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Syaidah Fitri
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Anadara granosa dan Cerithidea obtusa merupakan sumber makanan yang penting bagi masyarakat di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi. Anadara granosa dan Cerithidea obtusa yang memiliki habitat di kawsan hutan mangrove, dapat menyebabkan organisme tersebut sangat rentan terkontaminasi berbagai bahan pencemar. Salah satu bahan yang dapat mencemari ekosistem mangrove yaitu mikroplastik. Fungsi hutan mangrove sebagai filter biologis alami marine debris yang berasal dari darat dan laut, dapat menyebabkan mikroplastik melimpah di kawasan hutan mangrove. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel kerang Anadara granosa, keong Cerithidea obtusa, sedimen dan air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 100% sampel mengandung mikroplastik. Jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan pada sampel adalah fiber, film dan fragmen. Fiber adalah jenis mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan pada sampel kerang dan air. Pada sampel kerang, fiber ditemukan sebanyak 180,6 ± 21,22 partikel/individu dan 4,1 ± 0,43 partikel/g kerang. Fiber ditemukan pada sampel air sebanyak 128,3 ± 0,15 partikel/L. Sungai di indikasikan sebagai sumber mikroplastik menuju laut. Stasiun 1 pengambilan sampel yang berada di dekat muara sungai memiliki konsentrasi mikroplastik yang lebih tinggi dengan jumlah 448,3 ± 53,92 mikroplastik/individu, dibandingkan dengan stasiun 3 yang hanya 420,3 ± 42,66 mikroplastik/individu. Berdasarkan uji korelasi, jumlah mikroplastik pada Anadara granosa berkorelasi dengan massa kerang. Korelasi juga ditunjukkan antara jumlah mikroplastik pada air dan kerang, serta mikroplastik pada sedimen dan kerang secara keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian pada keong Cerithidea obtusa ditemukan mikroplastik sebanyak 167 ± 16,01 partikel/individu. Film merupakan jenis mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan pada keong sebanyak 5,4 ± 0,69 partikel/g keong. Film juga merupakan jenis mikroplastik yang paling banyak ditemukan pada sedimen yaitu 3,7 ± 0,28 partikel/g. Berdasarkan stasiun pengambilan sampel, stasiun 1 memiliki jumlah mikroplastik tertinggi 190 ± 37,74 partikel/stasiun. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa massa Cerithidae obtusa berkorelasi terhadap jumlah mikroplastik yang mencemarinya. Korelasi juga ditunjukkan antara mikroplastik jenis film pada sedimen terhadap mikroplastik jenis film pada keong.
ABSTRACT Anadara granosa and Cerithidea obtusa are important food sources for people in the West Tanjung Jabung District, Jambi. Anadara granosa and Cerithidea obtusa which have habitat in the mangrove forest area, can cause these organisms to be very susceptible to contamination with various pollutants. One ingredient that can pollute mangrove ecosystems is microplastic. The function of mangrove forests as a biological filter for marine debris that originates from land and sea can cause microplastic abundance in the mangrove forest area. This study used samples of Anadara granosa mussels, Cerithidea obtusa snails, sediment and water. The results showed that 100% of the samples contained microplastic. The types of microplastic found in the sample are fiber, film and fragments. Fiber is the type of microplastic that is most commonly found in mussels and water samples. In the mussels sample, fiber was found as much as 180.6 ± 21.22 particles/individual and 4.1 ± 0.43 particles/g mussel. Fiber is found in water samples of 128,3 ± 0.15 particles/L. The river is indicated as a microplastic source to the sea. Station 1 sampling near the river mouth has a higher microplastic concentration with 448.3 ± 53.92 microplastic/indiviual, compared with station 3 which is only 420.3 ± 42.66 microplastic/individual. Based on the correlation test, the number of microplastic in Anadara granosa correlated with the mass of mussel. Correlation is also shown between the number of microplastic in water and mussel, as well as microplastic in sediments and mussels as a whole. The results of the study on the Cerithidea obtusa snail were found microplastic as much as 167 ± 16.01 particles/individual. The film is a type of microplastic which is most commonly found in snails as much as 5.4 ± 0.69 particles/g snail. Film is also the most common type of microplastic found in sediments, namely 3.7 ± 0.28 particles/g. Based on the sampling station, station 1 had the highest microplastic number of 190 ± 37.74 particles/station. The results of the correlation analysis showed that the mass of the Cerithidea obtusa correlated with the number of microplastic contaminants. Correlation was also shown between microplastic types of films in sediments to microplastic types of films in snails.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batubara, Geothani Harapan Putera
