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Hirsch, Barton J
Washington: American Psychological Association, 2005
362.712 HIR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002
305.235 YOU
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vashti Trisawati Abhidana
Abstrak :
Dengan berkembangnya media teknologi yang pesat, kehidupan kaum muda di berbagai belahan dunia pun cenderung berubah. Di Indonesia, dengan semakin menjamurnya televisi swasta, profesi pembawa acara (presenter) atau pun video jockey (VJ) juga mulai berkembang pesat. Mereka juga mulai diterpa dengan dunia internet, yang membawa mereka berkelana ke belahan dunia lainnya. Teknologi seakan-akan menjadi bagian dari kehidupan mereka. Oleh karena itu penulis tertarik untuk mengkaji: Peran teknologi media dalam Budaya Kaum Muda Jakarta Selatan. Ide meneliti masalah ini karena penulis terinspirasi dengan berbagai tulisan kaum muda urban di berbagai media massa lokal maupun internasional, ulasan mengenai "Gaya Jalanan" (Street Style) di Amerika berdasarkan pengamatan dan penelitian oleh Janine Lopian-Misdom dan Joanne De Luca, serta pemildran Marshall McLuhan dalam memandang media dan masyarakat di era globalisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah, ingin mengetahui budaya kaum muda Jakarta Selatan, pandangan dan pecan teknologi media dalam kehidupan mereka, serta melihat prediksi gaga hidup kaum muda, yang diungkapkan oleh Janine Lopiano-Misdom dan Joanne De Luca telah ditemui pada budaya kaum muda Jakarta Selatan. Untuk kajian pustaka, peneliti mendasari pada pemikiran Marshall McLuhan mengenai "Global Village" dan "Understanding Media", Budaya Cyber, Budaya Populer dan Teknologi buah pikiran John Fiske, James Lull, John V. Pavlik, dan Derrick de Kerckhove, serta konsep Uses and Gratification yang dikemukakan oleh J.G Blumler dan E.Katz. Metode penelitian dalah kualitatif dengan melakukan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang dilakukan di Kafe Regal, Mal Pondok Indah. Satuan Analisis adalah kelompok. Sampel dilakukan secara purposif, yaitu I kelompok pertemanan yang datang ke cafe tersebut dan diajak berdiskusi. Mereka terdiri dari laki-laki dan perempuan dengan usia 17-25 tahun. Penelitian dilakukan dari Juni sampai dengan Agustus 2000. Sejumlah pertanyaan didiskusikan dan peneliti mengelompokkannnya pada data: (I) Demografi: Jati diri, pendidikan, penghasilan dan pengeluaran; (2) Sifat kelompok , alasan berkelompok dan hal-hal yang menyatukan mereka dalam kelompok; (3) Dimensi Gaya Hidup sesuai klasifikasi yang dikemukakan David L. Loudon dan Albert J. Della Bitta. Dalam riset ini, peneliti menambahkan konsep Cool & Funky yang didiskusikan bersama para responden. Hal ini dilakukan, karena kedua konsep ini cenderung telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan mereka. Peneliti berhasil mengumpulkan 8 kelompok pertemanan, terdiri 5 ski 10 orang, dengan karakteristik sbb: (I) Kelompok Konservatif, (2) Kelompok Volta!, (3) Kelompok Felksibel, (4) Kelompok Aspirasi