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Ditemukan 178 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Harris, William
New Delhi: SEARO, 2001
362.196 HAR n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Weinberger, Steven E.
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier, 2019
616.24 WEI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hodgkin, John E.
St Louis: Mosby Elsevier, 2009
616.24 HOD P
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""This book opens with a comprehensive overview of the scientific basis of lung function in health and disease. It then provides detailed coverage of the broad array of diseases and disorders affecting the respiratory system, including obstructive and restrictive diseases, pulmonary vascular disorders, sleep-disordered breathing, lung neoplasms, respiratory infections, and respiratory failure, among others.""
New York : McGraw-Hill Education, 2015
616.24 FIS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2008
R 616.24 COL
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggoro B. Hartopo
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is currently underdiagnosis and consequently undertreatment in the clinical practice. A deficient in diagnostic modality and treatment availability especially in developing countries makes the CTEPH diagnosis unlikely to confirm. However, high index of clinical suspicion of CTEPH will lead to proper diagnosis and correct treatment with significant reduction in morbidity and mortality. Left untreated, the mean survival time is 6.8 years and the three year mortality rate may be as high as 90%. The pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of CTEPH are necessary to be shared among internists and primary care physicians, in order to improve the overall outcome of the patients."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2017
610 UI-IJIM 49: 2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ummi Kalsum Supardi
"Pendahuluan : Tuberkulosis merupakan permasalahan kesehatan global yang telah menjadi perhatian dunia selama 2 dekade terakhir (WHO, 2015). Indonesia merupakan penyumbang TB nomor dua sedunia dengan estimasi insiden 1.020.000 dan estimasi kematian 110.000 (WHO, 2017). Penyakit menular ini menginfeksi hampir seluruh dunia dan menyerang seluruh kelompok umur baik anak-anak, dewasa, maupun lansia. Proporsi kasus pada kelompok umur ≥15 tahun sebesar 90% selebihnyanya 10% kasusnya pada anak-anak (Kemenkes RI 2013). Determinan penyakit TB paru adalah kependudukan dan faktor lingkungan. Kependudukan meliputi jenis kelamin, umur, status gizi, kondisi sosial ekonomi. Sedangkan faktor lingkungan meliputi kepadatan hunian, lantai rumah, ventilasi, pencahayaan, kelembaban (Achmadi UF, 2008). Berdasarkan data secara nasional menunjukkan sebesar 24,9% rumah penduduk di Indonesia yang tergolong rumah sehat (RISKESDAS 2010). Tingginya beban penyakit TB paru masih menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia terutama Indonesia. Namun faktor risiko penularan dari segi lingkungan belum banyak diperhatikan. Hal ini di indikasi dengan kurangnya keberadaan rumah sehat (Mahmuda, 2010). Prevalensi TB ditemukan menjadi yang tertinggi di antara orang tua, tidak ada pendidikan dan anggota keluarga yang secara teratur terpapar asap rokok di dalam rumah lebih rentan terkena TB dibandingkan dengan rumah tangga di mana orang tidak merokok di dalam rumah. Ada beberapa faktor risiko yang sangat terkait dengan TB : asap di dalam rumah, jenis memasak bahan bakar, dapur terpisah, lantai, atap dan bahan dinding, jumlah orang yang tidur di kamar, berbagi toilet dan minum air dengan rumah tangga lain; dan karakteristik individu seperti usia, jenis kelamin, pencapaian pendidikan, status perkawinan, tempat tinggal dan indeks kekayaan. Inilah mengapa lingkungan yang bersih harus dipromosikan untuk menghilangkan TB (Singh, Kashyap, and Puri 2018). maka peneliti merasa perlu mengkaji hubungan lingkungan rumah terhadap kejadian TB paru pada individu usia ≥15 tahun dengan mempertimbangkan peranan faktor risiko lain yang tidak dapat dikesampingkan yang juga berhubungan terhadap kejadian TB paru. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional. Sebanyak 56.198 individu usia ≥15 tahun menjadi sampel pada penelitian ini. Data diperoleh dari Mandat Litbangkes RI dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Regresi Logistik. Hasil : Risiko lingkungan rumah tidak sehat 1,3 kali lebih besar terhadap kejadian TB paru pada individu Usia ≥15 tahun dibandingkan dengan individu yang memiliki lingkungan rumah sehat (POR=1,3 : 95% CI 1,010-1,560). Kesimpulan : Kolaborasi jangka panjang (Subdit TB dengan Dinas PUPNR) mengenai kebijakan dan pemberian (IMB) diperlukan untuk mengurangi pembangunan tanpa didahului studi kelayakan berwawasan lingkungan rumah sehat seperti penerapan (AMDAL), rancangan Plan Of Action/framework dan Kolaborasi layanan di tingkat kader TB yang selanjutnya ke tingkat FKTP semakin diperkuat, serta perlu dipertimbangkan kembali untuk melaksanakan program penemuan active case finding khususnya pada individu yang memiliki lingkungan rumah tidak sehat.

