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Ditemukan 91 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hanif Fathurrahman
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Artikel ini membahas tentang capture dan identifikasi arsip dinamis dalam Electronic Records Management System (ERMS). PT. Daya Makara Universitas Indonesia telah menerapkan aplikasi Arteri sebagai ERMS yang digunakan untuk mengelola arsip dinamisnya. Aplikasi Arteri telah mulai diimplementasikan oleh PT. Daya Makara Universitas Indonesia sejak tahun 2019. Pembahasan artikel ini berfokus pada bagaimana PT. Daya Makara Universitas Indonesia dalam melakukan capture serta memberikan identifikasi pada arsip dinamis yang di-capturenya. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesesuaian proses capture dan identifikasi yang dilakukan dengan persyaratan fungsional yang dikeluarkan oleh International Council of Archives (ICA). Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi berdasarkan Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments ICA dan juga wawancara dengan kepala serta staf unit kearsipan untuk mendukung data yang didapatkan dari observasi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi Arteri yang digunakan oleh PT. Daya Makara UI sebagai electronic records management system (ERMS) telah memenuhi sebagian besar dari persyaratan fungsional yang ditentukan oleh ICA tersebut. Sebanyak 27 persyaratan telah terpenuhi dari 43 persyaratan yang ada untuk capture dan identifikasi arsip dinamis. Proses capture arsip dinamis dilakukan dengan mengisi metadata yang telah ditentukan oleh Kepala Unit Kearsipan berdasarkan ISAD(G) dengan modifikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan PT. Daya Makara UI untuk mendapatkan arsip dinamis dengan informasi yang lengkap termasuk identifikasi yang memberikan nomor arsip sebagai identitas arsip yang dimasukkan juga dalam proses capture arsip dinamis.
ABSTRACT This article discusses records capture and identification in the Electronic Records Management System (ERMS). PT. Daya Makara Universitas Indonesia has implemented the Arteri application as ERMS which is used to manage records. Arteri applications have begun to be implemented by PT. Daya Makara UI since 2019. The discussion of this article will focus more on how PT. Daya Makara UI in conducting record capture and providing identification for the records that has captured. This article aims to evaluate the suitability of the process of capture and identification with functional requirements issued by the International Council of Archives (ICA). The study was conducted with observations based on Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments and also interviews with the head of the archival unit and staf of the archival unit to support the data obtained from observations. Findings were found that the Arteri application used by PT. Daya Makara UI as an electronic records management system (ERMS) has fulfilled most of the functional requirements created by the International Council on Archives. A total of 27 requirements have been fulfilled from 43 existing requirements for capture and identification. The capture process is carried out by filling in the metadata that has been determined by the Head of the Archival Unit based on ISAD (G) with modifications according to th e needs of PT. Daya Makara UI to obtain a record with complete information including identification which gives the archive number as the identity of the archive which is also included in the process of capture.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Soesilo
Bogor: Politeia, 1980
345.72 SOE t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parker, Elizabeth
London : Librarry Association , 1999
658.4 PAR m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wafa Zaira
Abstrak :
Setiap harinya, proses dan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh organisasi pasti menghasilkan dan membutuhkan arsip. Namun, tidak semua arsip baik fisik maupun elektronik bisa disimpan dalam jangka waktu yang tidak menentu. Dibutuhkan suatu kontrol penyimpanan arsip di dalam sebuah organisasi. Kontrol terhadap berapa lama arsip akan disimpan dalam sebuah organisasi dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan penyusutan. Tanpa mekanisme penyusutan yang efektif, arsip akan menumpuk dan penemuan informasi akan menjadi sulit. Masalah penumpukan arsip ditemukan di LPDP Kementerian Keuangan RI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui mekanisme penyusutan arsip di LPDP Kementerian Keuangan RI. