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Ditemukan 23 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Arief Syarif Hidayat
Abstrak :
Pada pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi tidak pernah dijumpai suatu proyek yang semua kegiatannya berjalan sesuai perencanaan dasar, terutama bagi proyek yang besar dan kompleks. Permasalahan akan berkembang setiap harinya seperti : keterlambatan material, kekurangan tenaga kerja, kerusakan peralatan dan kondisi-kondisi lain menggangu perencanaan awalnya. Pengawasan merupakan bagian dari pengendalian proyek yang diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi penyimpangan-penyimpangan yang terjadi sehingga tindakan koreksi dapat memperbaiki hasil pelaksanaan yang kurang memenuhi spesifikasi. Pengawasan biasanya meliputi empat kegiatan utama. Keempat kegiatan utama itu adalah pengembangan standar pelaksanaan, pengukuran hasil pelaksanaan, penilaian hasil pelaksanaan dan perbaikan. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat adanya hubungan secara kuantitatif melalui analisis regresi berganda pengaruh kualitas pengawasan kepada kinerja biaya dan kinerja waktu akhir dari pelaksanaan konstruksi Bendungan dan Bangunan Air pada proyek Irigasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang ditujukan kepada seluruh Kantor Dinas Departemen Pekerjaan Umum Propinsi. Dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian sistem pengawasan yaitu sistem pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh Pemilik dan sistem pengawasan yang dilakukan Pemilik bersama Konsultan Supervisi. Dari total sampel kedua sistem pengawasan tersebut dilakukan analisis statistik untuk akhirnya mendapatkan model regresi berganda tentang hubungan antara variabel-variabel pengawasan terhadap kinerja biaya maupun kinerja waktu pelaksanaan proyek. Dan hasil penelitian yang didapatkan bahwa peningkatan pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh Pemilik maupun Pemilik bersama Konsultan Supervisi akan meningkatkan kinerja biaya dan kinerja waktu pelaksanaan konstruksi Bendungan dan Bangunan Air pada Proyek Irigasi.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Dalam Manajemen Konstruksi faktor utama dalam mengendalikan suatu proses pelaksanaan proyek adalah perencanaan (planning), penjadwalan (scheduling) dan kontrol (controlling). Faktor-faktor tersebut diatas merupakan kunci dari proses pengendalian pelaksanaan konstruksi. Sedangkan perencanaan sendiri dalam hal ini meliputi penentuan faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam pelaksanaan , salah satu dari terobosan yang perlu dilakukan dalam melaksanakan suatu pekerjaan adalah penguasaan teknik metode pelaksanaan dengan baik. Penerapan faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam pelaksanaan memberikan konstribusi yang sangat besar dalam menentukan keberhasilan pelaksanaan suatu proyek. Oleh karena itu penerapan metode pelaksanaan yang tidak tepat dalam pekerjaan tanah akan mengakibatkan biaya dan waktu tidak sesuai dengan rencana. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasikan peran faktor-faktor dalam penerapan pelaksanaan yang mempengaruhi kinerja biaya proyek pada pekerjaan tanah. Studi/penelitian dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden yang sudah berpengalaman dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan tanah dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisa statistik. Dari hasil analisa statistik terhadap sample data kuesioner, diperoleh 2 (dua) variabel bebas faktor yang berperan dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan tanah/cut fill yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja biaya proyek yaitu pelaksanaan survey awal dan urutan kerja pelaksanaan.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ary Hersesari Putra
Abstrak :
Dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan perawatan besar terjadwal (turnaround) khususnya pada industri oil, gas, dan petrochemical seringkali ditemukan permasalahan yang membuat kinerja waktu dan biaya menjadi rendah. Umumnya yang terjadi pada pekerjaan perawatan besar terjadwal di oil, gas, dan petrochemical hal-hal yang menyangkut masalah mutu dan keselamatan menjadi bagian yang utama. Kedua hal ini diutamakan karena menyangkut adanya regulasi dan spesifikasi yang sangat ketat dan menjadi kewajiban standar yang harus digunakan. Selain itu fungsi kedua kinerja tersebut adalah menyangkut kepada hal-hal yang dapat membahayakan keselamatan manusia baik selama pelaksanaan pekerjaan maupun pada saat plant nantinya sedang beroperasi. Meskipun bukan menjadi faktor yang