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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Titis Wahyu Utami
"Pertumbuhan produktivitas dapat didekomposisi menjadi sumber-sumber pembentuknya yaitu perubahan teknis, perubahan efisiensi teknis, dan perubahan skala usaha. Peranan masing-masing sumber tersebut penting untuk diketahui karena Indonesia mengalami penurunan pertumbuhan TFP pada tahun 1990-2015 yang menunjukkan adanya permasalahan produktivitas. Dari hasil studi-studi sebelumnya mengenai dekomposisi pertumbuhan produktivitas di sektor industri manufaktur di Indonesia dengan pendekatan stochastic frontier, masih terdapat pertentangan yang diduga disebabkan oleh perbedaan spesifikasi model efisiensi teknis yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa spesifikasi model efisiensi teknis yang berbeda menghasilkan kontribusi relatif sumber pertumbuhan TFP yang berbeda.
......Productivity growth can be decomposed into its sources, namely technical changes, technical efficiency changes, and business scale changes. The role of each of these sources is important to be studied because Indonesia experienced a decline in total factor productivity (TFP) growth in 1990-2015 which indicates a productivity issue. The results of previous studies regarding the decomposition of productivity growth in the manufacturing industry in Indonesia using a stochastic frontier approach, there are still disagreement that is thought to be caused by the technical efficiency models specifications used. The results of this study indicate that different technical efficiency model specifications produce a different relative contribution of TFP growth sources."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretta Elsa Damayanti
"Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.) merupakan tanaman yang umum dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia. Pemenuhan pemanfaatan mentimun tersebut perlu didukung dengan pertumbuhan tanaman mentimun yang baik, khususnya pada lahan terbatas. Pertumbuhan tanaman mentimun pada lahan terbatas dapat ditingkatkan dengan pemberian Effective Microorganisms (EM4) pada polybag pada saat penanaman tanaman. Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menentukan dosis EM4 yang terbaik bagi pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman mentimun. Percobaan terdiri dari kontrol dan tiga perlakuan dengan enam ulangan, yakni pemberian EM4 dengan dosis sebanyak 20 mL, 40 mL, dan 60 mL per polybag. Pemberian EM4 dilakukan dengan cara dikocor setiap delapan hari sekali ke media tanam dalam polybag yang mengandung pupuk kandang dan NPK. Pemberian EM4 menghasilkan peningkatan pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman mentimun, yakni tinggi tanaman, waktu munculnya bunga, jumlah bunga, jumlah bunga yang membentuk buah, serta kadar klorofil daun. Dosis EM4 sebanyak 40 mL memberikan hasil yang terbaik. Hasil pemberian EM4 tersebut tidak terlepas dari pengaruh parameter lingkungan, yakni suhu dan kelembapan udara, curah hujan serta pH tanah. Perlu adanya pengkajian lebih lanjut mengenai kandungan hasil panen mentimun dengan pemberian EM4 dosis 40 mL.
......Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is a nutritious and flavored plant that is widely consumed in Indonesia. Cucumber utilization must be supported by good cucumber plant growth, especially on restricted land. Cucumber plant growth on restricted land can be accelerated by adding Effective Microorganisms (EM4) to polybags during the planting. A study has been conducted to discover the best dose of EM4 for cucumber plant growth and productivity. The experiment consisted of control and three treatments with six replications, including the administration of EM4 in doses of 20 mL, 40 mL, and 60 mL per polybag. EM4 is applied by pouring it into the planting media in polybags containing manure and NPK every eight days. Giving EM4 resulted in enhanced cucumber plant growth and productivity, namely plant height, time of flower emergence, number of flowers, number of flowers that become fruit, and leaf chlorophyll content. The best results are obtained with a 40 mL EM4 dosage. The effects of environmental elements, such as air temperature and humidity, rainfall, and soil pH, are inseparable from the results of providing EM4. Further research into the content of cucumber yields produced by administering EM4 at a dose of 40 mL is required."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Panggabean, Nikita Grace
"Penelitian ini menganalisis realokasi sumber daya di sektor manufaktur Indonesia menggunakan dekomposisi produktivitas dinamis Olley-Pakes, dengan fokus pada sektor prioritas Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (RPJPN) 2025-2045. Dalam penelitian ini, diidentifikasi kontribusi efek dari dalam perusahaan dan efek realokasi (antarperusahaan dan akibat perilaku masuk keluar pasar) terhadap pertumbuhan produktivitas menggunakan data Survei Industri Besar dan Sedang (IBS) 2011-2021. Penemuan dari penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa pada 2011-2015, pertumbuhan produktivitas didorong oleh perkembangan yang dilakukan perusahaan secara individu, sementara tahun 2017-2021, realokasi sumber daya menjadi faktor yang dominan. Perusahaan yang masuk ke pasar secara konsisten mempengaruhi pertumbuhan produktivitas secara negatif sehingga menyoroti dibutuhkannya kebijakan yang mendukung.
......This research analyzes resource reallocation in Indonesia's manufacturing sector using the Olley-Pakes dynamic productivity decomposition, focusing on the priority sectors of the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045. The study identifies the contributions of within-firm effects and reallocation effects (between firms and due to market entry and exit) to productivity growth using data from the Large and Medium Industry Survey (IBS) 2011-2021. The findings indicate that from 2011-2015, productivity growth was driven by individual firm improvements, while from 2017-2021, resource reallocation became the dominant factor. New market entrants consistently negatively impacted productivity growth, highlighting the need for supportive policies."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dessi Arisandi
Studi ini mengkaji tentang pertumbuhan produktivitas industri pengolahan
hasil perikanan yang dipengaruhi oleh lokasi industri, aglomerasi dan permintaan.