Introduction : Tuberculosis is a global health problem that has become a worldwide concern for the past 2 decades (WHO, 2015). Indonesia is the number two contributor to TB worldwide with an estimated incidence of 1,020,000 and estimated deaths of 110,000 (WHO, 2017). This infectious disease infects almost the entire world and attacks all age groups both children, adults, and the elderly. The proportion of cases in the ≥15 year age group is 90%, the remaining 10% of cases are in children (Ministry of Health RI, 2013). Determinants of pulmonary TB disease are population and environmental factors. Population includes gender, age, nutritional status, socio-economic conditions. While environmental factors include occupancy density, house floors, ventilation, lighting, humidity (Achmadi UF, 2008). Based on national data, 24.9% of the houses in Indonesia are classified as healthy houses (RISKESDAS 2010). The high burden of pulmonary TB disease is still a global health problem, especially in Indonesia. However, the risk factors for transmission in the environment have not been much noticed. This is indicated by the lack of a healthy home (Mahmuda, 2010). The prevalence of TB is found to be the highest among parents, there is no education and family members who are regularly exposed to cigarette smoke in homes are more susceptible to TB than households where people do not smoke inside the house. There are several risk factors that are strongly associated with TB: smoke in the house, type of cooking fuel, separate kitchens, floors, roofs and wall
materials, the number of people sleeping in rooms, sharing toilets and drinking water with other households; and individual characteristics such as age, gender, educational attainment, marital status, place of residence and wealth index. This is why a clean environment must be promoted to eliminate TB (Singh, Kashyap, and Puri 2018). the researchers felt that it was necessary to examine the relationship of the home environment to the incidence of pulmonary TB in individuals aged ≥15 years taking into account the role of other risk factors that cannot be excluded which also relate to the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis. Method : This study used cross-sectional design. Sample were 56,198 Individuals ≥15 Years Old. Data was obtained from the Indonesian Litbangkes and analyzed using the Logistic Regression. Result : The risk of unhealthy home environment is 1.3 times greater for the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in individuals ≥15 years of age compared to individuals who have a Long-term collaboration (TB Sub district with Public Works Agency) on policies and grants (IMB) is needed to reduce development without preceding healthy environment-oriented feasibility studies such as implementation (AMDAL), Plan Of Action/framework and collaborative services at TB cadre Levels. FKTP levels are increasingly strengthened, and need to be reconsidered to implement a program to find active case finding especially for individuals who have an unhealthy home environment.healthy home environment (POR=1,3 : 95% CI 1,010-1,560). "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmania Diandini
"Latar Belakang: Pajanan debu silika telah diketahui sebagai salah satu faktor risiko infeksi TB paru. Diketahuinya besar risiko pajanan debu silika terhadap timbulnya TB paru dapat menjadi suatu aset dalam upaya advokasi program pemberantasan TB baik di pusat pelayanan kesehatan, maupun di tempat kerja, terutama tcrhadap sektor industri yang terkait pajanan debu silika seperti keramik, gelas, konstruksi, etc.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus kontrol dengan kasus 129 orang, dan kontrol 129 orang yang dipadankan menurut usia dan jenis kelamin. Wawancara riwayai pajanan debu silika dilalcukan dengan kuesioner yang telah diujicoba sebelumnya. Diagnosis TB paru diambil dari data sekunder hasil pemeriksaan basil tahan asam (BTA) sputum 3x dan foto toraks di awal diagnosis. Pengaruh pajanan debu silika terhadap TB pam dianalisis regresi logistik, disesuaikan terhadap sejumlah faktor risiko lainnya.
Hasil: Dari analisis bivariat ditemukan bahwa faktor pajanan debu silika sedang-tinggi memiliki OR kasar = ll.05 (95% Cl = l.39~87-69, p = 0_023). Namm; analisis multivariat tidak menunjukkan kemaknaannya terhadap TB pam. Faktor risiko yang bermakna adalah pendidikan tamat SMP (OR suaian = 2.26, 95% CI = 0.97-5.27), tamat SD hingga tidak sekolah (OR suaian 2.16, 95% Cl = 0.95-4.92), penghasilan rendah (OR suaian = 2.64, 95% CI = 1.21-5.84), Indeks massa tubuh (IMT) kurang (OR suaian = 15.76, CI = 6.95-3546), riwayat minum alkohol sedang-berat (OR suaian = 6.77, 95% CI = 2.27-1 9.78).
Simpulan dan saran: Tidak terdapat perbedaan dalam zisiko TB paru antara riwayat pekeljaan terkait pajanan debu silika dengan pekerjaan lainnya_ Keterbatasan popuiasi penelitian di puskesmas tempat penelitian diperkirakan mempunyai andil terhadap hasil yang diamati_ Penelitian selanjutnya perlu dilakukan pada populasi yang lebih spcsifik yaitu pada pekerja industri dengan pajanan debu silika.

Silica dust exposure has long been known as risk factor for tuberculosis. Therefore, the risk on silica dust exposure can be an asset for health promotion to eradicate tuberculosis in the industrial setting, especially in silica-related industries such as ceramic, pottery, glass, construction, etc.
