ABSTRAKAnak-anak merupakan kelompok umur yang memiliki risiko tinggi karena
pencemaran particulate matter PM10. Oleh sebab itu dilakukan penelitian untuk
melihat hubungan asupan pajanan PM10 dengan gejala gangguan pernafasan pada
anak sekolah dasar. Dalam penelitian ini variabel intake pajanan particulate matter,
jenis kelamin, umur dan status gizi diteliti pengaruhnya terhadap gejala gangguan
pernafasan. Disain studi yang digunakan adalah cross sectional, analisis data
dilakukan dengan univariat dan bivariat terhadap 102 responden. Pengukuran PM10
dilakukan selama 1 jam pada 4 titik sampling telah menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi
PM10 telah melampaui baku mutu sebesar 120,25 μg/m3. Sebanyak 43,1% responden
mengalami gejala gangguan pernafasan dan disimpulkan bahwa intake pajanan PM10
yang tinggi berhubungan signifikan dengan gejala gangguan pernafasan dengan
peluang 3 kali dibanding responden dengan intake pajanan rendah (p value =0,009).
Hubungan antara intake PM10 dan gejala gangguan pernafasan dipengaruhi juga oleh
umur responden dengan p value 0,018.
ABSTRACTChildren are within high risk age group of particulate matter PM10 exposure.
Therefore, a study needs to be conducted to see the correction of PM10 exposure
intake with respiratory symptoms in elementary students age group. In this study, the
intake of the PM10 exposure, the gender, the age and the nutritional status are
examined to know their effects on the respiratory symptoms. The study design being
used is cross sectional, with univariat and bivariat analysis on 102 respondents. The
measurement of PM10 carried out in 1 hour at 4 sampling points has shown that the
concentration of the PM10 has exceeded the standard quality of 120.25 μg/m3. A total
of 43.1% respondents are experiencing respiratory symptoms and it is concluded that
high exposure intake of PM10 is significantly associated with respiratory symptoms
with higher chances a chance of 3 times compared to respondents with low exposure
intake (p value = 0.009). The relationship between the exposure of PM10 and
respiratory symptoms is also influenced by the age of the respondents with p value of