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Ditemukan 63 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Moh. Charis
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1970
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shaharin A. Sulaiman
"Currently the world’s second largest palm oil producer Malaysia produces a large amount of oil palm biomass each year. Although some oil palm parts and derivatives like empty fruit bunch and fibre have been commercialized as fuel, less attention has been given to oil palm fronds (OPF). Initial feasibility and characterization studies of OPF showed that it is highly feasible as fuel for gasification to produce high value gaseous fuel or syngas. This paper discusses the experimental gasification attempt carried out on OPF using a 50 kW lab scale downdraft gasifier and its results. The conducted study focused on the temperature distributions within the reactor and the characteristics of the dynamic temperature profile for each temperature zones during operation. An average pyrolysis zone temperature of 324oC and an average oxidation zone temperature of 796oC were obtained over a total gasification period of 74 minutes. A maximum oxidation zone temperature of 952oC was obtained at 486 lpm inlet air flow rate and 10 kg/hr feedstock consumption rate. Stable bluish flare was produced for more than 70% of the total gasification time. Similar temperature profile was obtained comparing the results from OPF gasification with that of woody biomass. Furthermore, the successful ignition of the syngas produced from OPF gasification ascertained that OPF indeed has a higher potential as gasification feedstock. Hence, more detailed studies need to be done for better understanding in exploiting the biomass as a high prospect alternative energy solution. In addition, a study of the effect of initial moisture content of OPF feedstock on the temperature distribution profile along the gasifier bed showed that initial moisture content of feedstock in the range of 15% gives a satisfactory result, while experiments with feedstock having higher moisture content resulted in lower zone temperature values."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI-IJTECH 3:1 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shigesaburo Ogawa
The Oil derrived from the oil palm plant has become one of the most contested agricultural commodities in Southeast Asia, and development of novel uses for it is in high demand. Trehalose fatty acid esters have begun attracting attention due to their specific potent applications (based on the exceptional intrinsic properties of the hydrophilic trehalose part) and their amphiphilicity. In order to enhance the usability of palm products and trehalose fatty acid esters, in this present study we focused on the use of trehose fatty acid monoesters (TMEs) prepared with natural fatty acids extracted from oil palms as cryoprotectants. "
Tokyo: Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, Seikei University, 2020
915 RAPS 45 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Machroes Effendy
"Isi Ringkasan :
Dalam rangka peningkatan dan pemerataan pendapatan, Pemerintah melaksanakan Pembangunan di daerah-daerah, termasuk daerah Kalimantan Barat. Pembangunan Dilakukan sesuai dengan kondisi,masing-masing daerah.
Pembangunan daerah Kalimantan Barat dititikberatkan pada pembangunan ekonomi. Pembangunan ekonomi tersebut selain bertumpu pada pengelolaan hasil hutan beserta industri pengolahannya, juga pada perkebunan, termasuk di dalamnya adalah perkebunan kelapa sawit yang rerata pertumbuhannya tertinggi di antara jenis perkebunan lainnya.
Pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Barat dilaksanakan mulai tahun 1980 oleh PN Perkebunan VII (Sekarang PT Perkebunan Nusantara XIIIKalimantan). Perkebunan ini berkembang pesat dan diprediksikan mencapai setengah juta hektar pada tahun 2000. Dengan luas tersebut diharapkan pada masa datang sektor industri kelapa sawit akan merupakan unsur pokok penggerak pembangunan di Kalimantan Barat.
Di sisi lain, pembangunan perkebunan kelapa sawit, seperti halnya pembangunan proyek-proyek pada umumnya, akan berdampak positif dan negatif terhadap komponen-komponen lingkungan hidup, termasuk komponen sosial ekonomi dan budaya. Dampak tersebut harus diwaspadai, dampak negatif harus ditekan menjadi sekecil-kecilnya.
