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Tia Marta
Perkawinan antara orang Jepang dengan orang asing di Jepang sekarang ini tidak lepas dari sejarah. Pada saat Jepang melaksanakan politik sakoku (1639), pemerintah hanya memberi izin tinggal kepada orang-orang Belanda dan orang-orang Cina. Meskipun demikian, baik orang Belanda maupun orang Cina tidak diizinkan tinggal di daerah yang sama. Orang Belanda tinggal menetap di Pulau Dezima dan orang Cina tinggal di seberang Pulau Dezima.
Dengan keberadaan orang asing tersebut maka terjadi jalinan hubungan antara orang Jepang dengan orang asing. Hubungan itu berlanjut ke jenjang perkawinan. Tetapi pada waktu itu perkawinan antara orang Jepang dengan orang asing masih dilarang. Apabila mereka tetap melaksanakan perkawinan, perkawinan mereka tidak diakui secara hukum oleh pemerintah. Hal ini sehubungan dengan belum adanya hukum yang mengatur perkawinan antara orang Jepang dengan orang asing.
Ketika memasuki tahun ke enam Meiji (1873) oleh pemerintah pada saat itu dikeluarkan sebuah maklumat kabinet no. 103 atau Dajyoukan Fukoku 103 Go. Maklumat Kabinet no. 103 ini berisi tentang Naigai Ningen no Kon'in atau hukum perkawinan antara orang dalam yaitu orang Jepang dengan orang luar yaitu yang bukan orang Jepang.
Pada zaman Meiji, perkawinan antara orang Jepang dengan orang yang bukan orang Jepang disebut naigai ningen no kon'in. Tetapi sekarang istilah tersebut sudah tidak terpakai. Sekarang istilah yang populer untuk perkawinan antara orang Jepang dengan orang yang bukan orang Jepang disebut kokusaikekkon. lstilah kokusaikekkon sendiri baru populer setelah seperempat abad kemudian sejak makiumat kabinet no. 103 ditetapkan dalam undang-undang Jepang pada tahun Meiji 32 (1898).
Kokusaikekkon apabila diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia menjadi perkawinan campuran. Hal ini sesuai dengan yang di kutip oleh Prodjohamidjojo dari Undang-Undang Perkawinan tahun 1974 pasal 57-62 adalah:
Perkawinan antara seorang Indonesia yang kawin dengan seorang asing, warga negara asing.
Dalam penelitian ini, saya tidak mempergunakan istilah perkawinan campuran tetapi saya mempergunakan istilah kokusaikekkon."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hary Mulyo Yanuar
"ABSTRAK Perkawinan campuran adalah suatu perkawinan antara dua warganegara yang berbeda, dimana satu pihak warga negara Indonesia dan pihak lain warga negara asing. Calon suami istri sebelum atau pada waktu perkawinan atau suami istri setelah perkawinan, dapat membuat perjanjian kawin mengenai harta benda dalam perkawinan. Perjanjian kawin dalam perkawinan campuran, yang dibuat setelah berlangsungnya perkawinan mengenai harta kawin berupa hak atas tanah, tidak dapat berlaku surut terhadap hak atas tanah yang diperoleh sebelum adanya perjanjian kawin. Status hak atas tanah berupa hak milik, hak guna bangunan dan hak guna, usaha, tidak dapat dipunyai atau dimiliki oleh warga negara asing baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Bagaimana jika hak atas tanah berupa hak guna bangunan yang diperoleh selama perkawinan campuran, dilakukan pemisahan harta berdasarkan penetapan pengadilan. Dalam menjawab masalah tersebut, dipergunakan metode penelitian normatif, dengan mengkaji keabsahan perkawinan campuran,  subjek dan objek hak atas tanah dan waktu  hak atas tanah diperoleh, yaitu sejak atau sebelum  perkawinan campuran sah secara hukum. Harta kawin berupa hak atas tanah yang diperoleh sebelum perkawinan campuran sah, tetap merupakan milik pribadi masing masing suami istri, yang tidak dapat dijadikan objek pemisahan harta  Harta kawin berupa hak atas tanah yang diperoleh setelah perkawinan campuran sah, yang oleh undang-undang pokok agraria, dilarang dipunyai oleh warga negara asing melalui perkawinan campuran, tidak dapat dilakukan melalui pemisahan harta.

