ABSTRAKBencana banjir adalah salah satu permasalahan yang dialami DKI Jakarta dan
menimbulkan banyak kerugian di berbagai sektor, salah satunya sektor rumah
tangga. Kelurahan Rawa Buaya, Kecamatan Cengkareng Jakarta Barat adalah salah
satu wilayah di DKI Jakarta yang paling rawan mengalami bencana banjir. Kejadian
banjir yang sering terjadi membuat masyarakat yang tinggal di sana harus mampu
beradaptasi dan dapat melakukan manajemen banjir dengan baik guna menurunkan
tingkat kerugian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis persepsi risiko
terhadap banjir serta persepsi pentingnya melakukan adaptasi di Kelurahan Rawa
Buaya, mengestimasi nilai kerugian ekonomi total akibat banjir akibat banjir di
Kelurahan Rawa Buaya Jakarta Barat, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang
mempengaruhi kerugian ekonomi rumah tangga akibat banjir, dan menganalisis
keadaan sosial ekonomi masyarakat di Rawa Buaya dalam menghadapi banjir.
Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah campuran antara kuantitaif dan kualitatif.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa masyarakat Rawa Buaya sudah
memiliki persepsi risiko yang tinggi mengenai banjir dan sebagian besar mereka
telah melakukan tindakan mitigasi. Hasil estimasi kerugian ekonomi rata-rata yang
dialami tiap rumah tangga diperkirakan sebesar Rp 1.870.378,20. Kerugian sosial
lain yang dapat dihitung adalah biaya aktivitas dapur umum yang mencapai Rp
49,64 juta dan biaya eksternal bantuan dari luar yang mencapai Rp 58,73 juta.
Adapun dalam rangka pemulihan lingkungan pasca banjir juga memerlukan biaya
mencapai Rp 188,77 juta. Faktor-faktor yang paling mempengaruhi kerugian
ekonomi tersebut adalah tinggi banjir dan durasi banjir. Jika dibandingkan dengan
pendapatan per tahun, rata-rata nilai kerugian yang dialami untuk tiap golongan
tersebut mencapai 6,36% dan 4,99% dari rata-rata pendapatan per tahun mereka.
Hal ini memungkinkan alasan masyarakat untuk tidak ingin pindah dari lokasi
rawan banjir.
ABSTRACTFlood disaster is one of the Jakarta?s problems and caused many losses in varioussectors, one of which the household sector. Village of Rawa Buaya, Cengkareng,West Jakarta is one of Jakarta areas most prone to flooding. Flood events whichoccur often makes the people who live there to be able to adapt and be able to do agood flood management in order to reduce the level of losses. The aim of this studywas to analyze perceptions of risk to flooding as well as the perception of theimportance of adaptation in the village of Rawa Buaya, estimate the economiclosses total as a result of flooding caused by flooding in the village of Rawa Buaya,West Jakarta, analyzes the factors that influence the economic loss of householdsdue to flooding, and analyze the socio-economic circumstances of society in RawaBuaya in the face of floods. The research method is a mixture of quantitative andqualitative. Based on this research, it is known that communities in Rawa Buayaalready have a higher risk perception regarding flood and most of them have doneadaptation measures. The results in economic losses experienced on average perhousehold was estimated at Rp 1,87 million. Another social losses that can becalculated is the cost of the activity of the common kitchen which reached Rp 49,64million and external costs of external assistance reached Rp 58,73 million. As forthe environment in the context of post-flood recovery also requires a cost of Rp188,77 million. The factors that most influence the economic loss is inundationdepth and flood duration. Compared with the income per year, the average value oflosses for each group reached 6.36% and 4.99% of the average of their income peryear. This allows the public a reason to not want to move from flood-pronelocations., Flood disaster is one of the Jakarta’s problems and caused many losses in varioussectors, one of which the household sector. Village of Rawa Buaya, Cengkareng,West Jakarta is one of Jakarta areas most prone to flooding. Flood events whichoccur often makes the people who live there to be able to adapt and be able to do agood flood management in order to reduce the level of losses. The aim of this studywas to analyze perceptions of risk to flooding as well as the perception of theimportance of adaptation in the village of Rawa Buaya, estimate the economiclosses total as a result of flooding caused by flooding in the village of Rawa Buaya,West Jakarta, analyzes the factors that influence the economic loss of householdsdue to flooding, and analyze the socio-economic circumstances of society in RawaBuaya in the face of floods. The research method is a mixture of quantitative andqualitative. Based on this research, it is known that communities in Rawa Buayaalready have a higher risk perception regarding flood and most of them have doneadaptation measures. The results in economic losses experienced on average perhousehold was estimated at Rp 1,87 million. Another social losses that can becalculated is the cost of the activity of the common kitchen which reached Rp 49,64million and external costs of external assistance reached Rp 58,73 million. As forthe environment in the context of post-flood recovery also requires a cost of Rp188,77 million. The factors that most influence the economic loss is inundationdepth and flood duration. Compared with the income per year, the average value oflosses for each group reached 6.36% and 4.99% of the average of their income peryear. This allows the public a reason to not want to move from flood-pronelocations.]"