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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Estuari Cisadane yang mencakup bagian sungai sepanjang 12km di muara telah mengalami pencemaran akibat berbagai kegiatan,terutama pencemaran organik dari kegiatan perkotaan di bagian hulunya. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapakan informasi mengenai tingkat produktivitas primer perairan estuari yang telah mengalami pencemaran bahan organik tersebut pada musim kemarau saat debit aliran sungai rendah. Selain itu juga dibahas seberapa besar peranan produktivitas primer dalam pemasok oksigen bagi keperluan respirasi dan dekomposisi perairan. Tingkat produktivitas primer estuari Cisadane di permukaan sampai kedalaman 80 cm berkisar 53,52-128,91 mgC/m3/jam. Tingkat produktivitas ini tergolong tidak banyak berbeda dengan tingkat produktivitas beberapa perairan estuari dan perairan teluk lainnya di indonesia. Walaupun demikian,tingkat kecerahan yang rendah,yang hanya belasan cm saja dibanding dengan kedalaman perairan rata-rata 5,3 m,nampaknya membatasi tingkat produktivitas primer secara keseluruhan,sehingga tidak cukup berperanan dalam memasok oksigen bagi keperluan metabolisme perairan. "
551 LIMNO 17:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fredrik Dominggus Teramahi
"Produktivitas primer perairan menggambarkan kondisi kesuburan perairan. Kompleksitas produktivitas primer perairan bergantung pada kondisi dan indicator penilainnya. Salah satu indicator yang dipakai adalah kedalaman eufotik dan parameter biofisik klorofil-a, TSS dan salinitas. Teluk Kalabahi adalah jenis teluk yang unik karena berupa teluk tertutup dan memiliki ekosistem mangrove, terumbu karang, pantai berpasir, pantai berlumpur dan keunikan pesisir lainnya. Karakteristik lingkungan pesisir dan pantai, serta variabilitas iklim mempengaruhi dinamika produktivitas perairan eufotik. Dalam penelitian ini, nilai Produktifitas primer perairan eufotik Teluk Kalabahi dibangun menggunakan model algoritma produktivitas primer eufotik berdasarkan analisa model algoritma kedalaman eufotik, klorofil-a eufotik, TSS eufotik dan Salinitas eufotik. Model Produktivitas primer perairan eufotik yang dihasilkan dapat menjelaskan 87 persen produktivitas primer perairan eufotik aktual Teluk Kalabahi. Nilai produktivitas primer perairan eufotik Teluk Kalabahi lebih dominan dipengaruhi oleh sebaran klorofil-a eufotik (67%) dan salinitas eufotik (87%) dari pada sebaran TSS eufotik (26%). Pesisir selatan Teluk Kalabahi memiliki nilai produktivitas primer yang cukup tinggi karena memiliki sebaran ekosistem mangrove dan terdapat beberapa muara sungai jenis perennial stream. Klasifikasi produktivitas primer perairan eufotik tinggi (150-200 mgC/m3/jam) terdistribusi dalam luasan terbesar selama periode Bulan Kering dan kondisi El Nino daripada kondisi Bulan Basah dan La Nina. Jika dibandingkan dengan parameter lainnya, suhu permukaan laut tidak secara signifikan (18-25%), mempengaruhi nilai produktivitas primer perairan eufotik, namun secara spasial dapat menjelaskan sebarannya pada wilayah perairan Teluk Kalabahi. Distribusi klasifikasi produktivitas primer sedang sampai dengan tinggi (100-200 mgC/m3/jam) berada pada perairan habitat terumbu karang dan ekosistem mangrove, jika dibandingkan dengan jenis tipologi pesisir lainnya. Perairan Teluk Kalabahi tergolong dalam perairan subur pada klasifikasi laju produktivitas primer pertahun sebesar 50-200 mgC/m3/tahun, dan memiliki luas 92 persen dari total luas wilayah perairan Teluk Kalabahi.

