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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lubis, Muhammad Arifin Ramzy
"Kelelahan pada pekerja dapat berakibat pada kecelakaan kerja yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor baik tidak terkait dengan pekerjaan atau terkait dengan pekerjaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran kelelahan dan faktor risikonya pada pekerja PT.X tahun 2023. Faktor risiko yang diteliti pada penelitian ini meliputi faktor tidak terkait pekerjaan berupa usia, Body Mass Index (BMI), kuantitas tidur, dan faktor terkait pekerjaan berupa durasi kerja, masa kerja, dan beban kerja. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Kelelahan dalam penelitian ini diukur menggunakan kuesioner subjektif The Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI). Dalam penelitian ini, didapatkan bahwa sebanyak 93 pekerja (81,6%) dari 114 pekerja memiliki tingkat kelelahan sedang dan 19 pekerja (17,7%) memiliki tingkat kelelahan tinggi, sementara 2 pekerja (1,8%) lainnya memiliki tingkat kelelahan rendah. Dimensi SOFI dengan nilai rata-rata tertinggi pada penelitian ini adalah dimensi Lack of Motivation. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini mendapatkan bahwa BMI memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kelelahan pada pekerja PT.X tahun 2023.
......Fatigue in workers can result in work accidents caused by various factors either unrelated to work or related to work. This study aims to describe fatigue and its risk factors at PT.X workers in 2023. The factors examined in this study include factors unrelated to work, such as age, Body Mass Index (BMI), and sleep duration, and factors related to work, such as working duration, working period, and workload. This research has quantitative method by using cross-sectional design. Fatigue in this study was measured using The Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI) subjective questionnaire. In this study, 93 workers (81,6%) out of 114 workers found had moderate levels of fatigue, 19 workers (17,7%) had high levels of fatigue, while two other workers (1.8%) had low levels of fatigue. The Lack of Motivation dimension in the SOFI questionnaire had the highest average score in this study. The analysis in this study found that BMI had significant relationship to fatigue at PT.X workers in 2023."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Budi Waskita
"Bandara merupakan salah satu tempat kerja dan titik pertemuan berbagai moda transportasi dimana sektor transportasi merupakan penyumbang terbesar kedua angka kecelakaan kerja. Faktor kelelahan pengemudi merupakan penyebab utama kecelakaan kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan Swedish Occupational Fatigue Index (SOFI) sebagai instrumen ukur tingkat kelelahan subyektif berbasis kuisioner. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat dan menganalisa hubungan faktor terkait pekerjaan (sifat pekerjaan, shift kerja, waktu kerja, waktu istirahat, lama kerja), faktor tidak terkait pekerjaan (lama tidur, pola tidur, waktu perjalan, pengguna suplemen, akivitas fisik) dan karateristik individu (umur,status perkawinan, IMT) terhadap tingkat kelelahan pengemudi pemadu moda/bus bandara pada perusahaan pendukung layanan transportasi di bandar udara. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Besar sampel yang digunakan adalah 60 pengemudi yang berada di pool perusahaan dalam lokasi Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat 23,3% pengemudi pemadu moda/bus bandara yang mengalami lelah, dengan variabel waktu istirahat sebagai faktor yang paling mempengaruhi tingkat kelelahan pengemudi.
......The airport is one of the workplaces and meeting points for various transportation modes where the transportation sector is the second largest contributor to the number of workplace accidents. The driver's fatigue factor is the main cause of workplace accidents. This study uses the Swedish Occupational Fatigue Index (SOFI) as a measure of subjective fatigue level based on questionnaires. This study aims to look at and analyze the relationship of work-related factors (nature of work, work shift, work time, rest time, work experience), non-work-related factors (length of sleep, sleep patterns, travel time to work, supplement users, physical activity) and individual characteristics (age, marital status, BMI) on the level of fatigue of the airport bus driver at the transportation support company at the airport.
