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Agus Cartian
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh tingkat likuiditas aset perusahaan terhadap likuiditas saham yang diwakili oleh dua alternatif ukuran likuiditas yaitu zero return dan ukuran Illiquid dari Amihud. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel perusahaan di Indonesia yang terdaftar di BEI periode 2000 sampai 2010. Analisis regresi data panel digunakan untuk menguji pengaruh tingkat likuiditas aset terhadap likuiditas saham. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa tingkat likuiditas aset perusahaan mempengaruhi secara positif terhadap likuiditas saham yang diwakili oleh zerro return tapi tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan jika likuiditas aset perusahaan diukur oleh WAL1 dan likuiditas saham diwakili oleh ukuran Illiq. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat likuiditas aset perusahaan maka semakin tinggi tingkat likuiditas saham.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of asset liquiidty company level on stock liquidity. This study use two alternative stock liquidity measure, zerro return and Illiquid measure. This anlysis use all company listing on BEI at periode 2000-2010. This study uses regression data panel analysis to evaluate the effect of asset liquidity company level on stock liquidity. This study provide empirical evidences to support the effect of asset liquidity level to stock liquidity. This study finds that firm with higher level of asset liquidity resulting high stock liquidity.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Usmanti Rohmadyati
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya ekses likuiditas perbankan dan menganalisis sensitivitas faktor-faktor tersebut dalam mempengaruhi ekses likuiditas perbankan dalam rangka efektifitas kebijakan moneter Bank Indonesia. Yang dimaksud ekses likuiditas perbankan dalam penelitian ini adalah ekses likuiditas rupiah perbankan yang datanya merupakan data posisi OPT yang mencerminkan ekses likuiditas yang telah diserap Bank Indonesia. Berdasarkan studi literatur, dilakukan uji empiris terhadap data time series bulanan periode Januari 2000 - Juni 2010 terhadap variabel ekses likuiditas perbankan periode sebelumnya, reserve requirement, currency sebagai proksi variabel preferensi nasabah dalam memegang uang tunai, suku bunga PUAB overnight, ekspor neto, dan siklus ekonomi. Analisa dilakukan dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa variabel ekses likuiditas periode sebelumnya, reserves requirement, currency, suku bunga PUAB O/N, dan ekspor neto mempengaruhi secara signifikan besarnya ekses likuiditas perbankan. Sensitivitas variabel yang diukur dari angka koefisien hasil regresi cukup bervariasi. Yang paling kuat mempengaruhi ekses likuiditas perbankan adalah ekses likuiditas periode sebelumnya, reserves requirement, dan currency. Hasil penelitian juga menyimpulkan bahwa perilaku perbankan secara makro di Indonesia tidak cukup moderat dalam memelihara ekses likuiditasnya,
The objective of this thesis is to determine factors which influence banking excess liquidity and analysis their sensitivity. Excess reserves in this thesis is referred to excess reserves in rupiah as reflected in open market operation position which conducted by Bank Indonesia. Based on the literature this thesis conducted an empirical test for monthly time series data of excess liquidity, reserves requirement, currency to capture customers characteristic, PUAB interest rate, net exports, and business cycle, between January 2000 - June 2010. The model is estimated using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The estimation result shows that excess liquidity previous month, reserve requirement, currency, PUAB interest rate previous month, and net exports have influenced banking excess liquidity significantly. The coefficient estimations also indicate that excess liquidity previous month, reserves requirement, and currency have stronger effect on the banking excess reserves than PUAB interest rate previous month and net export. In addition, this thesis also concluded that banking behavior as a whole is not moderate enough to maintain their excess liquidity.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mauldi Yusuf
