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Ditemukan 34 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
M. Syahran Bhakti S.
"Sebagai salah satu faktor produksi, keberadaan tenaga kerja sangat penting dalam menentukan besaran output yang dapat di produksi. Walaupun sejalan dengan perkembangan tehnologi yang semakin maju, namun tetap diperlukan adanya tenaga kerja dalam proses produksi untuk menghasilkan beraneka jenis barang dan jasa dalam suatu perekonomian. Khususnya bila ditinjau secara mikro, komposisi penduduk yang bekerja dalam struktur kependudukan secara umum sangat penting khususnya dalam melihat distribusi output yang tercipta di tingkat nasional. Karena kurang berartilah kiranya apabila output nasional meningkat tetapi di lain pihak juga bertambah banyak jumlah penduduk non produktif yang harus menerima bagian dari total output tersebut.
Indonesia termasuk dalam negara yang mempunyai populasi penduduk yang besar. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, banyak pula penduduk yang terkategori sebagai angkatan kerja. Namur banyak dari angkatan kerja yang sedang mencari pekerjaan namun tidak terserap dalam lapangan kerja yang tersedia di dalam negeri.
Tersedianya kelebihan tenaga kerja ini diantisipasi oleh pemerintah, yang salah satunya adalah dengan mengatur suatu bentuk ekspor jasa tenaga kerja ke luar negeri. Namun tenaga kerja yang lebih banyak berkecimpung dalam program ekspor jasa tenaga kerja ini adalah berasal dari masyarakat dengan tingkat pendidikan dan keterampilan yang rendah. Sehingga pada negara tujuan, mereka lebih banyak mengisi lowongan yang ada pada sektor informal. Yang mana tingkat upah pada sektor tersebut lebih rendah dari yang tersedia pada sektor formal. Padahal peluang kerja baik untuk sektor formal maupun informal keduanya banyak didapati pada pasar kerja internasional. Walaupun demikian upaya penempatan TKI terampil untuk mengisi lapangan kerja formal sesuai dengan pangsa pasar yang ada.
Disamping dapat mengatasi masalah ketenagakerjaan yang dihadapi pemerintah di dalam negeri, dengan keberadaan TKI ini juga memberikan masukan devisa yang bermanfaat dalain ketersediaan mata uang asing di dalam negeri yang akan digunakan sebagai alat transaksi dalam interaksi di tingkat internasional. Penerimaan devisa negara melalui TKI ini tentunya tidak terlepas dari berapa besar jumlah TKI yang beroperasi di luar negeri. Sementara baik penerimaan devisa dari TKI maupun jumlah TKI itu sendiri diperkirakan juga dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan motivasi individu untuk ikut serta dalam program ekspor jasa tenaga kerja ini. Hal-hal tersebut diantaranya adalah rasio gaji antara bekerja di dalam negeri dengan menjadi TKl di luar negeri, alokasi anggaran pemerintah terhadap program ini dan besarnya biaya untuk mulai beroperasi sebagai TKI.
Dengan melakukan analisis terhadap variabel-variabel tersebut dengan menggunakan metode regresi dalam ilmu statistik, maka dapat di perkirakan bagaimana kepekaan penerimaan devisa dari TKI dan jumlah TKI terhadap perubahan rasio gaji, alokasi anggaran pemerintah dan biaya akses. Disamping itu bila diperhatikan dari sembilan tahun observasi yang dilakukan, maka baik plot data penerimaan devisa dari TKI maupun plot data jumlah TKI akan membentuk suatu pola tertentu yang dapat diwakili oleh suatu persamaan matematis (juga diperoleh dengan metode regresi). Sehingga dapat diduga kemungkinan besarnya penerimaan devisa dari TKI maupun jumlah TKI pada masa yang akan datang (atau pada suatu waktu tertentu). Sehingga bagi pengambil kebijakan akan mempunyai alternatif pertimbangan yang lebih komfrehensif. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974
338.47 HIG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Firmansyah
"Untuk mengantisipasi persaingan di era globalisasi, dunia usaha perlu mengoptimalkan
produktivitas dan menghindari ekonomi biaya tinggi. Salah satu solusinya adalah Labour Market
Flexibility yang diterapkan dengan memperlonggar aturan-aturan dalam pasar tenaga kerja.