Cara yang dapat dilakukan dalam hal ini adalah dengan mengadakan evaluasi terhadap dampak yang ditimbulkan. Dengan evaluasi akan diketahui apakah tindakan dan dampak tersebut sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, selanjutnya dapat dilakukan tindakan-tindakan yang tepat untuk menghindarkan dampak negatif.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak yang timbul dengan adanya PIR V Ngabang yang meliputi aspek demografi, sosial ekonomi dan sosial budaya, mengkaji sebab dan akibat dampak, serta persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan PIR V Ngabang. Untuk mendukung penelitian tersebut, dipergunakan hipotesis, jika keberadaan PIR V Ngabang memberikan dampak sosial ekonomi dan budaya, maka adanya PIR V Ngabang dapat menimbulkan dampak terhadap tingkat pendidikan, kegiatan bersama dan pertemuan warga, mata pencaharian, dan penghasilan masyarakat. Untuk menganalisis dan membuktikan hipotesis di atas, maka dalam penelitian ini akan diukur dan dianalisis beberapa variabel, yaitu:
- Tenaga kerja yang terserap oleh PIR V
- Tingkat pendidikan masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah adanya PIR
- Kegiatan masyarakat dan pertemuan warga sebelum dan sesudah adanya perkebunan
- Mata pencaharian utama dan sampingan sebelum dan sesudah adanya PIR V
- Tingkat penghasilan masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah ada perkebunan
Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive dengan kriteria desa yang dipilih adalah desa yang berdekatan dengan PIR, dan mata pencaharian masyarakatnya beragam. Untuk itu lokasi penelitian ditentukan di desa Hilir Kantor, sebuah desa terletak disebelah timur PIR dan berhimpitan dengan FIR. Dari desa Hilir Kantor diteliti keadaan sosial ekonomi dan budaya masyarakatnya.
Untuk mendapatkan gambaran keadaan desa sebelum ada PIR, ditentukan desa dengan kriteria terletak di Kecamatan Ngabang, diperkirakan tidak terkena dampak PIR, dan mempunyai kemiripan dalam hal akses keluar masuk desa . desa tersebut kemudian-dijadikan desa pembanding-. Desa .yang ditetapkan sebagai desa pembanding adalah desa Jelimpo, sebuah desa diperbatasan Kecamatan Ngabang dengan Sosok, dan terletak kira-kira 30 km dari desa Hilir Kantor. Dari desa Jelimpo diteliti keadaan sosial ekonomi dan budaya masyarakatnya.
Dengan membandingkan keadaan kedua desa tersebut dapat diperoleh gambaran dampak sosial ekonomi dan budaya PIR V Ngabang terhadap masyarakat sekitarnya.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi yang dimaksud dalam hal ini adalah kepala keluarga (KK) yang sudah bermukim di lokasi penelitian lebih dari 15 tahun. Sampel ditentukan secara acak sebesar 10% dari populasi.
Berdasarkan data, jumlah Kepala Keluarga (KK) yang telah lebih dari 15 tahun bermukim di desa Hilir Kantor adalah 671 KK dan di desa Jelimpo adalah 336 KK. Sesuai dengan ketentuan tersebut, responden di desa Hilir Kantor berjumlah 67 orang (KR) dan responden di desa Jelimpo berjumlah 33 orang (KK).
Data primer diperoleh dengan mempergunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada responden, selain itu dilakukan wawancara yang mendalam untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang tidak terungkap dari kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian selanjutnya di analisis dengan program SPSS PC Plus; distribusi frekuensi untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi sosial ekonomi dan budaya meliputi demografi, sosial ekonomi dan sosial budaya, uji-t dan uji proporsi untuk mengetahui dampak sosial ekonomi dan budaya PIR V Ngabang terhadap desa Hilir Kantor, dan tabulasi silang untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat terhadap keberadaan PIR V Ngabang.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan, kecuali meningkatnya pendidikan dan penghasilan penduduk, secara umum dapat dikatakan keberadaan PIR V Ngabang memberikan dampak positif yang kecil dan bahkan Menimbulkan dampak negative terhadap budaya masyarakat.
Meningkatnya tingkat pendidikan pada tingkat kepercayaan 0,95 atau alpha 0,05, karena PIR V Ngabang membangun sarana pendidikan SD dan SMP untuk keluarga karyawan, yang dapat pula dipergunakan oleh masyarakat sekitar.
