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Ditemukan 74 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Litton, Roger A., 1944-
Aldershot: Avebury, 1990
364.4 LIT c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Alumni, 1970
364 SOE k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pepinsky, Harold E.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1980
364.4 PEP c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diyan Istikomah
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meirina Ismira Mulandari
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Farid Ananda
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang mekanisme pencegahan kejahatan yang diterapkan oleh Bea Cukai Tanjung Priok dalam mencegah terjadinya penyelundupan barang. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Selain itu, pada penelitian ini juga dimasukkan bahasan mengenai adanya kemungkinan suatu celah yang dapat melemahkan sistem pencegahan yang telah diterapkan tersebut, yang diduga berasal dari praktek penyuapan yang dilakukan oleh importir dan juga birokrat atau petugas Bea Cukai itu sendiri. Maka, selain mengaitkan dengan konsep pencegahan kejahatan situasional, penelitian ini juga mengaitkan dengan konsep pilihan rasional dan kejahatan okupasional.
The focus of this study is describes about the mechanisms of crime prevention that are applied by Tanjung Priok Customs in the case of smuggling of goods. This research is qualitative descriptive interpretive. In addition, in this study also included a discussion about a possibility of a gap that could undermine the preventing system that has been applied, are thought to have originated from the bribery practical that committed by importers and Customs officers or the bureaucrats themselves. Thus, in addition to hooking up with the concept of situational crime prevention, this research has also linked with the concept of rational choice and occupational crime.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Meidini
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bahwa calon tenaga kerja berpotensial sebagai korban penipuan lowongan pekerjaan melalui sistem online. Penulis memberikan gambaran mengenai upaya ndash; upaya pencegahan kejahatan melalui pendekatan sosial yang dapat dilakukan oleh website pencarian kerja di dalam sistem online dan Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan serta Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika yang terlibat sebagai pelindung. Dalam pembahasannya, penulis menganalisis fenomena tindak penipuan lowongan kerja sistem online dengan menggunakan routine activity theory dan fraud triangle theory. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah dalam perannya diharap memberikan upaya-upaya pencegahan kejahatan melalui pendekatan sosial dapat dilakukan dengan sangat maksimal agar dapat mengurangi adanya resiko dari salah satu bentuk cybercrime ini.
The purpose of this paper is to explain that job seekers could potentially be a victim of job online system recruitment. This discussion gives an overview about how the webite job seek rsquo s creators and the Government can do to have a social crime pevention efforts for protecting the victims. In this paper will involve the routine activity and fraud triangle theory to explain how the job online system recruitment happened. This discussion lead to how Government rsquo s important role should give social crime prevention strategy to the website job seek`s owner for protecting into maximum security efforts. Therefore, hopefully the Government could give the reality of maximum social crime prevention strategy for protecting the potentially victim, so its could decrease the risks of this kind of cybercrime. Keywords social crime prevention, job online system recruitment, fraud, routine activity theory, fraud triangle theory, cybercrime, job seeker.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gatot Hendro Hartono
Abstrak :
Kejahatan selalu berkembang seiring dengan peradaban manusia, seperti saat ini dimana manusia sudah beranjak pada penggunaan teknologi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan. Kejahatanpun semakin berkembang, mulai dari kejahatan tradisional hingga kejahatan yang menggunakan teknologi canggih dan modern. Kejahatan dapat mengganggu stabilitas nasional, dimana stabilitas nasional dan keamanan dalam negeri menjadi tanggung jawab Polri sebagaimana tercantum dalam UU No 2 tahun 2002 tentang Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan kejahatan dapat membuat ketakutan (Fear of crime) pada masyarakat sehingga masyarakat merasa tidak nyaman dalam melaksanakan kegiatan. Polresta Tangerang yang membawahi wilayah penyangga DKI Jakarta yaitu meliputi wilayah Tangerang Kabupaten, dimana wilayah ini terdiri dari wilayah pemukiman dan wilayah perindustrian. Wilayah Polresta Tangerang memiliki tingkat crime total yang cukup tinggi diantara Polres yang lain dijajaran Polda Metro Jaya. Terutama kejahatan pencurian dengan kekerasan, pencurian dengan pemberatan dan pencurian kendaraan bermotor. Polri memiliki salah satu strategi dalam mencegah kejahatan curas, curat dan curanmor Kejahatan sebagai salah satu fokus dari teori kriminologi menghendaki upaya pencegahan yang bersifat komprehensif serta bukan hanya berorientasi pada penindakan pelaku kejahatan saja. Pencegahan Kejahatan bukan hanya merupakan tanggung jawab dari Kepolisian semata, namun juga merupakan tanggung jawab seluruh lapisan masyarakat dan pemerintah. Upaya pencegahan dirasa lebih baik daripada upaya represif. Upaya Represif belum tentu memberikan efek jera bagi para pelaku, selain itu juga sudah menimbulkan korban baik materiil maupun imateriil. Oleh karena kejahatan curas, curat dan curanmor menyebabkan ketakutan pada masyarakat, maka perlu adanya strategi guna menanggulangi kejahatan.