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan LPDP baru melakukan penyusutan setelah ruang arsip penuh. Arsip juga tidak langsung disusutkan, namun dilakukan alih media terlebih dahulu tanpa penilaian yang efektif. Akibat penundaan penyusutan, arsip baru terus tercipta sementara arsip yang lebih lama belum dilakukan penyusutan. Pada tahun ini LPDP baru melakukan penyusutan yang terdiri dari pemindahan dan pemusnahan, sementara penyerahan arsip statis belum terlaksana. ......Every day, the processes and activities carried out by the organization must produce and require records. However, not all records, both physical and electronic, can be stored for an indefinite period of time. It takes an archive storage control in an organization. Control over how long records will be kept in an organization can be exercised through different activities. Without an effective differentiation mechanism, records will accumulate and information retrieval will be difficult. The archive problem was found in the LPDP of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. The aim of the research is to identify the disposal mechanism at LPDP Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia. The research was conducted using a case study approach. Data collection was done by interview, observation, and literature review. The results of the study revealed that LPDP only done records disposal after the records space was full. The archives were not disposed immediately, but it media transferred without an effective assessment. As a result of the delay, new archives continue to be created while older archives have not been disposed of. This year the LPDP has only carried out records moving and destruction, meanwhile the permanent records handover has not been carried out.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014
R 610.73 JON s
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Williams. Lippincott
Abstrak :
Summary: Reviews the fundamental aspects of charting such as the medical record, the nursing process, and legal and professional requirements, guidelines for developing a plan of care, and the variety of charting formats. This title addresses the specific requirements for charting, whether the setting is acute care, home care, or long-term care
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010
610.73 WIL c (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ciwuk Musiana Yudhawasthi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Membahas kondisi Pusat Rekod Komersial (2) Mengkaji penanganan rekod inaktif yang berfokus pada Sarana Fisik (Lokasi, Fasilitas dan Keamanan), Layanan (Penerimaan, Pengolahan dan Penyimpanan), Kontrak & Biaya serta Staf Pusat Rekod Komersial. Jumlah sampel adalah lima perusahaan yang berlokasi di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor dan Bekasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif di mana data dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi partisipasi dengan aturan researcher participant dan wawancara mendalam baik lisan maupun terekam. Dalam melakukan penelitian, peneliti melengkapi diri dengan Pedoman Wawancara dan Daftar Periksa (checklist) Kriteria Evaluasi Pusat Rekod Komersial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; sebagian besar sampel merupakan perusahaan modal asing dan hanya tiga sampel yang bisnis utamanya Pusat Rekod Komersial. Sebanyak 60% sampel jenis badan induknya adalah perusahaan relokasi. Satu dari lima sampel telah memiliki sertifikat ISO untuk manajemen organisasi dan juga hanya satu sample yang telah memiliki sertifikat manajemen Records Storage dari PRISM International (Professional Records & Information Services Management International). Fasilitas gedung penyimpanan beragam antara onsite dan offsite serta penerapan keduanya. Tetapi hanya satu dari lima sampel yang telah memiliki lahan sendiri. Secara umum sarana fisik yang meliputi lokasi, fasilitas dan keamanan telah mengikuti standar yang seharusnya dimiliki. Seluruh sampel menerapkan layanan penyimpanan secara lengkap (full reference storage). Secara umum kegiatan layanan yang meliputi penerimaan, pengolahan, penyimpanan dan permintaan (temu-kembali & layan-antar) telah memiliki prosedur yang jelas. Namun tingkat penguasaan staf terhadap manajemen rekod sulit diukur, karena latar-belakang pendidikan kearsipan di seluruh sampel adalah 0%, selain itu seluruh sampel memperkerjakan staf kontrak lebih banyak daripada staf tetap. Seluruh sampel juga tidak transparan terhadap biaya standar, karena beragamnya komponen biaya yang harus dipertimbangkan. Berdasarkan seluruh hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa belum ada Pusat Rekod Komersial yang paling ideal saat ini di wilyah Jakarta dan sekitarnya, masing-masing perusahaan mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan. Calon klien harus dapat mempelajari sendiri beragam standar yang relevan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan melakukan inspeksi secara teliti.
