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Cicilia Febriani Hayuningrum
Endometriosis merupakan penyakit ginekologi ditandai dengan implantasi jaringan endometrium di luar rongga uterus, berhubungan erat dengan proses inflamasi kronis. Stres oksidatif menjadi aktivator terjadinya proses inflamasi kronis di endometriosis. Oktil galat terbukti lebih efektif menekan proses inflamasi dibandingkan asam galat dan heptil galat pada sel kultur primer endometriosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh oktil galat pada proses inflamasi dan stres oksidatif pada tikus Wistar model endometriosis. Tiga puluh ekor tikus Wistar dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu kelompok uji, kontrol endometriosis dan kelompok normal. Kelompok uji dilakukan autotransplantasi lalu diberikan suspensi oktil galat dan CMC selama satu bulan. Kelompok endometriosis dilakukan autotransplantasi lalu diberikan larutan CMC selama satu bulan, sedangkan kelompok normal hanya dilakukan laparotomi. Seluruh tikus kemudian dieuthanasia, dari kelompok uji dan kontrol endometriosis diambil jaringan endometriosisnya sedangkan dari kelompok sehat diambil jaringan endometriumnya untuk dianalisis. Analisis MDA (Malondialdhyde) dan SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) dilakukan secara spektofotometri, kadar NF-ĸB dengan ELISA dan IL-1β (Interleukin-1 Beta) dengan LUMINEX. Pemberian oktil galat pada kelompok uji tidak menurunkan kadar MDA namun berpotensi menekan kondisi stres oksidatif dengan meningkatkan kadar SOD. Oktil galat terbukti menekan aktivasi NF-ĸB secara signifikan, namun tidak menekan kadar IL-1β. Oktil galat berperan sebagai antiinflamasi pada tikus Wistar model endometriosis dengan cara induksi peningkatan SOD dan hambatan langsung pada translokasi nuklear NF-ĸB.

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease characterized by the implantation of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, related to the chronic inflammatory process. Oxidative stress activates the occurrence of chronic inflammatory in endometriosis. Octyl gallate is more effective in suppressing the inflammatory process than gallic acid and heptil gallate in primary endometriosis culture cells. This study aimed to analyze the effect of octyl gallate on the inflammatory process and oxidative stress in endometriosis Wistar rat models. 30 Wistar rats were divided into three groups, the test group, endometriosis control and normal groups. The test group was autotransplantated and then given a suspension of octyl galate and CMC for one month. The endometriosis group was autotransplanted and then given a CMC solution for one month, while the normal group only underwent laparotomy. All rats were then euthanized, from the test and endometriosis group the endometriosis tissue was taken while from the normal group endometrial tissue was taken for analysis. MDA and SOD were measured using spectrophotometry, NF-ĸB with ELISA and IL-1β with LUMINEX. Induction of octyl gallate in the test group did not reduce MDA levels but could potentially suppress oxidative stress conditions by increasing SOD levels. Octyl gallate significantly inhibit the NF-ĸB activation, but not suppressing IL-1β levels significantly. Octyl gallate act as anti-inflammatory agent in endometriosis Wistar rat model through the enhancement of SOD and direct inhibition to nuclear translocation of NF-ĸB."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Popi Sopiah
Latar belakang. Proses inflamasi kronik dan persisten mempengaruhi tingginya rekurensi dan survival endometriosis pasca pembedahan. Hal ini menjadi permasalahan endometriosis, sehingga perlu pengembangan terapi target salah satunya yaitu asam galat. Asam galat terbukti efektif sebagai antikanker, anti tumor, anti inflamasi dan antibakterial pada beberapa cell line, namun efektifitasnya pada sel endometriosis harus dibuktikan. Tujuan. membuktikan efek asam galat dan senyawa turunannya terhadap regulasi inflamasi pada kultur primer endometriosis ditinjau dari ekspresi mRNA NF-kB, serta sekresi TNF-? dan IL-6. Metode. Sel endometriosis berasal dari jaringan endometriosis pasien yang menjalani laparaskopi, diisolasi secara enzimatis dan dikultur primer. Sel kultur diberi perlakuan asam galat, heptil dan oktil galat dengan dosis 25,6 g/mL, 51,2 g/mL dan 102,4 g/mL selama 48 jam, kemudian diinduksi dengan LPS 500 ng/mL selama 24 jam. Regulasi inflamasi dinilai dari ekspresi mRNA NF-kB dengan qRT-PCR, kadar sekresi TNF-? dan IL-6 dengan ELISA, serta inhibisi viabilitas sel dengan MTS Assay. Hasil. Setelah data dirasiokan dengan kontrol, ketiga zat signifikan menghambat viabilitas sel endometriosis p value 0,000 dengan inhibisi tertinggi pada dosis 102,4 g/mL. Terjadi penurunan ekspresi relatif NF-kB yang dirasiokan dengan kontrol dan IL-6 meskipun secara statistik tidak bermakna. Konsentrasi TNF? tidak berbeda secara bermakna p value 0,340 . Kesimpulan. Asam galat dan senyawa turunannya berpengaruh terhadap inhibisi viabilitas sel, penurunan ekspresi relatif NF-kB dan IL-6, namun tidak bermakna terhadap penekanan sitokin TNF-?. Perlu dilakukan studi lanjut untuk menilai efektifitas asam galat sebagai kandidat obat antiinflamasi pada endometriosis ditinjau aspek lain.

