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Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1998
624.15 REC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edward Tanari
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Limbah yang dalam persepsi manusia dipandang sebagai barang yang harus disingkirkan karena mengandung logam berat yang dapat membahayakan makhluk hidup, ternyata dalam beberapa hal masih dapat digunakan kembali (reuse) atau didaur-ulang (recycle). Dalam hal pemanfaatan limbah tersebut, beberapa penelitian terdahulu memberikan gambaran bahwa lumpur limbah sebagai hasil akhir dari suatu proses pengolahan limbah, dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman. Potensi tersebut perlu dimanfaatkan mengingat kuantitas jumlah limbah sebagai hasil sampingan dari suatu produk industri berkorelasi positif dengan kuantitas jumlah produk yang dihasilkan. Di dalam upaya penanganan dan pengendalian limbah yang semakin lama semakin remit dan komplek, maka pemusatan industri dalam suatu lokasi dalam bentuk industrial estate, kawasan berikat, lahan peruntukan industri, perkampungan industri kecil, atau sentra industri merupakan langkah yang sangat strategis. Berkaitan dengan upaya tersebut, maka keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh adalah bahaya adanya pencemaran lingkungan dapat diminimalisasi dan proses daur ulang (recycle) limbah yang masih mungkin dimanfaatkan kembali (reuse) untuk keperluan lain dapat dilakukan dengan efisien . Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut di atas, maka percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengamati pertumbuhan tanaman jagung yang diberi perlakuan pemupukan dengan lumpur limbah industri, menganalisis kandungan logam berat (Cr, Cd, Pb, dan Ni) yang diserap oleh tanaman selama fase pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif, dan menentukan tingkat dosis lumpur limbah industri sebagai pupuk organik yang optimal bagi tanaman. Percobaan ini dilakukan di rumah kaca (green house) dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 (lima) tingkatan dosis lumpur limbah industri ditambah kontrol (tanpa lumpur limbah industri), masing-masing ditambah tanah hingga mencapai total berat 5 kg. Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 (tiga) kali sehingga total jumlah sampel 18 kantong (polybag). Adapun tanaman yang dicobakan adalah tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) varietas Pioner 5 (P5) yang peka terhadap pemupukan. Hipotesis yang diuji pada penelitian ini adalah: 1. Penggunaan lumpur limbah industri sebagai pupuk pada tanaman berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jagung yang dicobakan. 2. Pemupukan dengan lumpur limbah industri pada berbagai dosis akan memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap semua parameter tumbuh fisiologis (tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat kering batang, berat kering daun, dan berat kering tongkol buah jagung) yang diteliti. 3. Terdapat perbedaan kandungan logam berat yang diserap oleh bagian tanaman (batang, daun, dan tongkol buah) jagung terhadap lumpur limbah yang diaplikasikan sebagai pupuk. Adapun tingkat dosis campuran Lumpur limbah dan tanah yang digunakan adalah: · LO = 5.000 gr tanah tanpa lumpur limbah (kontrol). · L1 = 4.800 gr tanah + 200 gr lumpur limbah · L2 = 4.600 gr tanah + 400 gr lumpur limbah · L3 = 4.200 gr tanah + 800 gr lumpur limbah · L4 = 3.400 gr tanah + 1.600 gr lumpur lirnbah. · L5 =1.800 gr tanah +.3.200 gr lumpur limbah. Data basil percobaan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode statistik ANOVA (Analysis of Varians) dengan menggunakan SPSS for MS Window release 6.0 dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Bela