Kata Kunci: Harta Kawin, Perkawinan Campuran, Pemisahan Harta

ABSTRACT Mixed marriage is a marriage between two different citizens, where one party is an Indonesian citizen and the other is a foreign citizen. Prospective husband and wife before or at the time of marriage or husband and wife after marriage, can make a marriage agreement regarding property in marriage. Agreements for marriage in mixed marriages, which are made after the marriage takes place regarding the property of marriage in the form of land rights, cannot apply retroactively to the rights to land acquired prior to the marriage agreement. The status of land rights in the form of property rights, building use rights and usufructuary rights, business, cannot be owned or owned by foreign citizens either directly or indirectly. What if the land rights in the form of building usufructuary rights obtained during mixed marriages are carried out by the separation of assets based on court decisions. In answering the problem, normative research methods are used, by examining the validity of mixed marriages, the subject and object of land rights and when land rights are obtained, ie from or before a mixed marriage is legally legal. Marital assets in the form of land rights acquired before a mixed marriage are legal, still private property of each husband and wife, which cannot be the object of the separation of assets of married property in the form of land rights obtained after a legal mixed marriage, which is based on agrarian law, prohibited from being owned by foreign nationals through mixed marriages, cannot be done through the separation of property.

Keywords: Marriage Assets, Mixed Marriage, Property Separation


Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudie Reza Haryansyah
"Menjelang era globalisasi, membuka kemungkinan terjadi suatu perkawinan campuran. Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 perkawinan campuran adalah perkawinan antara seorang warga negara Indonesia dengan seorang warga Negara Asing. Dalam setiap perkawinan, ada saja kemungkinan timbul suatu kesalahpahaman sehingga mengakibatkan putusnya suatu perkawinan. Untuk pasangan yang berbeda warga negara terjadi suatu masalah mengenai hukum rnana yang akan diberlakukan dalam menyelesaikannya. Sehingga pokok permasalahan yang timbul adalah bagaimanakah pelaksanaan perceraian pada perkawinan campuran menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 1 tahun 1974 serta penyelesaian akibat hukum yang timbul karena perceraian pada perkawinan campuran terhadap kewarganegaraan, harta bersama, nafkah istri, perwalian atau kekuasaan orang tua serta biaya pemeliharaan anak. Untuk memecah permasalahan ini digunakan metode penelitian normative atau library research, yaitu penelitian untuk memperoleh data-data sekunder. Data yang diperoleh tersebut kemudian dianalisa secara kualitatif, yaitu data yang diperoleh disusun secara sistematis untuk menyajikan pemahaman dan untuk mencapai kejelasan masalah yang akan dibahas. Sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 1 tahun 1974, perceraian pada perkawinan campuran dibedakan antara formil dan hukum materilnya. Hukum formil yang harus ditetapkan adalah mengikuti asas lex fori, dirnana dalam hukum acara perdata hakim harus tunduk pada hukum negaranya sendiri. Sedangkan mengenai hukum materil yang harus diterapkan untuk menyelesaikan perkara perceraian tersebut, jika tidak ada pilihan hukum, maka hakim harus menentukan sendiri hukum yang akan diterapkan berdasarkan faktor-faktor dan keadaan-keadaan yang menentukan berlakunya suatu sistem hukum tertentu. Akibat perceraian pada perkawinan campuran mengenai kewarganegaraan, dapat menyebabkan perubahan status personil seseorang. Hal ini dimungkinkan berdasarkan ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Kewarganegaraan Indonesianya. Dalam perceraian pada perkawinan campuran dimana istri/suami tersebut tetap mempertahankan kewarganegaraan asli mereka. Akibat perceraian pada perkawinan campuran terhadap nafkah istri, perwalian dan biaya pemeliharaan atas anak diselesaikan dengan memperhatikan ketentuan dalam Pasal 41 Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974. mengenai harta bersama diatur terpisah dari perkara perceraian.

