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Dhiya Athaullah Nurfateen Ashadi
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Kanker Serviks merupakan Kanker kedua paling sering yang terjadi pada Perempuan. Kanker ini kebanyakan disebabkan oleh Virus HPV 16 dan 18. Beberapa tata laksana diberikan kepada pasien seperti kemoterapi dan radioterapi. Namun terdapat efek samping yang sangat besar terhadap pasien. Salah satu terapi yang menjanjikan adalah menggunakan vaksin kuratif yang menggunakan sebagian dari epitop E267 HPV dengan protein sPD-1. Tujuan: Mendapatkan plasmid mengandung potongan DNA penyandi sPD1 dan E267 HPV yang digunakan dalam konstruksi plasmid pengekspresi Antigen Fusi PD1-E267 Metode: Sekuens asam amino sPD-1 diperoleh dari situs Uniprot ® dan bagian yang akan digunakan untuk membentuk gen sPD1 dipilih berdasarkan bagian yang akan berinteraksi dengan PDL1. Gen sPD1 kemudian dibentuk menggunakan perangkat lunak bioinformatika. Gen sPD1 yang sudah dibentuk kemudian disintesis dengan penyedia jasa sintesis nukleotida dan didapat dalam bentuk Klona Plasmid. Gen E267 sudah tersedia dalam plasmid di Laboratorium PRVKP FKUI-RSCM. Kedua plasmid kemudian diamplifikasi menggunakan metode lisis bakteri dan adsorbsi pada silika (miniprep, Qiaprep). Hasil amplifikasi dianalisis dengan menggunakan Elektroforesis Agarosa Hasil: Didapatkan Susunan asam amino sPD1 untuk perancangan protein fusi sPD1-E267, nukleotida yang optimum diekspresikan di E.Coli, dan DNA Plasmid yang mengandung DNA sPD1 dan E267 Simpulan: Plasmid pengekspresi antigen sPD1 dan E267 sudah didapatkan
Background:.Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer found in women. This cancer is caused mostly by infection of HPV strain 16 and 18. Treatment for this cancer is available like radiotherapy and chemotherapy. But unfortunately, these treatments have a lot of adverse effect for the patient. One of the more promising treatments for the cervical cancer e.c. HPV is the Currative Vaccine. Combining between the epitope of HPV 16 E267 and sPD1 Protein Outcome: Obtaining plasmids containing DNA inserts of sPD1 and E267 that will be used in construction of plasmid DNA for expression of sPD1-E267 fusion protein. Methodology: The sPD1 gene was obtained from Uniprot ® Website and the region to be used for construction of the fusion protein was chosen based on its interaction with the PDL1. The sPD1 gene was designed using bioinformatics software and The Finished sPD1 gene was synthesized by a service provider of nucleic acid synthesis and obtained as a plasmid clone. The E267 gene was available as a plasmid clone at the PRVKP FKUI-RSCM laboratory. Both plasmids were amplified in bacteria using the method of genetic isolation using bacterial lysis and adsorption onto silica (miniprep, Qiaprep). The results were analyzed using Agarose Electrophoresis Results: The amino acid sequence of sPD1 which will be used as the constructive block for fusion protein sPD1-E267, The nucleotide sequence of sPD1 which is optimized for E.Coli, and the plasmid which contain sPD1 and E267 is obtained Conclusion : Plasmid which contains sPD1 and E267 gene is already obtained
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. Guntur Hermawan
Abstrak :
A patient is said to be immuno-compromised (1C) if one or more of his or her natural and adaptive defense mechanisms are unable to function normally. Thus, immuno-compromised patients are easily susceptible to infection. Aim of study; to determine the immune response in immuno-compromised patients that makes them easily susceptible to infection. Method: the study was designed as a cross-sectional analytic observational study using multi-variant statistical tests. The samples were classified into the 1C and Non-iC groups, consisting of 14 people, 10 men, and 4 women, who were examined far the following immunologi-cal variables: IL-10, IFN-y, TNF-a, IL-I& IgG, C3, and C4. The results demonstrated a significant difference in the immune response of subjects from the 1C and NIC groups (p<0.05), with a significantly higher TNF-Ct, IL-10 and IgG levels, and a lower C3 level in the 1C group. Conclusion: during 1C conditions, there is a disorder in the natural as well as adaptive C3 natural immune system, making patients more susceptible to infection.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penuaan (aging) dikaitkan dengan sejumlah besar perubahan fungsi imunitas tubuh, terutama penurunan Cell Mediated Immunity (CMI) atau imunitas yang diperantarai sel. Kemampuan imunitas kelompok lanjut usia menurun sesuai peningkatan usia termasuk kecepatan respons imun melawan infeksi penyakit. Hal itu berarti bahwa kelompok lansia beresiko tinggi terserang penyakit seperti infeksi, kanker, jantung koroner, kelainan autoimmun atau penyakit kronik lainnya. Seluruh penyakit ini mudah terjadi pada lansia karena produksi imunoglobulin menurun. Akibatnya vaksinasi yang diberikan pada kelompok orang tua seringkali tidak efektif melawan penyakit. Orang-orang tua yang umumnya menderita kekurangan gizi makro dan mikro akan memiliki respons sistem dan fungsi imun yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, kasus malnutrisi pada lansia seharusnya memiliki perhatian khusus secara dini, termasuk pemberian vaksinasi untuk pencegahan penyakit. Penyakit infeksi yang dialami oleh lansia dapat dicegah atau diturunkan melalui upaya-upaya perbaikan gizi karena sistem imun akan meningkat. Jika fungsi imun lansia dapat ditingkatkan, maka kualitas hidup individu meningkat dan biaya pelayanan kesehatan dapat ditekan.
