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Corryanti Triwahyuningsih
Pembinaan ekosistem hutan dilakukan antara lain melalui kegiatan pembangunan hutan tanaman di wilayah-wilayah kritis dan lahan kosong. Dengan membangun hutan tanaman pada lahan-lahan kritis diharapkan akan memberi dampak positip, baik terhadap makhluk hidup yang ada di dalam hutan maupun masyarakat di sekitarnya.
Pembangunan hutan tanaman dilakukan antara lain dengan cara tanam banjarharian dan cara tanam tumpangsari dengan penanaman jenis-jenis pohon yang cepat tumbuh. Kegiatan pembangunan hutan tanaman cukup penting dibicarakan karena menyangkut banyak aspek, baik aspek ekologi, maupun aspek sosial ekonomi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pembentukan vegetasi hutan tanaman melalui penerapan cara tanam banjarharian dan cara tanam tumpangsari.
Penelitian memakai rancangan percobaan faktorial. Perlakuan adalah semua kemungkinan kombinasi taraf dari beberapa faktor, yakni jenis akasia dalam cara tanam banjarharian, jenis akasia dalam cara tanam tumpangsari, jenis albisia dalam cara tanam banjarharian dan jenis albisia dalam cara tanam tumpangsari. Analisis data melalui analisis keragaman, analisis uji jarak berganda Duncan, analisis tabel kontingensi disertai analisis deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan vegetasi hutan dalam cara tanam tumpangsari tumbuh lebih cepat daripada dalam cara tanam banjarharian. Jenis akasia tumbuh lebih cepat dibanding albisia. Penutupan tajuk tanaman dalam cara tanam tumpangsari lebih luas daripada dalam cara tanam banjarharian. Kerapatan tegakan menunjukkan kecenderungan menyusutnya jumlah batang perhektar pertahun sekitar 116 batang baik dalam cara tanam banjarharian maupun dalam cara tanam tumpangsari.
Keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan bawah dan permudaan menunjukkan dalam cara tanam banjarharian jenis tanaman lebih beraneka dibanding dalam cara tanam tumpangsari. Kerapatan tumbuhan bawah dan permudaan menunjukkan tidak terdapat kerapatan individu yang menyolok antar kedua cara tanam. Jenis-jenis yang tumbuh dalam hal ini menunjukkan jenis-jenis yang mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan setempat.
Jenis albisia terlihat tumbuh tertekan di lingkungan setempat dibanding jenis akasia. Untuk menghindari hutan rnonokultur melalui hanya menanami akasia yang sudah terlihat tumbuh baik, perlu mencari substitusi jenis albisia untuk pencampuran jenis dalam tegakan hutan. Jenis puspa yang gampang tumbuh di lingkungan setempat perlu dipertimbangkan dalam hal ini. Pemupukan yang dilakukan harus diupayakan secara baik terutama saat-saat awal penanaman di lapangan.
Tumbuhan bawah dan permudaan yang didominasi oleh jenis-jenis pionir pada dasarnya meriipakan elemen penunjang terhadap fungsi hutan. Oleh karenanya tumbuhan bawah dan permudaan ini tidak perlu dibabat habis karena keberadaannya menyangkut peran fungsi hutan.
Tumpangsari sangat berperan terhadap keberhasilan tanaman hutan, di samping itu akan pula memberi manfaat terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Dampak kegiatan tumpangsari terhadap masyarakat sekitar sementara ini belum terlihat nyata, karena pemanfaatan tenaga kerja masih mengambil dari daerah di luar kawasan hutan.
Pemanfaatan produk kayu di wilayah ini boleh disebut belum optimal karena masih hanya memperuntukkan hasil kayu sebagai bahan baku pulp saja. Pengembangan pemanfaatan produk kayu perlu dievaluasi, karena hendaknya pembangunan hutan mencakup peran ekologis maupun ekonomis.

Forest ecosystems development has been done other through the plantation forest establishment in arid area and land bare. It is hope the plantation forest establishment gives positive impacts to the living organisms in the forest and the surroundings community.
