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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rayan Jamal Alkatiri
Abstrak :
Di era modernisasi dimana segelintir masyarakat beruntung dapat mengakses dunia luar termasuk terhadap pendidikan dengan mudah. Dengan hal ini, persaingan antara para pencari kerja menjadi kian mengetat, terlebih lagi saat pandemi COVID-19 melanda. Adanya peningkatan dalam ketidakstabila keadan sosio-economy sebagai efek dari adanya fenomena ini membuat adanya ketimpangan yang besar. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, pemerintah telah mengambil langkah strategis untuk mengeluarkan Kartu Prakerja yang dapat diperoleh oleh seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Inisiasi tersebut memprovide seluruh masyarakat banyak keuntungan, salah satunya adalah untuk dapat mengakses dan mengembangkan kualitas diri sebagai tenaaga kerja. Dengan menggunakan Probability Test, penelitian ini mencoba untuk menganalisa apakah kepemilikan Kartu Prakerja dapat berpengaruh terhadap durasi lamanya pencari pekerjaan di Indonesia. ......In the era of modernization where a few lucky people can easily access the outside world including education. With this, the competition between job seekers is getting tougher, especially when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. There is an increase in socio-economic instability as a result of this phenomenon which results in large inequality. To overcome this, the government has taken a strategic step to issue Pre-Employment Cards that can be obtained by all Indonesian people. This initiative provides the whole community with many benefits, one of which is to be able to access and develop self-quality as workers. By using the Probability Test, this study attempts to analyze whether possession of a Pre-Employment Card can affect the duration of job seekers in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Asih Gahayu
Abstrak :
Pelatihan Pratugas dokter/dokter gigi PTT merupakan program pelatihan prajabatan khusus, yang diselenggarakan oleh Bapelkes Pekanbaru. Pelatihan tersebut wajib diikuti oleh seluruh dokter umum maupun dokter gigi PTT yang akan melaksanakan masa bhakti. Didalam pelatihan pratugas ini dokter/dokter gigi PTT mendapatkan materi dasar, materi inti dan materi penunjang. Manajemen Puskesmas merupakan materi inti dari pelatihan ini dan dianggap yang paling panting dalam mencapai tujuan pelatihan. Pelatihan pratugas dokter/dokter gigi PTT yang dimulai sejak tahun 1992 di Balai Pelatihan Kesehatan Pekanbaru namun sampai saat ini pelaksanaan pelatihan yang dilakukan belum pernah dievaluasi pada saat pasta pelatihan sehingga tidak diketahuinya data tentang penerapan hasil pelatihan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang efektivitas pelatihan pratugas, kompetensi dokterldokter gigi PTT yang meliputi pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan dalam pelaksanaan manajemen Puskesmas. Disamping itu untuk melihat peran serta dokter/dokter gigi PTT dalam manajemen Puskesmas serta hal - hal yang mendukung dan menghambat pelaksanaan manajemen Puskesmas oleh dokterldokter gigi PTT. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan tes objektif terhadap informan dokter/dokter gigi PTT. Sebagai triangulasi sumber dilakukan wawancara mendalam dengan informan lainnya yaitu kepala Puskesmas, dokter Puskesmas, staf Puskesmas dan kepala seksi Puskesmas Dinas Kesehatan Kota.
Pre-employment training for contracted doctor/dentist is a special pre-employment training program that held by Bapelkes (Health Training Center) of Pekanbaru City. The training compulsory obligation for all contracted doctor and dentist who will conduct their duty. In this pre-employment training, they obtain basic, core, and supporting subjects. Management for health center is a core subject in this training and the most important part to aim the objective of the training. Pre-employment training which started since 1992 in Bapelkes of Pekanbaru, have never been evaluated, so the data of training implementation result is still undiscovered. This study was conducted to obtain the information about effectiveness of the pre-employment training, competency of contracted doctor/dentist encompassing the knowledge, attitude, and skill in managing health center. Beside that, the study was conducted to know the participation of contracted doctor/dentist in management for health center and other things that supports and delays the implementation of management for health center. This study used qualitative approach through in-depth interview, observation, and objective test with contracted doctors and dentists. As source triangulation, it was conducted in-depth interview to other informants: the head of health center, health center doctor, health center staff, and head of center health division from Health Office of Pekanbaru City. Document tracing was also conducted to the tools of management for health center: document of health center level planning, health center mini workshop, and health center stratification. Data processing was made in matrix form that gained from transcript of in-depth interview and objective test result. Content analysis was conducted to analyze the contents according to topic and then conducted the identification became several topics. The result of study showed that pre-employment training was very useful in supporting the task of contracted doctor/dentist in health center, particularly in implementing management for health center. The evaluation of doctor's/dentist's competency in management for heath center showed the fairly result. The highest score was obtained by health center level planning followed by health center stratification and health center mini workshop. The attitude of contracted doctor/dentist showed positive attitude, which described by work discipline, leadership, teamwork, and initiative. Their