Nyata Terkecil (BNT) atau Least Significant Difference (LSD). Sedang lumpur limbah industri yang digunakan serta jaringan organ tanaman dianalisis di laboratorium dengan menggunakan metode titrasi dan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) untuk mengetahui kadar logam berat yang terlonggok Bardasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan kesimpulan: 1. Lumpur limbah PT. Kawasan Industri jababeka Cikarang dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk pada tanaman jagung. Hal itu dimungkinkan karena kandungan unsur hara mikro (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, dan Co) dalam lumpur limbah industri itu cukup tinggi dan dapat diserap oleh tanaman untuk pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatifnya. Pemanfaatanlumpur limbah sebagai pupuk dapat menguntungkan secara fisiologis bagi tanaman. Di samping itu, juga dapat memberi keuntungan dan segi lingkungan di mana kemungkinan pencemaran tanah dan air akibat lumpur limbah industri dapat dikontrol dengan baik. 2. Tanaman jagung yang dipupuk dengan lumpur limbah industri secara fisiologis menampakkan daun yang tegak dan keras. Batang tanaman kuat dan mempunyai ruas yang tinggi dan tegak. Kondisi seperti itu terjadi pada semua level dosis pemupukan yang dicobakan, kecuali pada tingkat dosis 3.200 gr lumpur limbah + 1.800 gr tanah (L5). Pada tingkat dosis dengan perlakuan LS, tanaman nampak kerdil dan kekar, ruas batang pendek-pendek sehingga daun berbentuk roset (bertumpuk-tumpuk). 3. Batas toleransi rnaksimal penggunaan lumpur limbah sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman dari tingkat dosis yang dicobakan adalah 1.600 gr lumpur limbah dalam 3.400 gr tanah. Pemberian lumpur limbah melebihi dosis tersebut akan berpengaruh negatif pada tanaman. Pengaruh negatif yang ditimbulkan adalah tanaman menjadi kerdil dan sistem perakarannya jelek (akar tanaman pendek dan tidak memiliki bulu-bulu akar). 4. Dari hasil percobaan didapatkan tingkat dosis lumpur limbah yang optimal dan toleran untuk pertumbuhan tanaman adalah 400 gr lumpur limbah + 4.600 gr tanah (L2) dart 800 gr lumpur limbah + 4.200 gr tanah (L3). Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat kering batang dan berat kering daun yang nilai rata-ratanya relatif lebih tinggi dibanding perlakuan lainnya. Selain itu, sistem perakaran tanaman sangat baik. 5. Dibandingkan dengan potensinya, jagung jenis Hibrida varietas Pioner 5 (P5) yang dipupuk dengan lumpur limbah, menghasilkan organ tanaman (batang, daun dan tongkol buah) yang masih jauh dari potensi hasilnya. Hal itu dikarenakan tingkat kesesuaian tanah (media) untuk pertanaman tergolong sedang dan unsur hara makro yang dibutuhkan tanaman relatif masih sangat minim dari kebutuhan yang seharusnya. Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas, maka untuk aplikasi lumpur limbah agar mendapatkan hasil pertanaman Jagung yang optimal, sebaiknya media tumbuh diberi tambahan unsur NPK karena kandungan unsur NPK dalam lumpur limbah industri tergolong relatif kedl dibanding untuk kebutuhan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman. Akibat adanya komplikasi ekologis yang sering menyertai peningkatan basil produksi pertanian yang dipupuk dengan Sari Kering Limbah (SKL) industri, maka pada setiap dampak positif dari peningkatan produksi jangan pula dilupakan kemungkinan timbulnya hal-hal negatif. Oleh karena itu, pada setiap proyek pembangunan hendaknya perencanaan dan pengelolaan limbah hars dipikirkan sematang-matangnya. Agar keamanan dari penggunaan Lumpur limbah dari kemungldnan bahaya keracunan atau pelonggokan logam berat melalui rantai makana.n, maka disarankan agar aplikasi limbah sebagai pupuk dilakukan pada tanaman nonpangan.
