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Saffanah Zahra
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, kasus Parkinson rsquo;s disease telah bertambah banyak, dengan teori patologis yang turut berkembang. Salah satu teori patologis yang paling dikenal adalah teori inflamasi yang melibatkan aktivasi mikroglia dan ekspresi sitokin proinflamatori. Studi sebelumnya telah mengkonfirmasi efek andrografolida terhadap karakter anti-inflamatorinya. Sangatlah penting untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang efek andrografolida dalam berbagai dosis sebagai agen neuroprotektif pada model Parkinson yang disebabkan oleh MPTP. 5 jenis perlakuan diberlakukan terhadap 5 kelompok tikus C57bl/6. Perlakuan yang dimaksud adalah 1 kontrol normal, 2 positif MPTP, 3 positif MPTP dan selegiline, 4 positif andrografolida pada dosis 5 mg/kgbb, dan 5 positif andrografolida pada dosis 50 mg/kgbb. Analisis imunohistokimia digunakan untuk menentukan level TNF?. Analisa statistik menghasilkan perbedaan level TNF? yang tidak signifikan antara kelompok andrografolida dan kelompok kontrol. level TNF? adalah 10.0000 3.50999 pada kelompok normal, 8.3600 2.89275 pada kelompok selegilin, 12.8000 7.78203 pada kelompok MPTP, 5.4000 2.43311 pada kelompok andrografolida 50 mg/kgbb, dan 5.8000 1.61864 pada kelompok andrografolida 5 mg/kgbb . Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengurangan TNF? yang signifikan setelah diberikan andrografolida pada dosis 5 dan 50 mg/kgbb pada model Parkinson yang telat diberikan MPTP. Maka tidak disimpulkan adanya efek neuroprotektif dari andrografolida.

Parkinson rsquo s disease has overgrown cases in the last few years, with emerging pathological theories have also been developing. One of the most acknowledged pathological theories is the neuroinflammation theory involving microglial activation and proinflammatory cytokines expression. Previous studies have confirmed andrographolide effect on anti inflammatory characteristics. It is important to acquire better understanding on the effect of andrographolide as a neuroprotective agent in MPTP induced Parkinsonism model in several dose. 5 types of treatment were enacted on 5 groups of C57bl 6 mice. Treatments include 1 normal control, 2 MPTP treated, 3 MPTP and selegiline treated, 4 Andrographolide treated at 5 mg kgbw, and 5 Andrographolide treated at 50 mg kgbw. Immunohistochemical analysis was used to determine TNF level. Statistical analysis result showed no significant differences of TNF level between the groups treated with andrographolide and the control groups. TNF level was 10.0000 3.50999 for normal group, 8.3600 2.89275 for selegiline treated group, 12.8000 7.78203 for MPTP treated group, 5.4000 2.43311 for andrographolide treated group at 50mg kgbw, and 5.8000 1.61864 for andrographolide treated group at 5 mg kgbw . This study suggests that there is no significant reduction of TNF level after treated with andrographolide at doses of 5 and 50 mg kgbw in MPTP treated Parkinsonism model, thus showing no neuroprotective effect of andrographolide. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djoko Listiono Linggo
"Cedera otak pada perdarahan intraserebral spontan (PIS) terdiri dari cedera primer kerusakan struktural karena proses mekanis dan cedera sekunder akibat respons patofisiologis subklinis mencakup inflamasi, stress oksidatif dan sitotoksik terhadap komponen serta produk degradasi darah. Proses subklinis PIS yang sedang berlangsung tersebut masih belum terpantau secara lengkap, sehingga penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi perjalanan proses subklinis cedera otak sekunder perdarahan intraserebral spontan dan pengaruhnya terhadap perubahan luaran respons klinis kasus (LRK) PIS pasca-intervensi bedah saraf. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain observasional prospektif, mulai Agustus 2016-April 2018 terhadap 20 subjek yang baru pertama kali mengalami perdarahan intraserebral spontan yang disertai perdarahan intraventricular dan menjalani intervensi bedah saraf external ventricular drainage (EVD). Data tercatat mencakup skor Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (SF), TIK, dan kadar hari ke-1 dan hari ke-7 Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFα), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) dan zat besi dalam LSS. Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Ttak berpasangan atau uji Mann-Whitney. Data skala kategorik diuji dengan Chisquare atau Fisher's exact test, dan untuk data kategorik berpasangan dengan uji McNemar.
