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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Intestinal tuberculosis, without any evidence of pulmonary or tubercuious infection elsewhere in the body, is still a rare case. Sometimes it is very difficult to make an early and prompt diagnosis for this, because clinical manifestations are varied, unspecific, and mimic other diseases. Examinations, including chest x-ray, tubercuiln test, acid-fast stained smear; endoscopic and histoogical findings may still be inconclusive. Thus, therapeutic trials of anti-tuberculous drugs are advised.
We report a case of intestinal tuberculosis with a chief clinical manifestation of chronic diarrhea. There was no evidence of tuberculous infection eisewhere in the body Endoscopic appearance and histological findings were atypical and unspecific. The patient was given anti-tubercuious drugs and responded very welt clinically within 2 weeks."
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy Vol 2 (3) December 2001 : 25-27, 2001
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rozana Nurfitri Yulia
Latar Belakang: Tuberkulosis merupakan penyakit infeksi kronik yang tetap menjadi masalah kesehatan global terutama di negara berkembang dan menjadi penyebab kematian kedua terbesar pada kelompok penyakit menular. Selain paru, kuman tuberkulosis dapat menginvasi hingga ke organ ektrapulmoner salah satunya usus. Infeksi kuman pada mukosa usus karena tuberkulosis usus dapat menyebabkab ulserasi hingga nekrosis lapisan mukosa yang akan memengaruhi absorpsi nutrisi. Malabsorpsi dan anoreksia dapat menjadi penyebab malnutrisi pada tuberkulosis usus. Terapi medik gizi bertujuan untuk menyediakan nutrisi adekuat, meningkatkan status gizi, menurunkan risiko kematian, memperpendek lama rawat inap, mencegah terjadinya penurunan massa otot, mendukung proses kesembuhan penyakit, memenuhi kebutuhan mikronutrien yang adekuat, dan meningkatkan sistem imunitas. Metode:Pada serial kasus ini, dilaporkan 4 kasus tuberkulosis usus pada pasien laki-laki dan perempuan yang berusia antara 24-31 tahun, dengan 1 pasien koinfeksi HIV. Keempat pasien mengalami malnutrisi, 3 diantaranya adalah malnutrisi berat dan juga didiagnosis kaheksia. Pada 3 kasus awal, tatalaksana tuberkulosis usus disertai dengan pembedahan akibat komplikasi obstruksi usus mekanik, perdarahan, dan fistula sedangkan kasus terakhir hanya diberikan AOT. Masalah nutrisi terjadi pada keempat kasus terkait dengan perubahan anatomi saluran cerna, fungsi fisologis, dan pemberian mikronutrien yang kurang adekuat. Terapi medik gizi telah diberikan sesuai rekomendasi untuk pasien dengan tuberkulosis usus dengan malnutrisi. Hasil :Kasus pertama dan keempat mengalami perbaikan keadaan klinis hingga diperbolehkan rawat jalan. Namun, kasus kedua dan ketiga meninggal dunia masing-masing pada hari perawatan ke-54 dan 28 akibat sepsis dan perdarahan. Kesimpulan:Terapi medik gizi yang diberikan telah membantu perbaikan kondisi klinis pada pasien tuberkulosis usus dengan malnutrisi.

Background:Tuberculosis is a chronic infection that remains a global health problem especially in developing countries and become the second leading cause of death in infectious diseases. Beside lung organ, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis can invade up to an extrapulmonary organ such as intestine. Infections in the intestinal mucosa due to intestinal tuberculosis may cause ulceration to necrosis of the intestinal mucose that will be affected to nutrient absorption. Malabsorption and anorexia can be the cause of malnutrition in intestinal tuberculosis. Nutritional medical therapy aims to provide adequate nutrition, improve nutritional status, reduce the risk of death, shorten the length of stay, prevent the decrease of muscle mass, support the wound healing, giving adequate micronutrients, and improve the immune system. Methods: In this series of cases, 4 cases of intestinal tuberculosis were reported in male and female patients between 24 and 31 years old, with 1 patient co-infected with HIV. The four patients were malnourished, 3 of them with severe malnourished and also diagnosed with cachexia. In the third initial cases, management of intestinal tuberculosis was surgery due to complications mechanical bowel obstruction, hemorrhage, and fistulas while the last one was given only DOT. Nutrition problems occur in all four cases associated with altered gastrointestinal anatomy, physiological function, and inadequate micronutrient administration. Medical nutrition therapy has been given as recommended for patients with intestinal tuberculosis with malnutrition. Result: The first and fourth cases had an improvement on clinical conditions. However, the second and third cases died on the 54th and 28th day of treatment due to sepsis and bleeding. Conclusion: Medical nutritional therapy has been provided to improve clinical conditions in intestinal tuberculosis patients with malnutrition. "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Lesi tuberkulosis dapat terjadi bersamaan dengan keganasan sehingga menyulitkan diagnosis. Satu kasus karsinoma usus besar yang bersamaan dengan lesi tuberkulosis di tempat yang sama dilaporkan. Pasien telah menyelesaikan terapi anti tuberkulosis dan saat ini sedang menjalani kemoterapi reguler. Sampai saat ini keadaan umum pasien baik. (Med J Indones 2004; 14: 128-30)

Tubercular lesion may coexist with malignancy in various sites resulting in difficulties in diagnosing the conditions. A case of carcinoma caecum associated with tubercular lesion in the same site is reported. The patient have completed the antitubercular therapy and is now on regular anticancer chemotherapy. Till now the patient is doing fine. (Med J Indones 2004; 14: 128-30)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 14 (2) April June 2005: 128-130, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tuberculosis was still a global health problem. Beside lung, tuberculosis also manifest in other organs, one among them  is in abdominal organs. Abdominal tuberculosis was a complex disease with unspecific sign and symptoms so that its diagnostic procedure was not rarely inconclusive. We reported a 24 years old woman with chief complain of worsening abdominal pain in all region, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating, and  absent bowel movement. She also had a fresh bloody stool. She had an active pulmonary tuberculosis on initiation phase treatment. Physical examination suggest a bowel obstruction sign with distended abdomen and increase bowel sound. Colonoscopy procedure findings was a mass that obstruct bowel lumen in ileocaecal region, suggest for malignancy similar to computerized tomography (CT) scan result, but pathlogic result showed an active colitis without any sign of malignancy. Because of its contradiction, the second colonoscopy was performed and concluded as intestinal tuberculosis, matched with second pathologic examination. Although polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tuberculosis (TB) showed a negative result, a further clinical judgement concluded this as an intestinal tuberculosis case. Patient was finally treated as intestinal tuberculosis with first-line antituberculosis drugs and planned to have colonoscopy evaluation. After general condition was good and obstructive ileus sign was relieved, patient planned for outpatient care."
Jakarta: Interna Publishing (Pusat Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam), 2016
611 UI-IJGHE 17:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library