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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
This study, aims to examine empirically, the best possible relationship among variable of organizational transformation, competitive advantage and performance. The research object is te state owned enterprise (SEO's) privatization in Indonesia. The analysis unit related to the research method, involves a company while the respondents occupied by the primary manager. The method used for testing the empirical model is the Structural Equation Model on Partial Least Square. The strategic finding, take fron this research, implies in ways of achieving performances. This research aimed to give theory implication on concept Resources based View will be meaningfull to create competitive advantage. Besides, the result gives managerial implication that to improve performance need increasing organizational transformation t increas competitive advantage. Creating competitive advantage can archive through direct role of organizational transformation. Related to the government policy, the government should attention resources in enterprises to become competitiveness as mediating for successful transformation organizational to increase performance. The feature research should used "longitudinal" component to play important role on supporting this study.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
R.Dinur Krismasari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pelaksanaan transformasi organisasi Polres Metro Bekasi dalam upayanya untuk merubah dari institusi militer menuju institusi publik yang berbasis Pemolisian Masyarakat (Polmas) dengan bantuan Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian enyarankan bahwa untuk mencapai suksesnya transformasi secara utuh maka Polres Metro Bekasi perlu merancang kembali visi dan misi Polmas, menciptakan pola kerja yang kondusif untuk melakukan tindakan yang cepat dan tepat serta membangun sistim pola kerja dan manajemen kinerja yang dapat mendorong suksesnya pelaksanaan Polmas. Upaya ini dapat dilakukan dengan membangun mekanisme pendelegasian kewenangan, penyediaan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai serta memberikan kepercayaan secara utuh terhadap para anggota.
The focus of this study is to assess the implementation of organizational transformation of Police Resort Metro Bekasi as part of their efforts to change from military police institution into a community policing based public institution with the assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). This research is using a descriptive approach through questionnaires collected. The research is suggested that to make a complete successful transformation, it is important re-creating a vision of community policing, formulation a better work environment so that every personnel enable to take action immediately and appropriately, and building an effective performance and human resources management system so that in line with community policing. Countermeasures that can be developed such as building an appropriate delegation of responsibility and authority, provision supporting facilities and infrastructure as well as building trust of police personnel.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dizha Aziza Adiwibowoputri
Abstrak :
Pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Jokowi dan Wakil Presiden K.H Ma’ruf Amin, terdapat salah satu prioritas kerjanya tahun 2019-2024 mengenai penyederhanaan birokrasi. Momentum penyederhanaan birokrasi bersamaan dengan pembangunan SDM dan pemindahan ibu kota dalam menghadapi tantangan global yang ada saat ini. Tantangan tersebut dapat terlihat dengan adanya perubahan cara kerja secara drastis melalui transformasi digital yang menuntut SDM di pemerintahan/ASN untuk mempunyai keahlian dan kompetensi agar dapat bekerja dengan cepat, adaptif dan inovatif. Kementerian Kominfo mendukung pelaksanaan pengalihan jabatan ini, meskipun kebijakan pengalihan jabatan tersebut awalnya diragukan dapat terlaksana atau tidak oleh banyak pihak dan perlu adanya penyesuaian-penyesuaian di masa yang akan datang. Kementerian Kominfo sendiri termasuk dalam klasifikasi Kementerian kelompok 2 dengan susunan organisasi yang cukup kompleks. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi proses transformasi organisasi di Kementerian Kominfo melalui pelaksanaan pengalihan jabatan struktural ke jabatan fungsional. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan post-positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam pada berbagai pihak di Kementerian Kominfo dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan Kementerian Kominfo melakukan proses transformasi organisasi melalui pengalihan jabatan dengan empat dimensinya, yaitu reframing, restructuring, revitalization, dan renewal. Proses transformasi organisasi ini telah menghasilkan pengalihan jabatan struktural ke jabatan fungsional di Kementerian Kominfo sebanyak 611 pegawai. Pada proses transformasi organisasi ini Kementerian Kominfo telah berupaya untuk melaksanakan pengalihan jabatan sesuai instruksi Presiden dan kondisi dilingkungannya. Masalah dan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam proses transformasi melalui pengalihan jabatan di Kementerian Kominfo meliputi komunikasi pembentukan tim kerja khusus, kekosongan mengenai tambahan fungsi manajemen dan batasan yang jelas terkait dengan koordinator dan subkoordinatornya setelah pengalihan jabatan, penetapan SOTK yang harus segera dilakukan, dan keseimbangan antara ketersediaan dengan kebutuhan keterampilan yang ada setelah pengalihan jabatan ......During the administration of President Jokowi and Vice President K.H Ma'ruf Amin, there was one of the work priorities for 2019-2024 regarding the simplification of the bureaucracy. The momentum of simplifying the bureaucracy coincides with the development of human resources and the relocation of the capital city in facing the global challenges that exist today. This challenge can be seen in the drastic change in how things work through digital transformation which requires human resources in the government / ASN to have the skills and competencies to work quickly, adaptively and innovatively. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics supports the implementation of this transfer of positions, although the policy of transferring positions was initially doubted whether or not it could be implemented by many parties and there needs to be adjustments in the future. