ABSTRAKPerseteruan antara KPK dan POLRI merupakan salah satu kejadian yang menimbulkan gejolak politik dan sosial karena menyangkut komitmen dan dukungan terhadap upaya pemberantasan korupsi sehingga keberhasilan penyelesaiannya sangat berpengaruh pada image dan dukungan publik pada pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan teori dramatisme, penelitian ini mendeskripsikan aspek dramatik dalam retorika Presiden Jokowi dan Presiden SBY dalam menyelesaikan konflik KPK – POLRI. Dalam dramatisme, retorika dianalisis berdasarkan lima elemen dramatistik (dramatisic pentad) yaitu scene, act, agent, agency dan purpose sehingga dapat diketahui konteks (guilt) dan menilai motif (motives) yang mendasari retorika tersebut serta elemen apa yang menjadi kunci persuasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola retorika tidak ajeg, tetapi mengikuti guilt yang dialami. Ketidakajegan tersebut dapat dilihat dari bagaimana Presiden menentukan kelima unsur dramatistic pentad dalam retorikanya serta unsur-unsur mana yang ditonjolkan sebagai kunci persuasi.
ABSTRACTThe enmity of KPK and POLRI is one of the most intensious political and social event because of its importance for struggling of corruption erradiction. Its solution will have great impact on government image and public support. By using dramatism theory, this research describes the dramatic aspects of rhetoric of President SBY and President Jokowi in resolve the conflict. The rhetoric was analyzed using dramatistic pentad that contains five elements of drama: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose in order to determine kind of guilt and motives underlied the rhetoric and to determine the key element for persuasion. The results shows that there is no persistency in rhetorical pattern but based on guilt. The impersistence could be found in how President define the dramatistic pentad in its rhetoric and which elements stresses over the other four.dramatism, dramatistic pentad, President’s rhetoric, persuasion;The enmity of KPK and POLRI is one of the most intensious political and social event because of its importance for struggling of corruption erradiction. Its solution will have great impact on government image and public support. By using dramatism theory, this research describes the dramatic aspects of rhetoric of President SBY and President Jokowi in resolve the conflict. The rhetoric was analyzed using dramatistic pentad that contains five elements of drama: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose in order to determine kind of guilt and motives underlied the rhetoric and to determine the key element for persuasion. The results shows that there is no persistency in rhetorical pattern but based on guilt. The impersistence could be found in how President define the dramatistic pentad in its rhetoric and which elements stresses over the other four.dramatism, dramatistic pentad, President’s rhetoric, persuasion, The enmity of KPK and POLRI is one of the most intensious political and social event because of its importance for struggling of corruption erradiction. Its solution will have great impact on government image and public support. By using dramatism theory, this research describes the dramatic aspects of rhetoric of President SBY and President Jokowi in resolve the conflict. The rhetoric was analyzed using dramatistic pentad that contains five elements of drama: act, scene, agent, agency, and purpose in order to determine kind of guilt and motives underlied the rhetoric and to determine the key element for persuasion. The results shows that there is no persistency in rhetorical pattern but based on guilt. The impersistence could be found in how President define the dramatistic pentad in its rhetoric and which elements stresses over the other four.dramatism, dramatistic pentad, President’s rhetoric, persuasion]"