The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze the conditions of Commercial Records Centers, (2) to examine how Commercial Records Centers manage their records, focusing on the Physical Infrastructures (Location, Facilities and Security), the Services (Accessioning, Processing and Storage), the Contract & the Cost, and the Staff. The five records centers ("samples") have been examined are located in Jakarta, Bogor and Bekasi. This research can-led out is a qualitative method, and the data was collected through in-depth interview and participant-observation method with researcher-participant as roles. The results of them show that most of the samples (80%) are foreign investment companies which only 60% have core business as records storage providers. Not all of samples agree on the standardization, only one out of five samples (20%) holds ISO certificate for organization management. And just one sample holds international certification on Records Storage Management from PRISM International (Professional Records & Information Services Management International). The facilities of the storage premises vary from onsite (40%) to offsite (80%), which one sample has both facilities. But only one out of five samples (20%) owns its facility. In general, physical infrastructures (location, facilities, and security) are in conformance with the required professional standard. All samples' services are categorized in of full reference storage. They manage active records (three samples), and semi-active as well as in-active records (all of them). Three out of five samples also manage non-paper records. In general, the samples have a clear procedure in accessing, processing & storing the records. The flexible considerations are applied to one condition to another condition. In terms of cost, there is no a "transparent" attitude towards it. The level of expertise in records management among operating personnel is difficult to examine as none of them has formal education in records management. And all samples have more contractual staff than permanent staff. Based on the findings and its in Jakarta surrounders, it can be said that for the time being there is no ideal Commercial Records Centers exists yet. Since every company has its own pluses and minuses. It is important for the client to understand their needs and to learn a various standards relevant to their needs. Beside, to inspect the center thoroughly.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susanto Trisno
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang pelindungan arsip aset negara khususnya bukti kepemilikan tanah BKT Universitas Indonesia UI . Masalah yang menjadi perhatian peneliti adalah bagaimana pelindungan arsip aset negara dalam bentuk kepemilikan tanah UI untuk menyelamatkan aset negara dan kendala apa yang dihadapi dalam pengelolaan arsip aset serta bagaimana usulan penanggulanan kendala tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu observasi wawancara dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan arsip aset negara BKT UI sudah didata dan disimpan menggunakan brankas serta sudah dibuat salinan dalam bentuk digital untuk backup dan akses secara terkendali. Namun arsip tersebut perlu dilengkapi dengan dokumen pendukung untuk menyelamatkan aset negara bila ada tuntutan pihak lain di kemudian hari. Pimpinan UI perlu memberi perhatian lebih dengan menetapkan penanggung jawab dan lokasi simpan arsip aset tersebut. Kantor Arsip UI berharap memiliki gedung arsip sesuai standard nasional sebagai sarana prasarana penyimpanan guna pelindungan dan pengamanan arsip aset negara yang sangat penting ini. Rekomendasi yang diberikan dari penelitian ini adalah pembuatan program pengelolaan arsip aset negara dimulai dari BKT sebagai prioritas utama rencana besar pengelolaan arsip UI yang disahkan Pimpinan UI. Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia ANRI selaku pembina perlu memberi dukungan kepada UI dengan menetapkan Kantor Arsip UI sebagai contoh praktek terbaik best practice pengelolaan arsip vital negara khususnya dalam arsip aset BKT. ......This thesis studies the protection of state asets records, especially evidence land ownership of Universitas Indonesia UI . The problem of concern for the researcher is how to protect state asets records in the form of UI 39 s land ownership to save state asets and what constraints they face in managing the asets records as well as the proposed mitigation of the constraints. This research is a qualitative research with case study method. Methods of data collection conducted were observation, interview and document studies. The results show evidence of land ownership of UI as state asets records has been recorded and stored using a safe and UI has made digital copies for backup and access in a controlled manner. However, the records need to be supplemented with supporting documents to save state asets if there is a claim from other parties later. UI top management should pay more attention to appoint the responsible person and location to store the asets records. Kantor Arsip UI hopes to have records center in accordance with national standards as storage infrastructure for the protection and safeguard of this very important state asets records. The recommendation given from this research is the creation of state aset management records program starting from land ownership proof as the main priority of UI records management grand design approved by UI top management. Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia ANRI as coach needs to give support to UI by setting Kantor Arsip UI as an example of best practice of vital records management for the country, especially in land ownership proof of state aset records.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puti Hilma Syahrani
