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Ditemukan 80 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Christine S.T. Kansil
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1991
352 KAN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Yudoyono
Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 2001
351.1 BAM o (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
S.H. Sarundajang
Jakarta: Kata Hasta, 2005
320.8 SAR b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadel Muhammad
Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia, 2008
320.8 FAD r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christine S.T. Kansil
Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 1984
352 KAN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Sekretariat Jenderal dan Kepaniteraan. Mahkamah Konstitusi RI, 2006
R 342.09 IND p
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika RI , 2005
R 320.83 IND u
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
K.D. Andaru Nugroho
Abstrak :
Era reformasi telah membawa perubahan paradigma pemerintahan dari aentralistik ke desentralistik dengan diundangkannya Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah. Dihadapkan dengan paradigma sentralistik masa lalu selama 32 tahun, perubahan paradigma tersebut menimbulkan permasalahan yang justru hanya akan menggeser pola scntralistik ke daerah. Di sisi lain gegar desentralisasi menimbulkan persepsi ketidakberdayaan daerah dalam membiayai kcmandinan yang diterima dari pelaksanaan otonomi seluas-luasnya itu. Padahal dilaksanakannya Undang-Undang tersebut telah memberikan kewenangan dan kemampuan kepada daerah, schingga dengan kemandiriannya dihadapkan dengan karakteristik geografi daerah, telah melahirkan vitalisasi geopolitik daerah. Berdasarkan hal tcrsebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap bagaimanakan persepsi geopolitik pimpinan daerah, bagalmanakah kcdudukan geopolitik daerah dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999, bagaimanakan hubungan vitalisasi geopolitik daerah dengan ketahanan daerah dan bagaimanakah pengaruh persepsi geopolitik pimpinan daerah terhadap hubungan vitalisasi gcopolitlk daerah dengan ketahanan daerah. Untuk mengungkap jawaban permasalahan tersebut diajukan hipotesis: ?Vitalisasi geopolitik daerah berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 memiliki hubungan signitikan dengan ketahanan daerah, berkaitan dengan persepsi geopolitik pimpinan daerah.? Dari analisis ketahanan nasional model mikro Sunardi, dapal diketahui potcnsi ketahanan geopolitik Kabupatcn Karanganyar dalam fataran ?Baik" dengan kecenderungan ?Cukup". Dengan menggunakan teknik analisis Tabulasi Silang diketahui persepsi geopolitik pimpinnan daerah ?Tinggi" sebanyak 66 % dan ?Sangat Tinggi" 26 %, persepsi tersebut berada daiam bayang-bayang lekatan geografi ?Rendah? yang rclatif besar yalmi 39,9 %. Sedangkan dalam analisis Tabulasi Silang dan korelasi product moment dapat diksrahui hubungan yang ?Tinggi? antara indikator variabel, baik vitalisasi geopolitik-ketahanan dacrah (kcscsuaian pcrsepsi indikator rata-rata 8,87 % dan dalam korclasi rata-rata O,95), vitalisasi geopolitik-persepsi geopolitik (kesesuaian persepsi indikator rata-rata 86,86 % dan dalarn korelasi rata-rata O,94), nrsepsi geopolitik-ketahanan daerah (kesesuaian persepsi indi.l~:ator rata-rata 75,75 % dan dalam korclasi rata-rata 0,96). Tcmuan tersebut diperkuat oleh hasil perhitungan program SPSS korelasi Tau Kendal ?B? dari variabelnya, masing~masing signiflkan sebesar 0,480, 0,421 dan 0,255. Berdasarkan basil penghitungan berbagai hubungan indikatior dan variabel penelitian di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan melalui pcnghitungan Korelasi Parsial Tau Kendal ?B? bahwa terdapat pcngaruh yang signifxkan dari persepsi gcopolitik pimpinan daerah terhadap hubungan vitalisasi geopolilik berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 dengan ketahanan daerah. Kesimpulan tersebut didasarkan pada hasil penghitungannya yang mcnunjukkan hubungan melemah dari semula 0,480 menjadi 0,43.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deddi Nordiawan
Abstrak :
Kajian ini membahas tentang pemicu dan pembentuk budaya yang mendorong kinerja untuk meningkatkan efektivitas manajemen kinerja di pemerintahan daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan soft systems methodology (Checkland & Scholes, 1990) dengan dual imperative of action research (McKay & Marshall, 2001) melalui 4 (empat) tahapan SSM (Checkland & Poulter, 2006). Kajian ini memetakan permasalahan faktual di Pemerintahan Provinsi Jawa Timur yang menunjukkan tidak efektifnya tahapan pembelajaran dikarenakan kurangnya budaya yang mendorong kinerja. Kajian ini merekonstruksi konsep Marr (2009) tentang pemicu dan pembentuk budaya yang mendorong kinerja. Hasil rekonstruksi menunjukkan ada 5 (lima) pemicu budaya yang mendorong kinerja, yaitu adanya rasa kesatuan sebagai komunitas, tanggung jawab dan akuntabilitas, integritas dalam kejujuran dan keterbukaan, kesamaan visi dan persepsi tentang budaya kinerja, dan kepemimpinan yang memberdayakan dalam kemitraan. Hasil rekonstruksi juga menghasilkan adanya 5 (lima) pembentuk budaya yang mendorong kinerja, yaitu kepemimpinan yang mendorong kinerja, pengakuan dan penghargaan kinerja, pelaporan kinerja yang efisien, reviu kinerja secara interaktif, dan peta kinerja. Selain itu, bersama-sama dengan para aktor di Pemerintahan Provinsi Jawa Timur, kajian ini melakukan pemecahan masalah (problem solving) terkait pengelolaan unsur-unsur pembentuk budaya yang mendorong kinerja dan menghasilkan rekomendasi yang disepakati berupa keterlibatan gubernur dalam Musrenbang, dimulainya program apresiasi kinerja, penyederhanaan proses penyusunan laporan kinerja, reviu periodik secara dialogis, pembangunan Pusat Data Kinerja dan penyusunan indikator kinerja yang terintegrasi;