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Herdy Parlaungan
Abstrak :
Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia (BLBI) yang dikucurkan oleh BI kepada perbankan pada saat krisis ekonomi 1997-1998 masih menyisakan banyak permasalahan. Salah satunya mengenai mekanisme penyelesaian utang para pemegang saham pengendali bank penerima BLBI yang tertuang dalam suatu perjanjian yang disebut Master Settlement and Acquisition Agreement (MSAA) dan Master Refinancing and Note Issuance Agreement (MRNIA). Dalam MSAA dan MRNIA terdapat ketentuan kontroversial yang masih menjadi perdebatan sampai sekarang yaitu tentang dicantumkannya klausul Release and Discharge yang berisi bahwa pemegang saham yang kooperatif dan membayar utangnya akan dibebaskan dari gugatan perdata maupun tuntutan pidana atas penyimpangan yang telah dilakukannya. Klausul ini menarik untuk dikaji dan diangkat menjadi suatu tulisan karena keabsahan klausul tersebut akan memengaruhi pula keabsahan dari MSAA dan MRNIA. Instruksi Presiden (Inpres) No. 8 Tahun 2002 yang dikeluarkan oleh Presiden Megawati Soekarno Putri menegaskan pemberlakuan klausul Release and Discharge dalam MSAA dan MRNIA. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, karya ilmiah ini setidak-tidaknya akan mempersoalkan tiga hal, pertama apakah klausul Release and Discharge dapat diterapkan di dalam MSAA dan MRNIA menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Kedua, apakah penerapan Release and Discharge terhadap para obligor BLBI berdasarkan Instruksi Presiden Nomor 8 tahun 2002 sudah tepat. Dan yang ketiga, apa akibat hukum yang mungkin terjadi terhadap para obligor BLBI terkait penerapan klausul Release and Discharge dalam MSAA dan MRNIA. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari karya ilmiah ini adalah klausul Release and Discharge tidak dapat diterapkan dalam MSAA dan MRNIA karena bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Begitu pula dengan Inpres No. 8 tahun 2002 yang telah tidak tepat dikeluarkan karena bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan di atasnya. Apabila klausul Release and Discharge tetap diberlakukan, maka akibat hukum yang mungkin terjadi terhadap para obligor BLBI adalah hapusnya utang mereka dan dilepaskannya mereka dari tuntutan pidana atas penyimpangan penggunaan BLBI yang telah mereka lakukan.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Dewi Arum
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh status kepemilikan perusahaan keluarga terhadap likuiditas saham dengan variabel spread pada perusahaan sektor industri manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2011 hingga 2015. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi metode pooled least square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan keluarga atau family firm berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap spread.
This research is aimed to determine the effect of family ownership to the stock liquidity of the company with spread as the measurement, in manufactur industry sector listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during period 2011 to 2015. This research was conducted by using pooled least squared. The result of this research indicates that family ownership has positive significant influence to the liquidity of the company.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kemampuan piutang dan pembiayaan yang jatuh tempo mampu menutupi dana pihak ketiga yang jatuh tempo. Dana pihak ketiga menunjukkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap dunia perbankan. Semakin besar dana pihak ketiga menunjukkan semakin besar kepercayaan terhadap bank tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dana pihak ketiga pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia Hal ini lumrah karena kredibilitas bank tersebut sebagai bank syariah pertama di Indonesia yang mampu mengatasi terpaan krisis ekonomi 2007-2008. peningkatan tersebut diikuti dengan penigkatan piutang dan pembiayaan yang dilakukan oleh BMI. Pada tahun 2001 ada peningkatan dana mudharabah 2l.67%, musyarakah -1.l5%, murahbahah 42.61% dan istisna 34.42% sedangkan pada tahun 2004 ada peningkatan sebesar dana mudharabah 101 .59%, musyarakah 933.3%, murahbahah 43.66% dan istisna -0. 