utama, dengan semakin meningkatnya tingkat kompetitif di industri oil, gas, dan petrochemical, kinerja biaya dan waktu saat ini juga menjadi perhatian yang utama, terlebih lagi setelah banyak dilakukan analisa bahwa pelaksanaan pekerjaan perawatan besar terjadwal adalah bagian dari pekerjaan perawatan yang cukup banyak menghabiskan biaya dan waktu. Metode yang dipakai menggunakan metode studi kasus yang bersifat dekriptif dan kualitatif dan dilakukan di PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia (PT. MCCI). Analisa dilakukan mula-mula dengan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penyebab permasalahan yang menjadikan kinerja waktu dan biaya untuk pekerjaan perawatan besar terjadwal menjadi rendah. Analisa selanjutnya dilakukan perbandingan antara kondisi ideal dari faktor-faktor tersebut dengan kondisi aktual yang terjadi di PT MCCI. Dari perbandingan tersebut akhirnya diketahui secara detail permasalahanpermasalahan yang terjadi yaitu pengadaan material untuk keperluan turnaround yang sering terlambat, tidak adanya tim engineering, alternatif untuk menyelesaikan ketidaksesuaian pada pelaksanaan turnaround yang tidak memperhatikan resiko pembekakan budget, tidak ditemuinya catatan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk pelaksanaan turnaround berikutnya, dan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dari pihak kontraktor yang sangat terbatas. Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode contructability diberikan usulan agar permasalahan-permasalahan yang timbul dapat kembali ke kondisi yang ideal. Sehingga pada akhirnya apabila kondisi yang ideal dapat dicapai maka kinerja biaya dan waktu dapat meningkat.
The execution of turnaround work especially on oil, gas, and petrochemical industries often found the problem making time and cost performance become to lower. Generally, that happen at turnaround work in oil, gas, and petrochemical, things which is concerning problem in quality and safety become the main focus. Both the things become main focus because concerning existence of regulation and specification which is very tight and become the standard obligation which must be used. Besides that, the function of quality and safety performance are concerning to things that can endanger the human being since the execution of turnaround work until production. Though not becoming main focus before, with the growing of competition in oil, gas, and petrochemical industries, time and cost performance now also becoming main focus, particularly again after many analysis identify that turnaround work is the part of maintenance work which consume a lot of cost and time. The method is using case study method with descriptive and qualitative approach and conducted in PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indonesia (PT. MCCI). First analysis step is to identify the factors of problem that making cost and time performance become to lower. Then, the next analysis is to compare between the ideal condition of turnaround work and the actual condition of turnaround work in PT MCCI. From the comparison, finally known the detail of problems that happened on turnaround work that is material levying for turnaround which is often lost time, inexistence of team engineering, alternative to finish inconsistency at execution of turnaround work is heedless the risk of budget increasing, the note upon which consideration for the execution of next turnaround is not found, and ability of human resource from contractor side is very limited. With the approach of constructability method given solution so that the problems arising back to the ideal condition. In the end, if the ideal condition reachable hence the cost and time performance becoming higher.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wildan Nachdy
Abstrak :
Hubungan budaya perusahaan dengan kinerja pada beberapa penelitian sebelumnya, telah menyimpulkan bahwa kinerja perusahaan merupakan salah satu pencerminan dari budaya perusahaan yang baik. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas sejauh apa budaya dan tatanan perilaku yang ditetapkan pada satu perusahaan akan berdampak pada aktivitas tim proyek didalam melakukan cost management sehingga kinerja biaya proyek dapat tercapai. Hasil pengolahan data dengan menggunakan analisa statistik, diperoleh 4 variabel yang dominan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja biaya proyek konstruksi yaitu menempatkan SDM yang kompeten, adanya kepedulian terhadap biaya, berorientasi kepada proses dan target serta kejelasan tahapan dan waktu pelaksanaan yang dapat dipahami oleh semua pihak.