ABSTRACT Man's perception on waste is that the material must be removed since it contains heavy metals that can endanger living creatures. However, it turned out that on several occasions it can be reused or recycled. In utilizing waste, several earlier studies showed that sludge as final product of waste processing could be used as organic fertilizer of plants. Such a potential need to be utilized considering the quantity of waste as a by product of an industrial product correlates positively with the quantity of product that is produced. In an effort towards waste management and control which became increasingly difficult and complicated, hence, centralizing industry in one location in the form of industrial estate, bounded zone, area allocation for industry, small scale industry settlements or industrial centres constitute a very strategical step. The benefits obtained related to such efforts include minimalization of environmental pollution and recycling of wastes that can still be utilized or reused for other purposes, can still be carried out efficiently. This experiment then, has as objectives, to observe the growth of maize fertilized by industrial waste sludge, to analyze the heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) contents absorbed by the plants during the vegetative and generative phases of growth and to decide the dosage of industrial waste sludge as optimal organic fertilizer for plants. This experiment was carried out in a green house by using the Complete Random Design with 5 (five) different dosages of industrial waste sludge and additional control (without industrial waste sludge)_ Each specimen received additional soil so that a total weight of 5 kg. was achieved. Each were repeated 3 (three) times so that the total number of samples were 18 polybags. The plant used in the experiment is maize of the Pioner 5 (P5) variety that is sensitive towards fertilizers. The hypothesis tested in this study were: 1. That industrial waste sludge has the chemical elements' composition that can be used as fertilizer to support the growth of plants. Has the waste sludge positive influence on the growth of maize? 2. Different dosages of industrial waste sludge resulted in different responses towards all parameters of physiological growth (height, total number of leaves, dry stem and leaves weigth, and dry corn stalk) under study. 3. The heavy metals' content that were absorbed by the different parts of the plant (stem, leaves, corn stalk) differ towards the waste sludge applied. The dosages of waste sludge and soil mixtures used were as follows: L0 = 5.000 gr soil without waste sludge(control) L1 = 4.800 gr soil + 200 gr waste sludge L2 = 4.600 gr soil + 400 gr waste sludge. L3 = 4.200 gr soil + 800 gr waste sludge L4 = 3.400 gr soil +1 .600 gr waste sludge. L5 = 1.800 gr soil + 3.200 gr waste sludge. Data of the experiment was analysed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with SFSS for MS Window release 6.0. It was then tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Whereas the industrial waste sludge and plant organs' tissue were analized at the laboratory by using the titration method and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to know the heavy metal concentration. Based on the study results, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The Cikarang Jababeka industry Zone PT. waste sludge can be used as fertilizer on maize plants. Such was made possible because the fertilizer micro elements' content (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Co) of the industrial waste sludge is sufficiently complete and can be absorbed by the plants for vegetative and generative growths. However, the maximal limit of the dosage level experimented on was 1.600 gr of waste sludge in 3.400 gr soil. The provision of waste sludge exceeding the said dosage will negatively influence the plants. The negative influence took the form of bad roots' system and stunted growth. 2. Maize plants fertilized by industrial waste sludge showed physiologically hard and upright leaves, strong stems with high and upright nodes. Such condition took place for all levels of dosages experimented on, except at 3.200 gr dosage of waste sludge + 1.800 gr of soil (L5). At this dosage level, the plant dwarfs rigidly, the nodes were short so that the leaves took the form of rosettes. 3. The experimental results showed that the optimal and tolerant dosage levels were 400 gr of waste sludge + 4.600 gr of soil (L2) and 800 gr of waste sludge + 4.200 gr of soil (L3). In these cases, the height of the plant, the number of leaves and dry weights of stems and leaves have an average higher value compared with other dosage levels. In addition, the root system was also very good 4. Concentration of heavy metals in the waste sludge of waste processing result of Jababeka Industrial Zone FL is high enough. But if it is compared with the turn of heavy metals in compost fertilizer which is based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard, the contens of heavy metal Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni axe still below the allowed tolerancy limit. 5. Compared to its potential, Hibrid maize of Pioneer variety (P5) fertilized by waste sludge, produced plant organs (stem, leaves and corn stalk) which are far from its potential. Such was caused by the level of media suitability for plants of intermediate group and macro fertilizer elements needed by the plants are still relatively very minimal than what is really needed. Based on the above conclusions, therefore, to apply waste sludge in order to obtain optimal maize plants' production, the media should be given additional NPK elements. This is due to the minimal NPK contents in industrial waste sludge compared to the needs for growth and production of the plants in question. For ecological complication often accompanies the increase of agriculture production result which is fertilized with industrial Waste Dry Essence, so do not forget the possibility of appearance of negative effects in every positive impact of production increase. Because of that in every development project the planning and processing of waste should be thought very seriously and widely. For safety reasons and the possibility of poisioning or accumulation of heavy metals in the food chain, it is recommended that the application of waste sludge as fertilizer is carried out in non-food plants.;The Impact Of Industrial Waste Sludge Aplication As Fertilizer On PlantMan's perception on waste is that the material must be removed since it contains heavy metals that can endanger living creatures. However, it turned out that on several occasions it can be reused or recycled. In utilizing waste, several earlier studies showed that sludge as final product of waste processing could be used as organic fertilizer of plants. Such a potential need to be utilized considering the quantity of waste as a by product of an industrial product correlates positively with the quantity of product that is produced. In an effort towards waste management and control which became increasingly difficult and complicated, hence, centralizing industry in one location in the form of industrial estate, bounded zone, area allocation for industry, small scale industry settlements or industrial centres constitute a very strategical step. The benefits obtained related to such efforts include minimalization of environmental pollution and recycling of wastes that can still be utilized or reused for other purposes, can still be carried out efficiently. This experiment then, has as objectives, to observe the growth of maize fertilized by industrial waste sludge, to analyze the heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) contents absorbed by the plants during the vegetative and generative phases of growth and to decide the dosage of industrial waste sludge as optimal organic fertilizer for plants. This experiment was carried out in a green house by using the Complete Random Design with 5 (five) different dosages of industrial waste sludge and additional control (without industrial waste sludge)_ Each specimen received additional soil so that a total weight of 5 kg. was achieved. Each were repeated 3 (three) times so that the total number of samples were 18 polybags. The plant used in the experiment is maize of the Pioner 5 (P5) variety that is sensitive towards fertilizers. The hypothesis tested in this study were: 1. That industrial waste sludge has the chemical elements' composition that can be used as fertilizer to support the growth of plants. Has the waste sludge positive influence on the growth of maize?
