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Ditemukan 34 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Twenhofel, W.H.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950
551.3 TWE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nichols, Gary
Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Multimedia  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krumbein, W.C.
San Francisco: W H Freeman, 1963
551.7 KRU s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Setya Putra
Abstrak :
Mangroves in Indonesia have a large enough area, but in the last 3 decades the area has been reduced to 40%. Besides having a function as a coastal protector, mangroves are also able to maintain the quality of the waters around it. Currently, the construction of a reclamation island in Jakarta Bay is being carried out which will have an impact on the surroundingmangrove forests. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the impact of island reclamation in Jakarta Bay onsedimentation and mangrove growth in surrounding area. This research was conducted with literature studies, vegetation analysis, water quality analysis and also spatial analysis with WorldView-2 satellite imagery. The results showed that the mangrove forests on the coast of North Jakarta, especially in the Muara Angke area tend to increase, especially in the reclaimed island area. The mangrove stands increase by approximately 1.32 ha / year. The density and stem diameters vary in 5 locations. Oxygen levels at the study site are very low but the existing mangrove forests can absorb dissolved heavy metals. The results of the study also show that the area that has the potential to be planted with mangroves is 30 ha. Overall, the sedimentation process helps expand mangrove forests naturally while the bad quality of water does not significantly affect the development of mangroves. On the contrary, the existing mangrove is able to keep the stability of the water quality in surrounding area.
Bandung : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, 2019
551 JSDA 15:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Priskila Hanata
Abstrak :
Blood salvage system, using the method of centrifugal sedimentation, is a highly complex process currently designed primarily empirical and based on trial-anderror. The aim of this project is to study the flow behavior of blood and develop approaches to its modeling and numerical simulation when it is subjected to a strong centrifugal field. When the blood is centrifugated at 1500 rpm, the sedimentation occur almost instantaneously in a narrow region near the chamber inlet (26% of the chamber volume). The blood then separates into three phases, which are plasma, buffy coat, and red blood cells. Three different set of equations are developed to describe the flow of each phase through the chamber. These equations were used to develop a numerical solution of the fundamental model using the excel software tools.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kemal Imran
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Pada penelitian sebelumnya terdapat korelasi yang positif antara kemampuan deformabilitas, jumlah eritrosit dan shear rate yang rendah yang berakibat terhadap perfusi otak yang akhirnya akan mempengaruhi perburukan pasien stroke iskemik. Hal ini bisa dilihat dengan pemeriksaan Laju Endap Darah (LED). LED merupakan metode yang mudah dan merupakan petunjuk tidak langsumg terhadap deformabilitas eritrosit. Jika ada kondisi yang meningkatkan kadar fibrinogen atau makroglobulin lainnya akan menyebabkan eritrosit mengendap lebih cepat. Dengan melihat konsep ini kami melakukan penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi korelasi antara komponen eritrosit dengan keluaran klinis stroke iskemik. Obyektif : Apakah LED ini mempunyai nilai prognostik klinis. Desain dan Metode: Potong Lintang sesuai kriteria seleksi dan dieksplorasi apakah intensitas respon fase akut terdapat informasi keluaran klinis jangka pendek dengan melakukan uji korelasi antara LED pada pasien dalam 72 jam sejak onset stroke dengan keluaran Minis 7 hari kemudian yang diukur dengan National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (N1HSS). Hasil: 51 pasien stroke iskemik akut ,dalam 72 jam dari onset klinis. semua pasien dilakukan neuroimejing and pemeriksaan darah rutin, tennasuk LED. 28 pasien (54,9%) terdapat peningkatan LED. LED meningkat (Laki-laki >13 dan wanita > 20) sebanding dengan penigkatan NIHSS. Dengan uji korelasi Spearman Koefisien korelasinya moderat (r=0,642) dan berhubungan bermakna (p < 0,001).
