras calculation and very weak correlation but no significant of ribs related to chronological age. There were significant correlation between width, height, and diagonal size in all thoracic vertebras and all ribs, which have 14 significant parameters of 2nd, 3rd and 8th thoracic vertebras; 2nd, 3rd and 7th ribs; and total height of thoracic vertebras with an accuracy value of 70.7% for sex determination.
Conclusion: Chest radiograph of thoracic vertebrae and ribs is a useful method for sex and chronological age identification of unknown bodies; however, further studies are still needed to develop examinations with higher accuracy."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library