Analisis stocastic frontier time invariant digunakan untuk mengestimasi fungsi
produksi frontier, dan kemudian dilakukan dekomposisi untuk memperoleh nilai
pertumbuhan produktivitas. Pertumbuhan produktivitas terdiri atas tiga komponen
dasar yaitu kemajuan teknologi, perubahan efisiensi teknis serta perubahan skala
ekonomi. Kami menemukan bahwa tingkat efisiensi dan produktivitas industri
pengolahan hasil perikanan masih tergolong rendah.
Model panel data digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh lokasi industri
dan permintaan terhadap pertumbuhan produktivitas, dengan 468 data sampel
perusahaan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa jarak lokasi perusahaan ke pelabuhan
perikanan berpengaruh negatif terhadap pertumbuhan produktivitas. Manfaat
ekonomi lebih dirasakan karena terkonsentrasinya perusahaan-perusahaan sejenis
(industri pengolahan hasil perikanan), dibandingkan dengan terkonsentrasinya
industri dari berbagai jenis di suatu wilayah. Peningkatan permintaan terhadap
produk olahan hasil perikanan mampu meningkatkan produktivitas. Akan tetapi
peningkatan demand secara agregat menurunkan produktivitas. Karena supply
input bahan baku yang terbatas, maka peningkatan permintaan akan mendorong
terjadinya kenaikan harga bahan baku. Hal tersebut akan menyebabkan kenaikan
biaya produksi, dan selanjutnya akan menurunkan efisiensi dan produktivitas.

This study investigate the productivity growth of fisheries processing
industry and whether or not the productivity influenced by location,
agglomeration and demands of processed fishery products. Stochastic frontier
time invariant is use to estimate the production function and make calculate
decomposition of productivity growth into technical progress, changes of
technical efficiency and the changes in economies of scale. We find that technical
efficiency and productivity of fisheries processing industry is still relatively low.
A panel data model used to estimate the determinand productivity growth,
with 468 sample of firm.The results show that the distance of the fishing port
location to the company causes negative effects on productivity growth. A
company which is located in an industrial location has higher productivity
growth. Furthermore, firms with similar types of business in one location
(localization economics) benefit more from economic activities rather than ones
with different types of business in one location (urbanization economics).
Demands of processed fishery products have effect to productivity of fisheries
processing industry where an increase in demand for processed fishery products
would raise productivity of fisheries processing firms. However, due to limited
raw materials a rise in aggregate demand would boost the price of raw materials.
Therefore, it will lead to an increase in production cost, further would decrease
efficiency and productivity."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Terasia Mayangriani
"[Di Indonesia, sektor jasa berkembang relatif lebih cepat dibanding sektor lain sejak tahun 2000 hingga saat ini. Perubahan proporsi sektor jasa menurut hipotesis Baumol (1967, 1985, 1989) berpengaruh negatif terhadap laju pertumbuhan agregat. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengkaji pengaruh pertumbuhan sektor jasa terhadap laju pertumbuhan produktivitas agregat di Indonesia. Metode empiris yang digunakan adalah dekomposisi dan estimasi model pertumbuhan Solow extended. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertumbuhan sektor jasa berdampak positif terhadap laju pertumbuhan produktivitas. Sektor jasa modern (telekomunikasi dan keuangan) berpengaruh positif lebih besar dibanding sektor jasa lainnya.
......Services sector is growing relatively faster than other sectors in Indonesia. The growth of the service sector according to the hypothesis Baumol (1967, 1985, 1989) negatively affect aggregate growth rate. This study intends to assess the effect of the growth of the services sector to aggregate productivity growth rate in Indonesia. Empirical methods used are decomposition and estimation of the Solow growth model extended. The results showed that growth in the services sector had a positive impact on productivity growth rate. Modern service sector (telecommunication and finance) has a greater positive effect than other service sectors.;Services sector is growing relatively faster than other sectors in Indonesia. The
growth of the service sector according to the hypothesis Baumol (1967, 1985,
1989) negatively affect aggregate growth rate. This study intends to assess the
effect of the growth of the services sector to aggregate productivity growth rate in
Indonesia. Empirical methods used are decomposition and estimation of the
Solow growth model extended. The results showed that growth in the services
sector had a positive impact on productivity growth rate. Modern service sector
(telecomm;Services sector is growing relatively faster than other sectors in Indonesia. The
growth of the service sector according to the hypothesis Baumol (1967, 1985,
1989) negatively affect aggregate growth rate. This study intends to assess the
effect of the growth of the services sector to aggregate productivity growth rate in
Indonesia. Empirical methods used are decomposition and estimation of the
Solow growth model extended. The results showed that growth in the services
sector had a positive impact on productivity growth rate. Modern service sector
(telecomm;Services sector is growing relatively faster than other sectors in Indonesia. The
growth of the service sector according to the hypothesis Baumol (1967, 1985,
1989) negatively affect aggregate growth rate. This study intends to assess the
effect of the growth of the services sector to aggregate productivity growth rate in
Indonesia. Empirical methods used are decomposition and estimation of the
Solow growth model extended. The results showed that growth in the services
sector had a positive impact on productivity growth rate. Modern service sector
(telecomm, Services sector is growing relatively faster than other sectors in Indonesia. The
growth of the service sector according to the hypothesis Baumol (1967, 1985,
1989) negatively affect aggregate growth rate. This study intends to assess the
effect of the growth of the services sector to aggregate productivity growth rate in
Indonesia. Empirical methods used are decomposition and estimation of the
Solow growth model extended. The results showed that growth in the services
sector had a positive impact on productivity growth rate. Modern service sector
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library