The ongoing process of globalization has brought about more opportunities to a couple from different nationalities to get married. According to the Law No. 1 Year 1974, a mixed marriage defined as a marriage happens between an Indonesian citizens with a foreign citizen. As we know, in a marriage, there are always possibilities of any problem occurs, particularly due to the misunderstanding between the couple, which eventually could lead to a divorce. In case of a mixed marriage, the problem occurs when it has to be decided which law should be applied to then. Thus, in the case of this research, the primary problem is to figure out how is the execution of a divorce on a mixed marriage according to the Law No. 1 Year 1974 should be performed, as well as how to handle and proceed the occurring legal implication caused by the divorce happening in such a marriage, regarding to the nationality, the assets the couple earned during their marriage life period, the money for the wife, guardian right, as well as the sum of money needed to finance the child/children's life expense. In order to answer this problem, the writer applies the normative research method, or library research, defined as a research to collect the secondary data. The collected data then is to be analyzed qualitatively, that is, the collected data is arranged systematically to provide an understanding and to make the problem discussed clear. Thus, it can be drawn to a conclusion that a divorce happens in a mixed marriage can be taken care of in to means, that is, either in accordance with the formal law or the material law. The formal law means that the law that should be applied is the one which is in accordance with the lex fori principles, in which the judge should conform to the civil law of his own country. Meanwhile, as for the material law, in a situation where there is no other chaise, then the judge should decide by himself the law to be applied by considering all the factors and situation that have significance to determine the applicability of a certain law. One of the effects raised as a consequence of a divorce in a mixed marriage is the shifting of the person's status, which is made possible by the applicable law in Indonesia, in case each party of the couple (both the husband an wife) decides to retain their respective nationality. The consequences of a divorce happens in mixed marriage regarding the money that should be given to the wife (as consequence of a divorce), guardian right and the amount needed to finance the child/children's life expense will be proceeded with respect to the Article 41 Law No. 1 Year 1974, while as for the assets earned during the marriage period will be arranged separately from the divorce process."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safitri Era Globalisasi
"Pernikahan campur antar pasangan berbeda warga negara merupakan hal yang biasa ditemukan di Indonesia belakangan ini. Citra positif dari pernikahan ini tidak seimbang dengan citra perempuan sebagai pasangan pernikahan campur yang cenderung negatif. Vlog sebagai media alternatif menjadi medium representasi keluarga pernikahan campur dalam keseharian mereka yang dapat menegosiasikan posisi perempuan dan identitas keindonesia dalam pernikahan campur. Melalui pendekatan tekstual, dinamika relasi kuasa dalam konstruksi identitas pernikahan campur dieksplorasi dan dijelaskan berdasarkan pola-pola yang ada melalui teks visual. Identitas keindonesiaan dan subjektivitas perempuan dalam pernikahan campur dinegosiasikan oleh vlogger melalui peran gender mereka dalam ranah domestik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah vlog menjadi strategi bagi perempuan Indonesia dalam pernikahan campur yang tinggal di luar negeri untuk menegosiasikan identitas keindonesiaan melalui peran mereka di ruang domestik. 
......Transnational mixed marriages are common in Indonesia these days. The positive image of this marriage is not balanced with the image of women as individual in mixed marriages which tends to be negative. Vlog as an alternative media becomes a medium for representation of mixed marriage families through their daily lives who negotiate the position of women and Indonesian identity in mixed marriages. Through a textual approach, the dynamics of power relations on the construction of mixed marriage identities are explored and explained based on existing patterns through visual texts. Indonesian identity and subjectivity of women in mixed marriages are negotiated by vloggers through their roles in the realm of domestication. The result of this study is vlogs become a strategy for Indonesian women in mixed marriages who live abroad to negotiate their Indonesian identity through gender role in the domestic space."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aliyya Amanda
"Individu yang melakukan perkawinan campur seringkali dianggap memiliki kepuasan perkawinan yang rendah. Hal ini didasari oleh perbedaan latar belakang budaya dan banyaknya tekanan serta tantangan yang dihadapi dalam perkawinan. Kepribadian memiliki kontribusi dalam kepuasan perkawinan, salah satu trait kepribadian yang berkontribusi adalah agreeableness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara trait kepribadian agreeableness dengan kepuasan perkawinan pada individu yang melakukan perkawinan campur. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 90 partisipan yang terdiri dari 76 Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) dan 14 Warga Negara Asing (WNA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara trait kepribadian agreeableness dan kepuasan perkawinan.