Barat, (5) Kelompok Orientasi Barat, (6) Kelompok Pecinta Alam, (7) Kelompok Eksperimental, dan (8) Kelompok Pecinta Musik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para kaum muda memiliki berbagai karakter individual di dalam I kelompok. Ada diantara kelompok yang diteliti memiliki kesamaan "alasan berkelompok", meskipun "sifat kelompok" mereka berbeda-beda. Opini mereka terhadap kaum muda adalah lebih terbuka, cepat dewasa, ekspresif dan lebih babas. Konsep Cool, menurut mereka adalah orang yang kepribadiannya cuek (acuh), gayanya enak dilihat, tampil apa adanya tanpa harus menarik perhatian orang. Sedangkan funky, lebih kepada penampilan yang aneh ataupun tidak seperti orang pada umumnya. Namun kedua konsep tersebut bagi mereka masih ada kerancuan satu sama lainnnya. Sebagian dari mereka memandang optimis terhadap masa depan dan sebagian lagi pesimis. Tantangan terberat adalah menjelang pasar terbuka dan masa depan negara. Mereka cenderung mengikuti berbagai isu yang terjadi dalam masyarakat, balk itu sosial, politik, bisnis, ekonomi, budaya dan lingkungan. Media yang mereka pilih untuk mengetahui isu pertama kali bukanlah internet, seperti yang diharapkan peneliti. Untuk isu-isu tertentu seperti sosial, politik, budaya dan lingkungan, televisi menjadi pilihan pertama, namun kecil sekali dibandingkan media cetak. Namun apabila ingin mengetahui isu lebih lanjut, penggunaan internet meningkat, sedangkan televisi menurun. Alasan kuat mereka menggunakan internet karena tidak adanya keberpihakan, meskipun tidak dapat dipercaya sepenuhnya. Media televisi menurut pendapat mereka cenderung mempengaruhi gaga hid up mereka terutama dalam penampilan dan Tara bicara. Televisi merupakan media yang mampu memberikan hiburan dan informasi. Strategi kaum muda dalam memilih acara televisi masih tetap strategi 'kedalaman', meskipun hanya sebagian saja. I kelompok kadangkala mencari Koran terlebih dahulu. 5 dari 8 kelompok yang diteliti menyatakan acara televisi belum memberikan kepuasan meskipun telah memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Penggunaan media internet cenderung masih dalam tahap awareness dan perannya untuk berkomunikasi/chatting dengan teman atau orang baru (hubungan personal) dan mendapatkan informasi terkini. Mereka yang memiliki minat tertentu, cenderung melakukan strategi terbatas, yaitu membuka situs yang diinginkan saja. Sedangkan Permainan video game bukanlah kebutuhan primer, tapi sepenuhnya memberikan kepuasan bila dapat memenangkan/menyelesaikan permainan dan memberikan hiburan (diversion) untuk meluar dari kegiatan sehari-hari mereka. Dari ketiga teknologi media yang diteliti, televisi merupakan bagian dari kehidupan kaum muda yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, karena sejak kecil televisi menjadi "pengasuh" mereka. Sedangkan internet dan video game, mereka menganggap cenderung belum menjadi bagian kehidupan mereka. Bagi mereka, tidak berinternet atau main video game, kehidupan mereka sebagai anak muda tetap dapat dijalaninya.
