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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hana Salsabila Mahdiyah
"Indonesia merupakan negara yang beragama dan agama menjadi salah satu aspek penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Menurut Allport dan Ross (1967) ketaatan terhadap agama atau religiusitas individu dapat dilihat berdasarkan orientasinya, yaitu orientasi religiusitas intrinsik dan orientasi religiusitas ekstrinsik. Dalam proses individu memaknai agama dalam hidupnya, dapat dilihat dari bagaimana nilai atau value yang tertanam dalam dirinya. Nilai atau value merupakan pedoman bagi individu untuk berperilaku, mengambil keputusan, dan mengevaluasi peristiwa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara tipe-tipe nilai Schwartz dengan orientasi religiusitas. Peneliti menggunakan alat ukur PVQ-21 untuk mengukur nilai dan Religious Orientation Scale- Revised (ROS-R) untuk mengukur orientasi religiusitas, dengan metode Pearson Correlation. Melalui penyebaran kuesioner, peneliti memperoleh 241 partisipan emerging adulthood dan menemukan hasil yang cukup beragam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara nilai dan orientasi religiusitas. Lebih spesifik, tipe-tipe nilai yang berkorelasi dengan orientasi religiusitas intrinsik adalah benevolence, conformity, tradition, dan stimulation, sedangkan nilai yang berkorelasi dengan orientasi religiusitas ekstrinsik adalah benevolence, achievement, stimulation, tradition, hedonism, dan conformity.
......Indonesia is a religious country and religion is one of the important aspects of daily life. According to Allport and Ross (1967), adherence to their religion or religiosity can be seen based on their orientation, which is intrinsic religiosity orientation and extrinsic religiosity orientation. In the process of how individuals perceive religion in their lives, it can be seen based on how values are embedded in them. Values are guidelines for individuals to behave, make decisions, and evaluate events. The purpose of this study is to see the relationship between Schwartz's value types and religiosity orientation. The researcher used the PVQ-21 to measure values and the Religious Orientation Scale- Revised (ROS-R) to measure religiosity orientation, using the Pearson Correlation method. Through the distribution of questionnaires, researchers obtained 241 emerging adulthood participants and found quite diverse results. The results showed there is a relationship between types of several values and religiosity orientation. More specifically, the types of values that correlate with intrinsic religiosity orientation are benevolence, conformity, tradition, and stimulation, while the values that correlate with extrinsic religiosity orientation are benevolence, achievement, stimulation, tradition, hedonism, and conformity."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lullafayza Maharani
"Emerging adulthood merupakan periode transisi dari usia remaja ke usia dewasa, di mana individu berada di masa eksplorasi diri yang dipenuhi dengan berbagai perubahan, tantangan, dan ketidakpastian dalam banyak area di kehidupan. Demi keberlangsungan perkembangan individu di masa emerging adulthood, emerging adults membutuhkan nilai sebagai pedoman dalam berperilaku dan menjalankan peran. Nilai tersebut dapat dipelajari di lingkungan sosial terdekatnya, terutama keluarga yang memiliki fungsi sebagai agen sosialisasi utama individu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran keberfungsian keluarga terhadap tipe nilai Schwartz pada emerging adults, dan melihat nilai apa yang diprediksi oleh keberfungsian keluarga. Tipe nilai Schwartz terdiri dari nilai self-direction, stimulation, hedonism, achievement, power, security, conformity, tradition, benevolence, dan universalism. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan alat ukur Family Assessment Device (FAD) untuk mengukur variabel keberfungsian keluarga dan alat ukur Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) untuk mengukur variabel tipe nilai Schwartz. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah 309 emerging adults berusia 18 s.d. 25 tahun (M = 21.68, SD = 1.856) dan merupakan warga negara Indonesia. Hasil analisis regresi multivariat menunjukkan bahwa keberfungsian keluarga (t(309) = 4.864) secara signifikan dapat memprediksi nilai tradition pada emerging adults (F = 23.660, p < 0.05, R² = 0.072, adjusted R² = 0.069). Penemuan ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat keberfungsian keluarga, maka akan semakin tinggi prioritas nilai tradition yang dimiliki individu. Oleh karena itu, keluarga dihimbau untuk menanamkan dan mempertahankan nilai tradition dalam keluarga sebagai bekal pedoman emerging adults dalam menjalankan perannya dan ketika memasuki usia dewasa nantinya.
