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Ditemukan 50 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Tindall, H. D.
London: OXford University Press, 1972
635 TIN c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Rahmi
"WHO menyatakan rendahnya konsumsi buah dan sayur merupakan salah satu dari 10 faktor utama yang menyebabkan tingginya angka kematian. Rata-rata remaja di negara barat tidak memenuhi rekomendasi WHO untuk mengonsumsi buah dan sayur minimal 400 gram per hari. Di Indonesia, rekomendasi konsumsi buah dan sayur adalah 5 porsi buah dan sayur berdasarkan WHO. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran distribusi konsumsi buah dan sayur siswa SMAIT Nurul Fikri Depok tahun 2017 serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur siswa SMAIT Nurul Fikri Depok tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 156 orang, dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2017 di SMAIT Nurul Fikri Depok. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah data pimer yang dikumpulkan dengan metode pengisian kuesioner dan formulir Food Frequency Questionnaire pada siswa SMAIT Nurul Fikri Depok tahun 2017 dengan alat bantu kuesioner dan formulir Food Frequency Questionnaire.
Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik chi-square dan regresi logistik ganda model faktor dominan. Konsumsi buah dan sayur baik terdapat sebanyak 5.1 siswa. Terdapat 5 variabel yang diduga menjadi faktor dominan konsumsi buah dan sayur di SMAIT Nurul Fikri Depok tahun 2017. Setelah dilakukan analisis, variabel yang dominan berhubungan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur adalah keterpaparan media dengan p= 0,012 dan OR=0,048 artinya siswa yang tidak memiliki keterpaparan media yang baik mengenai buah dan sayur berpeluang untuk tidak mengonsumsi buah dan sayur 0,048 kali dibanding yang terpapar media setelah dikontrol oleh ketersediaan di rumah, ketersediaan di sekolah, pengetahuan dan preferensi terhadap buah dan sayur.
......WHO report that low consumption of fruit and vegetable causal high fatality rate. Adolescent average in west not comply with a request of WHO for cunsumption fruit and vegetable with a minimum consumption 400 gram day. In Indonesia, recommendation for consumption fruit and vegetables is 5 portion fruit and vegetable per day.. This study purpose for knows distribution consumption of fruit and vegetable student senior high school Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Depok 2017 with factor factor related to consumption fruit and vegetable at student senior high school Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Depok 2017. This study use desain cross sectional with total sample 156 responden. It going on June 2017 at Senior High Scholl Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Depok. Source of data is primer data with filled the questionnaire and form Food Frequency Questionnaire by student senior high school Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Depok.
Analisys data use test statistic chi square and regression binary logistic by factor dominant models. Goog consumption fruit and vegetable 5,1 student in senior high school islam terpadu nurul fikri Depok. There are 5 variabels expected as factor dominant consumption fruit and vegetable in senior high school islam terpadu nurul fikri Depok 2017. After do analisys, dominant variabel related with consumption fruit and vegetable is connected mass media p value 0,012 and odd ratio 0,048 its mean students connected mass media consumption fruit and vegetable have opportunity as big as 0,048 times to consumption fruit and vegetable just than student dont connected mass media."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krisna Melinda
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur pada siswa di SMP Negeri 28 Jakarta dan SMP Negeri 1 Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April sampai Mei 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional dengan instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner dan FFQ. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 50,3% responden sering mengonsumsi buah dan sayur. Hasil bivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara frekuensi makan pagi (p-value 0,028; OR 3,054) dan contoh dari orangtua (p-value 0,002; OR 2,785).
Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa contoh dari orangtua menjadi faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan konsumsi buah dan sayur. Walaupun responden sering mengonsumsi buah dan sayur tetapi rata-rata buah dan sayur yang dikonsumsi setiap harinya masih sangat sedikit. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan contoh yang baik dari orangtua dalam hal mengonsumsi buah dan sayur serta lebih mengajak anaknya untuk teratur dalam makan pagi.