Background. Endometriosis is a benign gynecological disorder characterized by the growth of the lining of the endometrium like tissue outside the uterus. The cause of the growth of endometriosis is not known well, chronic and persistent inflammatory process is suspected to be one of the pathogenesis that contributes to the high recurrence and survival endometriosis. One of the potential therapeutic agents is a gallic acid which proved effective in earlier studies as an anti cancer, anti tumor, anti inflammatory and antibacterial in several cell line. The Effectiveness of gallic acid to the endometriosis cell is a preliminary study and have not found evidence of publication yet. Object. Proving the effect of gallic acid and its derivatives on the inflammatory regulation of endometriosis primary culture study on mRNA expression of NF kB, TNF , and IL 6 secretion. Method. Endometriosis cells from Indonesian endometriosis patients tissues who had undergone laparoscopy surgery were isolated by the enzymatic reaction and primary cultured. Cultured cells treated by gallic acid and alkyl ester synthetic derivatives of the gallic acids heptyl gallate and octyl gallate each with the dosage of 25,6 g mL, 51,2 g mL, and 102.4 g mL for 48 hours and then induced by LPS 500 ng mL for 24 hours. Parameter research was assessed by qRT PCR for mRNA expression of NF kB, ELISA for the quantification of TNF and interleukin 6, and MTS assay was used to observe endometriosis cell viability. Results. After the data was rationalized with the control, three substances showed significant inhibition of endometriosis cell viability. The highest inhibition for all treatment was at doses 102,4 g mL. Overall there was an inhibition of relative expression of mRNA NF kB were rationalized to controls and suppression of IL 6 in octyl gallate groups. The concentration of TNF among the groups did not differ significantly p value 0.340 . Conclusion. Gallic acid and its derivatives have significantly inhibition effect toward cell viability, mRNA expression of NF kB, and IL 6 but have not significantly effect toward cytokine TNF . Further studies need to be conducted to assess the effectiveness of gallic acid as an anti inflammatory drug candidate toward to any pathway."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendrik Kurniawan
"Latar Belakang : Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian tertinggi akibat kanker pada wanita di Indonesia. Hal ini diantaranya disebabkan karena adanya resistensi terhadap terapi berlandaskan ROS seperti pada radioterapi maupun kemoterapi. Sel punca kanker payudara (cancer stem cells, CSCs) memiliki peran pada mekanisme resistensi ini. Penelitian terhadulu menunjukkan kemampuan CSCs untuk bertahan terhadap kondisi stress oksidatif pada pemberian rotenon. Karena itu, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terhadap faktor transkripsi NF-kB pada sel kanker payudara baik CSC maupun non CSC, terkait peran NF-kB dalam mempertahankan viabilitas sel kanker pada kondisi stress oksidatif.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada sel punca kanker payudara manusia (CD24-/CD44+) maupun non sel punca (CD24-/CD44-) yang diberi H2O2 dengan konsentrasi 1.1µM, 11µM, dan 110µM dengan kontrol sel yang tidak diberi H2O2. Penilaian dilakukan terhadap parameter ekspresi mRNA NF-kB, dan viabilitas sel. Uji statistik dilakukan menggunakan IBM-SPSS dengan nilai α < 0.05.