Plantation forest establishment has been done by the daily wage system (banjarharian system) and the taungya system (tumpangsari system) with fast growing species. This activity is necessary to be considered dealing with many aspects, ecological aspects or social economical aspects.
This research aims to see vegetation growing of plantation forest through implementing daily wage system and taungya system. This research used factorial experimental design. The treatment was possibility of level combination from amount factor, acacia in daily wage system; acacia in taungya system; albisia in daily wage system and albisia in taungya system. Data analyzed by variance analysis, Duncan multiple range tests, contingency table completed by descriptive analysis.
The result of the research indicated that the vegetation growing of plantation forest in taungya system was more rapidly than in daily wage system. The acacia grew faster than albisia. Forest canopy grew wider in taungya system than in daily wage system. Stand density decreased about 116 stems per year in both systems.
The diversity ground flora (ground cover and regeneration plants) indicated that in daily wage system was more diverse than in taungya system. The density of ground flora indicated that in both system didn't show difference density. The species of ground flora that grown, indicated that they were the species of adaptable to the environment.
The albizia growing was less suitable with the site condition compared with the acacia. It's needed more concern by the management to reevaluate this option of species. By supporting the combination species, to avoid monoculture forest it's necessary to consider puspa species that the species with the suitable ones. Fertilizing which done to avoid the loosing of nutrient should keep on undertaking.
The ground flora was dominated by pioneer species, basically as the supporting element to forest function. Therefore the ground flora shouldn't clear-cut because their existence has big role in forest function.
Taungya system has positive impact to succeed plant growing, beside that the system will give advantages to people surrounding the plantation forest. This condition has not been obviously shown because the manpower for this activity was recruited from other area.
The utilization of main products of plantation forest in this area was not considered optimal since they were still for pulp and popper row material only. Therefore the development in utilizing the wood, products is need to be considered as well as efficiency, because the forest. Establishment should including ecological aspects and economical aspects.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sunardi Sunardi
"Eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010 caused a dense cover of Acacia decurrens Willd., which is an Invasive Alien Plant Species (IAPS). The dense cover happened in all areas of Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP) in Java, Indonesia. This study was aimed to describe the relationship between major natural disturbance from volcanic eruption in triggering the invasion of A.decurrens in Mount Merapi National Park. Vegetation data were collected using line transect in two different sites. The first site was Cangkringan which was affected by pyroclastic flow and the second site was Selo which was not affected by pyroclastic flow. Distribution patterns and association of A.decurrens with other species in each location was analyzed using ordination analysis of the Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS). Microclimate such as temperature, humidity, light density and soil humidity was recorded in each location. Correlation between species abundance and microclimate data was assessed using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The results showed that the population of A. decurrens was more dominant in Cangkringan than in Selo site. Cangkringan site was impacted with pyroclastic flow during Mount Merapi eruption in 2010, while Selo site was not affected. In Cangkringan, A.decurrens was distributed in clump, while in Selo the plant was randomly distributed. Ordination analysis using NMDS showed that there was positive association between A.decurrens and herbaceous plant. Negative association was observed between A.decurrens and other tree species. CCA analysis showed that temperature and light density was positively correlated with A. decurrens abundance. This study showed that the IAPS invasion in MMNP was correlated with the eruption of Mount Merapi."