2. Different dosages of industrial waste sludge resulted in different responses towards all parameters of physiological growth (height, total number of leaves, dry stem and leaves weigth, and dry corn stalk) under study.
3. The heavy metals' content that were absorbed by the different parts of the plant (stem, leaves, corn stalk) differ towards the waste sludge applied. The dosages of waste sludge and soil mixtures used were as follows: L0 = 5.000 gr soil without waste sludge(control) L1 = 4.800 gr soil + 200 gr waste sludge. L2 = 4.600 gr soil + 400 gr waste sludge. L3 = 4.200 gr soil + 800 gr waste sludge L4 = 3.400 gr soil +1 .600 gr waste sludge. L5 = 1.800 gr soil + 3.200 gr waste sludge. Data of the experiment was analysed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with SFSS for MS Window release 6.0. It was then tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Whereas the industrial waste sludge and plant organs' tissue were analized at the laboratory by using the titration method and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to know the heavy metal concentration. Based on the study results, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The Cikarang Jababeka industry Zone PT. waste sludge can be used as fertilizer on maize plants. Such was made possible because the fertilizer micro elements' content (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Co) of the industrial waste sludge is sufficiently complete and can be absorbed by the plants for vegetative and generative growths. However, the maximal limit of the dosage level experimented on was 1.600 gr of waste sludge in 3.400 gr soil. The provision of waste sludge exceeding the said dosage will negatively influence the plants. The negative influence took the form of bad roots' system and stunted growth. 2. Maize plants fertilized by industrial waste sludge showed physiologically hard and upright leaves, strong stems with high and upright nodes. Such condition took place for all levels of dosages experimented on, except at 3.200 gr dosage of waste sludge + 1.800 gr of soil (L5). At this dosage level, the plant dwarfs rigidly, the nodes were short so that the leaves took the form of rosettes. 3. The experimental results showed that the optimal and tolerant dosage levels were 400 gr of waste sludge + 4.600 gr of soil (L2) and 800 gr of waste sludge + 4.200 gr of soil (L3). In these cases, the height of the plant, the number of leaves and dry weights of stems and leaves have an average higher value compared with other dosage levels. In addition, the root system was also very good. 4. Concentration of heavy metals in the waste sludge of waste processing result of Jababeka Industrial Zone FL is high enough. But if it is compared with the turn of heavy metals in compost fertilizer which is based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard, the contens of heavy metal Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni axe still below the allowed tolerancy limit. 5. Compared to its potential, Hibrid maize of Pioneer variety (P5) fertilized by waste sludge, produced plant organs (stem, leaves and corn stalk) which are far from its potential. Such was caused by the level of media suitability for plants of intermediate group and macro fertilizer elements needed by the plants are still relatively very minimal than what is really needed. Based on the above conclusions, therefore, to apply waste sludge in order to obtain optimal maize plants' production, the media should be given additional NPK elements. This is due to the minimal NPK contents in industrial waste sludge compared to the needs for growth and production of the plants in question. For ecological complication often accompanies the increase of agriculture production result which is fertilized with industrial Waste Dry Essence, so do not forget the possibility of appearance of negative effects in every positive impact of production increase. Because of that in every development project the planning and processing of waste should be thought very seriously and widely. For safety reasons and the possibility of poisioning or accumulation of heavy metals in the food chain, it is recommended that the application of waste sludge as fertilizer is carried out in non-food plants.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ariya Afif