This research method is a quantitative method with a cross sectional study design. The sample size used is 60 drivers who are in the company pool in the location of Soekarno Hatta International Airport. The results showed that there were 23.3% of airport bus driver who experienced fatigue, with a variable rest time as the factor that most affected the level of driver fatigue."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wynona Salsabila Hafiz
"Kelelahan merupakan bahaya yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas pekerja. Sebagai garda terdepan dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan, perawat di rumah sakit memiliki tanggung jawab besar terutama dalam menghadapi beban kerja yang signifikan. Penurunan kondisi perawat akibat kelelahan dapat mengganggu kinerja perawat dan membahayakan kondisi kesejahteraan pasien. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kelelahan kerja dari perawat rumah sakit. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kombinasi, yaitu penggunaan heart rate variability (HRV) untuk mengukur variabilitas detak jantung secara objektif dan Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (HRV) untuk mengambil data subjektif tentang tingkat kelelahan kerja yang dirasakan oleh perawat rumah sakit. Sampel penelitian didapatkan dari salah satu rumah sakit di Depok. Hasil pengolahan data time domain dan frequency domain HRV menunjukkan bahwa heart rate variability dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan tingkat kelelahan kerja perawat. Korelasi antara data HRV dengan SOFI menunjukkan indikasi Lack of Motivation, Sleepiness, Physical Exertion, dan Physical Discomfort berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tingkat kelelahan kerja perawat. Selain itu, faktor usia, BMI tubuh, dan lama tidur sebelum bekerja juga memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kelelahan kerja perawat. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman terhadap tingkat kelelahan kerja yang dialami oleh perawat rumah sakit. Temuan dari penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan rekomendasi yang dapat mengurangi tingkat kelelahan kerja pada perawat.
......Fatigue is a hazard that can affect worker productivity. As frontline providers of healthcare services, nurses in hospitals bear a significant responsibility, especially when faced with a substantial workload. A decline in nurses' condition due to fatigue can disrupt their performance and jeopardize patient well-being. This study aims to determine the level of work fatigue among hospital nurses. The research methodology employs a mixed approach, using Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to objectively measure heart rate variability and the Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI) to gather subjective data on the perceived work fatigue levels of hospital nurses. The research sample was obtained from a hospital in Depok. The results of the time domain and frequency domain HRV data analysis indicate that heart rate variability can be used to describe the work fatigue levels of nurses. The correlation between HRV data and SOFI shows that Lack of Motivation, Sleepiness, Physical Exertion, and Physical Discomfort significantly influence nurses' work fatigue levels. Additionally, factors such as age, BMI, and sleep duration before work also significantly impact nurses' work fatigue. The results of this study are expected to provide insight into the level of work fatigue experienced by hospital nurses. The findings of this research are also anticipated to contribute to the development of recommendations that can reduce work fatigue levels among nurses."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisa Nurhasanah
Latar belakang : Kelelahan kerja banyak terdapat pada pekerja industri manufaktur alat berat. Bising di bawah nilai ambang batas dapat menyebabkan kelelahan kerja sebagai salah satu efek non auditorik. Kelelahan kerja dapat diperiksa dengan memeriksa waktu reaksi pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan rerata waktu reaksi pada pekerja industri manufaktur alat berat yang terpajan bising di bawah ambang batas yaitu pada kelompok terpajan bising 60-70dB, 71-80dB, dan 81-85dB.
Metode penelitian:` Cross sectional deskriptif komparatif. Dilakukan pada 149 orang pekerja laki-laki. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan waktu reaksi dengan Lakassidaya dan kuesioner KAUPK2. Subyek penelitian mempunyai kriteria inklusi bersedia mengikuti penelitian menandatangani informed consent, usia 19-55 tahun pada saat penelitian dilaksanakan,tidak mempunyai riwayat penyakit, lama kerja 8 jam atau tidak lembur, memiliki beban kerja yang sama, kriteria eksklusinya adalah pada saat dilaksanakan penelitian dalam keadaan sakit atau baru sembuh dari sakit.