Low Immunity Response in the Elderly. Aging is related to a number of changes in the immunity function, mainly the reducing of Cell Mediated Immunity (CMI). The immunocompetence of elderly worsen with age including the rate of immune respons against infection. It means that older people have a high risk of getting diseases such as infection, cancer, cardiovascular, autoimmune disorder, or other chronic diseases. All of these diseases occured in elderly due to the immunoglobulin production decrease. Thus, vaccination given to elderly often might not be effective against diseases. Older people who commonly suffer from a decrease of macro and micronutrients will have a low function and response of the immune system. Therefore, malnutrition cases in elderly should have early specific attention including consideration in given vaccination for preventing diseases. Infectious diseases mostly suffered by older people can be prevented or reduced through improving nutrition efforts because the immune system will be improved. If the immune function of the elderly can be improved, the individual quality of life increases and the health cost can be suppressed.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ndaru Andri Damayanti
Abstrak :
Introduction: Constant exposure to a variety of microorganisms in domestic environment plays an important role in the shaping of individual immune response mechanism, which can affect one's susceptibility to the diseases. The aim of the study to get an understanding how the exposure of microorganisms in the the different area where the people living might give a contribution to the profile and the regulation of the immune respons after stimulated to malaria, vaccine BCG and oxLDL antigents in PBMC and whole blood cultures, and to evaluate the character of T reg as a mediator to suppress the cell proliferation. Methode: It is an in vitro experimental study performed at Laboratorium Terpadu, Faculty of Medicine Univertas Indonesia, Jakarta in 2013 2014. As a model of infectious diseases is used pathogenic antigents such as Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells malaria and bacille calmette gu rin BCG vaccine, and as a modell of inflammatory disease is used non a patonegic antigen, low density lipoprotein LDL . Whole blood cultures is done for 80 blood samples to know how the regulation of immune respons from people living a rural populatin. PBMC cultures is also done to explore macrophages after stimulated to malaria, BCG and LDL. PHA stimulated to the PBMC culture with and without T reg cells to evaluate the character of T reg. T regulatory cells perhaps play the important roles to suppress the immune respons to microorganisms was also done. Results: The profile of the immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is significantly more inflamatif than that in the slum area. The ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 of the people living in the unslum area is significantly higher than that in the slum area. This is marked by increasing of oxLDL accumulationis that is the important point of the low protection to oxLDL of the people living in the unslum area p 0.01 . T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum area marked by increasing not only the expression of IL 10 cytokines but also the sum of T regulatory sells p 0.01 significantly. Conclusion: The immune respons of the people living in the unslum area is more inflamatif and responsive to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDL. The character of macrophage of the people living in the slum area is marked by the low ratio of pro anti inflammation cytokines TNF IL 10 to malaria, BCG vaccine and oxLDLstimulations. T regulatory cell may suppress the proliferation in the PBMC culture for the people living in the slum.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amara Chrisantie Meidina
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Elemen ndash; elemen ruang pada taman kanak ndash; kanak adalah salah satu aspek yang menunjang gerak motorik kasar bagi anak usia dini. Kegiatan yang melibatkan gerak motorik kasar sangat penting bagi anak usia dini. Elemen ndash; elemen ruang miliki potensi untuk menunjang kegiatan motorik kasar pada anak. Berdasarkan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam skripsi, terlihat bahwa anak usia dini dan elemen ndash; elemen ruang memiliki karakteristik khusus. Ketika anak dan elemen ruang berinteraksi, karakteristik tersebut saling memengaruhi satu sama lain. Karakteristik ruang sebagai rangsangan yang akan memicu anak untuk menentukan seperti apa responnya terhadap elemen tersebut. Respon berupa kegiatan anak yang melibatkan gerakan motoriknya.