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan plastik tahun ke tahun sangatlah signifikan, namun masalah limbah plastik menjadi salah satu isu yang mengiringi perkembangan dari plastik. Salah kelola limbah plastik di Indonesia menjadi faktor utama mengapa pertumbuhan limbah plastik dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat. Oleh karena itu, daur ulang plastik menjadi salah satu cara yang efektif untuk mengelola limbah plastik ini. Penelitian ini berfokus pada komposisi dari material virgin dan recycled serta penambahan heat stabilizer untuk meningkatkan performa dari limbah plastik yang berasal dari industri otomotif. Beberapa pengujian dilakukan seperti pengujian termal, mekanik, reologi, dan morfologi untuk melihat karakteristik dari limbah plastik dan optimalisasinya dengan variabel komposisi dan penambahan heat stabilizer. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya penuruan sifat mekanik, reologi, dan termal dari limbah plastik dibandingkan dengan material virginnya. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya degradasi termooksidatif yang dialami oleh limbah plastik pada saat diolah kembali dengan menggunakan mesin esktrusi. Penambahan material virginnya mampu untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik dari material paduan, namun penambahannya tidak terlalu signifikan. Penambahan heat stabilizer mampu untuk meningkatkan ketahanan limbah plastik terhadap degradasi termooksidatif yang dibuktikan dengan pengujian oxidative induction time (OIT) dan pengujian tarik setelah proses heat aging. Komposisi optimum dari paduan material virgin dan recycled adalah 100% material virgin dengan penambahan heat stabilizer sebesar 0.3%. ......The growth of plastic from year to year is very significant, but the problem of plastic waste is one of the issues that accompany the development of plastic. Mismanagement of plastic waste in Indonesia is the main factor why the growth of plastic waste is increasing from year to year. Therefore, plastic recycling is an effective way to manage this plastic waste. This research focuses on the composition of virgin and recycled materials and the addition of heat stabilizers to improve the performance of plastic waste from the automotive industry. Several tests were carried out such as thermal, mechanical, rheological, and morphological tests to see the characteristics of plastic waste and its optimization with variable composition and the addition of heat stabilizers. The results of this study indicate that there is a decrease in the mechanical, rheological, and thermal properties of plastic waste compared to virgin material. This is due to the thermooxidative degradation experienced by plastic waste when it is reprocessed using an extrusion machine. The addition of virgin material is able to improve the mechanical properties of the alloy material, but the addition is not too significant. The addition of a heat stabilizer is able to increase the resistance of plastic waste to thermooxidative degradation as evidenced by oxidative induction time (OIT) testing and tensile testing after the heat aging process. The optimum composition of the blend of virgin and recycled materials is 100% virgin material with the addition of a 0.3% heat stabilizer.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ismail
Abstrak :
Pada tahun 2018, pengupasan perkerasan lentur di tol JORR dilaksanakan dengan hasil limbah yang dapat didaur ulang (RAP). Penggunaan RAP dapat mengurangi biaya material hingga 30% pada kostruksi perkerasan lentur. Untuk menambah penghematan lebih jauh, digunakan warm mix asphalt (WMA) yang dapat  mengurangi emisi CO2 hingga 20% ditambah pengurangan energi hingga 16%. Perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait hasil limbah tersebut agar diketahui campuran yang optimal. Penelitian ini terbatas pada pengujian laboratorium dengan Marshall Stability Test. Dengan metode desain faktorial, terdapat dua variabel bebas-kadar aspal baru dan kadar RAP. Dibuat 9 kategori dengan kadar aspal baru 4%, 5%, dan 6%; serta kadar RAP 35%, 45%, dan 55%. Enam variabel terikat-stablilitas, kelelehan, MQ, VIM, VMA, dan VFA-akan dilihat pengaruh dan interaksinya dengan variabel bebas. Hasil pengujian dan perhitungan menggunakan fungsi trendline menunjukkan bahwa