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics itself is included in the classification of the Ministry of Group 2 with a fairly complex organizational structure. This research aims to analyze and identify the organizational transformation process in the Ministry of Communication and Informatics through the implementation of the transfer of structural positions to functional positions. The research approach used post-positivist with qualitative data collection techniques through in-depth interviews with various parties in the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the Ministry of Communications and Informatics carried out an organizational transformation process through the transfer of positions with four dimensions, namely reframing, restructuring, revitalization, and renewal. This organizational transformation process has resulted in the transfer of structural positions to functional positions in the Ministry of Communication and Informatics as many as 611 employees. In the process of organizational transformation, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics has attempted to carry out the transfer of positions according to the President's instructions and conditions in their environment. The problems and challenges faced in the transformation process through the transfer of positions at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics include communication of the formation of a special work team, vacancies regarding additional management functions and clear boundaries related to the coordinator and sub-coordinator after transferring positions, the determination of SOTK that must be carried out immediately, and the balance between availability with the existing skills needs after the transfer
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andy Prasetio Wibowo
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan ekonomi bersifat sangat dinamis, dan perusahaan menggunakan kebijkan strategi transformasi untuk mempertahankan tingkat kompetisi dan keberlanjutannya dalam era globalisasi industri. Implementasi transformasi organisasi akan memberikan suatu perubahan dalam kondisi internal organisasi. Hasil pengamatan dari beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan melakukan transformasi dalam perusahaan memiliki tingkat keberhasilan yang rendah yang secara umum dibawah 50%. Kegagalan dari strategi ini adalah pada pengelolaan yang tidak tepat terhadap perubahan perilaku sebagai akibat dari strategi transformasi yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada perubahan perilaku yang terjadi pada salah satu perusahaan pertambangan di Indonesia yang sedang menjalankan transformasi organisasi, dan bertujuan untuk memberikan suatu rekomendasi ataupun pandangan lain secara ilmiah kepada manajemen perusahaan. Hal ini diharapkan dapat membantu perusahaan dalam membuat suatu keputusan lain untuk menjaga proses transformasi yang sedang berjalan. Sebuah model penelitian dikembangkan berdasarkan Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) dengan menggunakan validasi pengolahan data sesuai PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model) untuk mengevaluasi pengelolaan terhadap perubahan dan mengetahui factor signifikan yang mempengaruhi perilaku positif karyawan. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan bahwa niatan dari karyawan mempengaruhi secara positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku positif karyawan. Sejalan dengan niatan karyawan, sikap karyawan dan kontrol perilaku yang dirasakan juga mempengaruhi secara signifikan terhadap niatan karyawan itu sendiri. Namun, norma subyektif ditemukan tidak mempengaruhi secara signifikan terhadap niatan karyawan. The Importance-Urgency Mapping (Eisenhower method) juga digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menentukan tingkat prioritas dari beberapa faktor berpengaruh yang dapat dijadikan pertimbangan lebih lanjut oleh manajemen perusahaan. ......Economy growth is very dynamic, and companies use organizational transformation strategies for their resilience and sustainability in the era of globalization. The implementations of organizational transformation provide several internal changes. However, several published research showed a low success rate of less than 50% of the organizational transformation strategy. These failures are due to mismanagement actions in handling employee behavioural changes as the impact of the transformation strategy. This paper focused on behavioural changes in one of the mining companies in Indonesia during the recent organizational transformation. This research aimed to discuss and provide feedback to the company's management. Therefore, the company can perform the best decision-making in achieving transformation strategy goals. A research model was developed based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour and validated in PLS-SEM (Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Model) to investigate change management implementation and define significant factors influencing employees' positive behaviour. The research found that employees' intention factors significantly influenced positive behaviour of employee. Moreover, their attitudes and perceived control significantly influenced the employees' intentions. However, the subjective norms did not significantly influence the employee's intention. The Importance-Urgency Mapping was also applied to define the prioritization of management factors within the company.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The change and increasingly complex business environment has forced many companies to make radikal organizational transformation. Facing with this new challenge, the organization should develop their competitive advantage on the resource. This research analyzes the impact of the human resource roles to organizational performance. The items that are going to be tested in this study are do the execution of strategic partner, administrative expert, employee champion and change agent roles have impact on the state owned companies performance in Indonesia? In this research, the population are state owned companies in Indonesia. Samples are gathered by using purposive sampling method with the response rate of 41,88%. The data is collected by distributing to the human resource manager of middle level management. One questionnaire is sent to one company by mail. Each questionnare consists of 40 questions developed by Conner and Ulrich (1996} to measure four types of human resource roles, and 11 questions developed by the research team of national organizational survey to measure organizational performance (Delaney & Huselid, 1996). Variables are measured using scales such as Likert, using five scales (1 = very low, 2 = low, 3 = fair, 4 = high, 5 = very high). In this research use multilinear regression analysis respectively. The result shows that human resource roles as strategic partner, administrative expert, and change agent have impact on organizational performance significantly. Then the human resource roles as employee champion has not impact on organizational performance.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library