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Mira Winarta
Abstrak :
Scope and Research method : In order to find out the prevalence rate of respiratory obstruction due to exposure to jute's dust and other risk factors, such as work place, age group, length of work, smoking habit, usage of personal protection device, clinical symptom and allergy history, a cross sectional study regarding the influence of jute's dust on lung function among jute factory worker has been done in Tangerang. Total sample of respondent for this study is 135 workers, who are working in 4 working unit in the factory. There are 4 methods of data collection used in this study. First, interview by using Pneumomobile Project Indonesia questioner. Second, physical examination to all employees especially related to respiratory disorder. Third, measurement of lung function using spirometer. Fourth, examination of jute's dust at work place used low volume dust sampler.

Result and Conclusion: This study find out the concentration of total jute's dust in high exposure working place is 13,3mg/m3, while in low exposure working place is 1,5 mg/m3. Result of statistic soon significant different (p<0,05). The study also finds out that the prevalence rate of chronic respiratory obstruction among the workers who work in high concentration dust environment is 25,9% and with low exposure is 2,8%. Statistically it is significantly different (p<0,05). There are a significant relationship between occurrence of chronic respiratory obstruction disease and dust concentration, while there are no relationship with age group, length of work, education level, height of body, smoking habit, use of personal protection device, previous clinical symptom and allergy history. The prevalence rate of acute respiratory obstruction among the workers who work in high concentration dust environment is 11,1%, while in low concentration dust environment is 3,7%. Statistically has not significantly different (p0,05). There are no relationship between acute respiratory obstruction disease and work place, age group, length of work, educational level, height of body, smoking habit, use of personal protection device, previous clinical symptom and allergic history. Analysis of smoking habit as risk factor and its relationship with obstruction can't be done since the prevalence rate of smoking habit among the workers is low (1,5%).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hartati Diah
Abstrak :
Bising merupakan kumpulan nada dengan bermacam-macam intensitas, dan suana tersebut tidak dikehendaki sehingga terasa mengganggu ketentraman, terutama pendengaran. Sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Menteri Tenaga Kerja Transkop , No.SE.01/MEN/1978, bahwa Nilai Ambang Batas (NAB} untuk kebisingan di tempat kerja adalah 85 dBA, untuk 8 jam/hari atau 40 jam/minggu. Disain penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif dan analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Dengan Deskriptif dimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan responden yang diteliti, sedangkan dengan analitik dimaksudkan untuk mempelajazi secara analitik pengaruh berbagai faktor (variable independen ) terhadap vaziabel dependen. Hasil penelitian mengenai persepsi kebisingan di unit pemintalan beberapa pabrik tekstil, menunjukkan bahwa responden yang menyatakan bising pada intensitas <85 dBA (63,6%) .an tidak bising (36,4%) Sedangkan responden yang menyatakan bising pada intensitas >85 dBA (94%)dan yang menyatakan tidak bising(6%). Tingginya intensitas kebisingan akan diikuti oleh lebih banyaknya responden yang menyatakan bising, dan rendahnya intensitas kebisingan maka responden yang menyatakan bising sedikit. Faktor yang mempunyai asosiasi dengan persepsi responden terhadap kebisingan adalah lama kerja (p=0,0000), umur: (p=0,0002), pendidikan (p-0,0227), sedangkan faktor jenis kelamin tidak mempunyai asosiasi dengan persepsi responden terhadap kebisingan di tempat kerja. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan makin tinggi pengetahuan responden, maka sikapnya akan lebih baik,dan tingginya pengetahuan responden belum tentu penafsiran terhadap lingkungan baik. Daftar pustaka 21 (1976-1996)