Tingkat penghasilan rata-rata setelah ada PIR adalah sebesar Rp 255.731,00 lebih tinggi dibandingkan sebelum ada PIR dimana rata-rata penghasilan penduduk Rp 357.424,00 , pada tingkat kepercayaan 0,99 atau alpa 0,01. Meningkatnya penghasilan masyarakat karena dengan adanya PIR V telah mendorong berkembangnya non basic ekonomi, sektor informal, warung-warung, perdagangan jasa dan lain-lain di desa sekitarnya. Beberapa hal lain' yang ditemukan sebagai berikut :
PIR V Ngabang sangat rendah merespon tenaga kerja lokal. Dari penelitian diperoleh gambaran bahwa tenaga kerja lokal yang diserap hanya sebanyak 7,5% dari angkatan kerja yang ada, dan ini hanya mengisi 1,8% lowongan yang ada di perkebunan.
Hasil penelitian juga menyiratkan adanya perubahan mata pencaharian utama dan sampingan penduduk yang bergeser dari petani menjadi beragam usaha, pada tingkat kepercayaan 0,95 atau alpa 0,05, yang disebabkan bertambah luasnya kesempatan berusaha di sektor perdagangan di sekitar perkebunan. Keberadaan PIR V telah memberikan dampak negative dengan "melemahnya keterlibatan sosial (social involvement) anggota masyarakat, pada tingkat kepercayaan 0,95 atau alpa 0,05, sebagai akibat lebih banyaknya ourahan waktu dan perhatian mereka tujukan pada pekerjaan mereka.

Social, Economic And Cultural Impact Of Oil Palm Plantation (A Case Study of PIR V Ngabang P.T Perkebunan Nusantara KIII in West Kalimantan)Summary :
In the frame of increasing and implementing earning even distribution, the government carries out the development in all regions, including West Kalimantan. This development is carried out in accordance with the capability and potential which are available in each region.
The development in West Kalimantan is focused on economical sector. That economical sector's development encompasses the management of forest product, processing industry and plantation, including oil palm plantation that has the highest grade among other plantations.
The development of oilpalm plantation in West Kalimantan was first carried out in 1980 by PN Perkebunan VII (recent name P.T Perkebunan Nusantara KIII Kalimantan).The oilpalm plantation is grown up rapidly and it is estimated will reach 500.000 acres by the year 2000. By having that 500.000 acres, it is hoped that oilpalm industry sector can be the main key of development in West Kalimantan in the future.
Besides, the development of oilpalm plantation, like other developments, will bring about positive and negative impacts to the living environmental components, including social component, economical component and cultural component. Those impacts should be alert, and negative impact should be minimized. The way that can be done to overcome those emerging impacts is by initiating evaluation, for by having evaluation it can be known whether the measures as well as the impacts conform to the setting desire. So, the appropriate measures can be carried out in order to be able to avoid the negative impact.
The purpose of this research is to find out what types of impact that are going to emerge after PIR V Ngabang is established and it encompasses some aspects, such as demography, socioeconomic and sociocultural, examine the impact of cause - impact, as well as society's perception to the existence of PIR V Ngabang. Hypotesis is used to support the research, and the existence of PIR V brings about some impacts to socioeconomic and sociocultural at PIR surrounding area. By using hypothesis, education level after having PIR is higher than before having PIR and also together activities after having FIR is fewer than before having PIR, social meeting after having PIR is fewer than before having PIR, the main earnliving after having PIR is getting more and more various than before having PIR, secondary earnliving after having PIR is also geting more and more various than before having PIR and the income after having PIR is higher than before having PIR. To analyze and prove the above hypothesis, so this research is going to measure and analyze some variables, they are:
- Employees that are employed by PIR V
- Society's education grade before and after having PIR
- Society's activities and meeting of members of society before and after having plantation.
- The main and the second earnliving before and after having PIR Y
- Society's income level before and after having plantation
The determination of location of research is initiated purposively and the criteria of the chosen village is a village that is close to PIR and the members of the society have various earnlivings. That-is why, research location is determined at the village of Hilir Kantor, a village that is located on southern PIR and is close to PIR. There, the research is done on the situation of socioeconomic and cultural society. To get the illustration of the village situation before having PIR, it is determined with criteria of having similarity topography with the village of Hilir Kantor, located at Ngabang subdistrict and it is assumed that the impact of PIR will not effect it. That village, furthermore, is to be' a standard village. The Jelimpo village is determined as a standard village, it is in the border of Ngabang subdistrict and Sosok and is located around 30 km away from Hilir Kantor village. In Jelimpo village, the research is done on socioeconomic and cultural society. By comparing the situation of those two villages, so it can get an illustration of socioeconomic impact and culture of PIR V Ngabang to the surrounding society.