Outsourcing adalah salah satu bentuk penerapan dari Labor Market Flexibility. Sejak reformasi
undang-undang ketenagakerjaan, terjadi pergeseran model hubungan industrial dari corporatist
model ke contractualist, di mana intervensi pemerintah cenderung terhadap ketenagakerjaan
berkurang.Penerapan konsep fleksibilitas hubungan kerja semestinya diimbangi dengan peran
efektif pemerintah dalam melakukan pengawasan dan pembangunan hukum, menata sistem pasar
kerja yang aman secara sosial ekonomi bagi pekerja.

In order to anticipate the competition in the globalisation era, company must optimize its
productivity and avoid high cost economy. One of the solutions is with labor market flexibility,
which is applied by relaxing regulations in labor market. Outsourcing is one form of the labor
market flexibility practice. Since the reformation of Manpower act, there has been an industrial
relation model shift from corporatist model ke contractualist model, in which the government
intervention to the manpower regulation tends to decrease.The implementation of Labor Market
Flexibility should be balanced by the effective roles from the government to perform the
monitoring and law development and to organize the socially and economically secured system for
the labor force.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The 2008 global financial and economic crisis led to a significant increase in unemployment rates in most developed economies, yet despite the rising supply of labor, a high share of employers claim that they cannot find the right talent and skills. Concerns that economic restructuring and changing skill needs associated with new technologies and workplace organization practices will not be met by an adequately skilled workforce, has placed the issue of skill mismatch the incongruence between skill supply and skill demand high up in the policy agenda. This volume contains eleven original research articles which deal with the linkages between education and skills and the causes and consequences of different types of skill mismatch. Topics include the way graduate jobs can be defined, the labor market decisions and outcomes of graduates, the determinants of the overeducation wage penalty, the determinants and consequences of underskilling, the wage return of skills, the impact of skill mismatch on aggregate productivity, and the role of work-related training and job complexity on skill development. "
United Kingdom: Emerald, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The employment measure act ,which was enacted in 1966 and proclaimed the general principles of Japan's labor market policies, was resived in 2007...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutapea, Riama Valentina
"Sebagai negara dengan populasi yang besar, Indonesia memiliki tantangan tersendiri dalam mengatur sumber daya manusia agar dapat mendukung pembangunan. Pemerintah telah mengalokasikan dana yang cukup signifikan dalam bidang Pendidikan untuk dapat meningkatkan dunia Pendidikan di Indonesia yang kemudian dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan daya saing masyarakat Indonesia di pasar tenaga kerja. Namun, sebagian besar tenaga kerja di Indonesia masih berada di sektor informal yang identik dengan pendidikan dan penghasilan yang rendah. Keputusan untuk bekerja di sektor informal ini dipengaruhi berbagai hal baik itu karakteristik individual seperti tingkat pendidikan maupun kondisi pasar tenaga kerja. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat tingkat imbal balik pendidikan secara pribadi khususnya bagi para pekerja informal dengan menggunakan persamaan Mincer serta melihat lebih jauh perbedaan tingkat imbal balik pendidikan antara pria dan wanita dan antara mereka yang berada di kota dan desa. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan masih memberikan imbal balik yang positif terhadap pendapatan para pekerja meskipun imbal balik pendidikan pada pekerja yang berada di sektor formal lebih besar daripada pekerja yang ada di sektor informal

As developing countries with large population, Indonesia face challenges in managing its human capital to support the development. The government has allocated significant amount of money in educational sector to improve the education in Indonesia that will lead to increase in Indonesian capability and competitiveness in the labour market. However, labour market in Indonesia is still dominated by the informal workers which characterized with low educated and low earning jobs. Despite its characteristics, the decision to be informal workers can be varied and can be influenced by individual’s characteristics like education and/or labour market condition. Therefore, this paper aims to explore whether education bring private return to the informal workers by applying the Mincer human capital earning function and exploring the returns between gender and areas (rural or urban). The results show that education bring positive impact to the worker’s earning although the return is smaller in the informal sector than in the formal one."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damanggi Pratama Aryansyah
"Labor market outcome khususnya produktivitas pekerja merupakan salah satu faktor penting bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara. Di antara berbagai mancam hal yang memengaruhi labor market outcome, terdapat aspek religiositas yang dinilai turut berkontribusi dalam membentuk produktivitas pekerja. Namun dari studi yang dilakukan di berbagai negara dalam melihat hubungan antara religiositas dengan labor market outcome hasil yang ditemukan masih bersifat abu-abu, di mana terdapat temuan yang menyatakan bahwa kedua hal tersebut memiliki hubungan negatif, dan ada juga temuan yang menyatakan hal sebaliknya. Dengan menggunakan data IFLS 5 dan upah per bulan pekerja sebagai proksi labor market outcome, studi ini hendak mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat religiositas pekerja terhadap labor market outcome di Indonesia sebagai negara dengan masyarakat yang terhitung memiliki tingkat religiositas tinggi. Studi ini menggunakan metode estimasi OLS dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 6.450 individu pekerja berusia lima belas tahun ke atas. Hasil pada studi ini menemukan bahwa adanya hubungan negatif antara tingkat religiositas pekerja dengan produktivitas yang dimilikinya. Hal ini dapat terjadi di lingkungan Indonesia yang religius akibat adanya faktor lain yang dinilai memiliki dampak lebih besar terhadap labor market outcome dibandingkan aspek religiositas, serta adanya kemungkinan pengaruh sekularisme dalam membentuk hubungan kedua hal tersebut.