Perception Of Spinning Unit Personnel In Some Textile Plants In East Jakarta And Bekasi Toward The Noise In The Work Place, 1996Noise is group of tune with various intensity, and the sound is unwanted because its disturbs the convenience, especially the hearing. According to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Labor, Transmigration and Cooperatives NO. SE./O1/MEN/1978, that the Threshold Value (NAB) for the noise in the work place is 85 dBA, for 8 hours/day or 40 hours/week. The research design used is a descriptive and analytic with a cross sectional approach. The descriptive approach is intended to describe the respondents studied, while with the analytic approach is intended to study analytically the influence of various factors (independent variable) toward the depended variable. Proceeds of the research regarding the noise perception in the spinning unit of some textile plants indicate that the respondent the state there is noise at intensity < 85 dBA (63,6%) and those that stated there is no noise (36,4%0. While the respondent that stated there is noise at the intensity > 85 dBA (94%) and those that stated there is no noise (6%). Thus, the higher the noise intensity, the lesser the respondent that stated the there is noise, and the lower the noise the more respondent the stated there is no noise. The factor which have association with the respondent perception toward the noise is duration of the work (p=0,000), age (p=0,002),education (p=0,00227), while the Sex factor does not association with the respondent perception toward the noise in the work place. Thus, it can be conclude that the higher the respondent knowledge, the better his attitudes, and higher the respondent education not necessarily his attitudes toward the environmental is good. Bibliography :21(1976-1996)
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moh Danurwendo W Sudomo
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kesertaan latihan fisik usia dan jabatan dengan pengendalian berat badan karyawan perusahaan T yaitu perusahaan minyak dan gas di Kalimantan Timur Metode Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode potong lintang kepada karyawan perusahaan T yang konsisten mengikuti Medical Check Up MCU dari tahun 2009 ndash 2011 Data sekunder didapatkan dari hasil MCU tahun 2009 ndash 2011 dan daftar hadir latihan fisik di tempat kerja tahun 2009 ndash 2011 Hasil Penelitian Jumlah karyawan yang konsisten mengikuti MCU adalah 110 orang merupakan jumlah sampel yang diteliti Proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali lebih banyak yang tidak latihan fisik usia 21 ndash 35 tahun dan teknisi Secara statistik menunjukkan proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali pada kelompok mengikuti latihan fisik tidak berbeda bermakna dengan yang tidak mengikuti latihan fisik OR 0 64 90 CI 0 28 ndash 1 41 proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali pada kelompok usia 21 ndash 35 tahun tidak berbeda bermakna dengan 35 tahun OR 1 63 90 CI 0 85 ndash 3 40 akan tetapi tingkat pengendalian berat badan karyawan teknisi berbeda bermakna dengan superintendent dan supervisor OR 5 61 90 CI 2 75 ndash 16 46 Analisis multivariat menunjukkan jabatan memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan pengendalian berat badan OR 5 41 90 CI 2 26 ndash 12 92 Dari 29 karyawan yang mengikuti latihan fisik proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali lebih banyak pada usia 21 ndash 35 tahun dan teknisi Secara statistik menunjukkan bahwa proporsi karyawan dengan berat badan terkendali pada kelompok usia 21 ndash 35 tahun tidak berbeda bermakna dengan 35 tahun OR 3 75 90 CI 1 01 ndash 13 80 akan tetapi tingkat pengendalian berat badan karyawan teknisi berbeda bermakna dengan superintendent dan supervisor OR 7 333 90 CI 1 80 ndash 29 73 Analisis multivariat menunjukkan jabatan memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan pengendalian berat badan OR 5 63 90 CI 1 26 ndash 25 07 Kesimpulan Karyawan teknisi perusahaan T mempunyai peluang memiliki berat badan terkendali 5 415 kali dibanding jabatan lain setelah dikontrol variabel kesertaan latihan fisik dan usia Kata Kunci aktivitas fisik berat badan lebih latihan fisik pengendalian berat badan program pengendalian di tempat kerja. ABSTRACT