This research constitutes a descriptive research. Population which is related to this subject means the family heads (KK) who have been living at the research location for more than 15 years. Samples are based on data, the number of family heads (KK) who have been living at Hilir Kantor village for more than 15 years is 671 family heads (KR) and those who have been living at Jelimpo village is 336 family heads (KK). In conformity with those stipulations, respondents at Hilir Kantor village are 67 people and at Jelimpo village are 33 people. Data which are obtained from further research are analyzed with SPSS PC Plus programme. The frequency of distribution to 'identify the condition of socioeconomic and cultural encompasses demography, ocioeconomic and sociocultural, the initiating of t-test is to find out the impact of socioeconomic and cultural PIR V Ngabang to Hilir Kantor village and crossed tabulation in order to find out the society's perception to the existence of PIR V Ngabang.
First data is obtained by using questionnaires. Besides, an intense interview is used in order to obtain a further information.
Based on the outcome of the research, generally the existence of PIR V Ngabang brings about a minor positive impact and even it can arouse negative impact to the cultural society, except the increasing of the education level and society's income. The increasing of education level at the degree of 0,95 trusting or alpha 0,05 is caused PIR V have built means of education from elementary school (SD) to junior high school (SHP) level and those schools are to be used by the family of employees as well as by the surrounding society. The average of salary degree after having PIR is Rp. 265.731,00 and it is higher than before having FIR, viz Rp. 157.424,00, at 0,99 of trusting degree or alpha 0.01. The increasing of society's income is caused PIR V have contributed the motivation to develop non-basic economic, informal sectors, stalls, service of trade and so forth at surrounding villages. Some other things that were found are:
PIR V Ngabang is lack of responding local employees. The research shows that local employees which are employed are just 7.5 percent of the available work force or it just fills 1.8 percent of the available vacancies at plantation field.
The outcome of the research also shows that there is a change of main earnliving of the society, it is from cultivators into merchants profession, at 0,95 of trusting degree or alpha 0,05 because the expansion of oppurtunities of having a job at trade sector around the plantation.
The existence of PIR V arouse negative impact together with the lack of social involvement of members of society because they completely spend their time on their jobs.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Handayani
"Beberapa tahun terakhir, petani kelapa sawit Di Desa Toman yang menggantungkan hidupnya di sektor pertanian kelapa sawit berada pada posisi yang rentan. Di tengah kondisi kerentanan tersebut, mereka harus menghadapi proses peremajaan kelapa sawit yang membuat mereka kehilangan mata pencaharian dan sumber pendapatan utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan strategi adaptasi petani kelapa sawit dalam mempertahankan mata pencahariannya selama masa peremajaan kelapa sawit dengan menganalisa aktivitas, faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat dalam melakukan strategi adaptasi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan Teknik observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan informan yang terdiri dari pemerintah desa, KUD Makmur, dan petani kelapa sawit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi adaptasi pada petani kelapa sawit dilakukan melalui aktivitas produksi dan aktivitas konsumsi. Aktivitas produksi yang dilakukan petani kelapa sawit seperti nelayan, buruh pabrik dan buruh tani, berternak, bertani sayuran, dan membuka usaha kecil-kecilan, sedangkan aktivitas konsumsi yang dilakukan petani kelapa sawit seperti meminimalisir pengeluaran dan meminjam uang dengan memanfaatkan jaringan sosial. Kemudian adanya faktor- faktor pada petani kelapa sawit dalam melakukan strategi adaptasi yaitu faktor pendukung internal (istri, anak, dan keluarga lainnya), faktor pendukung eksternal (tetangga, pemerintah desa, KUD Makmur, dan PT. PI, serta faktor penghambat (masalah finansial dan minimnya pengetahuan petani kelapa sawit). Hasil penelitian ini juga menyarankan kepada pihak pemerintah desa, petani kelapa sawit, dan KUD Makmur untuk lebih memperhatikan petani kelapa sawit dengan meminimalisir faktor penghambat pada petani kelapa sawit selama masa peremajaan kelapa sawit