Sea Primary productivity describes the condition of sea fertility. The complexity of primary water productivity depends on the conditions and indicators of assessment. One indicator used is euphotic depth and biophysical parameters such as chlorophyll-a, TSS and salinity. Kalabahi Bay is a unique type of bay because it is a closed bay and has mangrove ecosystems, coral reefs, sandy beaches, muddy beaches, and other coastal uniqueness. Coastal and coastal environmental characteristics, as well as climate variability influence the dynamics of sea primary productivity of euphotic depth. In this study, the value of sea primary productivity in Kalabahi Bay using a euphotic depth sea primary productivity algorithm model based on an analysis of euphotic depth algorithm models, chlorophyll-a euphotic algorithm models, TSS euphotic algorithm models, and salinity euphotic algorithm models. The sea primary productivity model of euphotic depth produced can explain 87 percent of the sea primary productivity of euphotic depth actual in Kalabahi Bay. The sea primary productivity value of euphotic depth of Kalabahi Bay was more dominantly affected by the distribution of chlorophyll-a euphotic (67%) and salinity euphotic (87%) than the distribution of TSS euphotic (26%). The southern coast of Kalabahi Bay has a high value of primary productivity because it has a distribution of mangrove ecosystems and there are several types estuaries of a perennial stream. The classification of primary productivity of high euphotic depth (150-200 mgC/m3/hour) was distributed in the largest area during the Dry Moon period and El Nino conditions rather than the conditions of the Wet Month and La Nina condition. When compared with other parameters, the sea surface temperature is not significant (18-25%), affecting the primary productivity value of euphotic depth, but spatially can explain its distribution in Kalabahi Bay. The distribution of moderate to high primary productivity classifications (100-200 mgC/m3/hour) is in the coral reef habitats and mangrove ecosystems when compared to another coastal typology area. Kalabahi Bay is classified as the fertile sea in the classification of annual primary productivity rates of 50-200 mgC/m3/year, and have an area of 92 percent of the total area of Kalabahi Bay."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eldia Anggidenia
Penelitian mengenai potensi makroalga alami Sargassum polycystum dan makroalga budidaya Eucheuma cottonii dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon serta nutrien di Pulau Panjang, Teluk Banten telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober hingga November 2014. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju penyerapan karbon, kandungan nutrien dan produktivitas primer dari makroalga S. polycystum dan E. cottonii. Lokasi penelitian terletak di bagian hamparan gosong karang dan berlumpur dengan kedalaman 0,5-5 m. Pengamatan pertumbuhan dan laju penyerapan karbon menggunakan metode penandaan thallus pada 30 sampel makroalga setiap hari selama 7 hari. Sampel makroalga selanjutnya dianalisis kandungan nutriennya. Hasil penelitian didapatkan estimasi laju penyerapan karbon S. polycystum dan E. cottonii adalah 0,0081 gC/hari dan 0,0083 gC/hari. Kandungan karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di S. polycystum adalah sebanyak 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% sedangkan kadar karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di E. cottonii adalah 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006%. Berdasarkan analisis statistik dengan uji t, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada laju pertumbuhan, kandungan nitrogen dan fosfat S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Sedangkan untuk kandungan karbon tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Selanjutnya, uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa adanya korelasi antara laju pertumbuhan S. polycystum dan E. cottonii dengan kandungan nitrogen masing- masing sedangkan antara laju pertumbuhan dengan kandungan karbon dan fosfat tidak terdapat korelasi. Produktivitas primer diukur dengan metode botol terang dan botol gelap yang dimodifikasi. Pengukuran produktivitas primer dilakukan pada kedalaman 0,5 m untuk S. polycystum dan 0,1 m untuk E. cottonii. Kandungan oksigen terlarut diukur dengan DO meter. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata produktivitas primer S. polycystum sebesar 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/hari dan E. cottonii sebesar 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/hari.

The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day., The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In aquatic ecosystems, light and nutrients in water column are the primary factors governing the planktonic primary productivity....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deborah Sotya Larasati
"Instalasi solar panel terapung memberikan dampak berupa terhalangnya cahaya matahari, yang merupakan sumber energi fitoplankton untuk melakukan fotosintesis, masuk ke badan air. Perubahan dalam aktivitas fitoplankton akan memengaruhi produktivitas primer serta konsentrasi sejumlah nutrien yang terlibat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penutupan permukaan badan air berupa solar panel terapung terhadap perubahan produktivitas primer dan konsentrasi nutrien yaitu nitrat, amonia, dan fosfat perairan, serta hubungan antara produktivitas primer dan konsentrasi tiap nutrien. Penelitian dilakukan dengan objek studi Danau Mahoni UI dengan jumlah pengambilan sampel sebanyak 8 kali dalam kurun waktu delapan minggu. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji parametrik independent t test dan uji korelasi Pearson's. Penutupan permukaan danau oleh solar panel terapung memberi pengaruh yang signifikan secara statistic terhadap penurunan produktivitas primer danau dengan rata-rata penurunan produktivitas primer danau -79,79%, dan pengaruh yang tidak signifikan secara statistik terhadap peningkatan konsentrasi nutrien dengan rata-rata peningkatan konsentrasi nitrat 3,45%, amonia 18,96%, dan fosfat 4,87%. Korelasi produktivitas primer dengan konsentrasi nitrat dan amonia danau lebih kuat pada keadaan tanpa penutupan permukaan danau, sementara korelasi produktivitas primer dengan konsentrasi fosfat danau lebih kuat pada keadaan dengan penutupan permukaan danau.