Labor market outcome, especially worker productivity, are one of the significant factors for the economic growth of a country. Among the various things that affect labor market outcome, there is an aspect of religiosity that contributed to shaping worker productivity. However, from studies conducted in different countries in looking at the relationship between religiosity and labor market outcome, the findings of the results are still unclear. Several studies are findings that the two things have a negative relationship, and other studies are finding the opposite results. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of religiosity and labor market outcome in Indonesia as a country with people who have a high level of religiosity by using IFLS 5 data and worker's monthly wages as proxies for labor market outcome. This study uses the OLS estimation method with a sample of 6,450 individual workers aged at least fifteen years. The results of this study found that there was a negative relationship between the level of worker's religiosity and their productivity. This condition can happen in the Indonesian religious environment due to other factors that capture the source of impact on labor market outcome better than worker's religiosity. In addition, there is the possibility of secularism's influence in shaping the relationship between the two."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oesch, Daniel
New York: Oxford University Press, 2013
331.123 OES o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Irza Syahiandra
"Apakah trade openness sebuah racun atau obat bagi industrialisasi? Di era kontemporer, industrialisasi masih menjadi kekuatan penting yang mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi. Sebaliknya, trade openness menempati posisi kontroversial dan menerima dukungan dan kritik. Literatur yang ada menunjukkan sifat yang kontras mengenai dampak trade openness dan (de)industrialisasi. Makalah ini berkontribusi dengan mempelajari pengaruh trade openness terhadap (de)industrialisasi dengan berfokus pada negara berkembang dan maju serta menggunakan ukuran trade openness yang berbeda yang berfokus pada barang setengah jadi (intermediate goods). Kami melakukan analisis regresi panel selama periode 2000–2019, mengamati 39 negara maju dan 87 negara berkembang. Hasil penelitian kami menunjukkan bahwa di negara-negara berkembang, trade openness barang dan jasa secara keseluruhan serta barang setengah jadi berhubungan positif dan signifikan dengan industrialisasi. Hasil penelitian kami mendukung implikasi liberalisasi perdagangan terhadap pertumbuhan industri di negara berkembang.
Is trade openness a poison or medicine for industrialization? In the contemporary era, industrialization remains a pivotal force propelling economic growth. Conversely, trade openness occupies a contentious position, receiving both support and criticism. Existing literature exhibits a contrasting nature on the effect of trade openness and (de)industrialization. This paper contributes by studying the influence of trade openness on (de)industrialization by focusing on developing and developed economies and employing a distinct measure of trade openness that focuses on intermediate goods. We carried out a panel regression analysis over the period 2000– 2019, observing 39 developed and 87 developing economies. Our results show that for developing economies, trade openness of both overall goods and services and of intermediate goods are positively and significantly associated with industrialization. Our results support the implication of trade liberalization for industrial growth in developing economies."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Combining Work and Family Care Although the various research that has addressed the difficulties of balancing work and family life over the years has generally focused on issues related to raising children, increasing attention is being given to the task of caring for older people as an important family responsibility as developed countries grapple with declining birthrates and aging
populations. Among such countries, Japan is experiencing population aging at a particularly rapid pace. Japan?s rate of population aging?namely, the percentage of people aged 65 or over among the total population?is currently the highest in the world, at over 25%. In that
sense, Japan is at the ?forefront? of super-aging society. In the past, the Japanese govern-
ment has looked to other countries such as th
e US and European nations as guides in for-
mulating its policies, but in the field of policies related to older people, Japan may be facing
issues that are yet to arise in other countrie
s. This edition was compiled on the basis of the
concept that a publication of articles which grasp the development of such issues has the
potential to be a valuable source of information for researchers and policymakers in other
The first article in this edition, ?Current
Situation and Problems of Legislation on
Long-Term Care in Japan?s Super-Aging Society? by Kimiyoshi Inamori, investigates is-
sues concerning policies to support caregiving for older people in Japan from the perspec-
tive of both the long-term care insurance system
and the system of caregiver leave. While
the long-term care insurance system, which was first implemented in 2000, may try to pro-
vide sufficient benefits for older people who require long-term care, this system alone does
not in fact necessarily always meet all of th
eir care needs. Family caregiving is therefore
required to complement long-term care insuranc
e services. As the system of caregiver leave
established in the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act was created to allow people with