In recent years, the economic sustainability of oil palm farmers In the Toman village who have depended on the oil palm agriculture sector is in vulnerable state because of their low income. In addition to that difficult situation, the farmers have to face another issue which is replanting oil palm that took place simultaneously. This research aims to describe the adaptation strategy by the oil palm farmers during the oil palm’s replanting program to maintain their livelihood, by analyzing the supporting and inhibiting factors of the adaption strategy. This research conducted by qualitative approach and applies descriptive research. The data collection conducted through observation and in-depth interview with informants who were composed of the local government, the local cooperative (KUDMakmur), and the oil palm farmers. The result shows that two form of oil palm farmers’s adaptation strategy persist during replanting program to sustain their livelihood which are; first, production activities and second, consumption activities. Production and income activities done by oil palm farmers such as working as fishermen, factory workers and farm laborers, livestock raising, vegetable farming, and opening small businesses; while consumption activities done by oil palm farmers such as reducing expenses and borrowing money by utilizing their social networks. Furthermore, there are contributing factors of oil palm farmers’s adaptation strategy, namely, livelihood asset. The results of this research also suggest the local government, oil palm farmers, and local cooperative (KUD Makmur) to give more attention by minimizing inhibiting factors for oil palm farmers during the replanting program"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Pangestu
"Palm Kernel Meal is solid waste from Palm Oil extraction (Ng, 2003). Akubuo & Eje (2002) reported that mechanical extraction produced Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) dan Palm Kernel Meal (PKM). Perez (1997) mentioned that Palm Kernel Meal contains rich arginin, leusin, and sistein matters. Hem et al., (2008), utilizing Palm Kernel Meal pass through bioconversion process for developing larvae Hermetia illucens L. as alternative natural feedstuff in aquaculture industry. Macromolecule composition of Palm Kernel Meal like cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin can be degrade to be simply compound and can be used by another organism like larvae Hermetia illucens L. in bioconversion process. Bioconversion Palm Kernel Meal for feedstuff nutrition consist with microorganism assistance. Suharyanto et al., (2006) define bioconversion as a certain biological process which involving microorganism or enzyme that can change organic matters. Slime molds have great play role in process reduction macromolecule composition of Palm Kernel Meal. Molds have enzyme which can reduce cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin become more simple compound.
Study about fermentation fungi already been done through isolation, identification, and fungi screening. However, only a few study about fungi related consist in process bioconversion Palm Kernel Meal reported in Indonesia. This study consist of two part. First part describes the isolation, identification, and growth screening fungi from bioconversion Palm Kernel Meal. Second part of this study describes the fermentation Palm Kernel Meal by selected indigenous fungi. The selected indigenous fungi obtained from result of the first part. The fermentation result included ash matters, crude fiber, crude protein and dry matters experiment. The study was carried out at the Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) Laboratory, Depok and the Laboratory of Microbiology, Departement of Biology, UI, Depok during April?Oktober 2009. The isolation of fungi was conducted with spread methods on Potato Dectrose Agar (PDA). Identification of the isolates was carried out on Potato Dectrose Agar (PDA), Czapeck Dox Agar (CDA), and Malt Extract Agar (MEA) based on macroscopic and microscopic morphological observation of the colonies. The Mimura agar (MA) was used for growth fungi screening.
The isolation resulted in 15 representative isolates consisting of 4 group of fungi (Aspergillus, Mucor, Penicillium, and Geotrichum). Based on 7 days periods of fermentation processing, Mucor groups had the highest frequency distribution and Geotrichum had the highest quantity. After the growth fungi screening, 4 isolates (P3, P4, P10, P15) was selected for futher study in part II. Microscopic identification showed P3 (Penicillium chrysogenum), P4 (Mucor racemosus), P10 (Aspergillus flavus), and P15 (Geotrichum candidum). Mucor racemosus was the most wide diameter colony on Mimura agar?MA (9 cm) comparing to other isolates. These selected fungi was used for fermentation of Palm Kernel Meal as inoculant. After process bioconversion which fermented was done, proximate analysis were carried out to examine crude protein, crude fiber, ash matters, and dry matters. Ng (2003) methods was used for this Palm Kernel Meal fermentation and Hart & Fisher (1971) was used for proximate analysis.
