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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Castle, Gregory
Malden: Blackwell, 2007
801.95 CAS b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parker, David
"This book has been shaped in discussion with many friends and colleagues. It owes much to the following: John Barnes, Michael Black, Richard Campbell, John Casey, Axel Clark, Cora Diamond, Frances Dixon, Paul Eggert, Richard Eldridge, John Finnis, Marie Finnis, Richard Freadman, Jennifer Gribble, Robin Grove, Simon Haines, Dirk den Hartog, Michael Holquist, Rob Jackson, Nicholas Jose, Ann Loftus, Kevin Magarey, Michael Meehan, and John Wiltshire.
The research for the book and much of the writing were done while on study leave from the Australian National University, to which I am grateful.
I am grateful too to the Institute for Advanced Study of Indiana University, where as a Visiting Scholar in late 1991 I wrote nearly half the book. The Director, Henry Remak, was an unfailing stimulus during this period and the Assistant Director, Ivona Hedin, was always there when needed. Among the many members of faculty at Indiana University who helped to make my stay there so productive, I wish to thank John Eakin and Albert Wertheim especially.
I am much indebted to the work of the late Sam Goldberg. As a reader and editor he was the most searching of critics as well as a supporter of my work over many years. Chapters 1, 6, 7, 9 and 10, are based on articles published in numbers 31, 26, 27, 30, and 20 respectively of The Critical Review. Chapter 8 began as an article published in Meridian in 1988.
This book owes a great deal to Jane Adamson, who has been generous as a friend and collaborator over many years. I am also grateful to Iain Wright, who made many fruitful suggestions; and to Fred Langman, who read the whole manuscript at a late stage and gave me invaluable advice and encouragement. Sue Fraser and Christine Carroll helped in important ways at the eleventh hour.
My debt to Helen and our children is all-pervasive."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bradford, Richard, 1957-
"Is Shakespeare Any Good? is refreshingly honest and controversial, a lucid and sometimes startling assessment of what makes literature, as well as a much-needed breath of fresh air within the locked room of literary study. This volume constitutes a vital contribution to the ongoing debate on literary aesthetics and proposes an entirely new methodology for the study of literature as well as a convincing apology for English as a subject. Bradford has a gift for making complex ideas simple and shining light into dark corners." --
Madelena Gonzalez, University of Avignon --
"Richard Bradford has produced a pugnacious and carefully constructed critique of modern attitudes to the vexed question of how we should set about evaluating literary texts. Its insistence on the desirability of that much maligned abstract `taste' is thoroughly to be applauded." --
D.J. Taylor, Author of Orwell: The Life, winner of the Whitbread Biography Prize --
After reading a few pages of a book, you might find yourself gripped, moved, bored, or -- in the case of far too many literary "classics" -- somewhat astonished that it ever got into print at all. While initial impressions are often influenced by personal literary tastes, one may also be reacting to writing that is very good -- or genuinely bad. But who decides what constitutes "good" literature? If you wish to know the reasons why a book is considered good or bad, you'd be hard-pressed to find the answers in a university literature course. Exploring issues that academics have studiously avoided for years, Is Shakespeare Any Good? reveals why certain literary works and authors are treated as superior to others, and boldly questions the literary establishment's criteria for creating an imperium of "great" writers. --
Author Richard Bradford shows us how to articulate our own informed opinions on the qualities or deficiencies of a literary work -- whether the author in question is James Joyce, Jeffrey Archer, or the Bard of Avon himself. Also covered are: self-appointed arbiters of taste in the literary world; academia's wretched influence in shaping literary merit (or to be more accurate its failure to say anything relevant); whether popular literature's bad rap is warranted; does reading and studying literature do us any good?; the dreadful legacy of modernism; and more. It also asks this frank question of one of literature's greatest sacred cows -- who says we can't dislike Shakespeare? Lively and provocative, Is Shakespeare Any Good? is certain to raise a few eyebrows while elevating the level of debate about the true nature of literary merit. --Book Jacket"
Chichester: Wiley Balckwell, 2015
809 BRA i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sainsbury, R.M.
New York: Routledge, 2010
809.3 SAI f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"How does a reader respond to a work of literature and how does he begin to evaluate it? Mr Olsen attempts to answer these and related questions. The book is in two parts. In the first three chapters, the author demolishes established theories that literature has a special language, provides a heightened insight into 'truth' and has emotion as its prime currency. In the remaining chapters Mr Olsen constructs and fully illustrates the theory that understanding of a work of literature comes in two complementary stages: first, judgements about the author's aesthetic intentions (interpretation); second, appreciation of the aesthetic qualities of the work (evaluation). At the end of his argument, attempting an answer to the question 'Why is literature important?', Mr Olsen characterizes literature as an institution and thus forges links with contemporary philosophy which sees all human action as ordered and defined by social institutions."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1978
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Suparta
"Teks Bhasa Kakawin Hanan Nirartha (disebut KHN) merupakan sebuah sub-genre sastra kakawin yang berasal dari tradisi sastra Jawa Kuno di Bali. Teks bhasa KHN tersebut diperkirakan ditulis oleh rakawi yang bernama Mpu Nirartha yang relatif produktif berkarya pada zaman pemerintahan raja Dalem Waturengon di Gelgel (1460-1550). Dan ciri-ciri tekstual yang diperlihatkan, teks bhasa KHN ini dapat dikelompokan ke dalam jenis kakawin minor. Naskah-naskah teks Maya KHN yang dikenal hingga kini ada yang berupa naskah lontar dan naskah kertas.