family members requiring care to take time to prepare and arrange a system for that care to
be provided, income guarantees for workers on caregiver leave are provided in the form of
caregiver leave benefits from the employment
insurance system. However, noting that the
percentage of workers who actually take caregi
ver leave is extremely
low, Inamori suggests
that to assist workers in balancing work with family care it is more important to develop
schemes related to ways of working, such as short working hour systems or limits on over-
time work. The issues raised in this article such as the need to increase the take up rate of
caregiver leave and develop the system thr
ough measures for reduced working hours and
limitations on overtime work, are key points that have been addressed in the amendments to
the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act that will take effect in 2017. The revised act
makes caregiver leave easier to use by allowing
caregivers to take the
93 days of leave in
three segments. It has also increased the minimum period during which employers are
obliged to provide measures such as short working hours and other such schemes for re-
ducing working hours, etc. (also including flextime, pushing the time of starting or finishing
work forward or backward, and subsidizing th
e costs of long-term care), which allow care-
givers to balance daily caregiving responsibilities with work, from the current 93 days to
three years. The Act also guarantees workers
the right to restrictions on overtime working
hours until the end of caregiving.
In ?Family Care Leave and Job Quitting Due to Caregiving: Focus on the Need for
Long-Term Leave,? I investigat
e the potential effects of these amendments to the Child
Care and Family Care Leave Act, as well as id
entifying new issues that require further ex-
amination. Based on the results of analysis of data on workers who are employed when
caregiving begins, the article rev
eals that (i) the greater the need to take caregiver leave, the
less likely working caregivers are to remain continuously employed at the same enterprise
from the beginning to the end of the caregiving period, but the need for caregiver leave can
be alleviated through the use of long-term care
services, (ii) regardless of the degree of need
to take caregiver leave, workers who work six hours or less per day are more likely to re-
main continuously employed at the same enterprise than those who work over eight hours a
day, and (iii) those who care for their own pare
nts have a greater need for caregiver leave
than those who care for the parents of a spouse
, but regardless of the necessity for caregiver
leave, among workers who provide care alone without assistance from their families, and
workers who care for relatives with severe deme
ntia, there is a low likelihood of continuous
employment at the same enterprise. In other words, it can be said that a factor behind the
low numbers of people taking caregiver leave is the increase in the use of services offered
through long-term care in
surance. However, social changes such as the increase in people
caring for their own biological parents and the
rise in people who care for relatives alone
without other family members to assist them suggest the possibility that in the future there
will continue to be an increase in the number of people leaving their employment due to
caregiving responsibilities. The analysis results i
ndicate that in order to curb this increase,
in addition to the caregiver leave system, it is also important to develop systems such as
short working h
ours and limitations on overtime hours. In this sense, the recent amendments
to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act
are suited to addressing the current circum-
stances under which people leave employment to provide care. At the same time, as the
current framework was developed
with the necessity for physical
care that arises in the case
of cerebrovascular diseases and other such conditions in mind, it may not cover social
measures to support care for dementia, and this article also highlights the importance of
such measures as an issue that will require
more extensive consideration in the future.
Since the amendments that to
ok effect in 2010, the Child Care and Family Care
Leave Act has prescribed the obligation of en
terprises to provide not only long-term care-
giver leave but also ?time off for caregivers? that can be taken in one-day units, and with
the introduction of the 2017 amendments caregiv
ers will be able to take this time off in
half-day units. Mayumi Nishimoto?s ?Choices of Leave When Caring for Family Members:
What Is the Best System for Balancing Family Care with Employment?? investigates the
necessity of not only leave that can be taken on a long-term basis, but also a flexible
time-off system like time off for caregivers. The results of the analysis reveal the following
five points. Firstly, when the main caregiver ratio is higher, the likelihood of taking care-
giver leave increases, and absenteeism is partic
ularly likely. Secondly, leave is more likely
to be taken when the spouse works longer hour
s, especially when the spouse?s employment
format precludes the control of those working
hours. The likelihood of absenteeism is also
higher if the spouse is a regular employee,
and the likelihood of taking annual leave in-
creases more or less significan
tly when the spouse is a regular employee or non-regular em-
ployee, or when there is no spouse. Thirdly,
the likelihood that leave will be taken rises in
cases where the person requiring care is admitt
ed to a general hospital or geriatric hospital
and in such cases caregiver leave and annual le
ave are particularly likely to be taken.