.......Emerging adulthood is a transitional period from adolescence to adulthood, where individuals are in a phase of self-exploration filled with various changes, challenges, and uncertainties in many areas of life. In order for individuals to develop successfully during emerging adulthood, emerging adults need values as guidelines for their behavior and role fulfillment. These values can be learned in their immediate social environment, especially within the family, which serves as the primary agent of socialization for individuals. This study was aimed to examine the role of family functioning in Schwartz's value types among emerging adults and identify which value types are predicted by family functioning. Schwartz’s value types include self-direction, stimulation, hedonism, achievement, power, security, conformity, tradition, benevolence, and universalism. Data was collected using the Family Assessment Device (FAD) to measure family functioning and the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) to measure Schwartz's value types. The participants of this study were 309 emerging adults aged 18 to 25 years (M = 21.68, SD = 1.856) and citizens of Indonesia. The result of the multivariate regression analysis showed that family functioning (t(309) = 4.864) significantly predicts the value of tradition in emerging adults (F = 23.660, p < 0.05, R² = 0.072, adjusted R² = 0.069). This finding suggests that the higher the level of family functioning, the higher the priority given to the value of tradition by individuals. Therefore, families are encouraged to instill and maintain the value of tradition within the family as a guide for emerging adults in fulfilling their roles and as they enter adulthood."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Handhika
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis stabilitas model Brennan-Schwartz dan menggunakannya sebagai panduan dalam menganalisis tingkat bunga. Stabilitas penting untuk menggambarkan ketahanan suatu model terhadap gangguan pada nilai awal ataupun parameter modelnya. Pada Tesis ini akan dibahas dua cara untuk menentukan stabilitas stokastik, yaitu stabilitas stokastik asimtotik dan stabilitas mean-square. Kriteria-kriteria stabilitas yang diperoleh dapat digunakan sebagai panduan untuk memilih parameter sehingga model menjadi tahan terhadap gangguan. Akan tetapi, pada kenyataannya parameter model Brennan-Schwartz tidak diketahui nilainya sehingga perlu dilakukan penaksiran terlebih dahulu. Pada Tesis ini, metode yang digunakan dalam menaksir parameter model Brennan-Schwartz adalah metode Maximum Likelihood dan dilanjutkan secara iteratif menggunakan Algoritma Nelder-Mead. Dalam implementasi, taksiran parameter diperoleh melalui penerapan konsep perubahan measure. Hasil implementasi menunjukkan bahwa solusi model Brennan-Schwartz cukup baik dalam menggambarkan pergerakan tingkat bunga bulanan dari suatu zero-coupon bond dengan maturity time 5 tahun periode Januari tahun 1982 hingga Februari 2011 yang datanya diunduh dari www.bankofengland.co.uk.