TIK pasca-intervensi semua subjek menurun secara gradual menjadi normal dan ada lima subjek yang tidak mengalami perbaikan LRK SF hari 1-7. Semua subjek kelompok 'tanpa perbaikan' mempunyai kadar TNFα LSS hari ke-1 tinggi, sebaliknya yang kadarnya normal mengalami perbaikan LRK (P=0,003). Selisih nilai peningkatan TNFα hari 1-7 juga lebih besar bermakna pada yang 'tanpa perbaikan' (P=0,005). Kadar SOD LSS hari ke-1 dan perubahannya tidak terbukti berbeda bermakna antara kedua kelompok. Pengamatan klinis memperlihatkan 80% subjek 'perbaikan', mempunyai kadar zat besi LSS hari ke-1 normal dalam status saturasi transferin < 50%. Semua subjek yang mempunyai kadar zat besi hari ke-1 tinggi dalam status saturasi transferin ≥ 50% mengalami LRK 'tanpa perbaikan'. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari selisih peningkatan status saturasi transferin antara kedua kelompok subjek. (P=0,05). Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa subjek PIS dengan kadar TNFα LSS hari ke-1 tinggi dan/atau zat besi LSS tinggi dalam status saturasi transferin ≥ 50%, mempunyai LRK 'tanpa perbaikan'. Semakin besar peningkatan kadar TNFα LSS pada hari ke-7 dan/atau kadar zat besi yang disertai peningkatan saturasi transferrin, mempunyai LRK 'tanpa perbaikan'. Kadar SOD hari ke-1 dan perubahan kadar hari 1-7 belum dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penanda prognosis dan proses subklinis PIS.

Brain injury of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage caused by primary injury of structural damage due to mechanical processes and secondary injuries resulting from subclinical pathophysiological responses of inflammation, oxidative stress and cytotoxicity to components and blood degradation products including iron. The subclinical pathophysiology processes still cannot be monitored explicitly. This study is aimed at identifying the course of ICH subclinical secondary brain injury process and finding its relations with the days 1-7 trend of clinical response outcomes after neurosurgical intervention. This study is a prospective observational designed study done from August 2016 until April 2018. Twenty subjects were diagnosed as spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage and underwent neurosurgical intervention external ventricular drainage (EVD). Recorded data consist of everyday Full Outline of UnResponsiveness (FOUR) score, intracranial pressure, and cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFα), Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), iron and transferrin saturation at day-1 and day-7. Bivariate analysis performed with unpaired T-test or Mann-Whitney test. Unpaired categorical scale data tested by Chi-square or Fisher's exact test, and McNemar test for paired categorical data.
All 'unimproved' subjects had high levels of day-1 CSF TNFα, whereas all subjects with normal TNFα have clinical improvement response (P=0.003). Subsequently those subjects had significantly greater increasing levels (P=0.005). No significant difference of CSF SOD between of 'unimproved' and 'improved' group. Clinical observation clearly showed that 80% of 'improved' subjects have normal day-1 iron levels in controlled by transferrin saturation < 50%. There will be no improvement of those high iron levels with transferrin saturation ≥ 50%. A significant difference results were also noted of increasing transferrin saturation status (P=0,05). This study concluded that SICH with high level of day-1 CSF TNFα and/or high CSF iron with transferrin saturation ≥ 50%, would have an 'unimproved' trend of clinical response outcome. Greater increasing level of those biomarkers in days 1-7, tend to have an unimproved outcome. CSF SOD could not to be use as a significant clinical prognostic and process biomarker."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Tahta Kurniawan
Pajanan particulate matter 2.5 kepada manusia dapat menyebabkan terjadinya inflamasi akut dan kronik hingga menimbulkan terjadinya perubahan sel yang abnormal. Inflamasi terjadi akibat adanya respon tubuh terhadap dengan melepaskan Tumor Necrosis Factor ? Alpha sebagai protein stimulus inflamasi di dalam tubuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan dengan kadar di Pusat Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) Ujung Menteng dan Pulogadung, penelitian ini juga menganalisis status merokok, kategori obesitas, dan umur pada pekerja, dengan menggunakan Uji ? T independen (T ? test). Sampel penelitian sejumlah 42 pekerja di PKB Ujung Menteng dan Pulogadung sebagai kelompok terpajan dan 27 pekerja Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI) sebagai kelompok kontrol. Analisis nilai kadar dalam darah dilakukan di laboratorium dengan teknik quantitative sandwich enzyme immune assay / ELISA dengan Human / TNFSF1A HS (R&D Systems). Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik kuantitatif dengan membandingkan nilai kadar pada variabel kelompok terpajan dengan kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pajanan berhubungan dengan nilai kadar dalam darah karakteristik pekerja yang merokok dan obesitas tidak berhubungan nilai kadar dalam darah Selain itu, hubungan umur dengan nilai kadar berhubungan sangat lemah Pajanan pada pekerja secara kronis menimbulkan inflamasi kronik dengan menghasilkan dalam darah melalui proses oxidative stress di dalam tubuh hingga menimbulkan gangguan pada sistem pernapasan dan sistem kardiovaskuler di dalam tubuh.