Fourthly, absenteeism is more likely to occur when the caregiver has a lower annual income.
Fifthly, absenteeism is also more prone to occur if the person is not a regular employee. In
other words, this indicates that depending on the environment of family caregiving, there is
also a demand not only for caregiving leave that can be taken on a long-term basis, but also
time off that caregivers can take in single-day units.
As is also indicated in the aforementioned
articles, balancing work and caregiving is
shaped by various environmental factors, such
as social services and support from enter-
prises, as well as the factors highlighted by Nishimoto in relation to family environment. In
?Frameworks for Balancing Work and Long-Term Care Duties, and Support Needed from
Enterprises,? Yoko Yajima focusses on the correlations between these various fields, pur-
suing quantitative analysis based on the hypothesis that the quality of the balance of work
and care (?subjective sense that balance is achieved, and preservation of a feeling that work
is rewarding?) differs depending on the frameworks and circumstances surrounding the
balance of work and care. In doing so she
looks at these ?frameworks and circumstances
surrounding the balance of work and care? from the five perspectives of attributes of the
caregiver, attributes of the care recipient, th
e relationship between these two people and the
role the caregiver plays, the long-term care fra
mework (including the use of long-term care
services, and cooperation from other family members), and the caregiver?s work style or
format (flexible work schedules and utilization of
leave, etc.). The results of this analysis
reveal that while caring for an elderly relativ
e appears at first glance to place caregivers in
circumstances that are more complex and divers
e than those faced when raising children, if
factors such as the attributes of the care reci
pient, the relationship between the caregiver and
care recipient, and the long-term care framework
are controlled, the types of support that
employees seek from enterprises with regard
to working styles and
formats entail ?curtail-
ing excessively long working hours,? ?creating an environment in which time off can be
taken flexibly and support programs can be utilized with ease,? and ?supervisors? consider-
ation for employees? circumstan
ces,? and there is hardly any difference between these
forms of support and the type of work environment required for employees raising children
to achieve work-life balance. However, given th
at if the care ?framework? required for bal-
ancing work and long-t
erm care duties is not in place, su
pport related to work style and
format from enterprises will not function effectively, Yajima highlights that it is therefore
important that enterprises do not merely offer such support in terms of work styles and for-
mats, but also encourage caregivers, who often try to handle duties directly by themselves,
to focus on the ?management of care services
and division of duties,? that is, using
long-term care services and other such support effectively and dividing duties among family
The final article in this journal, ?Current Issues regarding Family Caregiving and
Gender Equality in Japan: Male Caregivers and the Interplay between Caregiving and Mas-
culinities? by Mao Saito, examines the problems faced by fami
ly caregivers in Japan from
the perspective of gender. More specifically, Saito focuses on the increasing numbers of
male caregivers in Japan, and investigates what significance th
e increase in male caregivers
may have for the achievement of gender equality in family caregiving, in light of the actual
conditions of caregiving by male caregivers. Contemporary family caregiving is inseparable
from the gender relationship between men as
the breadwinners and women as the caregivers.
At the same time, in Japan as in other countries, changes in family structures are leading to
a growing number of situations in which men must take on caregiving roles. As men take on
caregiving roles, they are forced to confront their own masculinities, and by looking at the
difficulties faced by male caregivers, this ar
ticle demonstrates that care and masculinities
are not simply conflicting aspects of men?s identities.
In discourse on ?welfare regimes,? Japan is considered to be a conservative regime in
which the family takes the key role in providing care. However, as family sizes decline
along with decreases in birth rates, it is be
coming difficult to rely on families to provide
care, and efforts have been made to supplement family care by socializing caregiving
through the development of public long-term
care services and comp
any-based support for
balancing work and caregiving. Countries with social democratic regimes in which the gov-
ernment typically provides substantial policies for supporting elderly people and liberal
regimes characterized by small government models may find that the onset of super-aging
society necessitates some kinds of changes to their frameworks. We hope that this edition
provides useful insights to readers who are aware of such issues.
Shingou Ikeda
The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training "
Tokyo: The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2006
331 JLR
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
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