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2017
634.6 BIO 24:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yos Rifida
"Acacia man glum V/illd, merupakan tanaman penghijauan dan tanaman yang kayunya mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggij yang dapat digunakan untuk bahan baku pembuatan kertas, perabot rumah tangga, kayu bakar dan arang= Dalam upaya untuk menin^atkan budidaya tanaman A. man glum serta menunjang keberhasilan dalam proses pembentukan bintil akar bagi penin^>?;atan pertumbuhan tanaman tersebutj maka telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh inokulasi bakteri Rhizobium sp. dengan berbagai tingkatan variasi kepekatan optik atau "Optical Density" sebesar 0,10; 0,20 dan 0,30 pada kecambah A. mangium terhadap pertumbuhan dan jumlah bintil akar tanaman, Basil Uji Beda Nyata dari Tukey pada taraf nyata o< =- 0,01 menunjukkan bahv;a inokulasi bakteri Rhizobium sp, dengan berbagai tin^atan variasi kepekatan optik berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman (Tinggi, berat basah dan berat kering) pada umur 2 dan 3 bulan dan terhadap pembentukan bintil akar pada umur 3 bulan, Inokulasi bakteri dengan OD sebesar 0,10; 0,20. dan 0,30 tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata antara ketiga perlakuan tersebut, tetapi menunjukkan pengaruh nyata jika dibandingkan terhadap kontrol. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahv^a inokulasi bakteri dengan OD sebesar 0,10 optimum untuk pertumbuhan tanaman 4* tnangium sampai dengan umur 3 bulan«"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1989
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Utami
Penelitian mengenai transformasi gen xiloglukanase pada A. mangium telah dilakukan oleh Hartati dkk pada tahun 2011, menghasilkan A. mangium transgenik yang mengoverekspresikan gen tersebut, sehingga pertumbuhan menjadi lebih cepat. Tanaman A. magium transgenik terus dipelihara dan disubkultur hingga saat ini. Oleh karena itu, penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk menguji stabilitas gen xiloglukanase pada A. mangium transgenik hasil perbanyakan in vitro. Penelitian terdiri atas dua bagian,yaitu analisis molekular dan morfologi. Hasil analisis molekular menunjukkan bahwa dari seluruh sampel yang digunakan, dua galur A. mangium transgenik, X11 dan X21, yang telah disubkultur beberapa kali menunjukkan keberadaan gen xiloglukanase. Hasil pengamatan morfologi tidak menunjukkan adanya pertumbuhan dalam hal tinggi dan diameter planlet, hal tersebut mungkin karena kultur yang digunakan mengalami kemunduran fisiologis.

The study of xyloclucanase gene transformation in A. mangium was carried out by Hartati et al in 2011, yiedling a transgenic A. mangium that overexpressing the xyloglucanase gene, so the plants can grow more faster. The transgenic A. mangium is maintaned and subcultured continously. Therefore, the aim of study was to test the stability of xyloglucanase gene on transgenic A. mangium as a result of in Vitro propagation. Molecular and morphological approach were used in this research. The result showed that all of samples used, wild type A. mangium K , two line of transgenic A. mangium, X11 and X21 positively had xyloglucanase gene after the recurring subculture. The result of morphological observation did not show any alteration, because the culture used in the research undergo a physiological deterioration."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Due to critical
environmental issues, increasing future energy supplies and decreasing reserved
energy resources are currently the subject of comprehensive research. The use
of biomass as a renewable energy resource may be helpful in solving current
energy shortfalls, particularly for countries that have abundant biomass
resources. In this study, pyrolysis of coal, Acacia Mangium wood, and their respective blend samples were
investigated using proximate analysis and Thermogravimetric (TG?DTG). A mixture
of coal and A. Mangium wood with a
weight ratio 100:0, 90:10, 50:50, 10:90, and 0:100, were used and
non-isothermal conditions at a constant heating rate of 5, 15, and 30°C/min
were applied. Thermal evolution profile analysis of the pyrolysis process
confirms that the reactivity of the fuel increased with the increasing
proportion of the biomass in the fuel. The reactivity and maximum temperatures
increased with the increasing heating rates. Proximate analysis showed the
potential of biomass of A. Mangium
wood to be used as a mixture with coal in terms of low ash and high volatile