The exposure of particulate matter 2.5 (PM25) to human can provoke the occurrence of acute and chronic inflammatory that can potentially lead to abnormal cell change. Inflammation occurs due to body response to PM25 by discharging Tumor Necrosis Factor ? Alpha ) as protein inflammatory stimulus inside the body. This research aims to analyze the correlation between PM2.5 exposure concentration with level at Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor (PKB) center Ujung Menteng and Pulogadung, also to analyze smoking status, obese category, and age of workers, by using independent T ? Test. Research samples of 42 workers at PKB Ujung Menteng and Pulogadung as exposed group and 27 workers of Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI) as control group. Analysis of level in the blood is conducted at laboratory with quantitative sandwich enzyme immune assay / ELISA technique with Human / TNFSF1A HS (R&D Systems). This research is performed with quantitative analytical method by comparing level score on exposed group variable and control group variable. The research result showed that exposure correlated with level score in the blood characteristics on workers who smoke and obese are not correlated with level score in the blood. Other than that, the correlation between workers? age and level score is proven weak exposure on workers chronically inflicts chronic inflammatory by producing in the blood through oxidative stress process in the body causing disruption of respiratory and cardiovascular system in the body."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adang Sabarudin
"Obstructive: jaundice represents the most common complication of biliary tract Malignancy. Obstructive jaundice causes releases of proinflammatory cytokine. There has been controversy about effect of biliary drainage on the change in proinflammatory cytokine level in pancreatobiliary cancer patients. The present study was designed to determine levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alfa) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) in preprocedure of either endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP) or percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) and postprocedure of them in obstructive jaundice patient caused by pancreatobiliary cancer.
Method: The study method was before-and-after case study design with consecutive sampling. Blood was collected five days prior to either endoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography (ERCP) procedure or percutaneus transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) procedure and five days after either of them. Enzyme linked immunosorbed assay (ELISA) was used to determine TNF-alfa and IL-6.
Results: Forty subjects were included in this study which consisted of 22 men and 18 women. The age was 55.3 (SD 13.7) years old. According to the results of imaging and endoscopy procedure, twenty-two people were diagnosed cholangicarcinoma, ten people were diagnosed ampulla vateri and eigth people were diagnosed pancreatic tumor. In preprocedure, the TNF-alfa concentration was 4.81 (SD 2.91) pg/mL, the IL-6 concentration was 7.79 (SD 1.57) pg/mL and the bilirubin concentration was 15.5 (SD 6,9) mg%. In postprocedure, the TNF-alfa concentration was 8.05 (SD 6.7) pg/mL, there was a significant increase in TNF-alfa concentration (p = 0.02). However, IL-6 concentration was 7.75 (SD 1.76) pg/mL, there was not any significant chance in IL-6 concentration (p = 0.52). The bilirubin concentration was 11.3 (SD 6,5) mg%.
Conclusion: There was a significant increase in mean concentration value of TNF-alfa after biliary drainage procedure. On the other hand there was not any significant decrease in the mean concentration value of IL-6 after biliary drainage procedure"
Jakarta: Interna Publishing (Pusat Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam), 2016
611 UI-IJGHE 17:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library