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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Gartner, Alan
New York: Praeger Publ., 1973
658.312 5 GAR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Corey, Gerald
Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1998
174 COR i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Redman, Barbara Klug
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, cop, 2013
610.724 RED s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The latest volume of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations addresses a range of contemporary issues in applied and professional ethics. It is ideally suited to researchers, postgraduates and professionals whose interests include such key issues as tax avoidance, global justice, information sharing and corporate privacy."
United Kingdom: Emerald, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ginting, Emiya Alemina Karina
"Pasien sebagai pihak yang membutuhkan perawatan atau asuhan dari tenaga kesehatan, rentan terhadap pelanggaran hak-haknya oleh tenaga kesehatan. Perawat yang mendampingi pasien selama 24 jam untuk memberikan asuhan keperawatan dalam rangka upaya pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit, memiliki kemungkinan untuk melakukan kesalahan dan kelalaian, salah satunya pelecehan seksual. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode yuridis normatif untuk menjawab permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan hubungan hukum perawat dengan pasien, pengaturan mengenai pelecehan seksual oleh perawat menurut hukum dan etika, dan perlindungan hukum pasien korban pelecehan seksual oleh perawat. Hubungan hukum antara perawat dengan pasien yaitu sebagai subjek hukum yang memiliki hak dan kewajiban ketika berinteraksi dalam proses asuhan keperawatan, pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban ini saling berkitan. Hal ini diatur dalam berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan salah satunya UU No. 38 Tahun 2014 tentang Keperawatan. Berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan mengatur mengenai pelecehan seksual salah satunya KUHP yaitu Pasal 289 KUHP hingga Pasal 296 KUHP mengenai pencabulan. Secara etik, pelecehan seksual tidak secara ekpslisit diatur dalam Kode Etik Keperawatan Indonesia, tetapi dapat dianggap melanggar ketentuan Angka 4 Poin b dan Angka 2 Poin A Kode Etik Keperawatan Indonesia. Pasien dapat menuntut perawat melalui proses peradilan dan mengadukan perawat tersebut kepada organisasi profesi perawat (PPNI). Walaupun hak dan kewajiban terebut diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan tetapi peraturan perundang- undangan tersebut tidak memuat sanksi yang dapat diberikan apabila terjadi pelanggaran atas hak-hak pasien. Sehingga diperlukan adanya pengaturan khusus yang dapat secara tegas melindungi dan bukan hanya mengatur saja tapi juga memberikan sanksi.
......Patients as parties who need care from health workers, are vulnerable to violations of their rights by health workers. Nurses who accompany patients for 24 hours to provide nursing care in the context of health care efforts in hospitals, have the possibility to make mistakes and omissions, one of which is sexual harassment. The research was conducted using normative juridical methods to answer problems related to the legal relationship between nurses and patients, regulations regarding sexual harassment by nurses according to law and ethics, and legal protection for patients who are victims of sexual harassment by nurses. The legal relationship between nurses and patients is that as legal subjects who have rights and obligations when interacting in the nursing care process, the fulfillment of these rights and obligations are interrelated. This is regulated in various laws and regulations, one of which is Law number 38 of 2014. Various laws and regulations regulate sexual harassment, one of which is the Criminal Code, namely Article 289 of the Criminal Code to Article 296 of the Criminal Code regarding obscenity. Ethically, sexual harassment is not explicitly regulated in the Indonesian Nursing Code of Ethics, but it can be considered a violation of the provisions of Number 4 Point b and Number 2 Point A of the Indonesian Nursing Code of Ethics. Patients can sue nurses through the judicial process and complain to the professional Nursing Organization (PPNI). Although these rights and obligations are regulated in laws and regulations, these laws and regulations do not contain sanctions that can be given in the event of a violation of the patient's rights. So it is necessary to have special arrangements that can firmly protect and not only regulate but also provide sanctions."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widjojo Adi Prakoso
"Pada tanggal 18 Desember 2018 terjadi kegagalan dinding penahan tanah sisi timur dari sebuah galian basemen di Jalan XYZ, Surabaya. Tipe dinding penahan tanah yang digunakan adalah contiguous bored piles yang diperkuat dengan beberapa lapis angkur tanah. Kegagalan dinding penahan tanah terjadi saat kedalaman galian sekitar 12 m, dan kegagalan ini mengakibatkan kelongsoran total Jalan XYZ sepanjang sekitar 50 m dan kelongsoran sebagian halaman dari dua (2) gedung tetangga yang berada di seberang Jalan XYZ. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan praktik keinsinyuran ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi aspek teknis penyebab kegagalan dinding penahan tanah, serta mengevaluasi aspek manajemen keselamatan konstruksi dan mengevaluasi persoalan etika yang terjadi dalam konteks kegagalan dinding penahan tanah.