Methods: The study design is case-control with cases (129 persons) and control (129 persons) selected and matched by age with 5-year interval, and gender. History of occupation with silica dust exposure was taken by interview using questionnaire which had been tested its validity and reliability. Diagnosis of tuberculosis which are acid-fast bacilli.sputum.smear and.thorax.photo interpretation were taken. secondary available. The relationship between pulmonary TB and silica dust exposure was evaluated by logistic regression analysis adjusted for other confounding factors.
Result: Bivariate analysis shows that moderate to high silica dust exposure has crude OR=ll.05 (95% CI = 1.39-87.69, p=0.023). Meanwhile, multivariate analysis does not show its effect towards pulmonary TB. Factors that increases risk are junior high-school graduates (adjusted OR = 2.26, 95% CI = 0.97-5.27), illiterate up to elementary graduate (adjusted OR = 2.16, 95% CI = 0.95-4.92), low income (adjusted OR = 2.64, 95% CI = 1.21-5.s4), new body mass index (BMI) (adjusted OR = 15.76, 95% CI = 6.95-3546), and moderate-heavy drinking (adjusted OR = 6.77, 95% CI = 2.27-l9_78).
Conclusion and Recommendation: Effect of occupation with silica dust exposure on pulmonary 'l`B is not shown in this study. Limitation of the study population was assumed as the cause. Further research is needed to be done in more specific population such as community of worker in industry with silica dust.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henny Vidiawaty
"Penyakit Tuberkulosis paru TB paru masih menjadi penyebab tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Angka penemuan kasus TB paru di wilayah Kecamatan Duren Sawit berada di urutan ketiga tertinggi yang ada di Kotamadya Jakarta Timur, yaitu mencapai 249 jiwa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian TB paru.Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah kasus kontrol dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 110 responden. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 55 kelompok kasus dan 55 kelompok kontrol. Sampel yang digunakan adalah pasien yang terdata dan terdiagnosa sesuai dengan konfirmasi laboratorium di Puskesmas. Sampel berusia minimal 15 tahun, bertempat tinggal di wilayah Kecamatan Duren Sawit dan tidak merenovasi rumah sebelum terdiagnosa TB paru. Kriteria kasus adalah pasien Puskesmas yang terdiagnosa TB paru BTA sedangkan kriteria kelompok kontrol adalah pasien Puskesmas yang dinyatakan TB paru BTA - oleh petugas Puskesmas.Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian TB paru di wilayah Kecamatan Duren Sawit adalah jenis kelamin OR 4,3; 95 CI 1,9-9,9 , tingkat pendidikan OR 4,2; 95 CI 1,9-9,4 , pekerjaan OR 3,2; 95 CI 1,3-7,7 , perilaku merokok OR 3,3; 95 CI 1,5-7,6 , pencahayaan OR 17,5; 95 CI 6,0-51,1 , suhu OR 6,6; 95 CI 2,9-15,4 , kepadatan hunian OR 9,5; 95 CI 4,0-22,6.

Pulmonary tuberculosis TB is still the cause of the high number of morbidity and mortality in the world, including Indonesia. The number of pulmonary tuberculosis cases found in Duren Sawit subdistrict is the third highest in East Jakarta, reaching 249 people. The purpose of this study is to analyze factors related to pulmonary TB occurance.The research design used was case control with total 110 respondents. The study sample consisted of 55 case groups and 55 control groups. The samples used were patients who were recorded and diagnosed in accordance with laboratory confirmation at the Puskesmas Central Public Health . The sample is at least 15 years old, living in Duren Sawit sub district and not renovating the house before being diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. Case criteria were Puskesmas Central Public Health patients who were diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis while the control group criteria were Puskesmas Central Public Health patients who have been declared pulmonary TB AFB by Puskesmas Central Public Health officers.The results of this study indicated that the risk factors affecting pulmonary TB occurance in Duren Sawit sub district are gender OR 4.3, 95 CI 1.9 9.9 , education level OR 4.2, 95 CI 1.9 9.4 , occupations OR 3.2, 95 CI 1.3 7.7 , smoking behavior OR 3.3, 95 CI 1.5 7.6 , exposure OR 9,5 95 CI 6,0 51,1 , temperature OR 6,6,95 CI 2,9 15,4 , occupancy density OR 9,5 95 CI 4, 0 22,6. "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasna Pramita
"A reduction in lung capacity to oxygenize blood as well as in cardiovascular capacity to distribute blood may cause hypoxemia, which could then lead to tissue hypoxia and cellular death. The aim of oxygen treatment is to supply the minimum oxygen concentration needed to achieve adequate tissue oxygenation. There are various methods that can be used to supply oxygen, and the amount of oxygen requirement could also be calculated. Treatment methods are classified into STOT and LTOT. The benefit of oxygen treatment is increased survival, influence on the blood vessels, improved exercise capacity, and positive influence on the respiratory and neuropsychological systems. As with the case with pharmacological treatment, oxygen should be administered at certain doses to achieve greatest efficacy with the least toxicity."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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