Individuals who engage in mixed marriages are often considered to have low marital satisfaction. This is based on differences in cultural backgrounds and the many pressures and challenges faced in marriage. Personality has a contribution to marital satisfaction, one trait of personality that contributes is agreeableness. This study aims to look at the relationship between personality trait agreeableness and marital satisfaction in individuals who engage in mixed marriages. This research was conducted on 90 participants consisting of 76 Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and 14 Foreign Citizens (WNA). The results showed there was a significant relationship between agreeableness personality trait and marital satisfaction."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinaldi Wiriawan
"Aliansi Pelangi Antar Bangsa yang terdiri dari berbagai komunitas perkawinan campuran di dalamnya adalah organisasi masyarakat sipil yang memiliki kepentingan dan misi yang sama untuk memperjuangkan perubahan UU kewarganegaraan khususnya UU No. 62 Tahun 1958 yang dianggap masih mengandung diskriminasi terhadap pelaku perkawinan campuran. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini APAB harus mendapatkan dukungan DPR-RI agar perubahan UU No. 62 Tahun 1958 ini menjadi agenda untuk diubah sesuai proses perubahan UU yang berlaku. Sehingga penelitian ini memfokuskan pada pertanyaan penelitian yaitu bagaimana peran dari APAB dalam mempengaruhi proses pembentukan Undang-Undang No. 12 Tahun 2006 tentang Kewarganegaraan. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut akan dijelaskan dengan menggunakan konsep civil society, civil society organization, kelompok kepentingan, serta mekanisme proses pembentukan undang-undang yang berlaku pada konteks penelitian. Penggunaan konsep tersebut didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa APAB berperan sebagai sebuah kelompok kepentingan, salah satu bentuk dari organisasi masyarakat sipil, dalam mempengaruhi proses pembentukan Undang-Undang No. 12 Tahun 2006 tentang Kewarganegaraan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Informasi yang diperoleh dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber yang memiliki pengalaman dan pengetahuan langsung terhadap proses perubahan UU tersebut. Dalam menjalankan upayanya, APAB menjalankan perannya dengan melakukan direct lobbying, information campaign dan coalition building. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat bagaimana peran APAB dalam mempengaruhi proses pembuatan UU No. 12 Tahun 2006. Dari hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa APAB dengan menjalankan perannya sebagai kelompok kepentingan berhasil mempengaruhi DPR-RI dalam melakukan proses pembentukan Undang-Undang No. 12 Tahun 2006 tentang Kewarganegaraan.