Masalah pokok yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini meliputi kritik teks (textual criticism) dan analisis sastra (literary analysis). Kajian dari segi kritik teks atas teks bhasa KHN sangat penting dilakukan, karena dimaksudkan untuk: (a) mendapatkan teks yang paling baik dan paling lengkap isinya dari semua naskah yang digunakan, yang dipilih sebagai teks dasar untuk suntingan teks, dan (b) melakukan kerja kritik teks dan menyajikan hasilnya berupa edisi teks bhasa KHN sebagai bahan bacaan yang baik untuk kepentingan analisis selanjutnya. Pada tahap berikutnya, kajian dari segi kritik sastra bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan unsur-unsur puitik dan estetik yang membangun bentuk dan makna yang dikandungnya.
Telaah dan perbandingan atas empat (4) naskah lontar teks bhasa KHN yang digunakan berhasil mengungkapkan, bahwa naskah A (Kirtya No. IVb 284/4) ternyata memiliki bacaan yang paling baik dan lengkap dari segi isinya, serta kolofonnya cukup lengkap. Di samping itu tata penulisannya sangat khas, yang berupa teks interlinier ("semut sedulur'), karena disertai dengan grantang basa(teks terjemahan) dalam bahasa Bali. Oleh karena itu, teks bhasa KHN yang terdapat dalam naskah A sangat menarik dipilih sebagai teks landasan untuk suntingan teks dan hasilnya diterbitkan dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan edisi inilah kemudian dilakukan kajian sastra, terutama dari segi unsur-unsur puitik dan estetik yang membentuk struktur karya tersebut sebagai satu kesatuan makna.
Analisis struktur (formal) teks bhasa KHN dilakukan dan aspek sintaksis (mencakup: unsur bunyi/sabdalankara, diksi dan pengimajian, "spasial"/prosodi dan metrum), aspek semantik (mencakup: tema, ruang dan waktu), dan aspek semantik (mencakup: unsur pengujaran, gaya bahasa, dan interpretasi simbolik). Dari analisis tersebut dapat diratik suatu pemahaman dan pemaknaan, bahwa teks bhasa KHN pada dasarnya "menyimpang" dari tradisi kakawin yang dikenal secara umum. Teks bhasa KHN yang terdiri atas: (1) bhasa Nirartha Sanu Sekar, (2) Bhasa Hanan Nirartha, (3) lamban Puspasancaya, (4) bhasa Hanja Hanja Turida, dan (5) bhasa Hanja Hanja Sunsan telah membentuk karya tersebut sebagai sebuah sastra kakawin-lirik ("puisi lirik" Jawa Kuno), yang relatif berbeda dengan kanon sastra kakawin yang umumnya berupa kakawin-naratif karena berporos pada cerita epik (kepahlawanan) dari kavya Sanskerta.
Teks Bhasa KHN pada dasarnya merupakan ungkapan pengembaraan estetis religius dari sang rakawi yang tersublimasi melalui pengujaran "Si Aku Lirik" (Subyek Lirik) yang sedang menahan derita rindu-asmara akibat berpisah dengan Sang Kekasih (vipralambha-srengara). Bentuk-bentuk permainan bunyi (sabdalankara) dan permainan makna (arthalankara) berfungsi melahirkan ungkapan-ungkapan yang bersifat sangat liris-erotis sehingga mendukung tema utama tersebut. Akan tetapi, ungkapan erotisme dalam teks bhasa ini, baik berupa vipralambha-Srengara (`derita cinta-asmara dalam perpisahan') maupun sambhoga-Srengara (`nikmat cinta-asmara dalam penyatuan') pada prinsipnya tidak bersifat genital, melainkan suatu "cinta-asmara" simbolik. Ungkapan liris-erotisme tersebut pada hakikatnya dimaksudkan sebagai suatu cara pemujaan terhadap Dewa Kama sebagai Dewa Keindahan.
Dengan demikian, ajaran filsafat keagamaan yang melandasi dibalik ungkapan erotisme itu (in absentia) adalah pandangan Siwais-Tantris (S'iwa Siddhanta dan Tantra) yang menjadikan penciptaan kakawin sebagai media untuk mencapai penyatuan (silunlun) dengan istadewata. Melalui penikmatan keindahan cinta-asmara dan penikmatan keindahan alam (pasir-wukir) "Si Aku Lirik" melebur di dalamnya, sehingga kakawin itu berfungsi sebagai yantra (yoga estetis), yakni pemujaan kepada Kama (yang menurut Siwa Purana) adalah salah satu "nama" lain dari Dewa Siwa itu sendiri."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library