The purpose of this study was to determine factors associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among student in SMPN 28 Jakarta and SMPN 1 Jakarta. This study was held in April until May 2013. The method used in this study was cross sectional design with questionnaire and FFQ as an instrument. The result of this study showed that 50,3% respondent often consumed fruit and vegetable. From analyses data used chi-square, there were significant association between breakfast frequency and parents modeling.
Multivariate analysis showed that the strongest correlations fruit and vegetable consumption was parents modeling. Eventhough, they often consumed fruit and vegetable, the mean of fruit and vegetable which consumed everyday is so little. So that, parents must be a good models for their teenagers and ask their teenager to breakfast regularly."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Philbrick, John H.
San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1963
635.048 4 PHI g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Anggawirya Alimin
"Kebijakan neutral carbon growth oleh ICAO ditahun 2050, membuat pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan instruksi pemerintah melaui ESDM tentang target pencampuran bahan bakar berbasis bio untuk avtur 5 ditahun 2025. Beberapa sumber potensial yang melimpah untuk dikonversi menjadi Bioavtur di Indonesia diantaranya minyak nabati pangan kelapa sawit serta minyak nabati yang juga memiliki produksi besar seperti kedelai dan biji bunga matahari dan minyak nabati non-pangan kosambi, nyamplung, kemiri sunan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memodelkan proses hydro processing menggunakan simulator proses dengan mengoptimasi kondisi operasi pada masing-masing bahan baku dan diranking dengan menggunakan AHP berdasarkan efektifitas dan efisiensi ketersediaan, konversi, yield, suhu operasi, konsumsi H2, tekanan operasi dan harga bahan baku. Proses Hydrotreatment yang divariasikan pada tekanan 1-5 MPa dan temperatur 250°C 350°C. menunjukkan Minyak nabati yang paling baik digunakan sebagai bahan baku produksi Bioavtur adalah minyak kemiri sunan, minyak kelapa sawit dan minyak nyaplung secara berturut-turut. ......The policy of neutral carbon growth by ICAO in 2050, has prompted the Indonesian government to issue government instruction through ESDM on the target of bio based mixing of fuels for 5 avtur by 2025. Some of the abundant potential sources to be converted to biofuel in Indonesia include vegetable oils palm oil and vegetable oils that also have large productions such as soybeans and sunflower seeds and non food vegetable oils kosambi, nyamplung, kemiri sunan. The study was conducted by modeling the hydroprocessing process using a process simulator by optimizing the operating conditions of each raw material and ranked by using AHP based on effectiveness and efficiency availability, conversion, yield, operating temperature, hydrogen consumption, operating pressure and raw material prices. Hydrotreatment process is varied at 1 5 MPa pressure and temperature 250°C 350°C. shows that vegetable oils that are best used as raw material for Bioavure production are Kemiri Sunan oil, Palm oil, and Nyaplung oil respectively."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dai, Yin-Fang
Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications, 1999
615.32 DAI f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pestisida adalah suatu senyawa kimia yang merupakan bahan beracun dan berbahaya, yang bila tidak dikelola dengan bijaksana dan baik dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap kesehatan manusia dan lingkunganya. Program pengamanan penggunaan pestisida pada tingkat petani kurang memadai, dampak negatifnya dapat berupa keracunan akut atau pun akibat keracunan jangka panjang juga tidak dapat terhindar. Ini terbukti masih tingginya angka keracunan pada petani di Kota Jambi pada tahun 2001.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran kondisi keracunan pungguna pestisida pada petani sayur di Kota Jambi. Propinsi Jambi dan fakfor-fakfor apa yang berhubungan dengan keracunan tersebut. Faktor-faktor yang diduga adalah umur, jenis kelamin, lama pendidikan, status pekerjaan petani, pengetahuan, perilaku, penggunaan APD, leas lahan, lama penyemprotan perhari, frekuensi penyemprotan per minggu, lama penanganan, teknik penyemprotan dan jenis/goloragan pestisida yang digunakan.
Penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitik menggunakan metode Observasional dengan desain penelitian kasus kontrol dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 134 petani untuk kasus dan 134 petani untuk kontrol. Hasil uji bivariate dengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square menunjukan beberapa variabel yang berhubungan signifikan/bermakna adalah variabel umur (p-value = 0,009), perilaku petani (p-value = 0,001), penggunaan APD (p-value = 0,000), lama penyemprotan perjam perhari (p-value = 0,006), dan lama penanganan (p-value = 0,037) dengan kejadian keracunan sebagai variabel dependen, sedangkan untuk hubungan yang tidak signifikan/bermakna adalah variabel jenis kelamin/sex, lama pendidikan responden, pengetahuan, luas lahan, frekuensi menyemprot hari per minggu, teknik penyemprotan, dan jenis/golongan pestisida dengan kejadian keracunan pestisida sebagai variabel dependen.
Dari hasil uji multivariate Regresi Logistik Ganda Prediksi, maka model akhir di dapat adalah variabel umur (p-value = 0,015), perilaku (p-value = 0,000), dan penggunaan alat pelindung diri (p-value = 0,000). Dari ketiga variabel tersebut maka variabel independen yang paling berhubungan adalah perilaku (dilihat dari angka Odds Ratio serbesar yaitu 3,121).
Hasil uji interaksi memberikan petunjuk bahwa hubungan penggunaan APD dengan kejadian keracunan memberikan efek yang berbeda untuk mereka yang berumur muda dan tua, begitu juga sebaliknya hubungan umur dengan kejadian keracunan memberikan efek yang berbeda untuk mereka yang menggunakan APD yang lengkap dan tidak lengkap.
Agar para petani dapat terhindar dan keterpaparan pestisida pada waktu melaksanakan kegiatannya perlu dilakukan intervensi dalam hal penyuluhan, bimbingan dan pembinaan tentang cara-cara penanganan pestisida yang lebih baik dan bijaksana secara lintas sektoral, dan pemantauan oleh instansi yang; berkompeten secara berkesinambungan sesuai dengan bidang tugas masing-masing.
Daftar bacaan : 44 ( 1976 - 2001 ).

Factors Related to the Pesticide Poisoning on Vegetable Farmer in Jambi City in The Year of 2001Pesticide is the poisoned and dangerous chemical agent which mismanagement will result negative impact for environment and human health. In adequate utilization and safety program on fanner has negative impact as acute poisoning or Elm effect of long term can not avoided as well. This is proved by the high level poisoning on the farmer in Jambi in the year of 2002.
The research's objective is to find out the poisoning condition description of pesticide user on vegetable fanner in Jambi, Jambi Province and related factor to the poisoning incident. Sex, Educational, Status of Farmer Job, Knowledge, habitual, occupational application, daily and weekly time of spraying, spraying technique, and pesticide variety, are the suspicious factors of poisoning.
This is an analytic descriptive study, using observational method by case control research design with 134 fanner as case and 134 farmers as control. Bivariate test result using chi-square test show that several significant variable are age (p-value = 0,0009), farmer habit (p-value = 0,0001) APD apply (p-value 0,0000), daily spraying (p-value = 0,0006) and time of handling (p-value = 0,037) with poisoning incident as dependent variable, while insignificant relationship is sex variable, educational background, knowledge, vast of field, weekly frequency of spraying, spraying technique, pesticide variety with poisoning incident as the dependent variable.
From multivariate test, Double prediction of logistic regression, then last model found is age variable (p-value = 0,015), habitual (p-value = 0,0000) and APD application (p-value = 0,0000). The most related variable is habitual (Derived from highest odds ratio of 3,121).
Interaction test show the direction that the relationship of APD application with poisoning incident give different effect for those with old and young of age. Poisoning give the different effect for those who applying completeness and incompleteness of APD.
In order to avoid pesticide exposure in the farmer activity, intervention need to be given in the matter of counseling, guiding how to pesticide handling correctly, and also monitoring by competent authority continuously according to each occupational field.