......Floating solar panel installation has an impact of blocking the sunlight, which serves as the source of energy for phytoplankton photosynthesis, to reach the water bodies. Changes in phytoplankton activities will affect water primary productivity and the concentration of involved nutrients. This study aims to analyze the effect of covering water bodies by floating solar panel on water primary productivity and nutrients (nitrate, ammonia, phosphate) concentration changes, and the relationship between water primary productivity and each nutrient concentration. The study is carried out with Lake Mahoni UI as the study object, with 8 times sampling in the span of eight weeks. Data analysis uses independent t test and Pearson's correlation. The covering of lake by floating solar panel has statistically significant effect on the decrease of lake primary productivity with average decrease of -79,79%, and statistically insignificant effect on the increase of lake nutrient concentration with average increase of 3,45% on nitrate concentration, 18,96% on ammonia concentration, and 4,87% on phosphate concentration. The correlation between lake primary productivity and nitrate and ammonia concentration is stronger without the covering of water bodies, while the correlation between lake primary productivity and phosphate concentration is stronger with the covering of water bodies."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cahya Putri Andika
"Penutupan permukaan air menghalangi cahaya matahari yang masuk ke badan air sehingga mengganggu proses fotosintesis fitoplankton. Konsentrasi klorofil-a berpengaruh terhadap perubahan aktivitas fitoplankton yang akan mempengaruhi produktivitas primer. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh kedalaman terhadap produktivitas primer fitoplankton dan klorofil-a serta korelasi antar keduanya pada kondisi dengan dan tanpa adanya penutupan permukaan air. Penelitian dilakukan di Solar Panel Terapung (SPT) Danau Mahoni UI. Sampel diambil pada kedalaman 30 cm dan 60 cm pada kondisi tertutup dan kondisi terbuka. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi, uji parametrik independent t test, uji korelasi Pearson dan Spearman Rho. Berdasarkan nilai rata-rata, menunjukan bahwa kedalaman air memberikan pengaruh terhadap kedua parameter. Namun, berdasarkan uji independent t test didapatkan nilai sig. (2-tailed) >0,05 bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai produktivitas primer dan konsentrasi klorofil-a yang berarti antara kedalaman 30 cm dengan kedalaman 60 cm. Hubungan produktivitas dengan klorofil-a pada kondisi tertutup menghasilkan koefisien determinasi (R2 ) sebesar 0,8, sementara kondisi terbuka menghasilkan R 2 sebesar 0,088. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa korelasi produktivitas primer dengan klorofil-a lebih kuat pada kondisi tertutup. Keberadaan penutupan permukaan badan air berupa solar panel terapung memberikan pengaruh yang siginifikan terhadap penurunan nilai produktivitas primer dan klorofil-a.
......The closure of the water surface blocks the sunlight that enters the water body so that it interferes with the photosynthetic process of phytoplankton. The concentration of chlorophyll-a affects changes in phytoplankton activity which will affect primary productivity.The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of depth on the primary productivity of phytoplankton and chlorophyll-a and the correlation between them in conditions with and without water surface cover. The research was conducted on the floating solar panel of Lake Mahoni UI. Samples were taken at a depth of 30 cm and 60 cm in closed and open conditions. Data analysis was performed using regression, parametric independent t test, Pearson and Spearman Rho correlation test. Based on the average value, it shows that the water depth has an effect on both parameters. However, based on the independent t test, the sig. value was obtained. (2-tailed) > 0.05 that there is no significant difference in the value of primary productivity and chlorophyll-a concentration between a depth of 30 cm and a depth of 60 cm. The relationship between productivity and chlorophyll-a in the closed condition resulted in a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.8, while the open condition resulted in an R2 of 0.088. The results of the analysis showed that the correlation of primary productivity with chlorophyll-a was stronger in closed conditions. The existence of surface cover of water bodies in the form of floating solar panels has a significant effect on the decrease in the value of primary productivity and chlorophyll-a."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library