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Wahyu Rizki Saputro
"Tesis ini membahas tentang bagaimana peran Polri dalam menangani Pemilu DKI Jakarta Tahun 2017 yang merupakan peristiwa yang banyak mendapat perhatian dan membentuk dari para mendukung fanatik masing-masing pasangan calon. Keanekaragaman SARA di Indonesia melahirkan masyarakat multikultural, sehingga isu SARA menjadi faktor utama penyebab terjadinya konflik. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan intelijen, maka yang dilakukan didalam studi ini adalah memetakan dan menganalisis berbagai persoalan yang mengiringi proses demokrasi pada Pemilu DKI Jakarta Tahun 2017. Tulisan ini juga memetakan secara kronologis konflik terhadap agama dan SARA yang ditujukan kepada Ahok. Peneliti menemukan dalam studi ini bagaimana Polri sudah menggelar kegiatan intelijen pada seluruh rangkaian Pemilu DKI Jakarta melalui cipta kondisi untuk mengelola konflik, sehingga proses demokrasi tersebut berjalan aman, meskipun terjadi konflik tetapi tidak menjadi aksi kekerasan. Berdasarkan hasil studi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran penting Intelijen Polri dalam pemilu selain memberikan deteksi dini dan solusi konflik adalah juga turut serta menjaga transisi demokrasi di Indonesia dan bukan sekedar sebagai penjaga keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat.
This thesis discusses how the role of the National Police in dealing with the 2017 DKI Election is an event that has received much attention and formed from the fanatical supporters of each candidate pair. SARA diversity in Indonesia gave birth to a multicultural society, so that the issue of racial intolerance became the main factor causing the conflict. By using an intelligence approach, what is done in this study is mapping and analyzing various problems that accompany the democratic process in the DKI Jakarta Elections in 2017. This paper also maps out chronologically the conflicts against religion and SARA aimed at Ahok. Researchers found in this study how the National Police had held intelligence activities in the entire series of DKI Jakarta elections through the creation of conditions to manage conflict, so that the democratic process proceeded safely, despite conflicts but not acts of violence. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the important role of the Indonesian Police Intelligence in elections in addition to providing early detection and solutions to conflicts is also to participate in maintaining the democratic transition in Indonesia and not just as a security guard and public order."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuruddin Lazuardi
ABSTRAKRangkaian konflik komunal yang terjadi pada tahun 1998 hingga 2001kemudian berlanjut menjadi aksi teror menimbulkan pertanyaan besar sejumlahkalangan Salah satunya adalah mempertanyakan apakah intelijen kepolisiangagal berperan sebagai alat negara dalam mendeteksi mengantisipasi danmemberikan infomasi penting terkait kerusuhan yang terjadi di wilayah Poso Akhirnya dalam kurun waktu lebih dari dua tahun 2005 2007 sebagian besarpelaku teror yang beroperasi di pulau Sulawesi pada umumnya dan di kota Posopada khususnya berhasil dibongkar dan diungkap intelijen Polri Pengungkapanini memunculkan pertanyaan bagaimana intelijen kepolisian berhasilmengungkap jaringan tersebut Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif Metode in depthinterview digunakan untuk pengumpulan data penelitian Informan sebagai narasumber penelitian ini merupakan anggota kepolisian yang pernah bertugas dalamoperasi kepolisian di Poso selama konflik dan teror Poso tahun 1998 2007 Informan lainya adalah pelaku teror serta tokoh masyarakat Poso Untukmenjawab pertanyaaan penelitian digunakan teknik analisa timeline fishbone danwildcard analysis Untuk menganalisa kegagalan inteljen tersebut penulis mengunakananalisa kegagalan intelijen dengan pendekatan teori Thomas Copeland Sedangkanuntuk analisa keberhasilan intelijen digunakan antithesis dari teori kegagalanThomas Copeland Dalam penelitian ini penulis akhirnya menemukan sejumlahvariabel kegagalan maupun keberhasilan intelijen Polri sesuai dengan penjelasanThomas Copeland pada sisi Kebijakan dan Kepemimpinan Organisasi AnalisisIntelijen dan Persepsi Informasi Ancaman
ABSTRACTThe series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ;The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information , The series of communal conflict that occurred in 1998 and 2001 andcontinued into terror raise a big question One is the question whether the policefailed to act as an intelligence tool in detecting state anticipating and providingimportant information related to the riots in Poso Finally in a period of more thantwo years 2005 2007 most of the terrorists who operated on Sulawesi in generaland in the town of Poso in particular had been uncovered and revealed by Policeintelligence This disclosure raises the question of how police intelligenceuncovered the network This research uses a qualitative approach In depth interview method isused for research data collection Informants as a resource of this research are amember of the police who had served in the police operation in Poso during theconflict and terror Poso in 1998 2007 Other informants are terrorists andcommunity leaders in Poso To answer the research questions this research usestimeline fishbone and wildcard analysis techniques To analyze the intelligence failure the author uses the theory of ThomasCopeland about intelligence failure Antithesis of the theory of Thomas Copelandis used to analyze the intelligence success In this research the authors finallydiscover number of variables intelligence failures and successes in accordancewith the explanation Thomas Copeland on the Policy and Leadership Organization Intelligence Analysis and Perception of Threat Information ]"
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library