......Aliansi Pelangi Antar Bangsa is a civil society organization that consist of many mixed marriage communities with common mission and objective, which is to change the Law No. 62 Year 1958 about citizenship that was considered by them still consisted discriminative aspects toward mixed marriage families. To reach this objective, APAB must attain the support of DPR (Peoples’ Representatives Board) to put this revision of the Law No.62 Year 1958 to be put into an agenda as the law that is to be revised by DPR according to the existing law. In that case, this research focusing on a question on how is the role of APAB in influencing the formation of Law No. 12 Year 2006 making process This research will be using some concepts of civil society, civil society organization, pressure groups, and also the mechanism of law making process that applied in this research context to answer that research question. Using these concepts is based on a assumption that APAB role as a pressure group, one kind of a civil society organization, in influencing the formation of Law No. 12 Year 2006 making process. This research uses qualitative approach to the description. The information was obtained by conducting in depth interviews with the people who were the actors having the direct experience and the direct knowledge about the process of the formation of the new law. In their effort, APAB applies political roles by doing direct lobbying, information campaigning and coalition building. The study aims to observe the role of APAB in influencing the formation of Law No. 12 Year 2006. The research shows that APAB was successful in influencing the formation of Law No. 12 Year 2006."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agatha Arumsari Dewi Tjahjandari
"Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan masyarakat yang pluralistik dengan beragam suku dan agama. Dalam kondisi keberagaman seperti ini, bisa saja terjadi interaksi social di antara kelompok-kelompok masyarakat yang berbeda yang kemudian berlanjut pada hubungan perkawinan. Seiring dengan berkembangnya masyarakat, permasalahan yang terjadi semakin kompleks. Berkaitan dengan perkawinan, belakangan ini sering tersiar terjadinya perkawinan antara pasangan yang memiliki keyakinan (agama) yang berbeda. Walaupun menurut Undang-undang Perkawinan, perkawinan beda agama bukanlah termasuk perkawinan campuran namun bukan tidak mungkin pada saat yang sama perkawinan campuran juga menyebabkan perkawinan beda agama. Hal ini disebabkan pasangan yang lintas negara juga pasangan lintas agama. Hal tersebut menimbulkan pro-kontra pendapat sehubungan dengan perkawinan beda agama. Salah satu pendapat mengatakan bahwa masalah agama merupakan masalah pribadi sendiri-sendiri, sehingga negara tidak perlu melakukan pengaturan yang memasukkan unsur-unsur agama, namun di pihak lain ada yang berpendapat bahwa perkawinan beda agama dilarang oleh agama sehingga tidak dapat diterima. Di dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara terjadi perubahan yang signifikan, terutama dalam hal penegakkan Hak-hak Asasi Manusia. Perkawinan merupakan hak asasi yang paling mendasar yang tidak bisa diintervensi oleh siapapun termasuk oleh negara. Adanya penolakan terhadap perkawinan beda agama di Indonesia pada dasarnya merupakan tindakan yang diskriminatif yang tidak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip Hak Asasi Manusia itu sendiri. Negara perlu segera melakukan penyempurnaan Undang-undang Perkawinan agar tidak terjadi kekosongan hukum dan menimbulkan adanya ketidakpastian hukum dalam hal perkawinan beda agama.

Indonesia represents one of the state which have a pluralistic society with different religions and tribes. In this heterogeneity condition, it is common for social interaction happening among different society groups that to be further continued in marriage relationship. Along with the development of the society, problems occurred are progressively complex. Due to marriage problems, mixed marriage between members of different religion is often happened in the society. Although according to Marriage of Law mixed marriage between members of different religion could not be categorized as a mixed marriage, it is possible for a mixed marriage to cause a mixed marriage between members of different religion. Transnational couple can be also a cross religion couple. Such problem generates pros and cons opinion referring to mixed marriage between members of different religion. One of the opinion said that religion problem is representing personal problem so that the state no need to regulate religion items in any kind of state of laws but at others there is an opinion that mixed married between members of different religion is prohibited and could not be accepted. Life as a nation and as a state shall bring a significant changes especially in the case of straightening of Basic Human Rights. Marriage represents most elementary basic rights which do not deflect intervention by whoever including by the state. Denial of the existence of a mixed marriage between members of different religion in Indonesia basically represents a discriminatory action that is contradictive with the principles of Human right itself. The state needs immediately to improve its Marriage of Law in order to complete the blankness of law that will generate a legal uncertainty in the case of a mixed marriage between members of different religion."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Zaky Madany
"Dalam perkembangan zaman seperti sekarang ini, globalisasi tidak hanya merubuhkan "batasan" suatu negara dalam bidang ekonomi, politik dan kebudayaan, namun juga pergaulan manusia yang dapat dilihat dari semakin banyaknya kasus perkawinan yang terjadi antara dua orang yang tunduk pada dua hukum yang berbeda karena perbedaan status kewarganegaraan. Perkawinan campuran pada perkembangannya menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan hukum, salah satunya yaitu dalam ruang lingkup status harta kekayaan bersama. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, penulis berkesimpulan bahwa Warga Negara Indonesia yang melangsungkan perkawinan campuran (dengan Warga Negara Asing) dapat tetap memiliki properti dengan status hak milik dengan cara membuat perjanjian pemisahan harta. Karena seperti yang kita ketahui bersama, hak milik atas tanah hanya melekat pada Warga Negara Indonesia. Sedangkan pada prinsipnya, apabila tidak ada perjanjian pemisahan harta, maka harta yang timbul setelah terjadinya perkawinan akan menjadi harta bersama. Sehingga, untuk tetap mendapatkan status hak milik dari properti tersebut, Warga Negara Indonesia yang bersangkutan harus membuat perjanjian pemisahan harta untuk memastikan bahwa secara sah properti yang dimiliki adalah milik Warga Negara Indonesia dengan status hak milik.