References: 44 ( 1976 -- 2001 )
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herliani Sudardja
"Latar Belakang. Indonesia adalah negara agraris dengan 45 % penduduknya bekerja sebagai petani. Untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian, melindungi tanamannya dari serangan hama, serta memelihara mutu tanahnya, petani banyak menggunakan pestisida. Salah satu penyakit akibat pajanan pestisida adalah dermatitis kontak yang angka prevalensinya pada petani di Indonesia belum diketahui. Karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui prevalensi dermatitis kontak pada petani, khususnya petani sayur, serta faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhinya.
Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain krosseksional dengan jumlah subyek penelitian 436 orang petani sayur dari Kecamatan Lembang Kabupaten Bandung. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan sejak September sampai Nopember 2002. Hasilnya diolah menggunakan program statistik SPSS 10.
Hasil. Ditemukan 40 orang (9.2 %) penderita dermatitis kontak klinis dan 72 orang (16.5 %) penderita dermatitis kontak subyektif. Risiko terjadinya dermatitis kontak (klinis dan subyektif) dipengaruhi oleh faktor kerja langsung dengan pestisida (OR = 8.636), riwayat atopi (OR = 2.519), dan bentuk formula pestisida yang digunakan (OR = L589). Risiko terjadinya dermatitis kontak klinis dipengaruhi oleh faktor riwayat atopi (OR = 2,998) dan bentuk formula pestisida yang digunakan (OR = 1065). Terhadap risiko terjadinya dermatitis kontak subyektif tidak ditemukan faktor yang dominan berpengaruh.
Kesimpulan. Ditemukan prevalensi dermatitis kontak pada petani sayur sebesar 25.7 %. Hubungan antara pajanan pestisida organofosfat dengan dermatitis kontak pada petani sayur di Kecamatan Lembang dipengaruhi oleh faktor kerja langsung dengan pestisida, jumlah tugas saat bekerja dengan pestisida, bentuk formula pestisida yang digunakan, serta riwayat atopi.

The Correlation between Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure and Contact Dermatitis among Vegetable Farmers in the District of LembangBackground. Indonesia is an agricultural country, in which about 45 % of its populations are farmers. To improve the harvest, to prevent pests attack, and to maintain the fertility of their land , they use very large amount of pesticides. No prevalence data on contact dermatitis caused by exposure to pesticide among Indonesian farmers is currently available. So, a research to find the prevalence of contact dermatitis among farmers, especially vegetable farmers, and other influential factors was proposed.
Method. Cross sectional design was used. The subjects consisted of 436 vegetable farmers from Lembang Subdistrict of Bandung District. Data collecting was performed from September to November 2002, and processed by utilizing SPSS 10 program.
Result. 40 persons (9.2 %) suffered from clinical contact dermatitis and 72 persons (16.5 %) from subjective contact dermatitis. The risks of contact dermatitis (clinical and subjective) was influenced by direct work with pesticides (OR = 8.636), atopic history (OR = 2.519), and the pesticide formulations (OR = 1.589). While clinical contact dermatitis was influenced by atopic history (OR = 2.998) and pesticide formulations (OR = 2.065). No dominant factor that influenced the risk of subjective contact dermatitis was found.
