Kata kunci : film, moralitas, penganiayaan, kekerasan, seksual
Over the years, movie or film has grow into one of people`s choice of entertainment. That aspect aside, movie often used as social critism nor an explaination of social issue. Dogani is a movie about abusive and violent act in school filled with disabled kids. Those violent acts carried by the headmaster and teachers in that school. Through this film we can see morality issue that happened in South Korea, as this movie based on true story. This journal will discuse those issues by literature sociology method. The method used is qualitative method by literature method. According to this research, the writer can see that Dogani movie is able to raise morality problems in Korean society, such as violent acts and sexual abuse carried by people who have power to weak people. It also can be a criticism to injustice law that happened in Korea."