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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ahmad Bajri
Di Indonesia sampai tahun 2018 tercatat ada 300 Rumah Sakit Islam, 40 Rumah Sakit
Isalam sudah menjadi rumah sakit syariah, 5 Rumah Sakit pemerintah juga sudah menjadi
rumah sakit syariah, Manajemen Syariah dulu dikenal hanya pada jasa keuangan
perbankkan namun saat ini sudah masuk pada pelayanan kesehatan seperti rumah sakit,
perusahaan obat makanan, pusat perbelanjaan, rumah makan, perhotelan, transportasi dan
lain-lain, Rumah sakit pemerintah yang sudah terakreditasi SNARS berpeluang
mengusulkan untuk menjadi rumah sakit syariah. Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk melihat
komitmen pemangku kepentingan RSUD Prof. Dr. H.M. Chatib Quzwain Sarolangun
Jambi untuk menuju rumah sakit syariah Metode: kualitatif, Data dikumpul dengan
wawancara mendalam kepada informan yang terdiri dari pemangku kepentingan RSUDCQ
Sarolangun Jambi, dokter spesialis, komite medik, kepala ruangan, petugas
kerohanian. Pemilihan informan pada penelitian ini berdasarkan prinsip kesesuaian
(appropriate) dan kecukupan (adequacy). Kesimpulan: Langkah awal dari pelaksanaan
syariah di rumah sakit pemerintah adalah komitmen pemangku kepentingan.

In Indonesia by the year of 2018 noted there are 300 Islamic hospitals, 40 Islamic hospitals
already got syariah certification from Indonesian religious leader, 5 government hospitals
also received sharia certification from Indonesian religious leader. Sharia management
used to be known only for financial services but now it has entered health services such as
hospitals, drug and food companies. Government hospitals have potential to implement
sharia certification. Objective: To see commitment of Prof. Dr. H.M. Chatib Quzwain
Sarolangun jambi Hospital in order to go to the sharia. Method: The study was conducted
using qualitative methods Data collection by in-depth interviews with informants
consisting of hospital stake holders, specialists dokters, medical committees, head of
rooms, spiritual officers. The selection of informants is based on conformity and adequacy.
Conclusion: fist step of sharia implementation in Prof.Dr. H.M. chatib Quzwain Hospital is
the commitment of stake holders."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mardhatila Amalia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan Maqasid Syariah dalam
proses penyusunan dan evaluasi anggaran Pusat Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya
Manusia Strategis (PPSDMS) Nurul Fikri. Implementasi tersebut diteliti melalui
realisasi komponen Maqasid Syariah yang terdiri dari melindungi jiwa,
memperkuat agama, memperkaya akal, melindungi keturunan, dan mendorong
kesejahteraan dalam proses penyusunan dan evaluasi anggaran PPSDMS. Metode
penelitian yang digunakan dalam melakukan analisis adalah studi literatur, studi
kasus dan wawancara. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Maqasid Syariah diterapkan
melalui perwujudan seluruh komponennya dalam proses penyusunan anggaran,
evaluasi anggaran, dan mata anggaran organisasi.

This reseacrh aims to investigate Maqasid Syariah implementation in the process
of budget formulation and budget evaluation Pusat Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya
Manusia Strategis (PPSDMS) Nurul Fikri. The application is examined through
the realization of Maqasid Shariah which consists of safeguarding human faith
(din), human self (nafs), human intellect (‘aql), human posterity (nasl), and human
wealth (mal) in the process of budget formulation and evaluation within the
organization. The methods used in this reseacrh are literature study, case study
and interview. The results showed that Maqasid Syariah have been implemented
through the realization of all its components in the organization's budget
formulation, budget evaluation, and budget items."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatia Rahmadini
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh shariah supervisory bard (SSB) dan modal intelektual terhadap pencapaian kinerja maqasid bank syariah. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 28 bank syariah yang ada di wilayah Asia Tenggara untuk tahun pengamatan 2014 hingga 2017. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa modal intelektual memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja maqasid bank syariah, dan penelitian ini tidak dapat membuktikan bahwa SSB memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja maqasid, serta tidak dapat membuktikan bahwa SSB memiliki pengaruh tidak langsung terhadap kinerja maqasid melalui modal intelektual. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada literatur ekonomi Islam karena masih terbatasnya penelitian yang menguji faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pencapaian kinerja maqasid pada bank syariah.
The purpose of this paper of this paper is to examine the effects of SSB characteristics and intellectual capital on maqasid based performance of Islamic banks in Southeast Asia. A sample of 28 Islamic banks is used to test the study hypotheses for the period from 2014 to 2017. This study demonstrates that intellectual capital has an effect on the maqashid-based performance of Islamic banks, but this study fails to demonstrate that SSB has an effect on maqashid-based performance and fails to demonstrate that SSB has an indirect effect on maqashid-based performance through intellectual capital. This study contributes to enrich the literature of Islamic economy because there are only few studies testing the factors affecting the maqashid-based performance of Islamic banks."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andika Priatna
This study aims to determine the effect of temporary syirkah funds, board size, a board ofcommissioner meetings, board size, a board of directors meetings, the size of the shariasupervisory board, sharia supervisory board meetings, and the performance of sharia Islamicbanking in Indonesian banking. The research method used in this study is the explanatory method,the independent variables used in this study consist of temporary syirkah funds, board size, aboard of commissioner meetings, board size, a board of directors meetings, the size of the shariasupervisory board, and sharia supervisory board meetings. While the dependent variable ismaqasid sharia performance, the population in this study is the Islamic Commercial Bank (BUS),the samples were taken are 6 Islamic banks. Simultaneous temporary syirkah funds, board size,a board of commissioner meetings, board size, a board of directors meeting, sharia supervisoryboard size, and sharia supervisory board meetings have a positive and significant effect onmaqasid sharia performance."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, 2018
330 AJSFI 2:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library