Hasil: Pemberian H2O2 pada konsentrasi 11µM menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada ekspresi mRNA NFkB CSCs dibanding non CSCs (p<0.05). Sedangkan untuk hasil uji viabilitas pada seluruh konsentrasi H2O2 nampak bahwa CSCs mampu mempertahankan viabilitasnya dibandingkan dengan non CSCs yang mengalami penurunan viabilitas (p<0.05)..
Kesimpulan: Kondisi stres oksidatif akibat pemberiaan H2O2 dapat meningkatkan ekspresi mRNA NF-kB pada CSCs sehingga viabilitasnya tetap dapat dipertahankan.
......Introduction: Breast cancer is one of the highest causes of death from cancer in women in Indonesia. This is partly due to the resistance to ROS-based therapies such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Breast cancer stem cells (cancer stem cells, CSCs) have a role in this resistance mechanism. Previous studies demonstrated the ability of CSC to survive oxidative stress conditions due to rotenone administration. Therefore, in this study an analysis was carried out on the transcription factor NF-kB in breast cancer cells, both CSCs and Non CSCs, related to the role of NF-kB in maintaining the survival of cancer cells under conditions of oxidative stress.
Methods: The study was conducted on human breast cancer stem cells (CD24-/CD44+) and non stem cells (CD24-/CD44-) which were given H2O2 at concentrations of 1.1µM, 11µM, and 110µM with control cells not given H2O2. Assessment was carried out on the parameters of NF-kB mRNA expression, and cell viability. Statistical tests were performed using IBM-SPSS with a value of α < 0.05.
Results: Administration of H2O2 at a concentration of 11µM showed a significant increase in the expression of NFk-B CSCs mRNA compared to non CSCs (p<0.05). As for the viability test results at all concentrations of H2O2 it appears that CSCs was able to maintain its viability compared to non CSCs which experienced a decrease in viability (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Conditions of oxidative stress due to administration of H2O2 can increase the expression of NF-kB mRNA in CSCs so that its viability can be maintained.
In this study, conditions of oxidative stress due to administration of H2O2 led to an increase in the expression of NF-kB mRNA in CSCs so that cell viability could be maintained."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"To distinguissh the expression of NF-kB and COX-2 between young, and older older groupof sporadic colorectol cancer patients...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siburian, Marlinang Diarta
Studi cross sectional pada pasien hepatitis B di Indonesia menunjukkan korelasi mutasi kodon start pre-S2 dengan keparahan penyakit hati. Peran protein-protein HBs pada aktivasi NF-ĸB sebagai salah satu faktor dalam induksi keparahan penyakit hati. Studi ini dilakukan untuk melihat efek varian mutan HBs virus hepatitis B subgenotipe B3 sebagai strain endemik di Indonesia pada keparahan penyakit hati dilihat dari ekspresi dan aktivasi NF-ĸB. Gen HBs dari tiga pasien yang membawa tiga varian HBs berbeda diamplifikasi dan diklon dengan plasmid pcDNA3.1, ditransfeksikan dengan metode lipofektamin ke dalam sel Huh7. Nilai ekspresi mRNA dianalisis dengan real-time PCR terhadap mRNA HBs, IĸB-α, dan NF-ĸB (p50). Ekspresi IĸB-α yang diregulasi oleh NF-ĸB digunakan sebagai parameter untuk aktivasi NF-ĸB. Diperoleh plasmid ekspresi HBs dengan mutasi kodon start pre-S2, delesi pre-S2 dan wild type VHB subgenotipe B3. Plasmid rekombinan pcDNA HBs dapat mengekspresikan mRNA HBs dan menurun pada 48 hingga 72 jam. Kecuali pada mutan delesi pre-S2 yang stabil hingga 72 jam. Ekspresi protein HBs berdasar ELISA menunjukkan nilai relatif konstan pada HBs wild type, sedangkan pada HBs mutan kodon start dan delesi meningkat pada 72 jam. Aktivasi NF-ĸB relatif lebih tinggi oleh tipe wild type dibanding mutan kodon start pre-S2 dan delesi pre-S2, sehingga variasi mutasi tidak memberikan pengaruh pada aktivasi NF-ĸB, meski varian mutan delesi pre-S2 menunjukkan peningkatan aktivasi NF-ĸB setelah waktu kultur yang lebih lama dibanding HBs wild type dan mutan kodon start pre-S2. Ekspresi NF-ĸB (p50) dipengaruhi oleh variasi mutasi, ekspresi p50 lebih tinggi pada mutan kodon start pre-S2 dibanding varian HBs lainnya. Keparahan penyakit hati oleh mutasi kodon start pre-S2 dapat terkait dengan peningkatan ekspresi p50.