The results after 7 days fermentation showed that the increased nutrition of crude protein composition of Palm Kernel Meal fermented by fungus Aspergillus flavus (1,33%), Geotrichum candidum (5,90%), Mucor racemosus (0,29%), and Penicillium chrysogenum (12,09%). The increased crude fiber contains fermented by Aspergillus flavus (3,03%), Geotrichum candidum (1,93%), Mucor racemosus (4,32%), and Penicillium chrysogenum (14,11%). Chemical cellulose structure and fungi species influence the difference percentage of crude protein and crude fiber. Chemical cellulose structure which amorf shape was more easy to degrade better than crystal shape. Fungi species have difference complexity enzymes (cellulose, hemicellulose, ligninase) and optimum growth level. High oil that can blocked the optimum growth of fungi and raising temperature matter that have involved in aeration and water activity alteration were another influence factor that have made difference percentage of crude protein and crude fiber."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Iswara
"Asam azelat (1,7-heptanedicarboxilix acid, AZA) adalah suatu asam dikarboksilat yang memiliki aktivitas anti-rosacea dan anti-jerawat, contoh sediaannya FINACEA yang mengandung 15% AZA. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memformulasikan asam azelat dalam bentuk sediaan mikroemulsi menggunakan pembawa olive oil dan palm olein. Asam azelat diformulasikan dalam sediaan mikroemulsi dengan konsentrasi 1% menggunakan pembawa olive oil dan palm olein dengan konsentrasi 3%. Ukuran partikel mikroemulsi AZA dalam pembawa olive oil adalah 15,08 nm, nilai indeks polidispersitas 0,345 dan pada pembawa palm olein adalah 19,59 nm, indeks polidispersitas 0,282 dan zeta poensial -15,6 mV dan -11 mV. Uji stabilitas fisik mikroemulsi AZA dilakukan pada tiga suhu yang berbeda, yaitu pada suhu rendah (4±2oC), suhu ruang (29±2oC) dan suhu tinggi (40±2oC). Uji stabilitas fisik mikroemulsi AZA dalam pembawa olive oil dan palm olein tidak menunjukkan pemisahan fase pada setiap suhu penyimpanan. Jumlah kumulatif asam azelat yang terpenetrasi dalam formulasi mikroemulsi dengan pembawa olive oil adalah 6457,94±0,75% μg.cm-2 dan palm olein adalah 5399,57±2,32% μg.cm-2. Fluks dari mikormeulsi AZA dalam pembawa olive oil dan palm olein secara berturut-turut adalah 807,24±0,74% μg.cm-2.jam dan 674,95±2,32% μg.cm-2.jam. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sediaan mikroemulsi dengan menggunakan pembawa olive oil bepernetrasi lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan mikroemulsi AZA dengan pembawa palm olein

Azelic acid (1,7-heptanedicarboxilix acid, AZA) is a dicarboxylic acid which has anti-rosacea and anti-acne activity, for example the preparation is FINACEA which contains 15% AZA. This research was conducted to formulate azelic acid in the form of a microemulsion dosage using olive oil and palm olein as a carrier. Azelic acid is formulated in a microemulsion preparation with a concentration of 1% of the carrier olive oil and palm olein with a concentration of 3%. The particle size of AZA microemulsion in olive oil carrier was 15.08 nm, the polydispersity index value was 0.345 and in the palm olein carrier was 19.59 nm, the polydispersity index was 0.282 and the zeta potential of -15.6 mV and -11 mV. The physical stability test of AZA microemulsion was carried out at three different temperatures, namely at low temperature (4±2o C), room temperature (29±2oC) and high temperature (40±2oC). The physical stability test of AZA microemulsion in olive oil and palm olein carriers did not show phase separation at any storage temperature. The cumulative amount of azelic acid penetrated in the microemulsion formulation with olive oil as a carrier was 6457,94±0,75% μg.cm-2 and palm olein was 5399,57±2,32% μg.cm-2. The flux of AZA micormeulsion in olive oil and palm olein carriers was 807,24±0,74% μg.cm-2.h and 674,95±2,32% μg.cm-2.h, respectively. Based on these results, it can be neglected that the microemulsion preparation with olive oil as the carrier penetrated more than the AZA microemulsion with palm olein as the carrier."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"“This engaged and vital edited volume brings together the varied viewpoints of academics, consultants and activists all concerned with the astonishing expansion of palm oil as a globally traded commodity. It reveals how this complex, contested and controversial expression of globalization transcends narrow national and sectoral interests, stimulating a transnational exchange of goods, capital and labour, as well as laws, norms, values and even understanding. Compelling, readable and insightful, the study shows that corporate responses to civil societys concerns about palm oils role in global warming, human rights abuses, land grabbing and biodiversity loss, now need to be complemented by legal, regulatory and governance reforms to be effective.” Marcus Colchester, Director, Forest Peoples Programme"