campuran yang optimal pada kadar RAP 35%, 45% dan 55% adalah dengan kadar aspal baru 5,4%; 5,3%; dan 5,5% secara berurutan. Dengan digunakannya SPSS, diketahui faktor yang konsisten berpengaruh terhadap seluruh variabel terikat (stabilitas, kelelehan, MQ, VIM, VMA, dan VFA) hanyalah kadar aspal baru, sedangkan kadar RAP berpengaruh hanya pada stabilitas, kelelehan, dan VMA. Tidak ditemukan interaksi antara kedua faktor pada seluruh variabel terikat, kecuali pada stabilitas. ......In 2018, the pavement on JORR toll road was milled with RAP as byproduct. The use of RAP could save material costs up to 30% on flexible pavement construction. To further increase the savings, WMA is used; it can reduce CO2 emissions up to 20% coupled with up to 16% energy savings. A research is needed to find the optimal mix if RAP is to be used. The research will be in laboratory setting using the Marshall Stability Test. With two-way factorial design, two independent factors are percentage of virgin asphalt and percentage of RAP. There are 9 categories of treatment using 3 different virgin asphalt content levels (4%, 5%, and 6%) and 3 different RAP content levels (35%, 45%, and 55%). Main effects of factors and interactions between factors with six dependent variables-stability, flow, MQ, VIM, VMA, and VFA-will be observed. Using trendline on graphs show results that optimal mix design is at 5.4%, 5.3%, and 5.5% virgin asphalt with 35%, 45%, and 55% RAP content respectively. Only asphalt content that has consistent influence to the six dependent variables (stability, flow, MQ, VIM, VMA, and VFA), while RAP content only has influence on stability, flow, and VMA. There is no interaction between the two factors, except on stability.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salsabila Rizkya Andriani
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menelaah potensi dari limbah botol plastik (PET) dalam dunia arsitektur. Melihat isu dan kontroversi di mana botol plastik bekerja sangat efektif sebagai sebuah produk namun limbah dari botol plastik sangat mencemari lingkungan. Oleh karena itu kita harus memikirkan kembali bagaimana menanggulangi limbah botol plastik (PET) agar tidak menjadi lebih buruk khususnya dalam dunia arsitektur. Dengan memanfaatkan potensi dari material botol plastik serta mempelajari karakteristik dari botol plastik kita dapat menjadikan limbah botol plastik menjadi material yang lebih berguna. Mempelajari teori Cradle to Cradle oleh Braungart dan McDonough sebagai salah satu cara untuk menghasilkan produk material yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian mengenai potensi dari material botol plastik (PET), didapat dari mempelajari beberapa kasus pemanfaatan limbah botol plastik (PET) secara fisik. Beberapa dari kasus ini adalah menjadikan PET sebagai sambungan furnitur, bata, dinding sekolah, dan struktur. Melalui studi ini didapat kesimpulan bahwa limbah botol plastik dapat dimanfaatkan dengan berbagai cara, terutama dalam arsitektur limbah botol plastik (PET) dapat digunakan sebagai material berkelanjutan. Dengan memanfaatkan sisa dari umur botol plastik di lingkungan, pemanfaatan ini memiliki kesimpulan bahwa limbah botol plastik (PET) dapat menjadi material yang kontekstual dengan berbagai karakteristik dari botol plastik. Namun pemanfaatan ini tidak dapat diaplikasikan semua secara bersamaan karena PET mampu bekerja lebih baik bila bersama dengan material lain.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valadares, Eduardo de Campos
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2006
530.078 VAL p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This volume contains selected papers presented during the International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Material and Sustainable Engineering (EGRWSE-2018). The multidisciplinary articles included in this volume cover the fields of environmental management, site characterization, environmental risk assessment, waste disposal, soil and groundwater remediation, habitat protection, and environmental rehabilitation. This volume will be of interest to professionals and researchers working in diverse fields ranging from geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, hydrogeology, earth science, geochemistry, water engineering, and ecology, among others.
