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Agoes Kooshartoro
"Latar Belakang : Indonesia memiliki angka kematian karena penyakit kardiovaskular yang semakin meningkat, dengan angka kematian diperkirakan sebanyak 17,3 juta kematian. Mengingat tingkat mortalitas yang sangat tinggi pada pasien dengan sindrom koroner akut SKA, maka diperlukan sebuah prediktor Major Adverse Cardiac Event MACE yang objektif dan terukur untuk manajemen pasien SKA dalam jangka panjang. Pada SKA dapat ditemukan heterogenitas repolarisasi ventrikel yang dapat dilihat pada elektrokardiografi EKG sebagai QTmax-QTmin, atau dapat disebut sebagai QTD.QTD disinyalir dapat dijadikan penanda untuk risiko MACE pada pasien SKA.
Tujuan : Mengetahui peran dispersi QT dan QTcD sebagai prediktor MACE pada pasien sindrom koroner akut SKA.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif pada 230 rekam medis pasien SKA yang dirawat di ICCU RSCM dalam rentang waktu Januari 2016 hingga November 2017. EKG standar 12 sadapan saat serangan dianalisis dan dilakukan pengukuran interval QTmax dan QTmin yang kemudian dihitung QTd. Selanjutnya dikoreksi dengan frekuensi nadi menggunakan rumus Bazett QTcD.
Hasil : Pemanjangan QTD lebih dari 100mdet dapat menjadi prediktor MACE pada pasien dengan SKA OR 1,25 IK95 0,17 ndash; 2,71 . Setelah dikoreksi dengan frekuensi nadi menggunakan rumus Bazett, pemanjangan QTcD juga dapat menjadi prediktor MACE pada pasien SKA 1,89 IK95 0,05 ndash; 67,37.
Kesimpulan : Pemanjangan QTD lebih dari 100mdet atau QTcD lebih dari 12,72mdet dapat menjadi prediktor MACE.
......Background: In Indonesia, the number of death due to cardiovascular disease is rapidly rising and it was approximated to have resulted in 17,3 million deaths. Due to this steadily increasing cases, it is necessary to find a predictor for Major Adverse Cardiac Event MACE that is objective and standardized for long term care of patients with acute coronary syndrome ACS. In ACS, one of the underlying mechanisms is the presence of heterogeneity in ventricle repolarization that is seen on ECG machine as QTmax ndash QTmin, or what is identified as QTD. QTD is hypothesized to have role as marker in patients with MACE in ACS.
Aim: Identify the role of QTD and QTcD as MACE predictor in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Methods: This study is a retrospective cohort with the subject of 230 ACS patients that was hospitalised on RSCM ICCU among January 2016 to November 2017. Data was taken from medical record and 12 lead ECG during attack were taken and analysed manually to calculate QTmax and QTmin and substraction of both into QTD. Followed by correction using the heart rate with Bazett formula QTcD.
Result: QTD prolongation of more than 100ms in patients with ACS may lead to MACE OR 1,25 IK95 0,17 ndash 2,71 . Following correction with Bazett formula, QTcD prolongation is also predictor 1,89 IK95 0,05 ndash 67,37.
Conclusion: QTD prolongation of more than 100ms or QTcD of more than 12.72ms might lead to MACE "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Pravita Sari
"Latar Belakang. Salah satu penyebab kematian pada sindrom koroner akut adalah terjadinya komplikasi yang dikenal dengan major adverse cardiac event MACE . Terdapat beberapa prediktor terjadinya MACE pada pasien SKA, diantaranya adalah faktor psikologis yaitu depresi dan ansietas. Saat ini, depresi dan ansietas belum mendapat banyak perhatian padahal memiliki peran penting dalam pengobatan SKA dan prognosisnya.
Tujuan. Mengetahui hubungan antara depresi dan ansietas dengan major adverse cardiac event dalam 7 hari pada pasien SKA.
Metode. Studi dengan desain kohort prospektif untuk meneliti hubungan antara depresi dan ansietas dengan MACE dalam 7 hari pasien SKA, dengan menggunakan kuisioner HADS pada pasien SKA yang menjalani perawatan di ICCU, Rawat Inap Gedung A RSCM pada bulan Januari ndash; Mei 2018. Analisis bivariat dilakukan untuk menghitung risk ratio RR terjadinya MACE dalam 7 hari pada kelompok depresi dan ansietas dengan menggunakan SPSS.
