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Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2016
362.2 POS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhityawarman Menaldi
"Bagi orang-orang yang menderita penyakit tertentu, menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari seperti layalmya orang nomml bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. [ni dapat discbabkan karena penyakit yang mengganggu fungsi tubuh, atau bisa juga adanya stigrnatisasi terhadap suatu penyakit yang membuat si penderita tidak dapat berfungsi optimal di masyarakat (Anderson, etal, 1997). Salah satu penyakit yang hingga saat ini masih memiliki stigma ”berbahaya” di masyarakat adalah kusta (Finlay, etal, 1996, dan Bainson & Van Den Bome, 1998). Halim & Kurdi (dalam Sjamsoe Daili, dkk,, 2003) menyebutkan bahwa dampak dari adanya penyakit kusta ini adalah kecacatan Cacat ini sendiri kernudian dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu cacat Esik dan cacat psikososial. Bayangan cacat ini seringkali membuat penderitanya tidak dapat menerima kenyataan bahwa ia. mendexita kusta, akibatnya akan ada perubahan mendasar pads. kepribadian dan tingkah lakunya. Tekanan psikis inilah yang rnembuat para penderita atau mantan penderita lebih memilih untuk berada bersama orang-orang yang menumtnya "senasib”. Meskipun demikian, tidak sedikit juga dari penderita kusta yang masih berusaha untuk bertahan hidup dan bekerja dengan segaja usaha yang dapat dilalcukml Bagi mereka yang mwih berusaha, sudah tentu memiliki kekuatan atau srreng1h yang menonjol dan diri mereka.
Pembahasan mengenai strength dari manusia merupakan bagian dari kajian Positive Psychology Penerapan dari strength dan virtue setiap individu pada berbagai aspek kehidupatmya sehari-hari akan menghmilkan kebahagiaan yang sejati (Seligman, 2002). Berangkat dan penjelasan di alas peneliti tertarik untuk melalcukan peneliiian yang dilandasi tclaah positive psychology terhadap penderita penyakit kronis khususnya kusla Langkah awal yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menyusun alat ukur character strengths penyandang kusta dengan mengadaptasi VIA-IS dan menguji validitas dan reliabilitasnya pada kelompok sampcl.
Hasil adaptasi alat ukur VIA-IS pada sampcl panyandang kusta adalah dari 240 item pada VIA-IS, 63 item memiliki koefisien korelasi yang rendah terhadap skor total. Koeisien reliabilitas masing-musing strengths dalam VIA-IS cukup beragam, berkisar antara 0,509 - 0,787 . Reliabilitas tertinggi ada pada pengukuran Playyitlness dan terendah pada Equity. Pembuatan norma pada alat ukur VIA-IS dilakukan pada 24 strengths clan kemudian ditetapkan klasifikasi dari sangat kuat, kuat, sedang, lemah, sangat lemzxh. Prom VIA-IS pada pcnyandang kusta menunjukkan bahwa lima strengths yang menonjol dengan rata-rata tertinggi adalah Gratitude, Kindness, Spirituality, Capacity to Love, dan Equity.
......For people who suffer from a certain disease living life like normal people is not easy. Reason being is because certain disease can alfect body function or because of stereotypes against certain disease which make the person unable function fully in society (Anderson, et.al., 1997). One disease which still has a “dangerous” stereotype in society is leprosy (Finlay, et.al, 1996 and Bainson and Van Den Bome, 1998). The effect of leprosy is retardation (Halim and Kurdi in Daili, et.al., 2003). Retardation itself is divided into two types, namely physical retardation and psychosocial retardation. The thought of retardation olien makes people atfected with leprosy unable to time reality that they suffer from leprosy which impacts on a change in personality and behavior. This psychological pressure makes the leprosy or former leprosy patients decide to also live with leprosy patients. On the other hand, a lot of them try to survive living and working with every effort they can. Those who are still trying have a certain strength which stands up in them.
The study of strength in human is part of positive psychology. The application of strength and virtue in each individual in every aspect of daily life can outcome in true happiness (Seligman, 2002). Based onthat, researcher is interested in conducting a research based on positive psychology towards people alfected with chronic leprosy. Thus, the first step is designing an inventory for “character strength” in people affected with leprosy by adapting Values In Action-Inventory ofStrengrh (VIA-IS) and testing the validity and reliability of the sample group.