Abstrak :
Pencemaran mikroplastik di seluruh bagian lautan telah menjadi masalah global. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah dan bentuk mikroplastik yang terdapat pada ikan teri (Stolephorus indicus) dan ikan gulamo (Johnius belangerii) di perairan Muara Sungai Musi, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. Penelitian ini terdiri dari empat stasiun: 12 sampel ikan teri dan ikan gulamo diambil dari setiap stasiun melalui hasil tengkapan nelayan dengan menggunakan jaring. Untuk degradasi bahan organik dan deteksi partikel mikrolastik, baik yang berada di ikan teri dan ikan gulamo (pada bagian insang dan pencernaan) dilakukan dengan menggunakan hidrogen peroksida, kemudian dilakukan penambahan NaCl untuk memisahkan bahan organik dari mikroplastik sehingga dapat dilihat lebih jelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya 3 jenis partikel mikrolastik yang ditemukan pada ikan teri dan ikan gulamo; fiber, merupakan jenis yang paling banyak ditemukan (91.54% pada ikan teri; 97.87% pada ikan gulamo), kemudian film (5.03% pada ikan teri dan 1,6% pada ikan gulamo), dan fragmen (3,43% pada ikan teri dan 0,53% pada ikan gulamo). Kelimpahan mikroplastik terbesar pada ikan teri ditemukan di stasiun 4 dengan 141±6,42 partikel/ind dan 828 partikel/g. stasiun 4 juga menjadi tempat dimana ditemukan kelimpahan mikroplastik terbesar pada ikan gulamo dengan jumlah 422±6.03 partikel/ind dan 111 mikroplastik/g. Analisis statistk deskriptif dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Spearmanndan uji Kruskal – Wallis. Hasil Uji Spearman menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan antara kelimpahan mikroplastik pada ikan teri dengan massa tubuh, sedangkan pada gulamo ditemukan adanya hubungan kelimpahan mikroplastik terhadap berat badan dengan sifat berbanding lurus. Hasil Uji Kruskall-Wallis menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan jumlah partikel mikroplastik yang signifikan pada ikan teri, sedangkan gulamo memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan pada jumlah partikel mikroplastik. ......Microplastic pollution in all parts of the ocean has become a global problem; therefore, we aimed to determine the amount and form of microplastics found in anchovies (Stolephorus indicus) and Gulamo (Johnius belangerii) in the mouth of the Musi River, South Sumatra, Indonesia. This study consisted of four stations: 12 anchovy and gulamo samples were collected from fishermen catches using fishing nets. To degrade organic matter and enable detection of microplastic particles, both anchovy and gulamo gastrointestinal contents and gills were subjected to hydrogen peroxide digestion, followed by the addition of NaCl to separate the organic matter from microplastics so can be see more clearly. There were 3 types of microplastics were found in anchovies and gulamos: fiber, the most common type (91,54% in anchovies; 97,87% in gulamos), followed by films (5,03% in anchovies; 1,6% in gulamos) and fragments (3,43% in anchovies; 0,53% in gulamos). In anchovies, the greatest abundance of microplastics was observed at station 4 with 141±6.42 particles/individual and 828 particles/g. In Gulamo, a large abundance of microplastics was found at station 4 with 422±6.03 particles/individual and 111 microplastics/g. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed using withe Spearman test and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The Spearmaan test showed no correlation between anchovy and body mass, whereas in gulamo, the correlation to body weight was directly proportional. The Kruskall-Wallis test showed no significant difference in the number of microplastic particles in anchovies, whereas the gulamo had a significant difference
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan AlamUniversitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kyra Bestari Wicaksono
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai mikroplastik pada teripang Holothuria leucospilota Brandt, 1835 , air, dan sedimen di Pulau Rambut, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah dan jenis mikroplastik pada teripang, mengetahui korelasi antara jumlah mikroplastik pada organ respirasi, saluran pencernaan, sedimen yang dikonsumsi teripang, air, dan sedimen. Sampel teripang, air, dan sedimen diambil dari 3 stasiun berbeda, yaitu pada wilayah barat, timur, dan selatan Pulau Rambut. Analisis jumlah mikroplastik dilakukan dengan cara mengisolasi mikroplastik pada setiap sampel. Isolasi pada sampel teripang dilakukan dengan melarutkan organ respirasi dan saluran pencernaan di dalam larutan HNO3, sementara sampel air, sedimen, dan sedimen yang dikonsumsi dilakukan dengan cara pemisahan berdasarkan ukuran dan massa jenis dengan perendaman dalam larutan NaCl jenuh. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, organ respirasi mengandung jumlah film tertinggi dibandingkan organ lainnya, yaitu 4,7 partikel/g. Fiber dominan pada saluran pencernaan dan sedimen didalamnya, yaitu 2,34 dan 1,4 partikel/g secara berturut-turut. Rata-rata jumlah mikroplastik di air dan sedimen yaitu, 21,5 partikel/L air laut dan 15.420 partikel/kg sedimen kering. Mikroplastik jenis film dominan pada sampel air, sedangkan fragmen dominan pada sedimen. Terdapat korelasi antara jumlah mikroplastik pada organ respirasi dengan air; sedimen dengan sedimen yang dikonsumsi; fiber, film, dan granula pada sedimen yang dikonsumsi dengan saluran pencernaan. ...... The research on microplastic in the Sea Cucumber Holothuria leucospilota Brandt, 1835 , Water, and Sediment at Rambut Island, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta aims to determine the amount and types of microplastic in sea cucumbers, the correlation of microplastic amount in the sea cucumber rsquo s respiratory organ, intestine, sediment consumed by the sea cucumber, water, and sediment. Microplastic polymeres were also identified. Samples of sea cucumbers, water, and sediments were collected from 3 different stations, which were the west, east, and south region of Rambut Island. The analysis of microplastic amount and types was done by isolating microplastics in each sample. The sea cucumber rsquo s respiratory organ and intestine was dissolved in HNO3, whereas separation by size and density by immersion in saturated NaCl solution was performed on the consumed sediment, water, and sediment samples. The respiratory organ contained the most amount of film, i.e. 4,7 particles g. Fiber were dominant in the intestine and the consumed sediment, i.e. 2,34 and 1,4 particles g respectively. The average amount of microplastic in water and sediment samples were 21,5 particles L sea water and 15.420 particles kg dry sediment. Film was dominant in water, while fragment was dominant in sediment. There was a correlation between the amount of microplastic in the respiratory organ and water sediment and consumed sediment fiber, film, and granule in the consumed sediment and intestine.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Luna Fausya
Abstrak :
Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test.Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test. ......Increased plastic waste in the environment, particularly in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, has the potential to affect the abundance of microplastics in the surrounding waters. Microplastics, which are very small in size (<5mm), can be accidentally ingested by marine organisms such as Terebralia palustris and have negative effects on marine life, the environment, and humans. This study aims to analyze the comparison of microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment in the mangrove forest of Pulau Rambut, Jakarta Bay, in 2022 and 2023, as well as to determine the correlation between microplastic abundance in T.palustris and sediment. Twenty samples of T.palustris and sediment were collected at four stations in 2022 and 2023. The body tissue of T.palustris was separated from its shell, then dissolved with HNO3 and added to saturated NaCl. Sediment samples were dissolved with saturated NaCl. Microplastic abundance was observed and calculated using a Sedgwick Rafter Chamber under a microscope. Four forms of microplastics were observed in the T. palustris and sediment samples, namely fibers, fragments, films, and granules. The results showed an increase in microplastic abundance from 2022 to 2023. In 2022, the microplastic abundance was 363,592 ± 11,511 particles/g in T. palustris and 66,69 ± 7,638 particles/g in sediment, while in 2023, it reached 406,574 ± 6,154 particles/g in T. palustris and 79,7 ± 12,992 particles/g in sediment. From 2022 to 2023, the abundance of microplastic in T.palustris (particle/g) increased by 5%, T.palustris (particle/individual) increased by 37%, and sediment by 19%. There is a positive correlation between the microplastic abundance of T.palustris and sediment, with value of 0,768 obtained from the Spearman correlation test.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Galant Damar Aji