The implementation of performance management has its own drawbacks. When a particular performance management technology is applied in an organization, it does not always come to fruition. Sometimes it ends as a formality, sometimes it stops at measurement phase and never reaches the management phase. This assertion is supported by a number of factual problems found in the local government of East Java province, and a number of conceptual problems from the pervious theories. To solve these problems, we need to employ a set of enablers and building blocks of Performance- Driven Culture; which are expected to bring improved effectivity in the application of Performance Management. Mar (2009) states that, to achieve the desired Performece- Driven Culture, a set of factors that consist of five enablers and five building blocks are required. This study has successfully reconstructed those factors. This study finds that in Indonesian government, especially in East Java province, there are 5 (five) building blocks of performance-driven culture, namely: (1) leadership that encourages performance, (2) acknowledgement and appreciation of performance, (3) efficient performance reporting, (4) interactive performance review, and (5) performance map. Furthermore, together with the actors in the Government of East Java Province, this study also performed problem solving upon the problem related to the management of elements that construct Performance-Driven Culture. The result of this problem solving process leads to a number of agreed recommendations, namely the involvement of the governor in Musrenbang, the initiation of performance appreciation program, the simplification of performance report framing, dialogic periodical review, establishing Performance Data Center, and the framing of integrated performance indicator;The implementation of performance management has its own drawbacks. When a particular performance management technology is applied in an organization, it does not always come to fruition. Sometimes it ends as a formality, sometimes it stops at measurement phase and never reaches the management phase. This assertion is supported by a number of factual problems found in the local government of East Java province, and a number of conceptual problems from the pervious theories. To solve these problems, we need to employ a set of enablers and building blocks of Performance- Driven Culture; which are expected to bring improved effectivity in the application of Performance Management. Mar (2009) states that, to achieve the desired Performece- Driven Culture, a set of factors that consist of five enablers and five building blocks are required. This study has successfully reconstructed those factors. This study finds that in Indonesian government, especially in East Java province, there are 5 (five) building blocks of performance-driven culture, namely: (1) leadership that encourages performance, (2) acknowledgement and appreciation of performance, (3) efficient performance reporting, (4) interactive performance review, and (5) performance map. Furthermore, together with the actors in the Government of East Java Province, this study also performed problem solving upon the problem related to the management of elements that construct Performance-Driven Culture. The result of this problem solving process leads to a number of agreed recommendations, namely the involvement of the governor in Musrenbang, the initiation of performance appreciation program, the simplification of performance report framing, dialogic periodical review, establishing Performance Data Center, and the framing of integrated performance indicator, The implementation of performance management has its own drawbacks. When a particular performance management technology is applied in an organization, it does not always come to fruition. Sometimes it ends as a formality, sometimes it stops at measurement phase and never reaches the management phase. This assertion is supported by a number of factual problems found in the local government of East Java province, and a number of conceptual problems from the pervious theories. To solve these problems, we need to employ a set of enablers and building blocks of Performance- Driven Culture; which are expected to bring improved effectivity in the application of Performance Management. Mar (2009) states that, to achieve the desired Performece- Driven Culture, a set of factors that consist of five enablers and five building blocks are required. This study has successfully reconstructed those factors. This study finds that in Indonesian government, especially in East Java province, there are 5 (five) building blocks of performance-driven culture, namely: (1) leadership that encourages performance, (2) acknowledgement and appreciation of performance, (3) efficient performance reporting, (4) interactive performance review, and (5) performance map. Furthermore, together with the actors in the Government of East Java Province, this study also performed problem solving upon the problem related to the management of elements that construct Performance-Driven Culture. The result of this problem solving process leads to a number of agreed recommendations, namely the involvement of the governor in Musrenbang, the initiation of performance appreciation program, the simplification of performance report framing, dialogic periodical review, establishing Performance Data Center, and the framing of integrated performance indicator]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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