Background This study was conducted to determine the association between participation in physical exercise age and position with employees body weight control company T which is an oil and gas company in East Kalimantan Method The study was conducted by cross sectional method to employees who consistently perform Medical Check Up MCU in 2009 ndash 2011 Secondary data used were MCU result and attendance list participating in physical exercise in 2009 ndash 2011 at the company T Result The number of employees who consistently perform MCU in 2009 2011 was 110 who became the sample of this study The proportion of employees with controlled body weight was higher among employees who do not participate in physical exercise were at the age 21 ndash 35 years and were technicians There were no significant association between participation in physical exercise and age with controlled body weight but a very significant difference in controlled body weight was found between technicians and superintendent supervisor OR 5 61 90 CI 2 75 to 16 46 Multivariate analysis showed that job position has a very significant association with body weight control ORadj 5 41 90 CI 2 27 to 12 93 Among 29 people who attend physical exercise the proportion of employees with controlled body weight were higher in employees aged 21 ndash 35 years and technicians There were no significant associations between age with controlled body weight but a significant difference in controlled body weight was found between technicians and superintendent supervisor OR 7 33 90 CI 1 81 to 29 73 Multivariate analysis showed that job position has a significant association with body weight control ORadj 5 63 90 CI 1 27 to 25 1 Conclusion Technicians in company T have opportunity to have controlled body weight 5 41 times compared to other positions after controlled by participation rate in physical exercise and age variable Key words body weight control control programs in the work place obesity overweight physical activity physical exercise.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Budihardjo
Abstrak :
Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Madya Jakarta Pusat, dibentuk dalam kerangka modernisasi administrasi perpajakan dengan sasaran terjadinya peningkatan kepatuhan sukarela Wajib Pajak dan peningkatan kepercayaan Wajib Pajak kepada fiskus. Tujuan akhirnya adalah pengamanan penerimaan negara dalam arti proses pemungutan pajak dapat memajaki obyek pajak mendekati potensi yang sebenarnya dengan tetap memperhatikan faktor keadilan bagi Wajib Pajak. Sasaran dan Tujuan diharapkan dapat dicapai melalui strategi utama: peningkatan pelayanan dan pengawasan terhadap Wajib Pajak. Secara operasional dilakukan beberapa modifikasi dalam struktur organisasi menjadi lebih fungsional yang mengakibatkan perubahan pada desain pekerjaan, modernisasi sistem informasi yang didukung dengan teknologi tinggi, peningkatan kompetensi pegawai melalui uji kemampuan dan integritas, dan peningkatan kompensasi pegawai diimbangi dengan penegakan kode etik. Salah satu kendala utama modernisasi administrasi perpajakan adalah sulitnya mengubah perilaku pegawai sebagai bagian dari birokrasi yang telah terkondisi sekian lama dan menjadi ciri umum birokrat di Indonesia seperti arogansi, penyalahgunaan wewenang dan fasilitas, korupsi, korupsi dan nepotisme, serta perilaku yang kurang berorientasi pada kinerja. Beberapa ahli berpendapat bahwa tanpa adanya revolusi dalam attitude dan behavior aparat pajak, tujuan modernisasi administrasi tidak akan tercapai. Harus ada suatu perubahan. Penelitian merupakan penelitian diskriptif korelasional dengan tujuan untuk mernberi gambaran mengenai pola perilaku kerja pegawai KPP Madya Jakarta Pusat pasca implementasi Sistem Administrasi Perpajakan Modern. Selain itu diteliti juga mengenai pengaruh dua variabel utama yang dimodifikasi yaitu desain pekerjaan dan sistem kompensasi terhadap perilaku kerja pegawai. Pengujian statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana dan berganda. Sebelumnya, konstruk dan instrumen penelitian dilakukan uji validitas dengan menggunakan rumus Pearson Product Moment dan uji reliabilitas dengan tehnik beiah dua dilanjutkan dengan rumus Sperman Brown. Desain pekerjaan dan sistem kompensasi adalah dua dari beberapa variabel yang dalam model Meyer et al (1997) dan Gibson et al (1996) mempengaruhi perilaku kerja individu dalam organisasi. Hasil penelitian Melcher (1995) juga mendukung pendapat bahwa sistem kompensasi berpengaruh terhadap perilaku kerja. Sementara Hackman et al (1976) memperkuat pendapat mengenai pengaruh desain pekerjaan terhadap perilaku kerja dengan teorinya yang terkenal dengan sebutan teori karakteristik pekerjaan. Berdasarkan persepsi responden, yaitu 73 orang pegawai KPP Madya Jakarta Pusat, dapat diprediksi bahwa telah terjadi perubahan perilaku pegawai khususnya perilaku disfungsional seperti korupsi, kolusi, nepotisme, arogansi, serta adanya perubahan persepsi mengenai hubungan Fiskus dan Wajib Pajak. Namun demikian masih terdapat perilaku yang harus diperbaiki seperti penyalahgunaan waktu kerja dan fasilitas kantor, serta kurangnya semangat berkompetisi untuk mencapai kinerja tertinggi. Hasil uji statistik terhadap hubungan antar variabel menunjukkan bahwa desain pekerjaan dan sistem kompensasi mempunyai korelasi positif dan signifikan terhadap perilaku kerja. Secara parsial koefisien korelasi desain pekerjaan terhadap perilaku kerja adalah kuat, sedangkan sistem kompensasi terhadap perilaku kerja adalah sedang. Sedangkan secara bersama-sama koefisien korelasi menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat terhadap perilaku kerja. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini, diusulkan untuk memodifikasi sistem kompensasi dengan menyertakan unsur kinerja sebagai salah satu basis utama. Untuk itu perlu DJP perlu segera menyusun dan menyelesaikan sistem penilaian kinerja individual yang akan menjadi dasarnya. Selain itu perlu dilakukan identifikasi ulang seluruh tugas, tanggung jawab dan wewenang yang belum tercakup dalam uraian jabatan, memodifikasi Sistem Informasi DJP agar semakin banyak arus pekerjaan yang tercakup di dalamnya, dan segera menerbitkan petunjuk teknis untuk pelaksanaan pekerjaan.
Medium Tax Payer Office (KPP Madya) of Central Jakarta is established in the frame of modern tax administration with the aim to increase taxpayer's compliance and trust in fiscal. The final purpose is to secure state revenue, i.e. tax collection can be conducted on tax object in more realistic manner by considering taxpayer's fairness. Aim and purpose are achieved through the increase in service and supervision on the taxpayer. In the operational context, modifications of organizational structure are made resulting in modifications of work design, modem information and high technology, increase in personnel's behavior through competency and integrity evaluation, and increase in compensation being offset by code of conduct enforcement. One of main restrictions encountered in the modem tax administration is difficulty to change personnel' behavior as part of long standing bad bureaucracy and being characteristics of such Indonesian bureaucrats as arrogance, authority and facility misuse, corruption, collusion and nepotism and performance disoriented. Some experts argue that modern tax administration will mat be achieved unless revolution in tax personnel's attitude and behavior. So, there should be a change. This is a descriptive co relational study, and therefore it aimed at describing behavior of personnel at KPP Madya of Central Jakarta as one of Model Tax Office having adopted modem tax administration. Besides, the study also focuses on two modified key variables, namely work design and compensation on personnel's behavior. To analyze the influence of independent variables to the dependent one, single and multiple linear regression analysis are chooses for the statistical test method. The questionnaire and the construct have been pass trough the validity test (Pearson Product Moment formula) and reliability test (Split Half Method and Spearman Brown formula). Job design and compensation system are two of several variables in Meyer et al (1997) and Gibson et al (1996) model's that influence work place behavior. Moreover, Melcher's result study (1995) also proved that compensation system has strong influence the work place behavior. Another theory which describes the correlation between job design and workplace behavior is The Characteristic Job Theory by Hackman et al (1976). From 73 personnel at KPP Madya of Central Jakarta inquired as respondents, it is predicted that there has been change in personnel's behavior, especially dysfunctional one such as corruption, collusion, nepotism, arrogance, changed perception on relationship between Fiscus and taxpayer. Moreover, there are other behaviors requiring improvement such as working hours and facility misuse and lack of competition spirit to achieve best performance. The result of statistical test on correlation among variables showed that work design and compensation have positive and significant correlation against personnel behavior. Partially, correlation coefficient of work design against behavior is strong, while that of compensation against behavior is medium. Collectively, correlation coefficient indicates strong correlation against behavior. From this study, I recommend to modify compensation system by involving performance as the main basis. Therefore, DJP should establish and accomplish individual behavior assessment as well as re-identification of overall roles, responsibilities and authorities, which are not covered under functional details, modification of DJP information system to allow involvement of more works, and issuing technical directive.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library