Cross sectional study on hepatitis B patients in Indonesia showed association of pre-S2 start codon mutation with severity liver disease. Role of HBs proteins on the activation of NF-ĸB as one of the factor in liver disease progression. This study was to see the effects of different HBs mutant variants of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) subgenotype B3 as the endemic strain in Indonesia on the expression and activation of NF-ĸB. HBs genes of three hepatitis B patients were amplified and cloned to pcDNA3.1, and were transfected using lipofectamine into Huh7 cell line. Expressions on mRNA level for HBs, IĸB-α and NF-ĸB (p50) were evaluated using real-time PCR. IĸB-α expression which is regulated by NF-ĸB was used as parameter to measure NF-ĸB activation. Recombinant plasmid for HBs expression with pre-S2 start codon mutation, pre-S2 deletion and wild type of HBV subgenotipe B3 were obtained. All three clones showed high level of mRNA expression which decreased after 48 to 72 hours, except for pre-S2 deletion which was relatively stabil up to72 hours. HBs protein expression detected using ELISA was constant for HBs wild type whilst increased at 72 hours for pre-S2 start codon mutation and pre-S2 deletion. NF-ĸB activation was higher for HBs wild type compared to the two mutant variants, suggesting no effect of mutation to increment of NF-ĸB activation, however pre-S2 deletion mutant showed higher NF-ĸB activation after longer period of incubation. NF-ĸB (p50) expression was higher for pre-S2 start codon mutation, suggesting liver disease progression by pre-S2 start codon mutation might associated to increased expression of p50.;Cross sectional study on hepatitis B patients in Indonesia showed association of pre-S2 start codon mutation with severity liver disease. Role of HBs proteins on the activation of NF-ĸB as one of the factor in liver disease progression. This study was to see the effects of different HBs mutant variants of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) subgenotype B3 as the endemic strain in Indonesia on the expression and activation of NF-ĸB. HBs genes of three hepatitis B patients were amplified and cloned to pcDNA3.1, and were transfected using lipofectamine into Huh7 cell line. Expressions on mRNA level for HBs, IĸB-α and NF-ĸB (p50) were evaluated using real-time PCR. IĸB-α expression which is regulated by NF-ĸB was used as parameter to measure NF-ĸB activation. Recombinant plasmid for HBs expression with pre-S2 start codon mutation, pre-S2 deletion and wild type of HBV subgenotipe B3 were obtained. All three clones showed high level of mRNA expression which decreased after 48 to 72 hours, except for pre-S2 deletion which was relatively stabil up to72 hours. HBs protein expression detected using ELISA was constant for HBs wild type whilst increased at 72 hours for pre-S2 start codon mutation and pre-S2 deletion. NF-ĸB activation was higher for HBs wild type compared to the two mutant variants, suggesting no effect of mutation to increment of NF-ĸB activation, however pre-S2 deletion mutant showed higher NF-ĸB activation after longer period of incubation. NF-ĸB (p50) expression was higher for pre-S2 start codon mutation, suggesting liver disease progression by pre-S2 start codon mutation might associated to increased expression of p50.;Cross sectional study on hepatitis B patients in Indonesia showed association of pre-S2 start codon mutation with severity liver disease. Role of HBs proteins on the activation of NF-ĸB as one of the factor in liver disease progression. This study was to see the effects of different HBs mutant variants of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) subgenotype B3 as the endemic strain in Indonesia on the expression and activation of NF-ĸB. HBs genes of three hepatitis B patients were amplified and cloned to pcDNA3.1, and were transfected using lipofectamine into Huh7 cell line. Expressions on mRNA level for HBs, IĸB-α and NF-ĸB (p50) were evaluated using real-time PCR. IĸB-α expression which is regulated by NF-ĸB was used as parameter to measure NF-ĸB activation. Recombinant plasmid for HBs expression with pre-S2 start codon mutation, pre-S2 deletion and wild type of HBV subgenotipe B3 were obtained. All three clones showed high level of mRNA expression which decreased after 48 to 72 hours, except for pre-S2 deletion which was relatively stabil up to72 hours. HBs