Corporate culture relations with the company?s performance in several previous studies, has concluded that company?s performance is one reflection of a good corporate culture. In this study will be discussed to what extent the culture and structure of behavior defined in one company will have an impact on activities within the project team in doing the cost management so that the project cost performance can be achieved. The result of data processing using statistical analysis, 4 variables obtained a dominant influence on the performance of construction project cost are placing a competent human resources, the concerning attitude for cost, and process-oriented targets and clarity of the stages and time of implementation that can be understood by all parties.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Sheba Hartaty
Abstrak :
Bangunan konstruksi dapat menghasilkan rancangan yang baik, bila awalnya telah dipikirkan bagaimana cara membangunnya. Kegagalan konsultan perencana memperkirakan bagaimana suatu rancangan dibangun oleh kontraktor dapat menyebabkan permasalahan yang menimbulkan kenaikan biaya dan keterlambatan jadwal pelaksanaan konstruksi. Permasalahan tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan constructability yaitu dengan melibatkan tenaga ahli konstruksi yang berpengetahuan dan berpengalaman untuk ikut serta dan memberi masukan pada tahap perancangan. Hal ini lebih menjamin agar rancangan disusun dengan menggunakan metode dan teknologi yang dapat diterapkan oleh kontraktor. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengirimkan kuesioner ke berbagai perusahaan konsultan perencana yang berada di wilayah Jabotabek. Dan hasil penyebaran kuesioner diperoleh 30 kuesioner dan 50 kuesioner yang diterima kembali untuk dianalisis dengan menggunakan program SPSS. Hasil analisis dengan model regresi berganda dapat menggambarkan adanya hubungan korelasi positif yang sangat kuat antara variabel-variabel peningkatan constructability pada perancangan oleh konsultan perencana dengan kinerja biaya. Model regresi berganda terdiri dari 3 (tiga) variabel penentu yang mempengaruhi kinerja biaya berdasarkan penilaian terhadap sampel dan koordinator proyek dari perusahaan konsultan perencana, yaitu : 1. Menyesuaikan pendekatan rancangan dengan metode konstruksi, 2. Mendefinisikan secara jelas batasan kontraktor dalam dokumen perancangan, dan 3. Secara aktif meminta masukan dari personil konstruksi pada setiap tahapan dan proses perancangan. Dan hasil penelitian ini, peningkatan constructability pada perancangan dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan kualitas rancangan yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja biaya pada pelaksanaan proyek-proyek konstruksi di Indonesia di masa mendatang.
Influence of Constructability Improvement in Design Phase to Project Cost Performance of Construction Projects in IndonesiaConstruction building could to products a good design, if the early to think how in manner to be constructed. Failure of designer to consider how the design should be implemented by contractor can result in scheduling problems and delays during the construction process. That problems could be solved with constructability namely by the construction expert involved who had knowledge and experience to joint and seek construction input in design. This has more to warrant in order that design to arrange by using technology and method that could apply of contractor. This research has done in the designer companies with sent some questionnaires to several of designer companies in Jabotabek. From questionnaires spread result 30 from 50 questionnaires received to be viable analysis with used SP SS program. The result of multiple regression analysis model shows that influence constructability improvement in design of designer will improving project cost performance. Multiple regression models has 3 of key variables influencing in cost performance carried out by estimates from persons of construction expert or project coordinator in designer's firm are: (1) Integrate design approach with construction method, (2) Clearly define contractor interface in the design document, and (3) Actively seek construction input to all stages of the design process. From these research resulted, construction improvement in design can be used to obtain the quality of design result that cost performance can be improvement in operation of projects construction in the future of Indonesia construction project.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ikhsan Setiawan
Abstrak :
