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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Azwar Djauhari
lnfeksi nosokomial adalah infeksi yang didapat selama seseorang berada di rumah sakit. Infeksi nosokomial tidak hanya menyerang yang dirawat tetapi juga penderita yang berobat dan setiap orang yang berada di rumah sakit. Dengan persyaratan pada waktu masuk rumah sakit penderita belum terinfeksi dan tidak berada dalam masa inkubasi penyakit tersebut.
Selain meyebabkan morbiditas dan mortalitas, infeksi nosokomial akan menambah beban tenaga dan biaya baik bagi rumah sakit maupun penderita dan keluarganya.
Ada empat macam infeksi nosokomial yang menonjol yaitu infeksi luka operasi (ILO), infeksi saluran kemih (ISK), infeksi saluran napas (ISN) dan bakteriemia.
Dari keempat macam infeksi nosokomial itu, 42% adalah infeksi nosokomial saluran kemih (INSK) dengan angka infeksi 2,39 per 100 kunjungan dan 47 - 75 persen infeksi nosokomial saluran kemih terjadi akibat tindakan urologik terutama sekali kateterisasi kandung kemih.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya infeksi nosokomial saluran kemih pada penderita yang memakai kateter kandung kemih di unit rawat inap RSUP Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moeliadi Mansoer Arsjad
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Asykar A. Palinrungi
Jakarta: Sagung Seto, 2023
616.6 MUH b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Liza
Telah dilakulan penelitian mengenai efek akar lobak (Raphanus sativus Linn) terhadap batu kandung kemih buatan pada tikus putih. Pada percobaan ini, batu kandung kemih dibuat dengan menempatkan benang sutra ("Mersilk" 3-0 dengan panjang 1 cm) ke dalam kandung kemih tikus. Setelah 14 hari penempatan Intl, perasan akar lobak diberikan secara oral selama 7 hari berturut-turut. Sehari setelah pemberian terakhir tikus dimatikan kemudian batu kandung kemihnya diambil melalui prosedur operasi dan ditimbang. Hasil percobaan menunjukk an bahwa efek penghancuran terhadap batu kandung kemih terlihat pada dosis 12 g : 12 g dan 60 g per 200 g BB. Semakin tinggi dosis yang diberikan daya penghancuran terhadap batu kandung kernih semakin besar."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Makes, Benyamin
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1985
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Pustaka Baru Press, 2020
610.73 HAR a
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Pramaviri
Gejala saluran kemih bawah LUTS pada laki laki seringkali dikaitkan dengan pembesaran prostat jinak BPH yang menyebabkan obstruksi infravesika yang sering diikuti oleh trabekulasi sehingga terjadi gangguan fungsi kandung kemih Reseksi prostat transuretra TURP adalah tindak baku emas yang bertujuan untuk menghilangkan obstruksi ini Namun gejala LUTS masih banyak dikeluhkan setelah dilakukan TURP Penelitian cross sectional ini dilakukan untuk mencari hubungan antara gejala LUTS pasca TURP dengan derajat trabekulasi dan volume kandung kemih di RSUP H Adam Malik Medan Selama tahun 2013 didapatkan 39 pasien BPH rata rata umur 68 36 7 638 tahun dengan retensi urin berulang yang dilakukan tindakan TURP Dari keseluruhan sampel kelompok yang terbanyak ditemukan adalah derajat trabekulasi sedang 35 9 dan volume kandung kemih 200 cc 46 2 Dua puluh dua sampel 56 4 mengeluhkan LUTS ringan dengan rerata IPSS total 6 28 3 986 Derajat trabekulasi dan volume mempunyai korelasi positif kuat 0 661 dan 0 723 p value.