skill in doing management for health center was good enough. It could be seen from their way in filling the forms of MP in PTP. Most of them could fill the forms well and completely. Most of doctor 1 dentist bad participate in management for health center : health center level planning, health center stratification, and health center month workshop. It is recommended to the Health Office to review the implementation of management for health center accurately and the policy of implementation of health center mini workshop, and also to do capacity building for contracted doctor/dentist_ Recommendation to the health center is to give the chance for contractor doctor/dentist participating in managing health center such as making job description, and giving technical assistance. It is also recommended to Bapelkes of Pekanbaru to review the curriculum of pre-employment training by coordinating with the Health Office and health center. References: 45 (1989-2002)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Rachma Maulani
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini membahas tentang penerapan pre-employment screening sebagai strategi pencegahan pemalsuan dokumen di PT. ITG. Maraknya praktik pemalsuan dokumen yang dilakukan pada tahap rekrutmen membuat perusahaan perlu berhati-hati agar tidak merekrut orang yang salah. Peneliti melakukan analisis menggunakan teori pencegahan kejahatan dengan pendekatan situasional, yang mana dilakukan berdasarkan 25 teknik dalam pencegahan kejahatan situasional. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus, yang mana temuan data berasal dari hasil wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan data-data sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pre-employment screening dapat dijelaskan melalui 4 dari 25 teknik dalam pencegahan kejahatan situasional yang dikemukakan oleh Clarke & Cornish (2002). Teknik-teknik tersebut, yaitu target hardening dan access control yang merupakan penjabaran dari prinsip increasing the effort, serta formal surveillance dan informal/employee surveillance yang merupakan penjabaran dari prinsip increasing the risk of detection. Penerapan strategi pre-employment screening dapat mengurangi pemalsuan dokumen di PT. ITG serta dapat menghindari perusahaan dari merekrut orang yang salah karena kelalaian dalam proses rekrutmen. Namun, beberapa kelemahan dari pre-employment screening juga perlu dipertimbangkan.
This thesis discusses the implementation of pre-employment screening as a strategy of  preventing documents falsification at PT. ITG. The trend of documents falsification in recruitment processes had warned the companies to be careful of recruiting the wrong person. Researcher conducted analysis using crime prevention theory with situational approach, which were based on 25 techniques on situational crime prevention. This thesis uses qualitative approach with case study as the research method. The datas were gathered by using in-depth interviews with four interviewees, observations, and secondary data. The results of this thesis indicated that pre-employment screening can be explained through 4 of 25 techniques in situational crime prevention proposed by Clarke & Cornish (2002). Those techniques were target hardening and access control, which were elaborated from increasing the effort principle, as well as formal surveillance and informal/employee surveillance which were elaborated from increasing the risk of detection principle. The implementation of pre-employment screening could reduce the documents falsification at PT. ITG, and also could help to avoid the company from hiring the wrong person due to neglience hiring process. However, some disadvantages of pre-employment screening also need to be considered.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Situmorang, Miryam Hasudungan
Abstrak :
Indonesia telah memasuki masa bonus demografi. Untuk memanfaatkan momentum ini bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi, pemerintah Indonesia meluncurkan program pelatihan kerja bernama Kartu Prakerja. Program Kartu Prakerja merupakan program yang berfokus pada peningkatan produktivitas angkatan kerja Indonesia dalam rangka mencapai Indonesia Emas 2045. Dalam rangka memperluas jangkauan peserta dan meningkatkan kualitas program, program ini berjalan dengan membentuk sebuah ekosistem yang melibatkan lembaga pemerintah dan swasta. Penelitian ini menganalisis kapasitas ekosistem tersebut menggunakan Teori Kapasitas Kebijakan di Level Sistem yang digagas oleh Wu et al. (2015;2018) dengan tiga dimensi, yaitu analitis, operasional, dan politis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka dan wawancara mendalam terhadap delapan narasumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas ekosistem Prakerja sudah baik dan dimensi analitis merupakan dimensi yang paling berkontribusi dalam mewujudkan kondisi tersebut. ......Indonesia has entered a demographic bonus period. To capitalize on this momentum for economic growth, the Indonesian government launched a job training program called Kartu Prakerja. This program focuses on increasing the productivity of Indonesia's workforce to achieve Golden Indonesia 2045. To expand the reach of participants and improve the quality of the program, it operates by forming an ecosystem involving both government and private institutions. This research analyzes the capacity of this ecosystem using the Policy Capacity at the System Level Theory proposed by Wu et al. (2015; 2018) with three dimensions: analytical, operational, and political. The research was conducted using a post-positivist approach with data collection techniques through literature studies and in-depth interviews with eight informants. The results show that the capacity of the Prakerja ecosystem is already good, and the analytical dimension is the most contributing dimension in realizing this condition.
Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Randy Bagas Riyadh Mahendra
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja implementasi kebijakan program kartu prakerja di DKI Jakarta dimasa pandemic Covid-19 yang dilaksanakan oleh organisasi pelaksana kebijakan program kartu prakerja yaitu Deputi Bidang Ekonomi Digital dan UMKM Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Komite Cipta Kerja, Tim Pelaksana, Manajemen Pelaksana, dan Disnakertrans Provinsi DKI Jakarta sebagai penyedia data ketenagakerjaan dan perantara untuk penyuluhan kepada masyarakat DKI Jakarta terkait program kartu prakerja. Hal ini menjadi permasalahan dikarenakan terdapat permasalahan ketanagerkajaan yang sampai saat ini belum dapat teratasi dengan baik di Indonesia dan khususnya DKI Jakarta merupakan daerah pusat perekonomian di Indonesia yang mengalami peningkatan jumlah pengangguran setelah terjadinya pandemic Covid-19 dimana permasalahan ini harus segera diselesaikan sehingga pemerintah pusat membuat kebijakan melalui Peraturan Presiden Nomor 36 Tahun 2020 yang diganti menjadi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 76 Tahun 2020 tentang Peningkatan Kompetensi Kerja Melalui Program Kartu Prakerja. Di sisi lain dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan program kartu prakerja menuai banyak kontrofersi dari segi struktur organisasi yang tidak memberi kewanangan secara penuh kepada Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan dan juga Dinas Ketenagakerjaan dan Transmigrasi Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam pelaksanaannya, dan manfaat yang tidak terlalu dirasakan oleh masyarakat DKI Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah post-positivist, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara mendalam yang menjadi data primer, studi Pustaka yang menjadi data sekunder, serta analisis yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini penerapan kebijakan program kartu prakerja dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu penggunaan anggaran yang efektif dan memadai, struktur organisasi yang tepat, komunikasi yang cepat jelas dan dua arah, keterlibatan stakeholder sebagai pembuat kebijakan bersama, peralatan dan teknologi yang tepat dan sesuai, dan lokasi yang tepat. Terdapat juga beberapa permasalahan dari berbagai aspek yaitu dalam struktur organisasi yang tidak memberikan kewenangan secara penuh kepada Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan dan juga Dinas Ketenagakerjaan dan Transmigrasi Provinsi DKI Jakarta dalam pelaksanaannya, dan juga manfaat yang belum terlalu dirasakan oleh masyarakat DKI Jakarta dalam hal peningkatan kompetensi kerja.  ......This study aims to determine the factors that influence the performance of the implementation of the pre-employment card program policy in DKI Jakarta during the Covid-19 pandemic which was carried out by the implementing organization for the pre-employment card program policy, namely the Deputy for Digital Economy and MSMEs at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the Job Creation Committee, Team Executors, Implementing Management, and Disnakertrans DKI Jakarta Province as providers of employment data and intermediaries for counseling the people of DKI Jakarta regarding the pre-employment card program. This is a problem because there are employment problems which until now have not been well resolved in Indonesia and especially DKI Jakarta is the center of the economy in Indonesia which has experienced an increase in the number of unemployed after the Covid-19 pandemic where this problem must be resolved immediately so that the central government makes policies through Presidential Regulation Number 36 of 2020 which was changed to Presidential Regulation Number 76 of 2020 concerning Improving Work Competence through the Pre-Employment Card Program. On the other hand, the implementation of the pre-employment card program policy has resulted in a lot of controversy in terms of the organizational structure which does not give full authority to the Ministry of Manpower and also the Manpower and Transmigration Office of DKI Jakarta Province in its implementation, and the benefits are not really felt by the people of DKI Jakarta. The method used in this research is post-positivist, with data collection techniques, namely in-depth interviews as primary data, library studies as secondary data, and the analysis used is descriptive. The results of this study The results of this study the implementation of the pre-employment card program policy is influenced by several factors, namely the use of an effective and adequate budget, the right organizational structure, clear and two-way communication, the involvement of stakeholders as joint policy makers, the right and appropriate equipment and technology, and exact location. Contained several problems from various aspects, namely in the organizational structure that did not give full authority to the Ministry of Manpower and also the Manpower and Transmigration Office of DKI Jakarta Province in its implementation, and also the benefits that the people of DKI Jakarta had not yet felt in terms of increasing competence work.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library