Metode praktik keinsinyuran yang dilaksanakan mengacu pada tujuan tersebut di atas. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data dan kemudian analisis dan sintesis mekanisme kegagalan dengan acuan teknis SNI 8460:2017. Metode yang digunakan selanjutnya adalah melakukan studi komparasi hasil pengumpulan data dan sintesis mekanisme kegagalan terhadap dokumen PerMen PUPR RI 10/2021 untuk aspek manajemen keselamatan konstruksi dan dokumen Kode Etik Insinyur 2021 dari PII untuk aspek etika.
Berdasarkan analisis numerik dan sintesis yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa kegagalan dinding penahan tanah sisi timur merupakan konsekuensi dari kegagalan angkur tanah, sedang kegagalan angkur tanah diakibatkan oleh pergerakan horizontal dinding penahan tanah dan oleh penurunan tanah di belakang dinding. Dari evaluasi berbasis SNI 8460:2017 diketahui sejumlah batas ijin telah terlampaui, tetapi hal ini tidak ditindak lanjuti selama pelaksanaan lanjutan proyek pembangunan. Evaluasi manajemen keselamatan konstruksi berbasis Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 tahun 2021 menunjukkan temuan berupa ketidaksesuaian dalam bidang keselamatan keteknikan konstruksi, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, keselamatan publik, dan keselamatan lingkungan dari proyek pembangunan. Evaluasi aspek etika berbasis Kode Etik Insinyur 2021 dari Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia menunjukkan temuan berupa dugaan awal tidak dipenuhinya Aturan Praktik dan Tata Laku Insinyur.
......On December 18, 2018, a failure of the east side retaining wall of a basement excavation occurred. The excavation was part of a construction project located on Jalan XYZ, Surabaya. The type of retaining wall used was contiguous bored piles supported by layers of ground anchors. The failure o occurred when the excavation depth was about 12 m, and this failure resulted in a ground failure of Jalan XYZ for about 50 m long and partial ground failure of two (2) neighboring buildings across Jalan XYZ. The purpose of this engineering practice study is to evaluate the technical aspects causing the retaining wall failure, as well as to evaluate construction safety management aspects and related ethical issues in the context of retaining wall failure.
The method for the engineering practice study is developed to the objectives mentioned above. The method included data collection, as well as analysis and synthesis of failure mechanisms, primarily referenced to SNI 8460:2017. The method also included a comparative study on the results of data collection and synthesis of failure mechanisms referenced to the Minister of PUPR RI Regulation 10/2021 for aspects of construction safety management and to the 2021 PII Engineer Code of Ethics for ethical aspects.
Based on the numerical analysis and synthesis performed, it is known that the failure of the east side retaining wall was a consequence of ground anchor failure, while ground anchor failure was caused by horizontal movement of the retaining wall and by subsidence of the soil behind the wall. Based on SNI 8460:2017, it was found that a number clauses had been exceeded, but this was not followed up during the construction. Evaluation of construction safety management based on the Minister of PUPR RI Regulation 10/2021 showed findings in the form of non-compliance in the aspects of construction engineering safety, occupational safety and health, public safety, and environmental safety of development projects. An evaluation of the ethical aspects based on the 2021 PII Engineer Code of Ethics showed findings in the form of initial indications of non-compliance with the Engineers' Rules of Practice and Conduct."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roscoe, Lori A.
"This casebook provides a set of cases that reveal the current complexity of medical decision-making, ethical reasoning, and communication at the end of life for hospitalized patients and those who care for and about them. End-of-life issues are a controversial part of medical practice and of everyday life. Working through these cases illuminates both the practical and philosophical challenges presented by the moral problems that surface in contemporary end-of-life care. Each case involved real people, with varying goals and constraints,who tried to make the best decisions possible under demanding conditions. Though there were no easy solutions, nor ones that satisfied all stakeholders, there are important lessons to be learned about the ways end-of-life care can continue to improve. This advanced casebook is a must-read for medical and nursing students, students in the allied health professions, health communication scholars, bioethicists, those studying hospital and public administration, as well as for practicing physicians and educators. "
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library