Lower urinary tract symptoms LUTS in older male is often associated with benign prostate hyperplasia BPH and caused bladder outlet obstruction BOO with the consequential trabeculation that impair bladder contractility and viscoelasticity Transurethral resection of the prostate TURP is the gold standard for relieving BPH caused BOO Nevertheless many still complained of persisting symptoms even after undergoing TURP This cross sectional study was conducted to analyze the correlation between bladder volume and trabeculation in determining LUTS after TURP in BPH patient In 2013 bladder trabeculation and volume was measured during TURP from 39 BPH patients with recurrent urinary retention and were re evaluated 6 months after The most common findings were moderate trabeculation 35 9 bladder volume 200cc 46 2 and mild degree LUTS 56 4 after TURP with mean IPSS 6 28 3 986 Bladder trabeculation and volume are positively and strongly correlated with LUTS after TURP 0 661 and 0 723 respectively p value 0 01 Analytical linear regression found that these two variables are significant factors in determining LUTS after TURP with positive predictive value of 62 In conclusion bladder trabeculation and volume had strong significant correlation with LUTS after TURP although there are other possible determining factors that are not included in the study ;Lower urinary tract symptoms LUTS in older male is often associated with benign prostate hyperplasia BPH and caused bladder outlet obstruction BOO with the consequential trabeculation that impair bladder contractility and viscoelasticity Transurethral resection of the prostate TURP is the gold standard for relieving BPH caused BOO Nevertheless many still complained of persisting symptoms even after undergoing TURP This cross sectional study was conducted to analyze the correlation between bladder volume and trabeculation in determining LUTS after TURP in BPH patient In 2013 bladder trabeculation and volume was measured during TURP from 39 BPH patients with recurrent urinary retention and were re evaluated 6 months after The most common findings were moderate trabeculation 35 9 bladder volume 200cc 46 2 and mild degree LUTS 56 4 after TURP with mean IPSS 6 28 3 986 Bladder trabeculation and volume are positively and strongly correlated with LUTS after TURP 0 661 and 0 723 respectively p value 0 01 Analytical linear regression found that these two variables are significant factors in determining LUTS after TURP with positive predictive value of 62 In conclusion bladder trabeculation and volume had strong significant correlation with LUTS after TURP although there are other possible determining factors that are not included in the study ;Lower urinary tract symptoms LUTS in older male is often associated with benign prostate hyperplasia BPH and caused bladder outlet obstruction BOO with the consequential trabeculation that impair bladder contractility and viscoelasticity Transurethral resection of the prostate TURP is the gold standard for relieving BPH caused BOO Nevertheless many still complained of persisting symptoms even after undergoing TURP This cross sectional study was conducted to analyze the correlation between bladder volume and trabeculation in determining LUTS after TURP in BPH patient In 2013 bladder trabeculation and volume was measured during TURP from 39 BPH patients with recurrent urinary retention and were re evaluated 6 months after The most common findings were moderate trabeculation 35 9 bladder volume 200cc 46 2 and mild degree LUTS 56 4 after TURP with mean IPSS 6 28 3 986 Bladder trabeculation and volume are positively and strongly correlated with LUTS after TURP 0 661 and 0 723 respectively p value 0 01 Analytical linear regression found that these two variables are significant factors in determining LUTS after TURP with positive predictive value of 62 In conclusion bladder trabeculation and volume had strong significant correlation with LUTS after TURP although there are other possible determining factors that are not included in the study , Lower urinary tract symptoms LUTS in older male is often associated with benign prostate hyperplasia BPH and caused bladder outlet obstruction BOO with the consequential trabeculation that impair bladder contractility and viscoelasticity Transurethral resection of the prostate TURP is the gold standard for relieving BPH caused BOO Nevertheless many still complained of persisting symptoms even after undergoing TURP This cross sectional study was conducted to analyze the correlation between bladder volume and trabeculation in determining LUTS after TURP in BPH patient In 2013 bladder trabeculation and volume was measured during TURP from 39 BPH patients with recurrent urinary retention and were re evaluated 6 months after The most common findings were moderate trabeculation 35 9 bladder volume 200cc 46 2 and mild degree LUTS 56 4 after TURP with mean IPSS 6 28 3 986 Bladder trabeculation and volume are positively and strongly correlated with LUTS after TURP 0 661 and 0 723 respectively p value 0 01 Analytical linear regression found that these two variables are significant factors in determining LUTS after TURP with positive predictive value of 62 In conclusion bladder trabeculation and volume had strong significant correlation with LUTS after TURP although there are other possible determining factors that are not included in the study ]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denny Achmad Prayoga
Objektif: Untuk mengevaluasi ketahanan hidup pasien kanker kandung kemih invasif ke otot yang dilakukan terapi operasi maupun radioterapi di Rumah Sakit Sardjito.Bahan dan cara: Dari tahun 2004-2010, dilakukan pendataan pasien dengan kanker kandung kemih invasif ke otot yang dilakukan tindakan sistektomi maupun radioterapi di RS Sardjito . Data yang dipelajari adalah usia saat diagnosis, jenis kelamin, status TNM, gambaran histopatologi, grading histopatologi, jenis tindakan operasi dan status pada saat follow up. Dievaluasi ketahanan hidup dari masing-masing pasien hingga 5 tahun pasca tindakan. Dilakukan analisa bivariat untuk menilai hubungan ketahanan hidup dengan status T, N, M, grading histopatologi, stadium klinis dan jenis penatalaksanaan. Digunakan kurva Kaplan Meier untuk menilai gambaran ketahanan hidup pasien kanker kandung kemih invasi ke otot.Hasil: Ada 37 Pasien dengan Tumor Buli yang terdiri dari perempuan 3 orang 8.1 dan laki-laki 34 orang 91.9 . Lima orang dilakukan Radikal Sistektomi, empat orang dilakukan parsial sistektomi dan 28 pasien dilakukan TUR-BT dan Radioterapi. Tidak dijumpai hubungan bermakna antara ketahanan hidup pasien kanker kandung kemih invasif ke otot dengan jenis kelamin, usia, stadium, staging T, N, M, grading histopatologi maupun jenis penatalaksanaan p>0.05 . Berdasarkan kurva Kaplan Meier diketahui ketahanan hidup lebih baik pada stadium I, Staging T1, N0, M0 dan grading histopatologi G1. Sedangkan berdasarkan jenis tindakan, pasien yang dilakukan parsial sistektomi memiliki angka ketahanan hidup lebih baik daripada hanya dilakukan TUR-BT dan Radioterapi.Kesimpulan: Tindakan operasi parsial sistektomi memiliki angka ketahanan hidup lebih baik daripada TUR-BT dan Radioterapi.