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joshua Ferdinand
Abstrak :

Penelitian ini membahas hubungan cepat rambat gelombang ultrasonik dengan kuat tekan dan pola retak beton daur ulang. Pengujian cepat rambat gelombang ultrasonik (UPV) dilakukan menggunakan PUNDIT. Pengamatan pola retak menggunakan metode digital image correlation (DIC). Benda uji yang dibuat adalah 16 kubus ukuran 15 cm dan 4 balok ukuran 15x15x50 cm. Spesimen kubus diuji tekan di umur 3, 7, 14, dan 28 hari dan di umur 28 disertai metode DIC. Pengujian metode DIC menggunakan kamera Fuji Film XA-3 dan diolah dengan software Ncorr pada MATLAB. Benda uji balok diuji UPV setiap jamnya di 24 jam pertama dan setiap hari sampai umur 28 hari. Penelitian ini menghasilkan hubungan logaritmik antara nilai UPV dan umur beton daur ulang dengan persamaan tiap benda uji sebagai berikut, VA = 2.68745E+02ln(x)+1.92197E+03, R2=0.809, VB = 2.75780E+02ln(x) + 1.82082E+03, VC = 3.51058E+02ln(x) + 1.59413E+03, dan VD = 3.51448E+02ln(x) + 1.61130E+03 dengan nilai R2 sebagai berikut, RA 2 =0.809, RB 2=0.844, RC 2=0.762, dan RD 2=0.772. Dihasilkan hubungan eksponensial antara kuat tekan beton dan nilai UPV dengan persamaan fc = 1.58593E01e1.22057E+00V[m/s] dengan nilai R2=7.36785E-01. Hasil pengujian metode DIC menunjukkan evolusi deformasi vertikal dan horizontal serta evolusi pola retak dari beton daur ulang. Stiffness tiap benda uji sebesar B = 862.92 kN/mm, C = 902.21 kN/mm, dan D = 1018.22 kN/mm. Poisson ratio dari benda uji sebesar B = 0.2478, C = 0.2302, dan D = 0.2392.

This research will conduct a discussion about relationship between ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength along with crack pattern of recycled concrete. Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) will be measured using the PUNDIT. Observation of crack patterns using digital image correlation (DIC) method of recycled concrete. The specimens to be made are 16 cubes with dimension of 15cm and 4 beam with dimension of 15x15x50 cm. Cube specimens aged 3, 7, 14, and 28 days will be tested and on the day 28 will use DIC method. DIC method use Fuji Film XA-3 as to capture pictures which will be processed with Ncorr on MATLAB. Beam specimens will be used for UPV test within every hour in the first 24 hours and every day up to 28 days. This study results show logarithmic relationship between the UPV and the age of recycled concrete with the result equation each specimen as follows, VA = 2.68745E + 02ln (x) + 1.92197E + 03, VB = 2.75780E + 02ln (x ) + 1.82082E + 03, VC = 3.51058E + 02ln (x) + 1.59413E + 03, and VD = 3.51448E + 02ln (x) + 1.61130E + 03 with the coefficient of determination of each specimen as follows, RA2 = 0.809, RB2 = 0.844, RC2 = 0.762, and RD2 = 0.772. Exponential relationships shown between concrete compressive strength and UPV in equation of fc = 1.58593E01e1.22057E + 00V [m / s] with R2 = 7.36785E-01. The DIC test results show the evolution of vertical and horizontal deformations as well as the evolution of crack patterns of recycled concrete. Stiffness of each specimens as follows, B = 862.92 kN / mm, C = 902.21 kN / mm, and D = 1018.22 kN / mm. Poisson ratio of each specimens as follows B = 0.2478, C = 0.2302, and D = 0.2392.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Dwi Rahmat Rajab Sirfefa
Abstrak :
Penggunaan Asbuton LGA dan pemanfaatan limbah beton (RCA) semakin berkembang dan menjadi alternatif yang menarik sebagai pengganti agregat dan aspal konvensional dalam pembangunan jalan yang memiliki kapasitas beban lalu lintas yang rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan limbah beton terhadap parameter marshall dan nilai kuat lentur campuran aspal. Benda uji yang dibuat dibagi menjadi dua yaitu benda uji marshall yang akan diuji marshall dan benda uji paving block yang akan diuji bending. Kedua benda uji tersebut menggunakan spesifikasi campuran CPHMA, dimana benda uji paving block akan menggunakan kadar aspal optimum dari pengujian marshall. Tahapan pengujian dimulai dengan pengujian karakteristik dari material yang digunakan yaitu agregat baru, limbah beton, aspal minyak, asbuton LGA serta oli bekas yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan material yang digunakan. Selanjutnya dilakukan pembuatan benda uji berdasarkan blending agregat dan job mix formula yang dibuat. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian Marshall Standard terhadap benda uji untuk mencari kadar aspal optimum dari campuran, dan dilanjutkan dengan pengujian lentur untuk mengetahui kuat lentur dari campuran. Hasil pengujian yang didapatkan yaitu nilai KAO untuk campuran agregat baru tanpa menggunakan RCA adalah 7,5% sedangkan untuk campuran dengan tambahan RCA adalah 8%. Serta nilai kuat lentur yang didapatkan dari pengujian kuat lentur menggunakan campuran agregat baru tanpa RCA yaitu 0.313 Mpa sedangkan untuk campuran dengan RCA adalah 0.295 Mpa. ......The use of Asbuton LGA and the utilization of Recycled Concrete Aggregates (RCA) is growing and is an attractive alternative as a substitute for conventional aggregate and asphalt in the construction of roads that have a low traffic load capacity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the addition of recycled concrete aggregates on Marshall parameters and the value of the flexural strength of the asphalt mixture. The test object made is divided into two, namely the Marshall test object which will be tested by Marshall and the paving block test object which will be tested for bending. The two specimens used the CPHMA mixture specifications, where the paving block specimens will use the optimum bitumen content from the Marshall test. The testing phase begins with testing the characteristics of the material used, namely new aggregate, waste concrete, oil asphalt, LGA asbuton and used oil which aims to determine the feasibility of the material used. Then, the test object is made based on the aggregate blending and job mix formula made. Then the Marshall Standard test was carried out on the specimens to find the optimum asphalt content of the mixture, and continued with flexure testing to determine the flexural strength of the mixture. The test results obtained were that the KAO value for the new aggregate mixture without using RCA was 7.5% while for the mixture with additional RCA it was 8%. As well as the flexural strength value obtained from the flexural strength test using a new aggregate mixture without RCA, which is 0.313 Mpa, while for a mixture with RCA, it is 0.295 Mpa.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Fawazul
Abstrak :
Thermal Reactive Deposition TRD dengan metode pack cementation dan Ferrovanadium sebagai carbide former telah dilakukan untuk membentuk lapisan karbida pada baja perkakas SUJ2. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh penambahan serbuk FeV daur ulang kepada serbuk FeV baru terhadap kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Dilakukan pengujian X-Ray Fluorescence untuk mengetahui komposisi unsur kimia yang terkandung pada kedua jenis serbuk agar dapat melakukan analisis perhitungan untuk menentukan penambahan serbuk sisa FeV terhadap serbuk baru FeV. Analisis perhitungan menghasilkan 4 variasi rasio serbuk FeV yang akan diteliti yaitu serbuk FeV baru 100 ; serbuk sisa FeV 100 ; serbuk baru FeV : serbuk sisa FeV 50 :50 ; serbuk baru FeV : serbuk sisa FeV 25 :75 . Hasil analisis mikroskop elektron SEM dan mikroskop optik OM menunjukkan lapisan karbida terbentuk pada setiap sampel memiliki ketebalan lapisan relatif sama yaitu sekitar 18 . Hasil lapisan dikarakterisasi dengan difraksi sinar-X XRD menunjukkan terdapat senyawa vanadium karbida pada lapisan tersebut. Pengujian kekerasan dan keausan sampel diperoleh nilai yang relatif sama yaitu sekitar 1800 HV dan 3 x 10-5 mm3/m. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan serbuk sisa FeV terhadap serbuk baru FeV dapat dilakukan karena hasil pengujian dengan berbagai rasio memiliki hasil yang relatif sama dan nilai kekerasan masuk ke spesifikasi aplikasi rantai sebesar 1700 HV
ABSTRACT<>br> Thermal Reactive Deposition TRD by pack cementation method and Ferrovanadium as carbide former has been examined to form the carbide layer on SUJ2 tool steel. In this study, effect of addition recycled FeV powder to new FeV powder to the product quality. Calculation analysis resulted 4 variations of FeV powder ratio to be studied i.e. 100 new FeV powder 100 recycled FeV powder new powder FeV recycled FeV powder 50 50 New FeV powder recycled FeV powder 25 75 . Electron microscope SEM and optical microscope OM analysis showed that the carbide layer formed in each sample had the same relative layer thickness of about 18 . X ray diffraction XRD characterized showing that there were a vanadium carbide compound in the formed layer. Hardness test and wear test resulted a relatively similar hardness value of about 1800 HV and 3x10 5 mm3 m. It can be concluded that the use of recycled FeV powder to the new FeV powder can be applied because the test results with various ratios that have been done have relatively similar results and meet the hardness application specification of 1700 HV.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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