Result of the adapted VIA-IS of the sample group is that from 240 items on VIA-IS, 63 items have a low correlation coelicient against the total score. The reliability coetticient of each strength in VIA-IS are quite the same, namely between 0.509-0.787. The highest reliability score is on (dimention) “Playfulness” and the lowest on “Equity”. The nonns of VIA-IS was conducted on 24 strengths and four classifications are made ranging &om very strong, strong, weak and very weak. The VIA-IS profile on people a.E`ected with leprosy shows that five strengths have the highest score which are Gratitude, Kindness, Spirituality, Capacity to Love and Equiw."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Compton, William C.
Singapore : Wadsworth and Cengage Learning, 2013
150.198 8 COM p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syazka Kirani Narindra
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran hubungan surat terimakasih dan subjective well being pada emerging adult. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam kurun waktu 4 sesi dan dalam tiga sesi dengan 38 partisipan tersebut diminta untuk menuliskan surat terimakasih kepada individu yang dianggap penting. Surat terimakasih dituliskan secara ekspresif, reflektif, orientasi positif dan tidak basa-basi. Partisipan kemudian ditanyakan apakah mau untuk mengirim surat atau tidak dan kepada siapa surat tersebut dikirim. Subjective well being terdiri atas simptom depresi, rasa syukur, kebahagiaan dan kepuasan hidup. Gratitude Questionnaire 6 untuk mengukur rasa syukur, Beck Depression Inventory untuk mengukur simptom depresi, Subjective Happiness Scale untuk mengukur kebahagiaan dan Satisfaction With Life Scale untuk mengukur kepuasan hidup.
Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran repeated measured ANOVA diketahui bahwa skor simptom depresi memiliki hubungan dengan surat terimakasih (F=6.12, p<0.001) namun tidak signifikan pada kebahagiaan, rasa syukur dan kepuasan hidup. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara surat terimakasih dan subjective well being pada emerging adult. Ditemukan terdapat hubungan surat terimakasih dan simptom depresi pada emerging adult.
......This research purposed to examine the description of relationship between thank you letter and subjective well being on emerging adult. This research conducted in 4 sessions, during the first three session with the 38 participants, the participants were asked to write down a thank you letter to those who is matters to them. The letter should be written in an expressive, reflective, positive oriented and non-trivial. Participant then asked if they want to send the letter or not and were asked to whom the letter was sent. Subjective well being consists of depressive symptoms, gratitude, happiness and life satisfaction. Gratitude Questionnaire 6 to measure gratitude, Beck Depression Inventory to measure depressive symptoms, Subjective Happiness Scale to measure happiness and Satisfaction With Life Scale to measure life satisfaction.
The results showed that there are a significant relationship between depressive symptoms and thank you letter (F= 6.12, p<0.001) but there are no significant relationship between happiness, gratitude and life satisfaction with thank you letter. This shows that there are no relationship between thank you letter and subjective well being on emerging adult. There are relationship between thank you letter and depressive symptoms on emerging adult."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[This highly accessible book takes a positive psychology approach to explore why healthy relationships are important for resilience, mental health and peaceful communities, how people learn relationships and what helps in developing the positive.
Chapters provide a wealth of evidence on promoting optimal interactions between couples, friends, parents and children and community groups. Authors address positive environments at work and at school, mentoring relationships, a new paradigm for relational leadership and how to foster tolerance between people of different faiths. Others explore what is best for children after family breakdown, how to ensure that conflict is more about learning than losing and what might help repair relationships that are damaged. Authors are academics and practitioners from across the world providing both evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence. Examples and case-studies throughout each chapter illustrate what works., This highly accessible book takes a positive psychology approach to explore why healthy relationships are important for resilience, mental health and peaceful communities, how people learn relationships and what helps in developing the positive.
Chapters provide a wealth of evidence on promoting optimal interactions between couples, friends, parents and children and community groups. Authors address positive environments at work and at school, mentoring relationships, a new paradigm for relational leadership and how to foster tolerance between people of different faiths. Others explore what is best for children after family breakdown, how to ensure that conflict is more about learning than losing and what might help repair relationships that are damaged. Authors are academics and practitioners from across the world providing both evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence. Examples and case-studies throughout each chapter illustrate what works.]"