Objectives To evaluate survival analysis of muscle invasive bladder cancer who had radical cytectomy, partial cystectomy nor radiotherapy at Sardjito Hospital. Methods From year 2004 until 2010, we collected patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer who had radical cystectomy, partial cystectomy and radiotherapy at Sardjito Hospital. The clinical factors that studied were age, sex, the TNM staging, clinical staging, histopathology findings, histopathology grading, therapy and survival status. We evaluate their survival up to five year after the therapy. Correlation between survival status with the TNM staging, clinical staging, histopathology grading and the therapy were analyzed using Fisher Exact Test. The Kaplan Meier survival analysis was used to calculate survival. Result There are 37 patients of muscle invasive bladder cancer which conist of 3 female 8.1 and 34 male 91.9 . 5 Patients had radical cytectomy, 4 patients had partial cystectomy, and 28 patients had TUR BT and Radiotherapy. There are no correlation between survival status with age, sex, TNM staging, clinical staging, histopathology grading and the therapy P 0.05 . Based on Kaplan Meier survival analysis, their survival were better on stadium I, T1, N0, M0 staging and G1 histopathology grading. While according to the therapy, patients who had partial cystectomy were having better survival rather than patients who had TUR BT and Radiotherapy. Conclusion Patients who had partial cystectomy had better survival rather than those who had TUR BT and Radiotherapy."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Monica Nanda Helin
"Modalitas pencitraan yang sering digunakan pada diagnosis kanker kandung kemih adalah Computed Tomography (CT). Informasi dari hasil pembacaan citra CT diharapkan berupa volume pada jaringan abnormal yang berguna untuk penentuan tindakan medis selanjutnya. Namun karena pada setiap slice citra memiliki ukuran, bentuk dan lokasi kanker kandung kemih yang berbeda-beda, maka penentuan volume menjadi tidak mudah. Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan keakuratan dan konsistensi penentuan diagnosa dan volume jaringan abnormalnya maka diperlukan bantuan Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD). CAD dapat dikembangkan menjadi perhitungan volume jaringan abnormal berdasarkan segmentasi dan klasifikasi citra. Pada penelitian ini, sistem CAD yang dikembangkan menggunakan metode segmentasi, fitur ekstrasi berbasis Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) dan klasifikasi citra normal dan abnormal menggunakan k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN). Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 300 citra CT kandung kemih dari Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais, terdiri dari 100 citra normal dan 200 citra abnormal dengan 210 citra digunakan sebagai data pelatihan dan 90 citra digunakan sebagai data pengujian. Hasil performa sistem klasifikasi citra berupa akurasi sebesar 94,28% untuk data pelatihan dan 91,22% untuk data pengujian. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan kalkulasi volume jaringan abnormal kandung kemih terhadap 6 pasien dan hasilnya diperoleh volume terkecil 4,15 cm³ dan terbesar 77,40 cm³. Selain itu ditunjukkan pula volume jaringan abnormal terkecil yang dapat dideteksi adalah sekitar 0,03 cm³.