The Role of Media Technology in Urban Youth Culture of South Jakarta - A Qualitative Study of Describing The Youth Culture at Pondok Indah Mall and The Relationship with The Media TechnologyWith the rapid development of technology media, the young generation's lifestyle tends to change throughout the world. Since the emergence of private television channels in Indonesia, new profession such as presenters or Video Jockey (VJs) have taken places in the hearts of the young generations. The Internet world also has exposed them to travel the world and have technology as a part of their lives. This new phenomena have interest me to research: The Role of Media Technology in Youth Culture at South Jakarta. This idea also has been inspired by several articles about the urban youth culture in the local and international media, and "Street Culture" research by Janine Lopiano-Misdom and Joanne De Luca, and Marshall McLuhan's point of views about the media and society in the globalization era. This research objective is to explore the urban youth culture at South Jakarta, their opinions and the role of media technology towards their lives, and to discover whether there any similar prediction the future youth culture in Jakarta based on Lopiano-Misdom's and Joanne De Luca's point of view. The literatures are based on Marshall McLuhan's standpoint of "Global Village" and "Understanding Media"; the Popular Culture and Technological views by John Fiske, James Lull, John V. Pavlik, and Derrick de Kerckhove, with the Uses and Gratification concepts by J.G. Blumler and E. Katz. The research method is a qualitative study, by developing Focus Group Discussion at Kale Regal, Pondok Indah Mall. The analysis unit is by groups and the sampling is purposive by taking peer groups who hang-out in this cafe and conduct a full discussion. Each group consists of male and female, between the age from 17 to 25. The research has been held from June to August 2000. Several questions had been divided into three types of data: (I) Demography: Biodata, education, income and expenditure; (2) Group personal traits, the reason to form a group and attributes which relate between them to be in a one group; (3) Lifestyle Dimension based on David L. Loudon's and Albert J. Della Bitta's indicators. In this research, I add the "Cool" and "Funky" concept. The reason I added this variable because these terms has becomes a part of their lives. Researcher has managed to gather 8 groups and each group between was between 5 to 8 persons, with the characteristics as follow: (I) Conservative Group, (2) Outspoken Group, (3) Flexible Group, (4) Western Aspiration Group, (5) Western Orientation Group, (6) Nature Lovers Group, (7) Experimental Group, and (8) Music Lovers Group. Among Groups, there are several groups who have the same "reason to be in a group", although "their group's personal traits" are different. Their opinions about themselves are: young generations are more outspoken and expressive, become mature before time, and more have freedom in a relationship. "Cool" means a person who likes to be him or herself without anything "artificial" personality. He or she has a 'style' that people love to see and be with this individual. He does not need any attention from others_ "Funky" means their looks are awkward, dare to be different but try to the grab people's attention. But they said sometimes they are confused to see the difference between cool and funky. About the future, some say with: Optimistic (37,5%) and pessimistic (37,5%) and the rest has mentioned it depends on this country's situation. They would like to be entrepreneurs in entertainment business, arts, set-up television stations, become film producers, or to be film stars themselves and models. They tend to be interested in issues, such as social, politic, business, economy, cultural and environment. To become aware on the issues for the first time, they do not use internet. Especially for social, politics, culture and environment issues, they watch television but the percentage is under 50%. if they want to know the further more issues, they browse the internet or watch television. They said the news in the Internet is neutral, although they did not believe in it 100%. Watching television tends to influence their lifestyle, especially in their looks and conversations. Television provides news and entertainment 4 groups still use "exhaustive" strategy to find TV shows and I group check the newspaper to find the show. Mostly of the groups said that TV shows have not satisfied them although it already provides their needs. Browsing sites throughout the Internet tend to be in an awareness stage. The roles of browsing in the internees are for chatting with friends or discovering new friends (personal relationship) and get the latest information. If they have any specific interest, they use "restricted" strategy by only browsing limited sites. Playing video games is not a primary needs, but it gives them full satisfactory when they can win or finished the game; provide them some entertainment and filling in their spare times. From researching three different media technologies, television cannot be separated from their every day life, because since their childhood television has became their baby-sitter. For internet and video games, they tend no to be their lifestyle. For the urban youth culture, living without Internet or video game is not a big deal.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Martinez, Luis
Abstrak :
For decades, Algeria has been depicted as an inaccessible, opaque, rentier state and under the control of secret intelligence agencies and inaccessible cartels and clans. While that analysis is partly true, this book contends that the analytical emphasis on opacity risks missing how much the country has changed since the 1990s: the new transparency of the interest groups that govern the country; the competing notions of economic development within key financial institutions; the impact of non-revolutionary contentious politics; the micro-politics of the changing attitudes of the countrys urban youth; the growth of moderate Islamist party politics; the changing notions of security held by the armed forces; and the dislocation of rebellion towards the South. Across ten chapters, the book demonstrates that Algeria under Abdelaziz Bouteflika remains complex and challenging to understand, but that it is no longer opaque and inaccessible.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library