The Role of Construction Personnel in the Phase of Conceptual Planning in Increasing Construction Project Cost Performance in IndonesiaModern construction has been characterized as a complex and fragmented process. These conditions have been known to lower the quality and cost efficiency of projects. It has been proven that this problem can be partially overcome by implementing constructability, which is based on the integration of construction knowledge into the early stages of planning and design process. Prior research has found a lack of application of constructability by participants in the construction industry, especially general contractors. Because builders can play an important role in implementing constructability, this thesis has addressed constructability as practiced by the general contractors in Indonesia Constructability since 1986 has been defined as the optimum use of construction knowledge and experience in planning, design, procurement, and field operations to achieve overall project objectives. The effective integration of design and construction offers important benefits and opportunities to achieve project objectives. In order to create maximum benefits, the construction input or constructability, has to be introduced at the earliest stages of the project. This investigation describes the constructability improvement related to three key issues derived from literature study; developing the project plan, laying out the site, and selecting major construction methods. Project data for analysis were obtained by distributing questionnaires to corporations in the Jabotabek areas and in project locations in Indonesia which were acting as contractors. The sample questionnaires were also directed to a population of contractors categorized by the characteristics of the organization, the type of work performed, and the type of contractual arrangement. The variables in the questionnaires that were related to constructability and cost performance were assigned scores by the contractor population in the research. The data was then processed for carrying-out correlation and multiple regression modeling analysis. The research proceeded to establish through regressions analysis a non-linear model relating cost performance to two significant constructability variables. Firstly the improvement of construction personnel knowledge and experience for the scheduling preparation, cost estimations and budget. Secondly the improvement of construction personnel knowledge and experience for pre-construction planning as a basic input in the design phase. These findings then provided the basis for deriving conclusions and various recommendations on practical applications to improve constructability during the conceptual planning phase for increasing the cost performance of a project.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tambunan, Sondang Marihut
Abstrak :
The Influence of Contractors Involvement in Engineering Procurement Phase to Construction Project Cost Performance in IndonesiaThe structure of the construction industry is very complex due to the involvement of a wide range of contractors including main contractors, subcontractors and design consultant. The amount of participants in the actual construction process requires various relationships and joint combination often leading to lower levels of performance in construction projects. In Indonesia, there are many construction projects that are performed in a traditional manner, where designers and contractors are given work in separate contracts. Contractors generally get involved in the construction phase. After completing planning, design and specifications, the designer embarks on supervision in the construction phase. In 1986, The Construction Industry Institute, in Austin, USA, defined Constructability as the optimum use of construction knowledge and experience in planning, engineering, and procurement and construction field operations to achieve overall project objectives. This research was carried out in order to complete the requirement of Magister Program Curriculum in The Department of Civil Engineering, Postgraduate Program of The University of Indonesia. It is mainly aimed to investigate the relationship between the contractors personnel involvement in engineering and procurement phases with the construction project cost performance in Indonesia. Data of the research were obtained through questionnaires returned from contractor companies that performed many kinds of construction projects completed over the last decade between 1987-1997 in Indonesia. The method chosen for the research was a descriptive-analysis type relying on data compiled and verified from the samples of the construction projects. Both quantitative and qualitative analysis utilizing correlation and multiple regression to establish a model of the relationships. The final model after being subjected to the needed statistical tests provided clear evidence about the influence of constructability variables as in contractor personnel involvement in engineering and procurement phases to construction project cost performance in Indonesia The significant contractor personnel variables were found to be carefully assign appropriate construction personnel who has the required experience and team approach to the project team and make timely input to design to avoid the need for changes.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Trigunarsyah
Abstrak :