......The most frequency using in the diagnosis of bladder cancer is computed tomography (CT). Information from CT image reading is expected to be in in the form abnormal tissue volume that is useful for determining the next treatment. However, the resulting image slices has a different size, shape and location of bladder cancer, determining the volume is not easy. Therefore, to improve the accuracy and consistency of reading medical images and abnormal tissue volume, Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) can be assisted. CAD can be developed into abnormal tissue volume calculations based on image segmentation and classification. In this study, the CAD system was developed using preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction based on Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and normal and abnormal image classification using k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN). The data used in this study are 300 bladder CT images from Dharmais National Cancer Hospital, consisting of 100 normal images and 200 abnormal images. 210 images are used as training data, and 90 images are used as testing data. The results of CAD system performance in this study are in the form of the accuracy of 94.28% for training data and 91.22% for testing data. In this study, the volume of abnormal bladder tissue was calculated for 6 patients, and the results obtained the smallest volume is 4.15 cm³ and the largest 77.40 cm³. In addition, it is also shown that the smallest abnormal tissue slice in slice volume that can be detected is about 0.03 cm³."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendy Setyo Yudhanto
Latar belakang: Karsinoma urotelial kandung kemih merupakan kasus terbanyak di organ kandung kemih mencapai 90% kasus. Stadium dibedakan menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu non invasif jika belum menembus lapisan muskularis dan invasif jika sudah menembus lapisan muskularis. Kesintasan 5 tahun tergantung dari derajat keganasan dan stadium. Derajat keganasan rendah dan belum invasi muskuler dapat mencapai 90 %, tetapi angka rekurensi berkisar 40-60%. Derajat keganasan tinggi dan sudah invasi hanya berkisar 10-17%. Mitosis dan invasi limfovaskuler berhubungan dengan angka rekurensi tinggi. Namun masih terdapat kontroversial terhadap ekspresi Bcl-2 pada karsinoma urotelial kandung kemih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai perbedaan ekspresi Bcl-2 dengan 4 faktor yang berhubungan dengan prognosis yaitu derajat keganasan, stadium, mitosis, dan invasi limfovaskuler.
Bahan dan cara: Dilakukan penelitian deskriptif analitik secara potong lintang pada karsinoma urotelial kandung kemih tahun 2010-2014 di Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI/RSCM. Didapatkan 21 kasus derajat keganasan rendah dan 21 kasus derajat keganasan tinggi. Dilakukan pulasan Bcl-2 pada seluruh kasus dan dihitung persentasenya dan dilakukan skoring 0-3.
Hasil: Usia terbanyak pada dekade 5 sebanyak 27 kasus. Didapatkan 4 kasus ditemukan invasi limfovaskuler. Penelitian ini mendapatkan hubungan antara mitosis dengan derajat keganasan(p:0,000)dengan koefisien korelasi 0,512 Penelitian ini mendapatkan hampir seluruh kasus mengekspresikan Bcl-2 (39 dari 42 kasus), 1 kasus tidak mengekspresikan dan 2 kasus mengekpresikan sedikit. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan antara ekspresi Bcl-2 dengan derajat keganasan (p:0,232), stadium(p:0,455), mitosis(p:0,835), dan invasi limfovaskuler(p:0,087).
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan ekspresi Bcl-2 dengan derajat keganasan, stadium, mitosis, dan invasi limfovaskuler.

Background: Urothelial carcinoma comprises of 90% of all cases in bladder. There are two groups which are non invasive depend on whether the tumor has reached muscularis mucosa. 5-Years survival rate depend on grading and staging. Low malignant grade and non invasive can reach 90% survival rate, with recurrence rate 40-60%. High malignant grade and invasive tumor has only10-17% survival rate. Mitosis and lymphovascular invasion are related with recurrency. However, there are some controvesi regarding Bcl-2 expression in bladder urothelial carcinoma. This study aimed to evaluate different expression of Bcl-2 with 4 related factors contributy to survival, which are degree of malignancy, stage, mitosis, and lymphovascular invasion.
Material and methods: A retrospective and cross sectional study of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder was conducted in 2010-2014 in the Department of Anatomical Pathology, Faculty of medicine / RSCM. In this study found 21 cases of low grade and 21 cases of high high grade. Bcl-2 staining performed in all cases and percentages are calculated and made scoring 0-3.
Results: Most case is fifth decade as many as 27 cases. Obtained 4 cases found limfovaskuler invasion. This study obtains the relationship between mitosis with grade of tumor (p: 0.000). There were no differences between the expression of Bcl-2 with the degree of malignancy stage , mitosis and lymphovascular invasion.
Conclusions: There were no associated expression of Bcl-2 with the degree of malignancy, stage, mitosis, and invasion limfovaskuler.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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