Crime is always evolving along with human civilization, like today where people have moved to the use of technology to meet the needs. Crime to be growing, ranging from traditional crimes to crimes using sophisticated and modern technology. Crime can disturb national stability, where the national stability and security in the country is the responsibility of the police as stated in Law No. 2 years 2002 about the Indonesian National Police. This is due to a crime can create fear (Fear of crime) in the community so that people feel uncomfortable in carrying out the activities. Police in charge of the Buffer Zone covers an area of DKI Jakarta, Tangerang is comprised of residential areas and industrial areas. Tangerang Police region has a total crime levels are high enough among others in Metro Jaya Police. Especially theft with violence, theft by weighting and motor vehicle theft. Police have one strategy in preventing street crime. Police Operational Management needs to be implemented properly so that every stage in the management of performing well. Crime as one of the focuses of criminological theory requires that prevention efforts are comprehensive and action-oriented not only offenders only. Crime prevention is not only the responsibility of the police alone, but also the responsibility of all levels of society and government. Prevention is considered better than the repressive efforts. Repressive efforts do not necessarily provide a deterrent for the perpetrators, but it also has caused loss of material and immaterial. Therefore, street crime cause fear in society, hence the need for a strategy for tackling crime., Crime is always evolving along with human civilization, like today where people have moved to the use of technology to meet the needs. Crime to be growing, ranging from traditional crimes to crimes using sophisticated and modern technology. Crime can disturb national stability, where the national stability and security in the country is the responsibility of the police as stated in Law No. 2 years 2002 about the Indonesian National Police. This is due to a crime can create fear (Fear of crime) in the community so that people feel uncomfortable in carrying out the activities. Police in charge of the Buffer Zone covers an area of DKI Jakarta, Tangerang is comprised of residential areas and industrial areas. Tangerang Police region has a total crime levels are high enough among others in Metro Jaya Police. Especially theft with violence, theft by weighting and motor vehicle theft. Police have one strategy in preventing street crime. Police Operational Management needs to be implemented properly so that every stage in the management of performing well. Crime as one of the focuses of criminological theory requires that prevention efforts are comprehensive and action-oriented not only offenders only. Crime prevention is not only the responsibility of the police alone, but also the responsibility of all levels of society and government. Prevention is considered better than the repressive efforts. Repressive efforts do not necessarily provide a deterrent for the perpetrators, but it also has caused loss of material and immaterial. Therefore, street crime cause fear in society, hence the need for a strategy for tackling crime.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzan Manshur Ahmad
Abstrak :
Tindak kejahatan pencopetan masih saja terjadi di bus dan halte milik PT. Transjakarta. Hal ini terjadi karena masih lemahnya sistem pencegahan kejahatan yang ada dan belum sepenuhnya berjalan dengan baik. Dimana suasana tersebut dapat menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan dan kurang aman. Terdapat berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya kejahatan pencopetan yang terjadi didalam transportasi umum, salah satu faktornya adalah tingginya pertemuan antar pelaku dan korban disuatu tempat dan waktu tertentu yang menyebabkan diperlukannya pencegahan kejahatan yang bersifat situasional. Dalam karya tulis ini akan membahas bagaimana pencegahan yang dilakukan oleh PT. Transjakarta berdasarkan 16 teknik pencegahan kejahatan milik Clarke. Selain itu tindakan pencopetan akan dibahas menggunakan Rational Choice Theory dan Routine Activity Theory. Hasilnya PT. Transjakarta belum menjalankan sepenuhnya ke 16 teknik yang ada sehingga tidak efektif dalam mencegah tindak kejahatan pencopetan.
The pickpocketing still happened in the bus and the shelter belonging to PT. Transjakarta. This is due to the weakness of the existing crime prevention system and has not fully functioned properly. Where the atmosphere can cause discomfort and less safe. There are various factors that influence the occurrence of pickpocketing crimes occurring within public transport, one of the factors being the high number of meetings between perpetrators and victims in a particular place and time that leads to the need for situational crime prevention. In this paper will discuss how the crime prevention of PT. Transjakarta based on 16 crime prevention techniques owned by Clarke. Also pickpocketing will be discussed using rational choice theory and routine activity theory. The result is PT. Transjakarta has not yet fully implemented all 16 existing techniques so that it is ineffective in preventing the crime of pickpocketing.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanie Anastha Putra
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis aktifitas cybercrime yang menyerang email Direktorat Intelijen pada tahun 2015 dan menganalisis pencegahan cyber crime terhadap email Direktorat Intelijen BNN. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis deskripsi. Adapun pencegahan cyber crime terhadap email Direktorat Intelijen BNN yakni dengan menggunakan pendekatan pencegahan kejahatan situasional dimana usaha pencegahan yang dilakukan ialah dengan mereduksi atau menghilangkan peluang terjadinya suatu kejahatan antara lain di sisi sumber daya manusia dengan peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia dengan kompetensi relevan. Di sisi sarana dan prasarana, penggunaan software komputer yang original termasuk antivirus, update berkala software, upgrade hardware komputer. Di sisi kebijakan, dengan menaikkan standarisasi penyelenggaraan TIK berdasarkan indeks KAMI.
This purpose of this research are to analysis the activity of cybercrime which attacked email of Dit. Intel on 2015 and to analysis cybercrime prevention that attacked email of Intelligence Directorate BNN. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The result of this research that cybercrime which attacking email of Intelligence Directorate on 2015 is the attack came from outside Indonesia by flooding network traffic of email so that the mail became down and inaccessible. There are cybercrime prevention to the email of Intelligence Directorate BNN which is using situational crime prevention approach where effort of prevention that could be done is reduce or eliminate the opportunities for crime to be happen. From human resources is increasing the quality and quantity all of the human resources. On infrastructure, using original software including antivirus for computer, updating the software frequently, upgrading computer hardware. On policy, improving standardization of Information and communication implementation based on KAMI indeks
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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