Hasil: analis dengan menggunakan uji statistik Kruskal wallis antara rerata waktu reaksi dengan kelompok pajanan bising 60-70db, 71-80dB dan 81-85dB dengan nilai p = 0,001. Untuk mengetahui bising manakah yang bermakna hasil uji Mann-Whitney diketahui bahwa antara kelompok pajanan bising 60-70 dB dan 71-80dB pada pemeriksaan waktu reaksi sebelum bekerja, sesudah bekerja dan selisih pemeriksaan sebelum dan sesudahnya didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 81-85dB. Sedangkan pada kelompok pajanan bising 60-70dB terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 71-80dB pada pemeriksaan waktu reaksi sebelum bekerja, sesudah bekerja dan selisihnya tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna dengan nilai p<0.05
Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara rerata waktu reaksi terhadap kelompok pajanan bising dibawah nilai ambang batas yaitu pada kelompok pajanan bising 60-70db, kelompok pajanan bising 71-80dB dan kelompok pajanan bising 81-85dB. Kelompok pajanan bising 60-70 dB dan 71-80dB pada pemeriksaan waktu reaksi sebelum bekerja, sesudah bekerja dan selisih pemeriksaan sebelum dan sesudahnya didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 81-85dB. Sedangkan pada kelompok pajanan bising 60-70dB terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 71-80dB tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna.

Background: Occupational fatigue commonly found in the workers of heavy equipment manufacturing industry. Noise below the threshold value may cause occupational fatigue as one of non-auditory effects. Occupational fatigue can be examined by checking the reaction time of the workers. This study aims to know the difference of mean reaction time in heavy equipment manufacturing industry workers whom exposed with noise under the threshold value, which grouped into three exposure groups: 60-70dB, 71-80dB, and 81-85dB.
Study Method: Comparative, descriptive cross-sectional study. It is conducted to 149 male workers. Data collected by interview, physical examination, reaction time test with Lakassidaya and questionnaire of KAUPK2. The inclusion criteria for the subject are a willingness to follow the study and to sign the informed consent, age 19 ? 55 years old when the study conducted, no illness history, 8 hours working duration or without overtime, and has equal working load. The exclusion criteria is that the subject is ill when the study being conducted or recover from illness recently.
Result: Kruskal Wallis statistical test is used to analyze the mean reaction time between the three exposure groups, 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB, and 81-85 dB with p value <0,001. To acknowledge which noise is significant, the Mann-Whitney test is used. The results suggest that the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, is significantly different between the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB toward the group of 81-85 dB, whereas the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the group 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB is not significantly different, with p value <0.05.
Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the mean reaction time towards the noise exposures below the threshold value, which are the groups of 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB and 81-85 db. The reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB is found to be significantly different toward the group 81-85 dB. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the group of 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB.;Background: Occupational fatigue commonly found in the workers of heavy equipment manufacturing industry. Noise below the threshold value may cause occupational fatigue as one of non-auditory effects. Occupational fatigue can be examined by checking the reaction time of the workers. This study aims to know the difference of mean reaction time in heavy equipment manufacturing industry workers whom exposed with noise under the threshold value, which grouped into three exposure groups: 60-70dB, 71-80dB, and 81-85dB.
Study Method: Comparative, descriptive cross-sectional study. It is conducted to 149 male workers. Data collected by interview, physical examination, reaction time test with Lakassidaya and questionnaire of KAUPK2. The inclusion criteria for the subject are a willingness to follow the study and to sign the informed consent, age 19 – 55 years old when the study conducted, no illness history, 8 hours working duration or without overtime, and has equal working load. The exclusion criteria is that the subject is ill when the study being conducted or recover from illness recently.
Result: Kruskal Wallis statistical test is used to analyze the mean reaction time between the three exposure groups, 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB, and 81-85 dB with p value <0,001. To acknowledge which noise is significant, the Mann-Whitney test is used. The results suggest that the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, is significantly different between the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB toward the group of 81-85 dB, whereas the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the group 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB is not significantly different, with p value <0.05.
Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the mean reaction time towards the noise exposures below the threshold value, which are the groups of 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB and 81-85 db. The reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB is found to be significantly different toward the group 81-85 dB. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the group of 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB., Background: Occupational fatigue commonly found in the workers of heavy equipment manufacturing industry. Noise below the threshold value may cause occupational fatigue as one of non-auditory effects. Occupational fatigue can be examined by checking the reaction time of the workers. This study aims to know the difference of mean reaction time in heavy equipment manufacturing industry workers whom exposed with noise under the threshold value, which grouped into three exposure groups: 60-70dB, 71-80dB, and 81-85dB.
Study Method: Comparative, descriptive cross-sectional study. It is conducted to 149 male workers. Data collected by interview, physical examination, reaction time test with Lakassidaya and questionnaire of KAUPK2. The inclusion criteria for the subject are a willingness to follow the study and to sign the informed consent, age 19 – 55 years old when the study conducted, no illness history, 8 hours working duration or without overtime, and has equal working load. The exclusion criteria is that the subject is ill when the study being conducted or recover from illness recently.
Result: Kruskal Wallis statistical test is used to analyze the mean reaction time between the three exposure groups, 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB, and 81-85 dB with p value <0,001. To acknowledge which noise is significant, the Mann-Whitney test is used. The results suggest that the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, is significantly different between the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB toward the group of 81-85 dB, whereas the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the group 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB is not significantly different, with p value <0.05.
Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the mean reaction time towards the noise exposures below the threshold value, which are the groups of 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB and 81-85 db. The reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB is found to be significantly different toward the group 81-85 dB. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the group of 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Caesar Nurhadiono Raharjo
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh faktor pekerjaan seperti jadwal kerja dan jabatan terhadap dimensi kelelahan pekerja di Perusahaan Panas Bumi “X” dengan menggunakan Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI) versi Indonesia. Variabel laten dalam penelitian ini adalah dimensi kelelahan yaitu kehilangan energi, pengerahan tenaga fisik, ketidaknyamanan fisik, perasaan mengantuk dan kehilangan motivasi. Variabel yang diamati meliputi jenis jadwal kerja, posisi kerja, dan semua item SOFI. Tekknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dan didapatkan sebanyak 132 pekerja di Perusahaan Panas Bumi “X” yang bersedia menjadi responden penelitian. Untuk pengujian hipotesis penelitian menggunakan analisis pemodelan persamaan struktural (structural equation modeling [SEM]) dengan menguji model pengukuran dan model struktural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dimensi kelelahan yang umum dialami pekerja adalah kekurangan energi meskipun secara statistik tidak terbukti adanya pengaruh antara jadwal kerja dan jabatan terhadap dimensi kelelahan (p>0,05). Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengapa faktor pekerjaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap dimensi kelelahan pada populasi yang diteliti. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena fleksibilitas waktu kerja, sistem kerja yang sangat baik serta sistem keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja yang diterapkan oleh perusahaan (perlu studi dan/atau metode lain).
......This study aims to examine the effects of occupational factors such as work schedule and work position on the fatigue dimensions among workers at Geothermal Company “X” using the Indonesian version of the Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory (SOFI). The latent variables in this study were the dimensions of fatigue, namely lack of energy, physical exertion, physical discomfort, sleepiness and lack of motivation. The observed variables include the type of work schedule, work positions, and all SOFI items. Total sampling was used on 132 workers at Geothermal Company "X" who agreed to be research participants. For a research hypothesis test, statistical analysis using structural equation modelling (SEM) by testing the measurement and structural model. The results showed that the common fatigue dimension experienced by workers was lack of energy although statistically it was not proven that there was an influence between work schedule and position on the fatigue dimension (p>0.05). This study explains why occupational factors at Geothermal Company "X" have no effect on fatigue dimensions in the studied population. This is possibly due to working time flexibility, excellent work system as well as the occupational health and safety system implemented by the company (another study and/or method are required)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library