52%. Sedangkan komponen dana pihak ketiga pada BMI terlihat pada tabungan mudharabah dan deposito mudharabah yang cenderung stabil. Pertumbuhan tabungan mudharabah terlihat sangat stabil dari tahun ketahun. Pada tahun 2000 sebesar 21.64%, 2001 sebesar 22.04%, dan 2004 sebesar 22.79%. sedangkan pada deposito mudharabah cenderung naik. Pada tahun 2000 34-17%, pada tahun 2001 sebesar 41.10% dan 52.27%. Akan tetapi jika melakukan analisa dengan matching Concept deposits mudharabah pada tahun 2003 dana pihak ketiga yang jatuh tempo kurang dan 1 bulan mampu ditutupi dengan piutang sebesar 24%,dan umur 1-3 bulan mampu ditutupi sebesar 18%, serta 3-12 bulan mampu ditutupi 46%. Sehingga ada dan pihak ketiga yang jatuh tempo harus ditutupi dan pinjaman antar bank atau melalui money market. Sedangkan pada deposito dolar menunjukkan dana pihak ketiga yang jatuh tempo terhadap pembiayaan yang jatuh tempo menunjukkan yang kurang dari 1 bulan ditutupi sebesar 7%, dan 1-3 bulan ditutupi sebesar 5%, serta 3-12 bulan mampu ditutupi 32%.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edward Pranata
Abstrak :
Bank dalam menjalankan pengelolaan likuiditasnya mempunyai potensi keuntungan dan kerugian yang selalu mengikuti. Untuk mengendalikan risiko tersebut perlu suatu proses manajemen risiko yang memadai, mulai dari identifikasi risiko, pengukuran risiko hingga implementasi mitigasi risiko. Pengukuran risiko likuiditas pada Bank Sinarmas yaitu menggunakan Liquidity Coverage Ratio. Penyediaan likuiditas sangat penting untuk mengantisipasi adanya kebutuhan likuiditas sehingga dapat mengcover kewajiban Bank baik dalam kondisi normal maupun krisis. Namun demikian, penyediaan likuiditas tidak boleh tersedia secara berlebihan karena timbul biaya likuiditas yang harus ditanggung oleh Bank. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penetapan limit biaya pengelolaan likuiditas yang bersedia di tanggung oleh Bank berdasarkan risk appetite dari management serta batas limit maksimum Liquidity Coverage Ratio harus ditetapkan oleh Bank. Penetapan limit tersebut merupakan hal penting dalam proses mitigasi risiko agar pendapatan yang hilang karena adanya penyediaan likuiditas dapat diminimalkan sehingga dapat tercipta peningkatan laba bagi Bank. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini merupakan komponen dari Liquidity Coverage Ratio Bank Sinarmas selama 3 Tahun (2012-2014). Metode dalam penelitian ini secara kuantitatif. Pada kondisi saat ini Bank Sinarmas belum melakukan pengelolaan likuiditas jangka pendeknya secara efektif. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil perhitungan rata-rata Liquidity Coverage Ratio yang masih tinggi yaitu 206.01%. Bahkan pernah tertinggi sebesar 392% pada bulan Juli 2014. Regulator menetapkan batas Liquidity Coverage Ratio minimum sebesar 100%. Dengan adanya, penetapan pengelolaan biaya pemeliharaan likuiditas maksimum dan penetapan limit maksimum Liquidity Coverage Ratio diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan oleh Bank Sinarmas sehingga dapat tercipta peningkatan laba bagi Bank
Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to create an increased Bank profitability;Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to create an increased Bank profitability;Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to create an increased Bank profitability;Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to create an increased Bank profitability, Bank in carrying out liquidity management always followed with potential gains and losses. There should be an adequate risk management process to manage these risks, starting from risk identification, risk measurement to risk mitigation implementation. Liquidity risk measurement in Bank Sinarmas using Liquidity Coverage Ratio. The providing of liquidity is very important to anticipate liquidity needs so as to cover the liabilities of the Bank both in normal and crisis conditions. However, the providing of liquidity should not be available to excess liquidity because there will be costs to be borne by the Bank. Therefore, it is necessary to establish limit liquidity management fee paid by the Bank prepared based on the risk appetite by management as well as the maximum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio must be determined by the Bank. The limit setting process is important in order to mitigate the risk of lost revenue due to the providing of liquidity could be minimized so as to create an increase in profits for the Bank. Data obtained in this study is a component of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio Bank Sinarmas for 3 years (2012-2014). The method in this research is quantitative. In the current conditions the Bank Sinarmas not do short-term liquidity management effectively. This is evident from the results of the calculation of average Liquidity Coverage Ratio are still high at 206.01%. The highest ever amounted to 392% in July 2014. Regulator set a minimum limit of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio at 100%. With the, determination of maximum liquidity management of maintenance costs and maximum limits Liquidity Coverage Ratio is expected to be implemented by the Bank Sinarmas so as to create an increased Bank profitability]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nauval Zidny
Abstrak :
Bank Indonesia BI mencatat, transaksi di pasar uang antarbank syariah PUAS di tahun 2011 mengalami penurunan. Namun, kondisi tersebut tidak bertahan lama. Hal ini karena di awal tahun 2012 sampai 2015 akhir, PUAS mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab peningkatan transaksi PUAS dari tahun 2012 sampai 2015. Volume PUAS yang merupakan variabel dependen akan dikaitkan dengan variabel independen seperti cash reserve, giro, deposito, NPF, dan PBI. Untuk melakukan analisis data sekunder, peneliti menggunakan persamaan regresi linier berganda dengan pendekatan model dinamis, Auto Regressive Distributed Lag ARDL . Hasil tes statistik ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa volume PUAS dipengaruhi oleh cash reserve, giro, deposito, NPF, dan PBI serta oleh dirinya sendiri. ...... Bank Indonesia BI noted that the transactions in Islamic Interbank Money Market Pasar Uang Antarbank Syariah PUAS in 2011 decreased. However, this condition did not last long. This was because in the beginning of 2012 till the end of 2015, PUAS increased significantly. Therefore, this study aims at determining the factors that cause the increasing transactions in PUAS from 2012 to 2015. Volume of PUAS which were dependent variables would be linked to independent variables such as cash reserve, giro, deposit, NPF, and PBI. To do secondary data analysis, the researcher used multiple linear regression equation with dynamic model approach, Auto Regressive Distributed ARDL. The result of statistic confirmed that volume of PUAS was affected by cash reserve, giro, deposit, NPF, PBI, and the volume it self.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatmiati Syam
Abstrak :
Permasalahan dalam skripsi ini bertitik tolak pada usaha Pemerintah melalui Bank Indonesia untuk merangsang berkembangnya produksi ekspor dalam usaha meningkatkan ekspor non migas, dengan memberikan fasilitas Kredit Likuiditas. Ekspor kepada Bank-bank pelaksana. Fasilitas Kredit Likuiditas Ekspor ini diberikan kepada Bank-bank pelaksana dalam rangka membantu bank pelaksana dalam memberikan Kredit Ekspor kepada nasabahnya. Dalam rangka pengumpulan data dan penemuan masalah guna kepentingan pembahasan Skripsi ini, penulis mengguna kan metode penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan Perjanjian kredit merupakan suatu perikatan yang lahir dari perjanjian, dan pengertian perjanjian kredit itu sendiri mendekati pengertian perjanjian pinjam meminjam sebagaimana dimaksud pasal 1754 KUH Perdata. Perjanjian kredit ini didalam praktek Perbankan tumbuh sebagai penjanjian standard. Dan perjanjian kredit bersifat konsensuil, penyerahan uang/kreditnya adalah bersifat riil. Untuk memperoleh fasilitas Kredit Likuiditas Ekspor ini harus diternpuh bebera pa prosedur, mulai dari proses permohonan sampai realisasinya. Bahwa adanya fasilitas Kredit Likuiditas Ekspor ini masih diperlukan dimasa-masa yang akan datang, rnengingat manfaat dan tujuan dibenikannya fasilitas ini, dimana Secara langsung/tidak langsung meningkatkan Ekspor non migas yang berarti pula meningkatkan devisa negara, serta menjaga stabilitas perekonomian.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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