matter content."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Due to critical environmental issues, increasing future energy supplies and decreasing reserved energy resources are currently the subject of comprehensive research. The use of biomass as a renewable energy resource may be helpful in solving current energy shortfalls, particularly for countries that have abundant biomass resources. In this study, pyrolysis of coal, Acacia Mangium wood, and their respective blend samples were investigated using proximate analysis and Thermogravimetric (TG–DTG). A mixture of coal and A. Mangium wood with a weight ratio 100:0, 90:10, 50:50, 10:90, and 0:100, were used and non-isothermal conditions at a constant heating rate of 5, 15, and 30°C/min were applied. Thermal evolution profile analysis of the pyrolysis process confirms that the reactivity of the fuel increased with the increasing proportion of the biomass in the fuel. The reactivity and maximum temperatures increased with the increasing heating rates. Proximate analysis showed the potential of biomass of A. Mangium wood to be used as a mixture with coal in terms of low ash and high volatile matter content."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:5 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Risma Wati
Tablet lepas lambat merupakan tablet yang didesain untuk melepaskan zat aktif secara perlahan-lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat dan mengkarakterisasi eksipien sambungsilang dari koproses xanthan gum-gum akasia CL-Ko-XGGA sebagai matriks sediaan tablet lepas lambat dengan gliklazid sebagai model obat. Eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA merupakan hasil sambungsilang dari eksipien koproses xanthan gum-gum akasia Ko-XGGA menggunakan natrium trimetafosfat dengan perbandingan masing-masing eksipien, yaitu 1:2, 1:1, dan 2:1. Eksipien Ko-XGGA dan CL-Ko-XGGA dikarakterisasi secara fisika, kimia, dan fungsional. Eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA 1:2, 1:1, 2:1 memiliki derajat substitisi DS berturut-turut 0,067; 0,082; 0,088, serta kekuatan gel sebesar 14,03; 17,27; 20,70 gF. Eksipien tersebut memiliki sifat alir dan kemampuan mengembang yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan eksipien Ko-XGGA. Eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA diformulasikan dalam tablet lepas lambat sebagai matriks dengan metode granulasi basah dan seluruh formula memenuhi persyaratan evaluasi tablet. Pelepasan gliklazid dari tablet F1-F6 dalam medium dapar fosfat pH 7,4 natrium lauril sulfat 0,2 selama 12 jam menunjukkan profil pelepasan obat diperlambat dan dapat digunakan selama 8 hingga 32 jam. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam sediaan tablet lepas lambat eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA 2:1 memiliki kemampuan menahan pelepasan obat lebih baik dari eksipien CL-Ko-XGGA 1:2 dan 1:1.

Sustained release tablet is solid dosage form which is designed to release drugs slowly. This research was intended to prepare and characterize the cross linked excipient of coprocessed xanthan gum acacia gum CL Co XGGA as a matrix of sustained release tablet with gliclazide as the drug model. CL Ko XGGA excipient was cross linked results of coprocessed excipient of xanthan gum acacia gum Co XGGA using sodium trimetaphosphate, in the ratio of each excipient 1 2, 1 1, and 2 1. Co XGGA and CL Co XGGA excipients were characterized physically, chemically, and functionally. The degree of substitution DS of CL Co XGGA 1 2, 1 1, 2 1 excipients were respectively 0.067 0.082 0.088, and gel strength were respectively 14.03 17.27 20.70 gF. Those excipients had improved flow properties and swelling capability compared with the Co XGGA excipients. CL Co XGGA excipients were formulated in sustained release tablet as matrix by wet granulation method and all formulas passed tablet evaluation tests. The release of gliclazide from tablets F1 F6 in phosphate buffer medium pH 7.4 sodium lauryl sulphate 0.2 for 12 hours showed sustained release profile and can be used up to 8 until 32 hours. In conclusion, CL Co XGGA 2 1 excipient have better ability to retain drug release than CL Co XGGA 1 2 and 1 1 excipients in the sustained release tablets."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadhira Ghiffarina Wardoyo