Conclusion. The prevalence of contact dermatitis among vegetable farmers was 25.7 %. The correlation between organophosphate exposure and contact dermatitis among vegetable farmers in the District of Lembang were influenced by the direct work with pesticides, the number of tasks while working with pesticides, the pesticide formulations, and the atopic history."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
T 8371
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arnold Fedriko
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian pada minyak nabati dengan menggunakan metode rotasi Faraday. Rotasi Faraday adalah proses terputarnya bidang getar cahaya yang melewati suatu bahan, karena dipaparkan medan magnet B. Bahan minyak nabati akan memutar sudut bidang getar cahaya terpolarisasi linear, sehingga terdapat perubahan sudut antara polarisator dan analisator. Pengukuran dilakukan dengan memberikan perbedaan sudut antara polarisator dan analisator sebesar 45, hal ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan perubahan intensitas yang maksimal, sehingga perubahan sudut putar analisator dapat diketahui. Pada penelitian ini minyak nabati yang digunakan memiliki beberapa kondisi berbeda. Pada penelitian ini sistem instumentasi rotasi Faraday yang digunakan memiliki medan magnet sebesar 0 mT hingga 159.63 mT dan memiliki 3 panjang gelombang yaitu merah=625 nm, hijau=520 nm, dan biru=467.5 nm. Hasil dari penelitian mendapatkan nilai konstanta Verdet minyak jagung pada panjang gelombang merah=0.62062 mT/m, panjang gelombang hijau=0.52888 mT/m, panjang gelombang biru=0.34028 mT/m. Nilai konstanta Verdet minyak bunga matahari pada panjang gelombang merah=0.2791mT/m, panjang gelombang hijau=0.6612mT/m, panjang gelombang biru=0.64677mT/m. Nilai konstanta Verdet minyak kedelai pada panjang gelombang merah=0.18147 mT/m, panjang gelombang hijau=0.42724 mT/m, panjang gelombang biru=0.71146 mT/m. Minyak yang telah dipanaskan mengalami perubahan sudut yang semakin positif dengan perubahan gradien yang tidak terlalu signifikan untuk setiap panjang gelombang.

In this experiment vegetable oil has been examined by using principles of Faraday Rotation. Faraday Rotation is a phenomenon that causes the rotation of the plane of polarization when passing through a material after being exposed by magnet field B. The material, vegetable oil, will rotate the angle of plane of polarization to be linier, so that there will be angle difference between the polarizer and analyzer. The measurement is done by giving 450 degrees angle difference between the polarizer and the analyzer, this is done to get maximum intensity hence turning angle of the analizer can be obtained. This experiment uses vegetable oil of various conditions. The magnetic field in the faraday rotation instrumentation used range from 0 mT to 159.63 mT with 3 wavelengths of red=625 nm, green=520 nm, and blue=467.5 nm. The Verdet constant of corn oil for red, green, and blue wavelength are 0.62062 mT/m, 0.52888 mT/m, and 0.34028 mT respectively. While the Verdet constant of sunflower oil are 0.2791mT/m, 0.6612mT/m, 0.64677mT/m respectively. On the other hand the Verdet constant of soybean oil are 0.18147 mT/m, 0.42724 mT/m, 0.71146 mT/m respectively. The oil which is heated has angle difference that become more positive and change of gradient that is insignificant for every wavelength."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sasanti Ayu Ningrum
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan mediator perilaku dan perilaku konsumsi buah dan sayur siswa setelah mengikuti workshop yang didesain dengan kerangka perencanaan theory-based nutrtition education Contento. Dari tahap prosedur yang dilakukan, mediator yang terlibat adalah pengetahuan, sikap, norma subjektif, hasil yang diharapkan, keyakinan diri, dan niat perencanaan, dengan teori modifikasi dari Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, dan Polytheoretical Model. Desain penelitian adalah kuasi eksperimental dengan sasaran 51 siswa kelas V yang dibagi dalam kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan mediator yang signifikan, namun peningkatan perilaku konsumsi tidak signifikan. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara peningkatan pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol, namun pencapaian indikator keberhasilan kelompok perlakuan lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok kontrol.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
;The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento?s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
, The purpose of this study is to find the improvement effect on mediators and fruit and vegetable consumption after students received workshop designed with Contento’s theory-based nutrition education stepwise procedure. Mediators involved were knowledge, attitude, subjective norms, outcome expectations, self-efficacy, and planning, while the behavior theory used were Theory of Planned Behavior, Health Belief Model, and Polytheoretical Model. The study used quasi-experimental design, involving 51 5th graders who are divided into intervention and control group. The result shows that mediators improved significantly, but consumption behavior improvement did not significant. There was no significant difference between intervention and control group, however, based on goal indicators, intervention group had better accomplishment than control group.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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