Singapore: Institute of South East Asia Studies, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nantharat Phruksaphithak
Oil palm is an oil plant which is of great importance for both the Thai and the world economies. Oil palm trees have a life span of approximately 20-25 years before a gradual erosion of yield sets in. Oil palm trunk (OPT) is an agricultural residue waste from oil palm re-plantation which is rich in cellulose but utilized ineffectively. One way for OPT utilization is cellulose hydrogel production. In this study, cellulose hydrogel was prepared by dissolving cellulose from OPT with 7% (w/v) of lithium chloride in dimethylacetamide (LiCl/DMAc) to create a porous hydrogel by 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10% (w/v) of (NH4)2SO4 for 3, 5 and 10 minutes. After that, it was found that soaking cellulose hydrogel in 8% (w/v) of (NH4)2SO4 solution for 5 minutes created light-browed cellulose hydrogel with an average Shore A hardness of 41 ± 1.13 and a maximum swelling equal to 90%. The chemical functional group and cross-section morphology of cellulose hydrogel were determined using Attenuated total reflectance - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively."
Pathum Thani: Thammasat University, 2019
670 STA 24:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anne Nuraini
"Oil palm is a plant that has a long seed dormancy period. The existence of barrier on the seed coat causes
disturbance on imbibition so the process of germination of oil palm seed is hampered. This study aimed to
determine the effect of interaction between the heat treatment by dry-heat treatment method and the submersion
of growth regulator gibberellin on oil palm dormancy breaking. The experiment was conducted using a factorial
randomized block design with 2 factors, i.e. 3 levels of dry-heat treatment duration (40 days, 50 days, 60 days)
and 3 levels of gibberellin concentration (0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm) and repeated 3 times. The result showed that
no interaction between the duration of dry heat treatment and concentration of gibberellin on breaking the oil
palm dormancy. Treatment of dry heat treatment of 50 and 60 days had a good effect on percentage of germination,
vigor index, radicle length and plumule length. Concentration of 100 and 200 ppm gibberellin had a good effect
on percentage of germination, vigor index, radicle length and plumule length. Fifty days-period of dry heat
treatment and concentration of 100 ppm gibberellin gave more effective effect than other treatment.
Kelapa sawit merupakan tanaman yang memiliki masa dormansi benih yang panjang. Adanya penghalang
kulit benih menyebabkan proses imbibisi menjadi terganggu sehingga proses perkecambahan benih kelapa sawit
terhambat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi antara perlakuan pemanasan dengan
metode dry heat treatment dan pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh giberelin terhadap pemecahan dormansi kelapa
sawit. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan 2 faktor, yaitu 3 taraf lama
dry heat treatment (40 hari, 50 hari, 60 hari) dan 3 taraf konsentrasi giberelin (0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm) yang
diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara lama dry heat
treatment dan konsentrasi giberelin terhadap pemecahan dormansi kelapa sawit. Perlakuan lama dry heat treatment
50 dan 60 hari berpengaruh baik pada variabel persentase perkecambahan dan indeks vigor serta panjang radikula
dan panjang plumula. Konsentrasi giberelin 100 dan 200 ppm berpengaruh baik pada variabel persentase
perkecambahan, indeks vigor, panjang radikula dan panjang plumula. Lama dry-heat treatment 50 hari dan
konsentrasi giberelin 100 ppm memberikan pengaruh paling efektif daripada kombinasi perlakuan lain."
Bandung: Universitas Padjadjaran. Fakultas Pertanian, 2016
630 AGRIN 20:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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