protein expression detected using ELISA was constant for HBs wild type whilst increased at 72 hours for pre-S2 start codon mutation and pre-S2 deletion. NF-ĸB activation was higher for HBs wild type compared to the two mutant variants, suggesting no effect of mutation to increment of NF-ĸB activation, however pre-S2 deletion mutant showed higher NF-ĸB activation after longer period of incubation. NF-ĸB (p50) expression was higher for pre-S2 start codon mutation, suggesting liver disease progression by pre-S2 start codon mutation might associated to increased expression of p50., Cross sectional study on hepatitis B patients in Indonesia showed association of pre-S2 start codon mutation with severity liver disease. Role of HBs proteins on the activation of NF-ĸB as one of the factor in liver disease progression. This study was to see the effects of different HBs mutant variants of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) subgenotype B3 as the endemic strain in Indonesia on the expression and activation of NF-ĸB. HBs genes of three hepatitis B patients were amplified and cloned to pcDNA3.1, and were transfected using lipofectamine into Huh7 cell line. Expressions on mRNA level for HBs, IĸB-α and NF-ĸB (p50) were evaluated using real-time PCR. IĸB-α expression which is regulated by NF-ĸB was used as parameter to measure NF-ĸB activation. Recombinant plasmid for HBs expression with pre-S2 start codon mutation, pre-S2 deletion and wild type of HBV subgenotipe B3 were obtained. All three clones showed high level of mRNA expression which decreased after 48 to 72 hours, except for pre-S2 deletion which was relatively stabil up to72 hours. HBs protein expression detected using ELISA was constant for HBs wild type whilst increased at 72 hours for pre-S2 start codon mutation and pre-S2 deletion. NF-ĸB activation was higher for HBs wild type compared to the two mutant variants, suggesting no effect of mutation to increment of NF-ĸB activation, however pre-S2 deletion mutant showed higher NF-ĸB activation after longer period of incubation. NF-ĸB (p50) expression was higher for pre-S2 start codon mutation, suggesting liver disease progression by pre-S2 start codon mutation might associated to increased expression of p50.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Koriokarsinoma merupakan keganasan yang sangat invasive berasal dari villi plasentra dan trofoblas. Mola invasif dan koriokarsinoma sangat reponsif terhadap kemoterapi dengan angka kesembuhan lebih dari 90 , yang memungkinkan tercapainya kesembuhan tanpa mengganggu fungsi reproduksi. Methotrexate MTX merupakan terapi yang sering digunakan pada beberapa keganasan dan merupakan protokol kemoterapi pada koriokarsinoma, namun MTX memiliki banyak efek samping. Berbagai penelitian pada setengah abad terakhir menunjukan fungsi penting nanokurkumin. Penelitian in vitro dan in vivo menujukkan perannya seperti anti inflamasi, pengeluaran sitokin, anti oksidan dan imunomodulator. Namun, sapai saat ini belum ada penelitian mengenai efek antikanker nanokurkumin pada koriokarsinoma. Penelitian eksperimental sederhana ini menggunakan uji Shapiro-Wilk, uji t sampel bebas, dan uji Anova One Way. Pada penelitianini, kami meneliti dan mebandingkan efek pemberian MTX atau kombinasi dengan nanokurkumin pada berbagai jalur sinyal. Pada penelitian ini, 4 kelompok sel BeWo diberikan kombinasi MTX dan nanokurkumin, 1 kelompok sel BeWo diberikan MTX sebagai control positif, dan 1 kelompok sel BeWo sebagai control negatif. Penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat penurunan ekspresi telomerase, ekspresi NF- B, dan indeks proliferasi BrdU yang signifikan dengan pemberian kombinasi MTX dan nanokurkumin dibandingkan dengan MTX saja ABSTRACT
Choriocarcinoma is a highly invasive malignant tumor arising from the placental villous and extravillous trophoblast. IM and CCA, which make up the majority of these tumors, are highly responsive to chemotherapy with an overall cure rate exceeding 90 , making it usually possible to achieve cure while preserving reproductive function. Methotrexate is a frequently used for the treatment of several malignancies and is part of the chemotherapy protocols used for choriocarcinoma; however, side-effect are common. Extensive research over the last half century has revealed important functions of nanocurcumin. Invitro and in vivoresearch has shown various activities, such