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh meningkatnya polusi plastik yang menyebabkan pencemaran mikroplastik di perairan air tawar. Situ Rawa Besar, Depok merupakan salah satu situ yang tercemar oleh mikroplastik akibat aktivitas manusia di sekitarnya. Mikroplastik dapat berdampak negatif bagi organisme akuatik seperti ikan sapu-sapu Pterygoplichthys pardalis yang merupakan spesies invasif dan bioindikator pencemaran mikroplastik di situ. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelimpahan, bentuk dan warna mikroplastik pada air, sedimen, insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan sapu-sapu di Situ Rawa Besar serta menguji perbedaan kelimpahan mikroplastik pada tahun 2022 dengan 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif untuk menganalisis kelimpahan, bentuk dan warna mikroplastik pada air, sedimen, insang, dan saluran pencernaan sapu-sapu di Situ Rawa Besar. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di tiga stasiun. Parameter fisika-kimia air seperti suhu, pH, oksigen terlarut, dan kecerahan air diukur secara in situ. Sampel air 20 L disaring menggunakan plankton net dan sampel sedimen diambil menggunakan Ekman grab dan dikeringkan dengan oven, lalu ditambahkan larutan NaCl jenuh. Sampel ikan sapu-sapu diambil sebanyak 15 ekor dengan menggunakan jaring ikan. Sampel insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan dipisahkan dengan menggunakan dissecting set dan dilarutkan dengan HNO3 kemudian ditambahkan larutan NaCl jenuh. Perhitungan partikel mikroplastik dilakukan di bawah mikroskop dan sampel diletakkan pada Sedgwick Rafter Chamber. Mikroplastik dianalisis kelimpahannya dan diklasifikasikan menurut bentuknya (pellet, fiber, film, dan fragmen) serta dihitung persentase komposisi mikroplastik dalam sampel. Hasil penelitian pada tahun 2022 menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan mikroplastik berkisar antara 12,67 – 20,33 partikel L-1 pada air, 14.400,00-38.400,00 partikel kg-1 pada sedimen, 250,67-386,67 partikel ind-1 pada insang, dan 313,33-369,33 partikel ind-1 pada saluran pencernaan. Kelimpahan mikroplastik tersebut lebih rendah dari kelimpahannya pada tahun 2023, yaitu berkisar antara 14,67-32,00 partikel L-1 pada air, 16.533,33-41.600,00 partikel kg-1 pada sedimen, 333,33-446,67 partikel ind-1 pada insang, dan 429,33-502,67 partikel ind-1 pada saluran pencernaan. Bentuk mikroplastik yang paling dominan adalah fiber pada air dan ikan sapu-sapu, fragmen pada sedimen. Warna mikroplastik yang paling dominan adalah biru pada air dan sedimen, hitam pada insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan sapu-sapu. Kelimpahan mikroplastik pada tahun 2023 lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun 2022, dengan peningkatan sebesar 15,24% pada insang, 24,25% pada saluran pencernaan, 27,91% pada air, dan 7,12% pada sedimen. Penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah mikroplastik di Situ Rawa Besar seiring berjalannya waktu yang didukung oleh beberapa faktor seperti peningkatan populasi, peningkatan sampah plastik, aktivitas antropogenik, dan curah hujan. ......This research was motivated by the increasing plastic pollution that causes microplastic contamination in freshwater bodies. Situ Rawa Besar, Depok is one of the lakes that is polluted by microplastics due to human activities around it. Microplastics can have negative impacts on aquatic organisms such as Amazon Sailfin Catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis which is an invasive species and a bioindicator of microplastic pollution in the lake. This research aims to analyze the abundance, shape and color of microplastics in water, sediment, gills and digestive tract of sailfin catfish in Situ Rawa Besar and to test the difference in microplastic abundance between 2022 and 2023. This research uses descriptive quantitative method to analyze the abundance, shape and color of microplastics in water, sediment, gills, and digestive tract of sailfin catfish in Situ Rawa Besar. Sampling was done at three stations. Physico-chemical parameters of water such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and water clarity were measured in situ. Water samples of 20 L were filtered using plankton net and sediment samples were taken using Ekman grab and dried with oven, then added with saturated NaCl solution. Sailfin catfish samples were taken as many as 15 individuals using fish net. Gill and digestive tract samples were separated using dissecting set and dissolved with HNO3 then added with saturated NaCl solution. Microplastic particle counting was done under microscope and samples were placed on Sedgwick Rafter Chamber. Microplastics were analyzed for their abundance and classified according to their shape (pellet, fiber, film, and fragment) and the percentage composition of microplastics in the sample was calculated. The results of the research in 2022 showed that the abundance of microplastics ranged from 12.67-20.33 particles L-1 in water, 14,400.00-38,400.00 particles kg-1 in sediment, 250.67-386.67 particles ind-1 in gills, and 313.33-369.33 particles ind-1 in digestive tract. The abundance of microplastics was lower than its abundance in 2023, which ranged from 14.67-32.00 particles L-1 in water, 16,533.33-41,600.00 particles kg-1 in sediment, 333.33-446.67 particles ind-1 in gills, and 429.33-502.67 particles ind-1 in digestive tract. The most dominant shape of microplastics was fiber in water and sailfin catfish, fragment in sediment and digestive tract of sailfin catfish. The most dominant color of microplastics was blue in water and sediment, black in gills and digestive tract of sailfin catfish. The abundance of microplastics increased from 2022 to 2023, with an increase of 15.24% in gills, 24.25% in digestive tract, 27.91% in water, and 7.12% in sediment. This research shows an increase in the number of microplastics in Situ Rawa Besar over time supported by several factors such as population growth, increased plastic waste, anthropogenic activities, and rainfall.