Hasil. Didapatkan jumlah subjek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sebanyak 114 orang. depresi didapatkan pada 7 subjek, ansietas didapatkan pada 28,95 subjek, dan MACE didapatkan pada 9,6 subjek. Pada kelompok depesi, MACE 7 hari terjadi pada 12,5 subjek. Pada kelompok Ansietas, MACE 7 hari terjadi pada 21,2 subjek. Pada analisis bivariat didapatkan ansietas meningkatkan risiko terjadinya MACE dalam 7 hari pada pasien SKA, dengan risiko relatif RR sebesar 4,2 IK 1,34 ndash; 13,7.
Kesimpulan. Proporsi depresi pada pasien SKA di RSCM sebesar 7 dan proporsi ansietas pada pasien SKA di RSCM sebesar 28,95 . Ansietas pada pasien SKA merupakan prediktor independen terjadinya MACE dalam 7 hari dan meningkatkan risiko terjadinya MACE 7 hari.
......Background. One of the causes of death in acute coronary syndrome is the occurrence of a complication known as major adverse cardiac event MACE. There are several predictors of the occurrence of MACE in patients with ACS, including psychological factors such as depression and anxiety. Currently, depression and anxiety have not received much attention when it has an important role in the treatment of ACS and its prognosis.
Objective. To determine the association between depression and anxiety with major adverse cardiac event within 7 days in patients with acute coronary syndrome.
Method. Study with prospective cohort design to examine the association between depression and anxiety with MACE within 7 days of ACS patients, using HADS questionnaires on ACS patients undergoing treatment at ICCU, Hospitalization RSCM in January May 2018. Bivariate analysis was performed to calculate the risk ratio RR of MACE occurrence within 7 days in the depression and anxiety group using SPSS.
Results. Obtained number of subjects who meet the inclusion criteria of 114 people. depression was obtained in 7 of subjects, Anxiety was obtained in 28,95 of subjects, and MACE was obtained in 9.6 of subjects. In the depression group, MACE 7 days occurred in 12.5 of subjects. In the Anxiety group, MACE 7 days occurred in 21,2 of subjects. In bivariate analysis, anxiety increased the risk of MACE within 7 days in patients with ACS, with relative risk RR of 4,2 IK 1,34 ndash 13,7.
Conclusion. The proportion of depression in patients with SKA in RSCM was 7 and the proportion of anxiety in ACS patients in RSCM was 28,95. Anxiety in patients with ACS is an independent predictor of MACE within 7 days and increases the risk of a 7 day MACE. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anastasia Asylia Dinakrisma
"Latar Belakang: Kematian kardiak dan reinfark merupakan MACE yang sering terjadi pada pasien SKA. Gelombang fragmented QRS fQRS merupakan penanda iskemia atau jejas miokardium dini pada pasien sindrom koroner akut SKA. Peran fQRS terhadap MACE 30 hari perlu diteliti lebih lanjut pada pasien SKA.
Tujuan: Mengetahui peran fQRS sebagai prediktor MACE berupa reinfark dan kematian kardiak pada pasien SKA di ICCU selama 30 hari.
Metode: Studi dengan desain kohort retrospektif untuk meneliti peran gelombang fragmented QRS sebagai prediktor MACE selama 30 hari pasien SKA, dengan menggunakan data rekam medis pasien SKA yang menjalani perawatan di ICCU RSCM pada bulan Juli 2015 - Oktober 2017. Analisis bivariat dan multivariat dengan logistik regresi dilakukan untuk menghitung crude risk ratio RR dan adjusted RR terjadinya MACE dalam 30 hari antara kelompok fQRS terhadap kelompok non-fQRS dengan menggunakan SPSS.
Hasil: Dalam 2 tahun, didapatkan jumlah subyek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi sebanyak 353 orang. Fragmented QRS didapatkan pada 60,9 subyek, dengan lokasi terbanyak di inferior 48,8 dan rerata onset 34 jam. Proporsi kejadian MACE 30 hari lebih tinggi pada grup fQRS vs non fQRS 15,8 vs 5,8. Pada analisis bivariat didapatkan fQRS meningkatkan probabilitas terjadinya MACE selama 30 hari pada pasien SKA, dengan risiko relatif RR sebesar 2,72 IK 95 1,3 -5,71. Sedangkan pada analisis multivariat, didapatkan adjusted RR 2,79 IK 95 1,29 - 4,43, setelah memperhitungkan 6 faktor perancu, yakni skor GRACE risiko sedang-berat, eGFR kurang dari 60 ml/menit, LVEF kurang dari 40, riwayat diabetes melitus, usia lebih dari 45 tahun dan hipertensi. Laju eGFR merupakan faktor perancu yang memberikan perubahan paling besar, yakni 12,4.
Kesimpulan: Proporsi fQRS pada SKA selama perawatan di ICCU RSCM sebesar 60,9. Fragmented QRS yang muncul pada fase akut pada pasien SKA yang dirawat di ICCU merupakan prediktor independen terjadinya MACE dalam 30 hari dan meningkatkan probabiltas terjadinya MACE 30 hari berupa kematian kardiak dan reinfark pada pasien SKA.