Construction industry influence most, if not all of the national economic sectors. It builds and provides infrastructure for other economic sectors such as, agriculture, energy, tourism, manufacturing, trades etc. As for the urban and regional development, the Construction industry involvement by providing housings and infrastructure, i.e. public utilities, public works and transport sectors, is very important. In the industrial countries such as USA, UK and Australia, construction is the biggest industry. It contributes more than 9% of the Gross National Product. The construction industry uses more than 60% of the fixed capital expenditures, and it absorb significant amount of manpower because this industry is relatively labor-intensive. In the developing countries the contribution of the construction industry to the GDP varies from 3% to 8%. In Indonesia in particular the contribution of the industry increases from 3.86% in 1973 to 6.60% in 1993. These number are low compare to the numbers in the developed countries. Sector contribution to the GDP is measured from the value added of each sector compared to cumulative value added of all economic sectors. In construction, the value added is the difference between the contract value and project cost. The cost of the project is affected by the quality planning of the project. Lack of good quality planning will have an impact on completion time and final project execution cost. This research investigate the correlation between construction planning and value added of the project in the Jabotabek area. From 30 questionnaires sent to various construction projects and a selected number of face communications, 23 responses were received to be viable for in depth analysis. The result of the analysis shows clearly that value added is positively correlated in a non-linear manner to eight of the key construction planning variables of the projects. The eight key variables influencing productivity on value added are the preparation of Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) and network planning, the level of involvement of Site Manager, Contractor's Head Office, Owner and Sub-Contractor, the frequency of updating the planning and schedule, and the level of planning input to the projects. These results provided the basis for researching into the relation between the growths of construction industry contribution, representing overall productivity of the sector to the rise in the skilled personnel human resources, representing the quality potential construction planning input of the sector as a whole. The combined findings at the macro output and micro project level of construction provided some basic evidence of the potential role and function in training high quality planning to construction in a developing economy such as Indonesia.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pandhu Dewanto
Abstrak :
Proyek pengolahan gas bumi dengan konsep Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) pada suatu perusahaan kontraktor EPC memerlukan manajemen biaya proyek yang efektif. Pelaksanaan proyek, aktualnya sering terjadi over budget. Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis estimasi biaya proyek dengan studi hazop yang dilakukan. Metode PMBOK digunakan untuk menghitung nilai estimasi biaya proyek dan melalui proses hazard analysis (PHA) hingga didapatkan Hazop dari proyek tersebut. Simulasi Monte Carlo dengan CrystalBall untuk mengetahui probabilitas keberhasilan perencanaan proyek dan implikasi studi hazop terhadap nilai estimasi biaya proyek sehingga dapat diimplementasikan oleh perusahaan terkait. ......Natural gas processing project with the concept of Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) on an EPC contractor companies require cost effective project management. Project implementation, the actual common over-budget. This study focuses on the analysis of the estimated project cost with HAZOP studies are carried out. PMBOK method used to calculate the value of the estimated cost of the project and through a process hazard analysis (PHA) to HAZOP obtained from the project. Monte Carlo simulations with Crystal Ball to know the probability of success of the project planning and the implications for HAZOP studies on the value of the estimated cost of the project so that it can be implemented by related companies.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Donny Tanama
Abstrak :
Rekonstruksi tempat tinggal pasca bencana tsunami adalah prioritas utama dimana hal ini mengarah pada metode konstruksi dan desain tempat tinggal yang dapat cepat dilakukan dan metode prefab menjadi salah satu alternative. Namun dengan masih jarangnya penggunaan metode prefab pada konstruksi perumahan menjadikan studi risiko yang terdiri dari identifikasi risiko, analisa dan respon terhadap risiko dirasa cukup penting khususnya bagi PT. KJ guna meningkatkan kinerja proyeknya. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan analisa AHP dan analisa statisitik dengan menggunakan SPSS v16 dimana dihasilkan 4 risiko dominan yang berkorelasi dengan kinerja biaya proyek. ......Housing reconstruction after the tsunami was the first priority that leads to effort of trying to find a fast construction method which prefab method is an alternative. The using of prefab method in housing construction is still rare which makes the study of risk related to it from identification, analysis and response is so important especially for PT. KJ in its effort to increase the performance of its project costs . In this research the writer used AHP and statistic analysis using SPSS v16 which in the process resulted in 4 dominant risk variables which are correlated to the project cost.
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
T 25211
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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