Abstrak :
Kegiatan alih media arsip dilakukan sebagai upaya penyelamatan fisik arsip serta guna kemudahan dalam proses temu kembali arsip. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk memberikan gambaran proses pelaksanaan alih media arsip di Sekretariat Pengadilan Pajak Kemenkeu RI. Permasalahan dapat terjadi apabila ruang penyimpanan tidak memadai yang mengakibatkan terjadinya penumpukan arsip dan menyebabkan kesulitan dalam temu kembali serta arsip rentan terhadap kerusakan sehingga dilakukan alih media. Oleh karena itu, pertanyaan penelitian mengacu pada bagaimana proses pelaksanaan alih media arsip di Subbag Dokyur SetPP Kemenkeu RI untuk mengurangi pemanfaatan ruang, temu kembali, dan penyelamatan fisik arsip. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dan kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa alih media arsip di Subbag Dokyur tidak dilihat sebagai strategi pemanfaatan ruang dan dalam proses pelaksanaannya sudah sesuai dengan pedoman namun disesuaikan dengan keperluan organisasi. Proses pelaksanaan sudah berjalan dengan baik, namun terdapat kendala yang dihadapi berupa sistem penyimpanan yang memerlukan jaringan telekomunikasi. ...... Digitization of archive are carried out as an effort to save the physical archives and to facilitate the process of retrieving archives. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the process of implementing digitization of archive at the Secretariat of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance's Tax Court. Problems can occur if the storage space is inadequate which results in the accumulation of archives and causes difficulties in retrieval and archives are vulnerable to damage so that media transfer is carried out. Therefore, the research question refers to how the process of implementing digitization of archive in the Indonesian Ministry of Finance's SetPP Dokyur Subdivision reduces space utilization, retrieval, and physical preservation of archives. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out using interview techniques and literature review. The results of the study show that digitization of archive in the Dokyur Subdivision is not seen as a space utilization strategy and in the implementation process it is in accordance with the guidelines but adapted to the needs of the organization. The implementation process has been going well, but there are obstacles encountered in the form of a storage system that requires a telecommunication network.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shepherd, Elizabeth
Abstrak :
Many organizations do not yet have a formal programme of records management, but increasingly they are recognizing the benefits of well managed records and the serious consequences of inadequate records systems. Establishing records management and maintaining an effective programme requires specialist expertise. This essential manual of practice provides a detailed guide to the concepts, skills and techniques of records management for organizational staff who have a responsibility for setting up, maintaining or restructuring a records management programme. It offers invaluable advice on the management of records in both electronic and traditional paper media, and focuses on the following areas: understanding records management; analysing the context for records management; classifying records and documenting their context; creating and capturing records; managing appraisal, retention and disposition; maintaining records and assuring their integrity; providing access; implementing records management. The appendices provide a wealth of additional information including a list of standards for records management, an annotated bibliography and sources of further information, and details of professional and advisory bodies. This much needed manual is an indispensable purchase for organizations wishing to introduce better practices for managing their records. The book is intended to be of value to experienced records managers as well as LIS practitioners and newcomers to the field. It should be on the desk of every manager and every information professional with responsibility for records management.
landon: Facet Publishing, 2003
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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