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hefty Clarissa Wilyalodia
Abstrak :
Mikroplastik merupakan partikel plastik yang berukuran kurang dari 5 mm dan menjadi salah satu polutan di badan air. Mikroplastik termasuk emerging contaminant dan keberadaannya telah ditemukan di berbagai sungai. Sungai digunakan oleh manusia sebagai sumber air baku untuk air minum sehingga kualitasnya harus terjaga untuk mencegah dampak buruknya bagi manusia. Mikroplastik yang terakumulasi pada tubuh manusia dapat menyebabkan peradangan pada organ, cedera internal dan/atau eksternal, transformasi kandungan kimia plastik ke dalam tubuh, dan penurunan kesuburan. Penelitian perlu dilakukan di salah satu sungai dengan dampak terbesar di Jakarta, yaitu Sungai Ciliwung yang digunakan sebagai sumber air baku bagi masyarakat Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jumlah partikel mikroplastik, mengidentifikasi karakteristik partikel mikroplastik berdasarkan jenis, wana, dan material, serta menganalisis pengaruh kondisi cuaca terhadap kelimpahan partikel mikroplastik. Objek penelitian ini adalah air dan sedimen di Sungai Ciliwung dengan 7 titik lokasi pengambilan sampel dan 2 waktu pengambilan sampel. Pengambilan sampel air menggunakan plankton net untuk menyaring air sebanyak 10 liter. Preparasi sampel air dilakukan dengan cara memisahkan mikroplastik berdasarkan densitas, menghilangkan kandungan organik, menyaring dengan kertas saring, lalu menganalisis mikroplastik dengan mikroskop. Pengambilan sampel sedimen menggunakan Ekman grab sampler sebanyak 400 ml. Pengujian sampel sedimen hampir sama dengan sampel air dengan adanya penambahan pengeringan sampel menggunakan oven pada awal preparasi sampel. Analisis kelimpahan mikroplastik menggunakan metode adaptasi NOAA untuk air dan sedimen sungai. Identifikasi karakteristik material mikroplastik menggunakan uji FTIR untuk menghasilkan gugus ikatan kimia material. Analisis hubungan kelimpahan mikroplastik dengan cuaca dilakukan dengan paired t-test. Penelitian menghasilkan rata-rata kelimpahan pada air sebanyak 1.111 partikel/L dan pada sedimen sebanyak 1.583 partikel/100 gram. Jenis mikroplastik di Sungai Ciliwung ada fragmen, fiber, film, microbeads, dan foam dengan jenis paling mendominasi yaitu fragmen. Warna mikroplastik yang teridentifikasi di Sungai Ciliwung ada hitam, merah, biru, hijau, kuning, dan transparan, serta warna hitam merupakan warna dominan pada sampel. Material yang ditemukan pada sampel adalah Tencel, cellopha, cupra, PTFE, FEP, PVFM, dan silicon. Tencel adalah material yang ditemukan pada semua sampel. Cuaca tidak mempengaruhi kelimpahan mikroplastik pada kondisi curah hujan tinggi dan rendah. ......Microplastic is plastic particle that is less than 5 mm in size and is one of the pollutants in water bodies. Microplastics are emerging contaminants and their presence has been found in various rivers. Rivers are used by humans as a source of raw water for drinking water so that its quality must be maintained to prevent adverse effects on humans. Microplastics that accumulate in human body can cause inflammation of organs, internal and/or external injury, transformation of plastic chemical substances in human body, and decreased fertility. Research needs to be conducted in one of the rivers with the greatest impact in Jakarta, the Ciliwung River, which is used as a source of raw water for the people in Jakarta. This study aims to analyze the number of microplastic particles, identify the characteristics of microplastic particles based on type, color, and material, and analyze the effect of weather conditions on the abundance of microplastic particles. The object of this research is water and sediment in the Ciliwung River with 7 sampling locations and 2 sampling times. Water sampling used a plankton net to filter 10 liters of water. Preparation of water samples is done by separating microplastics based on density, removing organic content, filtering with filter paper, then analyzing microplastics with a microscope. Sediment sampling uses an Ekman grab sampler in the amount of 400 ml. Sediment sample testing is almost