"Proses pelayanan pasien rawat jalan di poliklinik spesialis RS Hermina Daan Mogot masih belum optimal, ditunjukan dengan beberapa penyelenggaraan yang belum sesuai dengan peraturan, serta waktu tunggu pasien poli spesialis belum sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis proses pelayanan pasien rawat jalan di poliklinik spesialis dengan metode lean six sigma. Jenis penelitian ini adalah operational research, dengan desain penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian digambarkan dengan value stream mapping yang memperlihatkan lead time proses pelayanan pasien rawat jalan sebesar 149,66 menit dengan value added 17,87 menit (11,94%) dan non value added 141,54 menit (88,06%). Proses paling lama (bottleneck) yaitu kegiatan menunggu dipanggil masuk ke ruang poli. Waste paling besar yaitu waste waiting sebesar 91,84 menit atau 69,69% dari total waste yang ditemukan. Berdasarkan analisis fishbone diagram diketahui bahwa akar penyebab masalah yang paling banyak berasal dari kategori man. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut diberikan usulan berupa pembuatan standarisasi kerja, perhitungan pola ketenagaan, memaksimalkan ketepatan datang dokter, dan pemberian reward.
The process of outpatient service at specialist polyclinic RS Hermina Daan Mogot is not optimal enough, indicated by the process is not in accordance with existing regulations, and the waiting time of specialist polyclinic patients is not in accordance with the prescribed standards. The aim of this research is to get an analysis result of outpatient service at specialist polyclinics with lean six sigma method. This type of research is operational research, with quantitative and qualitative research design. The results of this research are described with the value stream mapping that showed lead time of outpatient service process for 149,66 minutes, with value added 17,87 minutes (11,94%) and non value added 141,54 minutes (88,06%). The longest process occurs on waiting to be called into the polyclinic room. The biggest waste is waiting for amount 91,84 minutes or 69,69% of the total waste. Based on fishbone diagram analysis, it is known that the root causes of the problem are mostly from the man category. Based on the analysis, an improvement proposal will be given in the form of work standardization, calculation of workforce patterns, maximize the accuracy of coming doctors and giving rewards."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019