London: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
California : Journal of the American Psychological Association, {s.a}
150 AMP
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Waraouw, Maria Maud Magdalena Theresia
"Kekerasan di sekolah yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai bentuk bullying (Rigby, 1996; Olweus, 1993) sering terjadi terutama di sekolah setingkat SMA (Kompas, 2002; Pikiran Rakyat, 2003; Suara Pembaruan, 2003; Media Indonesia, 2006). Kejadian kejadian seperti perilaku pemalakan, "gencet-gencetan", "senioritas", mewarnai kehidupan interaksi sosial remaja di SMA, dan hal ini dapat terjadi di antara para murid, maupun antara guru dan murid.
Untuk mengatasi persoalan sosial seperti bullying, perlu penanganan menyeluruh dan sistematis menyentuh akarnya agar efektif dalam mengurangi bullying. Artinya dalam intervensi bullying maka baik pihak murid, orang tua maupun guru harus sama-sama dilibatkan dalam upaya menurunkan tingkat bullying di institusi tsb. Intervensi di SMA XS dilakukan dengan melibatkan ke tiga pihak tsb, dan yang menjadi laporan tugas akhir ini adalah intervensi yang melibatkan pihak guru.
Untuk mendapatkan data obyektif tentang gambaran bullying di SMA XS dilakukan studi base-line menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif maupun kualitatif yaitu melalui kuesioner, focus group discussion, wawancara dan observasi. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah antara lain konfirnnasi tentang beberapa perilaku guru yang dicirikan sebagai bullying (McEvoy, 2005) Ciri-ciri perilakunya dapat dikategorikan sebagai bullying (Olweus, 1993; Rigby, 1996) karena seringkali memiliki niat untuk menyakiti, dilakukan oleh mereka yang secara struktural lebih berkuasa terhadap mereka yang lebih lemah. Aksi yang dilakukan untuk mendapat kepuasan atau kesenangan ini dipersepsi korban akan berulang.
Sebagai upaya intervensi mula-mula dilakukan strategi persuasi untuk membawa sekelompok guru ke dalam diskusi kelompok. Tujuannya agar guru bisa merasakan sendiri apa yang akan dilakukan dalam pelatihan khusus guru tentang pengurangan aksi bullying melalui "membangun komunitas berdasarkan program SAHABAT di sekolah XS". Mengajar orang dewasa membutuhkan strategi yang berbeda.
Untuk itu digunakan experiential learning (Kolb, 1984) sebagai bagian dari modul. Namun ternyata teknik ini memancing perilaku yang defensif dari pihak guru sehingga diputuskan untuk menggunakan pendekatan appreciative inquiry (Cooperrider &Whitney, 1999, Whitney & Trosten Bloom, 2003, Bushe, 2001). Teknik ini dilandasi oleh pendekatan psikologi positif, di mana guru di ajak untuk meletakkan masalah di luar dirinya, dalam membahas penyelesaian yang diinginkan. Appreciative Inqury juga dipilih karena singkat, mudah, dan menyenangkan sehingga pada saat teknik ini digunakan untuk membahas masalah tidak nampak rasa capai yang tergambar dalam raut peserta diskusi kelompok.
Hasil dari intervensi ini adalah perubahan pemahaman dan pihak guru, dan perubahan sikap dari defensif menjadi kornitmen untuk ikut serta dalam upaya mengurangi bullying di SMA XS.
Violence in schools that can be categorized as bullying (Rigby, 1996; Olweus, 1993) is more frequent in high school nowadays (Kompas, 2002; Pikiran Rakyat, 2003; Suara Pembaruan, 2003; Media Indonesia, 2006). This could be any forms of aggression such as teasing, oppressing, act of social exclusion and seniority were part of student's life at school, specifically high school students. Bullying act was practiced between peers and there also teachers bully students (McEvoy, 2005).
In an attempt toward developing school intervention to curb bullying, it is believed that a holistic and systemic approach will be more effective as an approach. That means all of the school community members will take their part to contribute actively in reducing bullying. Intervention in reducing bullying act in the high school SMA XS will be studied, and intervention in an effort to enhance teacher's awareness on the impact of bullying toward the victim, teacher's part will be specifically presented on this report.