This thesis aims to analyze the stability of the Brennan-Schwartz model and use it as a guideline to analyze interest-rate. Stability is important to describe resistance of the model to the perturbation in the initial state or parameters of the model. Two ways to define stochastic stability will be considered in this thesis: stochastically asymptotically stable and mean-square stability. These stability criteria can be used as guidelines for selecting parameters that make the model resistant to the perturbation. However, Brennan-Schwartz model requires estimation of parameters whose values are unknown. In this thesis, the method which is used to estimate parameters of Brennan-Schwartz model is the maximum likelihood estimation method and will be continued iteratively using the Nelder-Mead Algorithm. In the application, parameter estimators are obtained by applying change of measure concept. Implementations show that Brennan-Schwartz model is good enough to approximate the real data of monthly interestrate from a zero-coupon bond with maturity time of 5 years: January, 1982 - February, 2011 in which data is downloaded from www.bankofengland.co.uk."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Hamdi
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Unversitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shahnaz Nadiva
Penggunaan online shopping, khususnya di bidang fashion, sebagai salah satu
pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia memiliki proses penerimaan yang
kompleks berdasarkan perilaku konsumen yang late adopters, risk averse, socially
oriented, dan impulsive buyers. Salah satu model behavior yang sesuai dengan
perilaku konsumen tersebut adalah Schwartz Motivational Value. Penelitian ini
dikhususkan pada responden yang pernah melakukan pembelian secara online di
Zalora selama tiga bulan terakhir dan diolah menggunakan metode Structural
Equation Modelling untuk memperoleh value apa saja yang mempengaruhi behavior
konsumen dalam mengadopsi online shopping, sehingga diketahui sejauh mana
konsumen menerima online shopping melalui framework technology adoption
lifecycle serta dapat memberikan rekomendasi terkait strategi marketing perusahaan
e-commerce. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa grup konsumen socially oriented
dan impulsive buyers yang secara signifikan memanfaatkan resources internet dalam
melakukan online shopping, namun pada saat yang sama grup konsumen socially
oriented merasakan ketidakyamanan dalam melakukan online shopping. Selain itu,
dengan adanya resources dalam melakukan online shopping tidak serta merta
membuat konsumen sering melakukan online shopping dan berdampak pada uang
yang dikeluarkan, akan tetapi adanya ketidaknyamanan justru berdampak signifikan
terhadap frekuensi online shopping yang dilakukan konsumen serta uang yang
dikeluarkan. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan
bahwa konsumen Zalora berada pada tahap Early Majority dalam menerima Zalora
sebagai salah satu online shopping di Indonesia.
The usage of online shopping, especially in the field of fashion, as one of the needs
fulfillment for Indonesian community seems to have a complex adoption process
based on the nature of Indonesian?s consumer behavior, which are late adopters, risk
averse, socially oriented and impulsive buyers. One of the behavior model that
corresponds to this consumer behavior is Schwartz Motivational Value. This research
is devoted to the respondents who had made a purchase online in Zalora over the past
three months and the data is processed using Structural Equation Modeling to obtain
values that influence the behavior of consumers in adopting online shopping, how far
consumers receive online shopping technology through the framework of technology
adoption lifecycle based on the result, and also provide recommendations related to
the company's marketing strategy. The results show that consumer who tends to be
socially oriented and impulsive buyers significantly utilize internet resources in doing
online shopping, but at the same time socially oriented consumers feel inconvinience
in doing online shopping. Moreover, with the resources to do online shopping does
not necessarily mean that consumers often do online shopping and spent more money
on online shopping, but the inconvinience in online shopping is precisely a significant
impact on the frequency of consumer online shopping done and the money that is
spent on it. Therefore, based on these results we can conclude that Zalora consumers
are at the stage of the Early Majority in accepting Zalora as one of the online
shopping in Indonesia., The usage of online shopping, especially in the field of fashion, as one of the needs
fulfillment for Indonesian community seems to have a complex adoption process
based on the nature of Indonesian’s consumer behavior, which are late adopters, risk
averse, socially oriented and impulsive buyers. One of the behavior model that
corresponds to this consumer behavior is Schwartz Motivational Value. This research
is devoted to the respondents who had made a purchase online in Zalora over the past
three months and the data is processed using Structural Equation Modeling to obtain
values that influence the behavior of consumers in adopting online shopping, how far
consumers receive online shopping technology through the framework of technology
adoption lifecycle based on the result, and also provide recommendations related to
the company's marketing strategy. The results show that consumer who tends to be
socially oriented and impulsive buyers significantly utilize internet resources in doing
online shopping, but at the same time socially oriented consumers feel inconvinience
in doing online shopping. Moreover, with the resources to do online shopping does
not necessarily mean that consumers often do online shopping and spent more money
on online shopping, but the inconvinience in online shopping is precisely a significant
impact on the frequency of consumer online shopping done and the money that is
spent on it. Therefore, based on these results we can conclude that Zalora consumers
are at the stage of the Early Majority in accepting Zalora as one of the online
shopping in Indonesia.]"
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library