In today`s development, globalization does not only knock down the "boundaries" of a country in the fields of economy, politics and culture, but also human relations which can be seen from the increasing number of marriages that occur between two people who are subject to two different laws because of differences citizenship status. Mixed marriage in its development raises various legal problems, one of which is in the scope of the status of shared assets. By using a normative juridical research method, the authors conclude that Indonesian citizens who carry out mixed marriages (with foreign nationals) can continue to own property with the status of property rights by making a prenuptial agreement concerning about separation of property. Because as we all know, property rights to land are only inherent in Indonesian citizens. Whereas in principle, if there is no agreement on the separation of property, the assets arising after the marriage will become a joint asset. So, in order to continue to obtain the property status of the property, the Indonesian citizen concerned must make a property separation agreement to ensure that legally owned property belongs to Indonesian citizens with ownership status."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sylvia Ulfa Zuhardi
"Pengakuan dan pengesahan anak luar kawin (ALK) yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan campuran orangtuanya seharusnya memenuhi ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan (UU Perkawinan) dan Undang- Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2013 tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan (UU Adminduk). Hal ini dilakukan guna memberikan kedudukan ALK tersebut menjadi anak sah dan memiliki hubungan hukum dengan kedua orangtuanya. Namun, pada kenyataannya masih terdapat pelaksanaan perkawinan campuran yang hanya dilaksanakan menurut ketentuan agama dan tidak tercatat pada Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA). Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kerancuan status anak yang dilahirkan. Penelitian tesis ini membahas mengenai akibat hukum dan upaya hukum yang dapat diberikan kepada anak dari hasil perkawinan campuran yang lahir pada saat perkawinan belum sah berdasarkan Studi Putusan Pengadilan Agama Bogor Nomor: 284/Pdt.P/2020/PA.Bgr. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penulisan tesis ini ialah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan sumber data sekunder dan bersifat eksplanatoris. Hasil penelitian ini adalah anak yang dilahirkan di luar perkawinan yang sah meskipun telah sah secara agama memliki status sebagai ALK dan hanya memiliki hubungan hukum dengan ibunya saja apabila pernikahan orangtua biologisnya tidak sah dimata hukum hal ini berdampak kepada status anak, waris dan kewaganegaraan anak tersebut. Upaya hukum terhadap ALK tersebut agar statusnya berubah menjadi anak sah adalah melalui pengesahan anak.