In order to have a perspective about bullying in SMA XS baseline study had been conducted. Quantitative and qualitative method had been developed in the questionnaires and employed through survey on students' perspectives. To have a thorough and deep understanding of the essence of the problem, the other tools for qualitative research e.g. focus group discussion, interviewing and observation had been exercised.
Results shown and confirmed that some forms of bullying that had impact on the student-teacher relationships were practiced by teachers (McEvoy, 2005). The characteristics of the acts categorized as bullying (O1weus,1993; Rigby, 1996) includes an initial desire to hurt which is done so by the one who has power or structurally in a high position toward those that weak, physically, psychologically. The act which perceived by the victim threatening had been done so for enjoyment of the bully."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Holder, Mark D.
"This book summarizes the research on positive well-being in children, with a particular focus on their happiness. It starts with a discussion of the constructs of positive psychology (i.e., well-being, happiness and life satisfaction), and then outlines the research that shows the importance of studying well-being. Next, it explores how researchers measure happiness and what these measures tell us about whether children are happy and how their happiness differs from adults. Following this, it discusses current positive psychology theories with the aim of suggesting their promise in understanding children’s well-being. Next, it examines the importance of individual differences, including culture and temperament. Because studies have only recently identified several of the factors associated with children’s happiness, the book ends with a discussion of how we might enhance children’s well-being and suggests directions for future research.
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Greene, Joshua David
"This volume describes research supported by the John Templeton Foundations Positive Neuroscience Project, aimed at illuminating the neural mechanisms that promote human flourishing. The contributors and Project awardees include internationally renowned neuroscientists whose work has shaped and reshaped our understanding of human nature. Part I (Social Bonds) describes the mechanisms that enable humans to connect with one another. Part II (Altruism) focuses on the neural mechanisms underlying the human ability and willingness to confer costly benefits on others. Part III (Resilience and Creativity) examines the mechanisms by which human brains overcome adversity, create, and discover. Specific topics include a newly discovered nerve type that appears to be specialized for emotional communication, the effects of parenting on the male brain, how human altruism differs from that of other primates, the neural features of extraordinary altruists who have donated kidneys to strangers, and distinctive patterns of brain wiring that endow some people with exceptional musical abilities."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christ Billy Aryanto
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan subjective well-being antara musisi dan non-musisi. Sampel penelitian ini merupakan musisi dan non-musisi yang dibagi berdasarkan aktivitas musikal yang dilakukan sepanjang hidupnya (Hanna-Plady & MacKay, 2011) berusia 18 ? 40 tahun yang berjumlah 123 orang. Musisi merupakan individu yang sudah memiliki pengalaman bermain musik selama 10 tahun secara teratur dan pernah mengikuti pendidikan musik formal berjumlah 55 orang. Nonmusisi merupakan individu yang tidak bisa bermain musik, tidak bisa membaca not balok, dan tidak pernah menerima pendidikan musik secara formal berjumlah 68 orang. Subjective well-being diukur menggunakan Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) yang dikembangkan oleh Diener, Emmons, Larsen, dan Griffin (1985) untuk mengukur evaluasi kognitif dan Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) yang dikembangkan oleh Watson, Clark, dan Tellegen (1988) untuk mengukur evaluasi afektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musisi memiliki tingkat subjective wellbeing yang lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan non-musisi.

The objective of this study is to know the subjective well-being comparison between musician and non-musician. Participants of this study is musician and non-musician which is divided based on the musical activity throughout their lifespan (Hanna-Pladdy & MacKay, 2011) aged 18 - 40 years with the amounts of 123 participants. Musician is a person who had played a musical instrument on a regular basis for at least 10 years and joined formal musical training with the amounts of 55 participants. Non-musician is a person who had never played music, cannot read music notes, and never received formal musical training with the amounts of 68 participants. Subjective well-being was measured using the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) developed by Diener, Emmons, Larsen, and Griffin (1985) to measure cognitive evaluation and Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) developed by Watson, Clark, and Tellegen (1988) to measure affective evaluation. The result showed that the musicians have a higher level of subjective well-being significantly than non-musicians."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library