the same as water samples with the addition of drying samples using an oven at the beginning of sample preparation. Analysis of microplastic abundance uses the NOAA adaptation method for water and river sediments. Identification of microplastic material characteristics uses the FTIR test to produce material chemical bond. Analysis of the relationship between microplastic abundance and weather is done with paired t-test. The study resulted in an average abundance in water of 1,111 particles/L and in sediment of 1,583 particles/100 grams. The types of microplastics in the Ciliwung River are fragments, fibers, films, microbeads, and foam with the most dominating type is fragments. The color of microplastics identified in the Ciliwung River is black, red, blue, green, yellow, and transparent, and black is the dominant color in the sample. The materials found in the samples are Tencel, cellopha, cupra, PTFE, FEP, PVFM, and silicon. Tencel was the material found in all samples. Weather did not affect the abundance of microplastics in high and low rainfall conditions.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Rizkia Putri
Abstrak :
Keberadaan mikroplastik di perairan dapat mengancam biota di dalamnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan menganalisis kelimpahan, bentuk, dan warna mikroplastik pada air, sedimen, insang dan saluran pencernaan ikan sapu-sapu Pterygoplichthys pardalis dari Situ Kenanga dan Situ Mahoni, Kampus Universitas Indonesia, Depok. Pengambilan sampel air dan sedimen dilakukan pada inlet, midlet, dan outlet kedua situ. Sampel air disaring menggunakan plankton net, sampel sedimen diambil menggunakan Ekman grab kemudian dikeringkan menggunakan oven, sampel P. pardalis sebanyak 15 individu diambil menggunakan cast net dari masing-masing situ, kemudian insang dan saluran pencernaannya diisolasi dan didestruksi menggunakan HNO3 65%. Tiap sampel yang diperoleh dilarutkan dengan larutan NaCl jenuh agar terjadi flotasi. Pengamatan dilakukan menggunakan mikroskop cahaya dan Sedgwick Rafter Chamber untuk meletakkan sampel, dengan mengamati bentuk, warna, dan jumlah partikel mikroplastik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk fiber, film, fragmen, granula, serta warna transparan, hitam, biru, dan merah muda ditemukan pada semua sampel. Kelimpahan mikroplastik di Situ Kenanga pada air sebanyak 48,26 ± 23,51 partikel L-1, sedimen 45837,04 ± 36305,97 partikel Kg-1, insang 290,48 ± 154,58 partikel g-1 atau 1156,44 ± 378,69 partikel ind-1, saluran pencernaan 134,37 ± 55,72 partikel g-1 atau 1364,89 ± 339,54 partikel ind-1. Kelimpahan mikroplastik di Situ Mahoni pada air sebanyak 48,63 ± 30,21 partikel L-1, sedimen 36237,04 ± 16702,60 partikel Kg-1, insang 287,23 ± 109,40 partikel g-1 atau 1153,78 ± 324,32 partikel ind-1, saluran pencernaan 123,77 ± 34,35 partikel g-1 atau 1304,44 ± 270,90 partikel ind-1. Tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kelimpahan mikroplastik di Situ Kenanga dan Situ Mahoni pada semua sampel. ......The presence of microplastics in the water could threaten the biota there. This study was conducted to analyze the abundance, shapes, and colors of microplastics in water, sediment, gills and digestive tract of amazon sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis from Situ Kenanga and Situ Mahoni, Universitas Indonesia Campus, Depok. Sampling of water and sediment were carried out at the inlet, midlet, and outlet of both situ. Water samples were filtered using plankton net, sediment samples were taken using Ekman grab and dried using an oven, as many as 15 individual P. pardalis samples were taken using cast net from each situ, then their gills and digestive tract were isolated and pulverized using 65% HNO3. Each sample obtained was dissolved with saturated NaCl solution for flotation to occur. Observations were made using a light microscope and Sedgwick Rafter Chamber to place each sample, by observing the shape, color, and number of microplastic particles. The results showed that the shapes of fibers, films, fragments, granules, as well as transparent, black, blue, and pink colors were found in all samples. The abundance of microplastics in Situ Kenanga water was 48.26 ± 23.51 particles L-1, sediment 45837.04 ± 36305.97 particles Kg-1, gills 290.48 ± 154.58 particles g-1 or 1156, 44 ± 378.69 ind-1 particles, digestive tract 134.37 ± 55.72 particles g-1 or 1364.89 ± 339.54 ind-1 particles. The abundance of microplastics in Situ Mahoni water was 48.63 ± 30.21 particles L-1, sediment 36237.04 ± 16702.60 particles Kg-1, gills 287.23 ± 109.40 particles g-1 or 1153, 78 ± 324.32 ind-1 particles, digestive tract 123.77 ± 34.35 particles g-1 or 1304.44 ± 270.90 ind-1 particles. There was no significant difference between the abundance of microplastics in Situ Kenanga and Situ Mahoni in all samples.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Anggreini