......Recognition and ratification of Out of Wedlock children born from mixed marriages of their parents should fulfill the provisions of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and Law Number 24 of 2013 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration (Population Administration Law). This is done in order to give the illegitimate children position to become a legal child and have a legal relationship with both parents. However, in reality there are still mixed marriages which are only carried out according to religious provisions and are not recorded at the Office of Religious Affairs. This can lead to confusion in the status of the child being born. This thesis research will discuss the legal consequences and legal remedies that can be given to children from mixed marriages who were born during an illegitimate marriage based on the Bogor Religious Court Decision Study Number: 284/Pdt.P/2020/PA.Bgr. The method used in writing this thesis is a normative juridical research with secondary and explanatory data sources. The results of this study are children born outside of legal marriage even though they are religiously legal have status as Out of Wedlock children and only have a legal relationship with their mother if the marriage of their biological parents is not legal in the eyes of the law this has an impact on the rights, inheritance and citizenship of the child. Legal efforts against the Out of Wedlock children so that its status changes to a legal child is through ratification the Out of Wedlock children."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristin Junaidi
"[Perkawinan campuran sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 adalah perkawinan antara dua orang yang di Indonesia tunduk pada hukum yang berlainan, karena perbedaan kewarganegaraan dan salah satu pihak berkewarganegaraan Indonesia. Perkawinan campuran dapat dilaksanakan di Indonesia maupun di luar Indonesia. Dalam hal perkawinan campuran dilaksanakan di luar Indonesia adalah sah bilamana dilakukan menurut hukum yang berlaku di Negara di mana perkawinan itu dilangsungkan dan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia tidak melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan Undang-Undang Perkawinan. Dalam jangka waktu 1 (satu) tahun sejak sekembalinya mereka ke Indonesia, bukti perkawinan mereka harus didaftarkan di Kantor Pencatatan perkawinan tempat tinggal mereka. Pasangan perkawinan campuran yang hendak melangsungkan perkawinan campuran di luar negeri juga dapat membuat perjanjian perkawinan. Perjanjian perkawinan adalah perjanjian tertulis yang dibuat oleh calon suami isteri sebelum atau pada saat perkawinan dilangsungkan untuk mengatur akibat-akibat perkawinan terhadap harta kekayaan mereka. Pentingnya pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan bagi pasangan yang hendak melangsungkan perkawinan campuran adalah terkait dengan perlindungan hukum terhadap hak milik atas tanah di Indonesia yang hanya dapat dimiliki oleh Warga Negara Indonesia, sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, yaitu dilakukan dengan menelusuri bahan hukum sekunder berupa norma-norma dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan. Prosedur pembuatan perjanjian perkawinan dalam perkawinan campuran yang dilangsungkan di luar negeri, tetap mengacu pada ketentuan Undang-Undang Perkawinan yaitu dibuat sebelum atau pada saat perkawinan dilangsungkan dan berdasarkan pada hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia. Dalam hal setelah perkawinan dilangsungkan di luar negeri dan mereka kembali ke Indonesia namun tidak mendaftarkan perkawinannya tersebut dan kemudian mereka membuat perjanjian perkawinan, maka perjanjian perkawinan tersebut menjadi batal demi hukum karena melanggar ketentuan Undang-undang yaitu dibuat setelah perkawinan berlangsung.
......Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place. Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
;Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
, Mixed marriage as stipulated in Law No. 1 of 1974 is a marriage between two people in Indonesia which subject to different laws, because of differences in nationality and one party is having Indonesian nationality. Mixed marriage can be implemented and held in Indonesia and outside Indonesia. In the case of mixed marriages conducted outside Indonesia is legal if carried out under the applicable law in the State where the marriage was celebrated and for Indonesian citizens do not violate the provisions of the Marriage Act. Within a period of one (1) year since upon their return to Indonesia, evidence of their marriage should be registered in the marriage registration office where they live. Mixed marriage couples who want to hold the marriage abroad can also make a prenuptial agreement. Prenuptial agreement is a written agreement made by the prospective spouses before or at the day of the marriage took place to regulate the effects of marriage on their property. The importance of making prenuptial agreements for couples who want to have a mixed marriage is associated with legal protection of property rights over land in Indonesia that can only be owned by an Indonesian citizen, as stipulated in the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA). This thesis using normative juridical method, which is carried out by tracing the secondary law in the form of norms of the legislation relating to the cases. The procedure of making the prenuptial agreement in mixed marriages held abroad, still have to refer to the provisions of the Marriage Act is made before or at the day of the marriage took place and according to the laws in force in Indonesia. In the event that after the marriage held abroad and they return to Indonesia but did not register the marriage and then they make a prenuptial agreement, then the prenuptial agreement becomes null and void because it violated the provisions of the Act that is made after the marriage took place.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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