"Madu dikenal dengan aktivitas biologisnya yang beragam, salah satunya adalah sebagai imunomodulator, yakni agen yang dapat mempengaruhi respon sistem imun. Di Indonesia, salah satu jenis madu yang sudah mulai banyak diproduksi adalah madu dari nektar Acacia crassicarpa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan uji proliferasi sel limfosit dengan uji MTS untuk mengetahui efek penambahan madu dalam berbagai variasi konsentrasi terhadap respon sel imun, identifikasi senyawa polifenol menggunakan Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectometry (LCMS/MS), serta pengukuran kadar senyawa fenolik total dimana senyawa polifenol yang terkandung dalam madu turut diduga memiliki efek imunomodulasi bagi tubuh. Selain itu dilakukan uji fisikokimia berdasarkan standar SNI 8664:2018. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa madu Acacia crassicarpa dapat meningkatkan viabilitas sel limfosit yang terinduksi LPS hingga mencapai 90% pada variasi konsentrasi madu Acacia crassicarpa terbesar yakni 160 μg/ml. Hal ini didukung dengan temuan senyawa-senyawa fenolik dan metabolit dalam madu yang lebih banyak dibandingkan madu randu sehingga diduga dapat mempengaruhi aktivitas imunomodulasi tersebut. Madu Acacia crassicarpa asal Tanjung Jabung Barat, Jambi menunjukkan kandungan fenolik total tertinggi sebesar 494,03 ppm, yang berpotensi memiliki aktivitas biologis lebih tinggi dibandingkan madu serupa asal daerah lain. Hasil pengujian fisikokimia menunjukkan bahwa madu Acacia crassicarpa memiliki kualitas yang baik dan aman dikonsumsi, namun dengan catatan pada beberapa parameter dimana hasil uji melebihi standar yang ditetapkan yakni kadar air, kadar gula pereduksi, kadar sukrosa, dan keasaman.
......Honey is well-known for its various biological activities, one of which as an immunomodulator, which are substances that can affect the response of the immune system. In Indonesia, one type of honey that is widely cultivated recently is the Acacia crassicarpa honey. This research was conducted by testing lymphocyte cell proliferation with MTS assay to determine the effect of various concentrations on immune cell response, identification of polyphenolic compounds using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectometry (LCMS/MS), as well as measurement of total phenolic content in which polyphenolic compounds in honey are suggested to have immunomodulation effect on human body. In addition, physicochemical tests were conducted based on the SNI 8664:2018 standard. The test results showed that Acacia crassicarpa honey able to increase the cell viability of LPS-induced lymphocytes up to 90% which is shown by honey concentration of 160 μg/ml. This result is supported by the findings of more phenolic and metabolic compounds compared to randu honey, therefore suggests these compounds may affect the immunomodulating activity. Acacia crassicarpa honey from West Tanjung Jabung, Jambi showed the highest total phenolic content of 494.03 ppm, and may have higher biological activity potential compared to similar honey from other regions. The results of physicochemical test showed that Acacia crassicarpa honey has good quality and safe for consumption, but with a note on several parameters where the test results exceeded the established standards; with those parameters being water content, reducing sugar content, sucrose content, and acidity."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article introduces the research results of a site index classification for Acacia hybrid plantations in Dong Nai Province. The objectives of this study were to (i) determine a baseline age of Acacia hybrid plantations to establish their site indices and (ii) develop site index curves for Acacia hybrid plantations. Three standard plots were established for each age group of 1-10 years with 111 trees per plot; 108 trees were measured for the estimation of growth criteria. Three trees were used for tree truncation, and truncated trees did not count for the estimation of tree growth criteria. In this study, the site index (SI) for Acacia hybrid plantations was divided into three levels according to the total height of the dominant trees. The heights collected from 108 trees were used to build the functions of the SI, and three truncated trees were used to examine the possibilities of the functions of SI. Research results showed that the appropriate baseline age of Acacia hybrid plantations at Dong Nai Province is 8 years. The site indices of hybrid plantations were divided into three site levels of I, II, and III, corresponding to heights of 24, 20 and 16 m, respectively. To improve the effectiveness of Acacia hybrid plantation businesses, owners should focus on growing plantations at site index levels of I or II."
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2021
634.6 BIO 28:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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