Abstrak :
Laut merupakan sumber daya dengan peran penting dalam mempertahankan produksi pangan. Namun, diperkirakan 51 triliun partikel mikroplastik tersebar di seluruh laut dunia. Polusi mikroplastik memungkinkan paparan ke manusia melalui jaring-jaring makanan karena dapat menempel pada biota laut yang edible seperti makroalga anggur laut. Penelitian pada anggur laut (Caulerpa racemosa) di Pulau Semak Daun bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk dan total kelimpahan mikroplastik melalui kontrol positif 10 gram sampel dalam 100 ml akuades, metode pengadukkan dengan magnetic strirrer dan metode penghancuran menggunakan NaOH. Hasil penelitian menemukan mikroplastik fiber, fragmen, film, dan foam sebanyak 10,34 partikel/gram. Penelitian ini memberi bukti bahwa mikroplastik dapat menempel ke anggur laut dan unsur abiotik di sekitarnya sehingga beresiko masuk ke rantai makanan karena dikonsumsi oleh manusia secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui biota laut lain. ......The ocean is a resource with an important role in maintaining global food production. However, an estimated 51 trillion microplastic particles are scattered throughout the world's oceans. Microplastic pollution allows exposure to humans through food webs because it can attach to edible marine biota such as sea grape macroalgae. Research on sea grapes (Caulerpa racemosa) in Pulau Semak Daun with objectives to determine the shape and total abundance of microplastics through positive control of 10 grams of sample in 100 ml of distilled water, stirring method with magnetic stirrer and destruction method using NaOH. The results of this research found microplastic fibers, fragments, films, and foams with the total abundance is 10.34 particles/gram. This research provides evidence that microplastics can stick to sea grapes and the surrounding abiotic elements and risk of entering the food chain because they are consumed by humans directly or indirectly through other marine biota.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Khoirul Anam
Abstrak :
Pencemaran mikroplastik menjadi ancaman bagi kehidupan biota. Mikroplastik yang terakumulasi dalam saluran pencernaan biota dapat menghambat pertumbuhan, mempengaruhi reproduksi, dan kerusakan organ internal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan  bentuk mikroplastik pada air, sedimen, insang, dan saluran pencernaan Ikan Nila Oreochromis niloticus di Situ Rawa Besar, Depok. Sampel air dan sedimen di ambil pada 3 stasiun pengambilan sampel dari situ. Sampel Ikan Nila diambil 5 ekor masing-masing pada 3 stasiun. Sampel insang dan saluran pencernaan dihancurkan menggunakan larutan asam nitrat (HNO3) 65%. Sampel air diambil 20 L dan disaring menggunakan plankton net. Sampel sedimen dikeringkan dalam oven sebanyak 25 gram. Larutan NaCl jenuh digunakan untuk memisahkan mikroplastik dengan pengotor. Sebanyak 1 mL sampel diteteskan pada Sedgewick Rafter Chamber kemudian diamati dan dihitung berdasarkan bentuk mikroplastik di bawah mikroskop. Hasil penelitian pada Juli 2022 menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan mikroplastik berkisar antara 15,00-23,33 partikel L-1 pada air, 20.330,00-45.330,00 partikel kg-1 pada sedimen, 182,67-593,33 partikel ind-1 pada insang, dan 596,00-701,33 partikel ind-1 pada saluran pencernaan. Kelimpahan mikroplastik tersebut lebih rendah dari kelimpahannya pada September 2023, yaitu berkisar antara 24,33-34,67 partikel L-1 pada air, 31.000,00-65.670,00 partikel kg-1 pada sedimen, 317,33-744,00 partikel ind-1 pada insang, dan 844,00-1.120,00 partikel ind-1 pada saluran pencernaan. Bentuk mikroplastik yang paling dominan adalah fragmen pada air, Ikan Nila, dan sedimen. Penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah mikroplastik di Situ Rawa Besar seiring berjalannya waktu yang didukung oleh beberapa faktor seperti peningkatan populasi, peningkatan sampah plastik, aktivitas antropogenik, dan curah hujan. ......Microplastic pollution poses a threat to the life of aquatic organisms. Accumulated microplastics in the digestive tracts of these organisms can hinder growth, affect reproduction, and cause internal organ damage. This research aims to determine the abundance and forms of microplastics in water, sediment, gills, and digestive tracts of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Situ Rawa Besar, Depok. Water and sediment samples were collected from three sampling stations in the lake. Five Nile Tilapia samples were taken from each station. Gill and digestive tract samples were digested using 65% nitric acid (HNO3) solution. Twenty liters of water were collected and filtered using a plankton net. Sediment samples were dried in an oven, with 25 grams used for analysis. A saturated NaCl