as anti-inflammatory, cytokines release, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory. However, to date no study has been carried out to elucidate its anticancer activity of nanocurcumin in choriocarcinoma. In this study, we investigated and compared the effects of methotrexate alone or in combination with nanocurcumin on various signalling pathway. In this simple experiment stury, we used Saphiro-Wilk test, independent sample t test, and Anova One Way test to analize data. To study the potential cooperative effect of both against, 4 BeWo cell lines were treated with the combination of methotrexate and nanocurcumin, 1 BeWO cell line was treated with methotrexate alone as a positive control, and 1 BeWo cell line as a negative control. This study demonstrated significant reduction of telomerase activity, NF- B expression, and proliferation index BrdU of BeWo cell line treated with a combination of nanocurcumin and methotrexate compared with methotrexate alone. It shows that the effect of nanocurcumin and methotrexate are syngergistic suggest potential for the clinical use of methotrexate in combination with curcumin which will allow effective anticancer effect in choriocarcinoma. "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Handi Sanjaya
"Stroke merupakan penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian nomor dua dan kontributor penyebab disabilitas tertinggi di dunia dengan jenis stroke iskemik menjadi penyebab umum stroke. Saat ini, terapi standar stroke yang disetujui oleh Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hanya recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA). Penelitian mengenai efektivitas terapi rtPA menunjukkan rtPA memiliki tingkat keberhasilan untuk sembuh sepenuhnya hanya sebesar 35%. Oleh karena itu, terapi restoratif dikembangkan untuk penanganan stroke salah satunya terapi berbasis sel menggunakan sekretom dari mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Dalam patofisiologis stroke, berbagai cascade reaksi molekuler internal sel memiliki peran yang kompleks. Contoh faktor yang terlibat dalam cascade molekuler tersebut adalah Protein kinase B (AKT) sebagai faktor penunjang survivability sel, dan Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) sebagai faktor pengaktif jalur inflamasi. Dalam penelitian ini, profil ekspresi gen tersebut diteliti dari sel punca MSC yang berasal dari Macaca fascicularis dengan diberikan perlakuan prakondisi hipoksia oksigen 3% selama 48 jam. Tingkat ekspresi mRNA gen tersebut diinvestigasi dengan metode RT-qPCR. Hasil uji ekspresi gen menunjukan peningkatan mRNA gen protein AKT1 dan penurunan mRNA gen protein NF-kB pada MSC prakondisi hipoksia. Hal tersebut menunjukkan potensi sekretom prakondisi sebagai terapi restoratif yang ditunjukkan dari perubahan profil ekspresi gen yang mengarah pada survivability cell.
......Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the highest contributor to disability worldwide, with ischemic stroke being the most common type. Currently, the only FDA-approved standard therapy for stroke is recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA). Research on the effectiveness of rtPA therapy indicates that it has a full recovery success rate of only 35%. Consequently, restorative therapies, including cell-based therapies using secretomes from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), are being developed for stroke treatment. In the pathophysiology of stroke, various internal cellular molecular cascades play a complex role. Examples of factors involved in these molecular cascades include Protein kinase B (AKT), which supports cell survivability, and Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB), which activates inflammatory pathways. In this study, the gene expression profiles of these factors were investigated in MSCs derived from Macaca fascicularis, subjected to hypoxic preconditioning with 3% oxygen for 48 hours. The mRNA expression levels of these genes were analyzed using the RT-qPCR method. The results showed an increase in AKT1 protein mRNA expression and a decrease in NF-kB protein mRNA expression in hypoxia-preconditioned MSCs. These findings indicate the potential of hypoxia-preconditioned secretomes as restorative therapy, as evidenced by changes in gene expression profiles that promote cell survivability."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library