ABSTRACT The elements of space in kindergarten are one of the aspects that support gross motor skills for early childhood. Gross motor skills are one of the important things in early childhood growth. Based on the qualitative descriptive method in the thesis, it appears that early childhood and space elements have special characteristics. When children and space elements interact, these characteristics affect each other. Characteristics of space elements as a stimulus that will trigger the child to determine what kind of the responses. The responses are child activity that involves gross motor movement to the elements of space.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Innate and adaptive immunity play important roles in immunosurveillance and tumor destruction. This book discusses recent progress in innate immunity and Treg cells, and the regulation of innate immunity through Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This special issue on Notch regulation of the immune system summarizes recent advances and covers multiple aspects of Notch signaling within the hematopoietic and the immune system. This issue covers subjects including Notch function in embryonic and adult hematopoietic stem cells, lymphocyte development and function as well as in T cell leukemia.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetyo Widhi Buwono
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Infeksi sering didapatkan pada pasien kenker nasofaring yang menjalani kemoterapi. Infeksi disebabkan oleh rusaknya barier fisik karena efek kemoterapi atau efek kemoterapi yang akan menurunkan imunitas tubuh,Infeksi pasca kemoterapi akan menunda kemoterapi berikutnya, akibatnya respon kemoterapi menjadi tidak optimal. Tujuan : Mendapatkan data status imunitas selular primer dan sekunder, pasca kemoterapi neoajuvan 3 siklus, data kekerapan infeksi dan perbandingan kekerapan infeksi pada pasien KNF stadium lanjut yang mendapatkan kemoterapi neoadjuvan 3 siklus pada pasien kanker nasofaring stadium lanjut, antara yang imunitas selular menurun dan yang tidak menurun. Metode : Penelitian one group before and after observasional, 1 kelompok tanpa kontrol selama 3 bulan di gedung A lantai 8 RSCM, juli ndash; september 2015.Penurunan rerata jumlah lekosit, netrofil, CD4 , CD8, kejadian infeksi dianalisis bivariat dengan uji T berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney.Penelitian ini juga melihat kekerapan kejadian infejsi post kemoterapi neoadjuvan.Penelitian ini menggunakan tingkat kemaknaan 0,005, interval kepercayaan 95. Hasil : Tidak ada penurunan status imunitas selular primer, lekosit p=0,356 dan netrofil p=0,289.Terdapat penurunan status imunitas selular sekunder, CD 4 P=0,002, CD 8 P=0,001, dengan ratio CD 4 /CD 8 tidak berubah rerata CD 4 sudah rendah sejak sebelum kemoterapi.Mukositis oral dan pneumonia merupakan infeksi yang kerap didapatkan. CD4 yang rendah pada kelompok sebelum kemoterapi meningkatkan potensi infeksi selama dan sesudah kemoterapi neoadjuvan.Penurunan imunitas seluler sekunder nilai rerata jumlah CD4 berhubungan dengan peningkatan kejadian infeksi pasca siklus ke 2 p=0,016. Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat penurunan imunitas selular primer dan didapatkan penurunan imunitas selular sekunder pada pasien karsinoma nasofaring stadium lanjut yang menjalani kemoterapi neoadjuvan 3 siklus.Pada pasien dengan penurunan imunitas selular sekunder terdapat peningkatan kejadian infeksi mukositis oral dan pneumonia CD 4 yang rendah merupakan prediktor kejadian infeksi. Penurunan imunitas selular sekunder hanya akan meningkatkan kejadian infeksi pasca siklus ke 2 kemoterapi neoadjuvan. ......Background: The infections especially in a the oropharynx often get on cancer patients nasopharyngeal .One of the causes of infection include breakdowns physical mucous barier because the tumor growth or because the effects of chemotherapy and radiation .Chemotherapy and radiation will result in side effects namely the inflammation and ulceration mouth and the oropharynx mucous called mukositis oral.selama endure chemotherapy, besides mukositis oral, infections of the also often found .Chemotherapy resulted in an emphasis on cell production immune response that result in the lekopenia with rob possibilities infection become larger. The purpose: To asess of immunity cellular status on advanced stage nasaofaringeal patient to get 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy and assess the incident lung infection and tumor area after undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy. The methode: Research one group before and after observational use 1 group without control. The research was done during the three months in the building a floor 8 Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital juli september 2015. The Data on the background respondents will be analyzed by a sort of descriptive set by using analysis univariat.hubungan between chemotherapy neoadjuvan and an immune response cellular will be analyzed bivariat by test wilcoxon sign rank test. In this research also be seen the proportion of the infection before pre and post chemotherapy neoadjuvan .This research using level evidence 0.05 to the interval trust 95. Results: From 17 subject of research , 12 subjects 70,6 is laki laki , women made up subjects 29,4 .Median age patient is 46,7 , 10 patients 58,8 less than median age , 7 patients 42,2 more of age median.stadium 4a obtained on 4 patients 23,5 patients , while stadium 4 b obtained on 13 patients 76,5 .Seen from the infection after chemotherapy neoadjuvan 9 subjects 52,8 never would have experienced infection , 8 subjects 47,2 experienced infection. Looks the relationship between chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 cycle in immunity cellular p 0,007 on cds 4 and p 0,005 on cds 8 , the immunity cellular decline in the infection look after chemotherapy neoadjuvan cycle to 2 p 0,016 on cds 4 while after cycle to 3 not seen the relationship between chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 cycle in the infection .Count of leukosit and lymphocytes cannot be used to predict a decrease in an immune response cellular after undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy. Conclusions: Immune response decreased on advanced stage nasopharynx carcinoma patient are undergoing 3 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy neoadjuvan 3 . The Decreased of cellular immune response has played of increased infection in the lung and tumor area post 2 cycle neoadjuvan chemotherapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library