solution was employed to separate microplastics from impurities. One milliliter of the sample was dropped onto a Sedgewick Rafter Chamber, then observed and counted based on microplastic forms under a microscope. The research results in July 2022 indicated that microplastic abundance ranged from 15.00 to 23.33 particles L-1 in water, 20,330.00 to 45,330.00 particles kg-1 in sediment, 182.67 to 593.33 particles ind-1 in gills, and 596.00 to 701.33 particles ind-1 in the digestive tract. These abundances were lower than those in September 2023, ranging from 24.33 to 34.67 particles L-1 in water, 31,000.00 to 65,670.00 particles kg-1 in sediment, 317.33 to 744.00 particles ind-1 in gills, and 844.00 to 1,120.00 particles ind-1 in the digestive tract. The most dominant form of microplastics was fragments in water, Nile Tilapia, and sediment. This research indicates an increase in the quantity of microplastics in Situ Rawa Besar over time, supported by factors such as population growth, increased plastic waste, anthropogenic activities, and rainfall.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gustrilea Almiza
Abstrak :
Sungai Musi merupakan salah satu sungai terpanjang di Pulau Sumatera yang terletak di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan dan muaranya berada di Kabupaten Banyuasin. Muara dan Sungai Musi banyak dimanfaatkan untuk aktivitas ekonomi seperti sanitasi, jalur transportasi, dan kegiatan perikanan. Jumlah penduduk yang tinggi dan banyaknya pemukiman yang berada di jalur sungai musi, serta adanya aktivitas di perairan tersebut akan menghasilkan sampah plastik baik makroplastik maupun mikroplastik. Sampah dari sungai akan menuju muara dan mencemari pesisir serta laut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi serta kelimpahan makro- dan mikroplastik yang ada di hulu dan muara Sungai Musi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di hulu dan muara Sungai Musi sudah tercemar oleh sampah plastik, dan adanya perbedaan kelimpahan makro- dan mikroplastik antar stasiun penelitian. Kelimpahan makroplastik berkisar antara 5-32 item/m2 dengan rata-rata berat yaitu 27,82-126,89 g/m2 dan 5 jenis makroplastik yang mendominasi yaitu serpihan plastik; kemasan makanan; gayung/ember/botol plastik lainnya; kantong plastik; dan gelas plastik. Jenis mikroplastik yang ditemukan yaitu dalam bentuk fragmen; fiber; film; dan pellet/granula. Kelimpahan mikroplastik di air permukaan berkisar antara 342-793 partikel/L yang didominasi oleh fragmen, kelimpahan mikroplastik di sedimen berkisar antara 4.458,67-5.514,67 partikel/kg didominasi oleh fragmen. Beberapa langkah pengelolaan sampah plastik berdasarkan hasil penelitian antara lain yaitu: meningkatkan monitoring dan penelitian sampah plastik; kampanye pendidikan publik jangka panjang; membuat peraturan daerah tentang penggunaan plastik; dan pengelolaan sampah plastik yang baik dan secara berkala. ......Musi River is one of the longest rivers in Sumatra Island, which flows through South Sumatra Province and its estuary reaches out in Banyuasin Regency. Musi River and especially its estuary are highly used for economic activities such as mode of transport, fishing as well as sanitation. The high density of population and the increasing number of settlements in the Musi River banks result in increasing plastic waste-both macroplastic and microplastic which flows into the estuary and pollutes the coast and sea. The objective of this study is to determine the distribution and the abundance of macro-and microplastic in the upstream and estuary of Musi River. This research used a quantitative descriptive approach with purposive sampling method. The results of the study showed that the upstream and estuary of Musi River had been polluted by plastic waste and also showed the differences in macro- and microplastic abundance between research stations. Macroplastic abundance ranging from 5-32 items/m2 with an average weight of 27.82-126.89 gr/m2 and the dominant macroplastic types are plastic fragments; food wrappers; other jugs/containers; bags(films); and cups. Whereas the types of microplastic found are in the form of fragments; fiber; film; and pellets/granules. Microplastic abundance in the surface of water ranged from 342-793 particles/L which were dominated by fragment, whereas microplastic abundance in sediments ranged from 4,458.67-5,514.67 particles/kg which were dominated by fragment. Consequently the results of the study propose several steps to manage plastic waste in the coastal area development including: increasing identification and monitoring of plastic waste problems; long-term community education; local regulations regarding the use of plastic; and manage of plastic waste regularly.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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