"Penelitian ini mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh shock terhadap fluktuasi faktor-faktor GDP, inflasi, SBI dan Kurs terhadap USD terhadap NPF dan FDR. Pada saat krisis maupun pasca krisis ekonomi. Untuk tujuan tersebut maka dilakukan pengujian menggunakan Vector Autoregressive (VAR) dengan menggunakan data bulanan dan kwartalan dari Januari 1997 hingga Juli 2008 yang diambil dari laporan keuangan BMI dan BI.
Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dari masing-masing penelitian terlihat bahwa secara umum variabel NPF dan FDR merespon setiap shock yang ditimbulkan oleh masing-masing variabel ekonomi makro. Dengan demikian bahwa dari hasil penelitian tidak ada variabel ekonomi makro yang dominan terhadap NPF dan FDR.
This research was done to see, whether several factors such as GDP, inflation, SBI and currency had their influence on USD, NPF and FDR during and after the economic crisis. To find out whether there are any correlations or not, this research used Vector Autoregressive (VAR) method, by using monthly and quarterly data from January 1997 to July 2008. Which taken from BMI and BI financial reports.
The test results showed that in general, macro economic variable had no influence toward NPF and FDR, both during and after the economic crisis. Even though from the test results, there is a GDP variable which had positive correlation both during and after the economic crisis. However, it has no significant impact on NPF and FDR. Perhaps there is another variable which become internal strength from BMI in completing its finance."