Background: Cardiac death and reinfarction are most common major adverse cardiac events in acute coronay syndrome. Fragmented QRS fQRS in 12 leads ECG is associated with myocardial injury and ischaemia in coronary artery disease. The role of fQRS as predictor of 30 days MACE cardiac death and reinfarction needs to be evaluated in acute coronary syndrome patients in Indonesia.
Objectives: To identify proportion and role of fQRS as a predictor 30 days MACE in acute coronary syndrome patients.
Methods: A cohort retrospective study was conducted by using secondary data acute coronary syndrome patients in Intensive Cardiac Care Unit Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from July 2015 ndash October 2017. Analysis was done by using SPSS statistic for univariate, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression to obtain crude risk ratio and adjusted risk ratio of probability 30 days MACE patient with fQRS.
Result: Three hundred and fifty three subjects during 2 years were included in this study. Fragmented QRS was found in 60,9 subjects, more frequent in inferior leads 48,8, with mean onset 34 hours. Major adverse cardiac events were higher in fQRS vs non fQRS group 15,8 vs 5,8. Bivariate analysis showed higher probability of 30 days MACE in ACS patient RR 2,72, 95 CI 1,3 5,71. Multivariate analysis were done by using logistic regression with GRACE score moderate and high risk, low eGFR 60 ml min, low LVEF 40, diabetes melitus, age more than 45 years and hypertension as confounding factors, revealed adjusted RR was 2,79 95 CI 1,29 ndash 4,43. Low eGFR was a potential confounder in this study.
Conclusion: The fQRS proportion in ACS patients during ICCU admission was 60,9. Acute and persistent fQRS developed in ACS during hospitalization was an independent predictor of 30 days MACE cardiac death and reinfarction.Keywords fQRS, acute coronary syndrome, Major adverse cardiac event."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anastasia Asylia Dinakrisma
"Background: some studies show fragmanted QRS (fQRS) as a marker of myocardial scar, ventricular arrhythmia, ventricular remodelling and worse coronary collaterals flow, which can increase the incidence of major adverse cardiac event (MACE) after infarction. This study aimed to identify the role of fQRS as one of the risk factors for MACE (cardiac death and reinfarction) in acute coronary syndrome patients within 30 days observation.
Methods: a cohort retrospective study was conducted using secondary data of acute coronary syndrome patients at Intensive Cardiac Care Unit Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from July 2015 to October 2017. Multivariate analysis were done by using logistic regression with GRACE score (moderate and high risk), low eGFR (< 60 ml/min), low LVEF (< 40%), diabetes mellitus, age more than 45 years and hypertension as confounding factors.
Results: three hundred and fifty three (353) subjects were included. Fragmented QRS was found in 60,9 % subjects. It was more frequent in inferior leads (48.8% ) with mean onset of 34 hours. Major adverse cardiac events were higher in fQRS vs. non-fQRS group (15.8% vs. 5.8 %). Bivariate analysis showed higher probability of 30 days MACE in fQRS group (RR 2.72; 95%CI 1.3 -5.71p=0.08). Multivariate analysis revealed adjusted RR of 2.79 (95% CI: 1.29 - 4.43, p<0.05). Low eGFR was a potential confounder in this study.
Conclusion: persistent fQRS developed in ACS during hospitalization is an independent predictor of 30 days MACE cardiac death and re-infarction.
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2019
610 UI-IJIM 51:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Ginanjar
"Background: chronic kidney disease (CKD) increases the severity and risk of mortality in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. The role of β2-M as a filtration and inflammation marker and FGF23 as a CKD-MBD process marker might be significant in the pathophysiology in ACS with CKD patients. This study aims to determine the association of β2-M and FGF23 with major adverse cardiac event (MACE) in ACS patients with CKD. Methods: we used cross sectional and retrospective cohort analysis for MACE. We collected ACS patients with CKD consecutively from January until October 2018 at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital. Data were analyzed using logistic regression and Cox's Proportional Hazard Regression. Results: a total of 117 patients were selected according to the study criteria. In bivariate analysis, β2-M, FGF23, and stage of CKD had significant association with MACE (p = 0.014, p = 0.026, p = 0.014, respectively). In multivariate analysis, β2-M - but not FGF 23- was significantly associated with MACE (adjusted HR 2.16; CI95% 1.15-4.05; p = 0.017). Conclusion: β2-M was significantly associated with MACE, while FGF23 was not so. This finding supports the role of inflammation in cardiovascular outcomes in ACS with CKD patient through acute on chronic effect."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2021
610 UI-IJIM 53:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library