Background: In the recent study, there is a positive correlation among deformability, the amount of erythrocyte and low shear rate which impact to cerebral perfusion. By reducing the cerebral perfusion could increased the infarct size and clinical manifestation worse. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a simple method and an indirect marker of erythrocyte deformability. If any conditions that increased the amount of fibrinogen and other macroglobulin will increase the ESR. By this concept we did the research to explore the correlation between erythrocyte component and the outcome of ischemic stroke. Objective: To evaluate whether the ESR can be used as a clinical prognostic value. Design and Methods: Consecutive Cross sectional study and explore the intensity of the acute-phase response by the correlation test between the ESR within 72 hour from the onset of stroke and the out come at day 7 measured by National ?Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and whether provided further information concerning the short term out come. Results: 51 acute ischemic stroke, within 72 hours from clinical onset. All patients had neuroimaging and routine blood tests, including erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). 28 patients (54,9%) had increased ESR. The ESR was increased (men >13 and woman > 20) as the NIHSS was high. With Spearman Correlation test the coefficient correlation is moderate (r4,642) and was significant correlated (p < 0,001). Conclusion: The ESR is a predictor of short term stroke outcome. These findings might be indicative the amount of fibrinogen, hyperviscosityand the erythrocyte deformability changes. Key Words : ischemic stroke ; erythrocyte sedimentation rate ; prognosis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nita Suhartini
Abstrak :
Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan profil distribusi vertikal konsentrai 137Cs di lapisan tanah pada suatu lokasi yang stabil. Hutan lindung Pangrango telah dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian, yaitu suatu lokasi yang tidak pernah dirusak sejak tahun 1925. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan Pancawati - Ciawi. Alat untuk sampling tanah adalah scraper dengan ukuran (20 x 50) cm, dengan ketebalan setiap lapisan adalah 2 cm sampai dengan kedalaman 24 cm (107 kg/m2) atau 26 cm (137 kg/m2), dan pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 5 titik percobaan. Sampel-sampel tanah kemudian dibawa ke laboratorium untuk dilakukan persiapan awal dan dianalisis kandungna 137Cs nya menggunakan alat MCA pada energi 662 keV. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat berbedaan yang cukup nyata antara profil distribusi vertikal 137Cs yang dihitung secara simulasi dan perhitungan.
Comparison Of 137Cs Vertical Distribution Profile At Soil Layer Obtained By Measurement And Simulation. This investigation aimed to compare a profile of 137Cs vertical distribution at soil layer in the stable site (undisturbed site). Conservation forest that has been becoming as conservation area since 1925 namely Gn. Pangrango was selected as study site. Sampling of soil was done in Pancawati - Ciawi. Sampling was done by using scrapper ( 20 x 50) cm, with layer increment of 2 cm until the depth of 24 cm (107 kg/m2) or 26 cm (137 kg/m2), and sampling was done at 5 points. Soil samples were brought to the laboratory for preparation and analysis of 137Cs content by using MCA at 662 keV energy. The result showed that the comparison of 137Cs vertical distribution profile between measurement and simulation has a significant differences.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
K. Budiono
Abstrak :
Clay mineral is a group of mineral which suplay more than 16% of sediments distribution in the earth surface. The clay mineral can be occurred both on the land and sea bottom. The clay mineral which is deposited in the coastal and sea bottom have a unique mechanism, and consequenty creates many kind of clay mineral where this conditions is influenced by the deph, temperature, light, topography and organism. The study of clay mineral distribution in the coastal and mirine sediments enables to analysis the sedimentation processes, where the occurrence of this mineral is influnced by the origin of the sedients. Generally, the surficial sedo,emts pf Se,aramg pffsjpre os cpmsostes pf coau amd silt. Based on the SEM analysis the ciay mineral in Semarang offshore is dominated by caolinite, illite and mized layer of montmorilonite and illite.
Bandung: Pusat Survai geologi Bandung, 2008
551 JSDG 18:4 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ignasius D.A Sutapa
Abstrak :
Aceh Besar merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang terkena bencana alam gempa bumi dan tsunami di provinsi Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. Kualitas air permukaan dapat tercemar karena bencana alam tersebut. Sungai Krueng Raya dan Sungai Tanjung merupakan sumber air yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diperolehnya informasi kriteria mutu dan penetapan kelas air Sungai Tanjung dan Krueng Raya, serta jenis dan konsentrasi koagulan yang optimal untuk mengolah air sungai. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa Air Sungai Krueng Raya dan Sungai Tanjung mengandung kekeruhan yang tinggi sehingga terklasifikasi dalam air kelas II berdasarkan PP No. 81/2001. Percobaan pengolahan telah dilakukan pada dua sungai tersebut dengan cara koagulasi-flokulasi menggunakan alat jar test untuk mendapatkan dosis koagulan optimum. Dosis optimum yang diperoleh adalah alumunium sulfat 35 ppm dengan efesiensi sebesar 66,1 persen dengan biaya bahan baku sebesar Rp 140,00 per m3 untuk pengolahan air Sungai Tanjung. Sedangkan koagulan optimum air Sungai Krueng Raya adalah aluminium sulfat 30 ppm dengan efesiensi sebesar 63,9 persen dengan biaya bahan baku sebesar Rp 120,00 per m3. Setelah koagulasi-flokulasi diperoleh penurunan kekeruhan air yang memenuhi syarat untuk diolah lebih lanjut menjadi air minum
Bandung: Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum, 2014
627 JTHID 5:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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