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Dieta Nurrika
Abstrak :
Ovarian cancer is one of the largest cause of death in women. It is often refered to as the silent killer because the symtoms remain unseen to the patient. The number of ovarian cancer cases varies in each country. For example, the rate of ovarian cancer in counties such as Asia and Africa lower rather than in most industrialized countries like Europe and North America, Rate of Epithelial ovarian cancer in women ages 45-49 was 16.4 cases per 100,000 people. The risk of being diagnosed increases with age. The risk more than doubles in women 60 and over with 40 cases per 100,000, and the highest rate at 61 cases to 100,000 is in the age group of women 80-84. Currently, informaiion regarding ovarian cancer in Indonesia is limited, but Dharmais Cancer Hospital found about 30 new cases of ovarian caricer every year. The purpose of this study is to determine the probability of serum albumin levels in the survivors of epithelial ovarian cancer at Dharmais Cancer Hospital in Jakarta in 1996-2004. Design study is retvospective cohort usirg secondary data epithelial ovarian cancer patients at Dharmais Cancer Hospital. The study uses observations of 48 patients from the time of their diagnotion until they are cured, their death or they lost to follow up. The data were analyzed using survival analysis. The resu!ts shows that overall probability five-year survival in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital Jakarta in 1996-2004 is 26.2%. the probability of patients surviving five years on the serum albumin with > 3.6 mg / dl was 36.1% whichis higher than those of patients with serum albumin <3.6 mg / di at 15.7%. After controled by stage of the cancer, the ascites and hemoglobin levels of the patients with an albumin level of < 3.6 mg / dl had a risk of death 7.979 times higher than with an a!tumin fevel > 3.6 mg / dl.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Agustia Rahma Putri
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Kanker saat ini masih menjadi salah satu masalah kesehatan utama di dunia. Insidensi kanker ginekologi di Indonesia masih tinggi. Aspek nutrisi merupakan salah satu aspek yang paling sering mengalami kelainan pada pasien dengan kanker. Patient Generated-Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) merupakan modalitas skrining nutrisi yang mengombinasikan data kualitatif dan semi-kuantitatif. Proses inflamasi sistemik yang terjadi pada pasien kanker dapat mengakibatkan penurunan kadar albumin dan prealbumin. Namun, belum banyak penelitian sebelumnya yang mencari bagaimana korelasi kadar albumin dan prealbumin terhadap skor PG-SGA. Tujuan: Mengetahui parameter yang paling baik dalam mendeteksi malnutrisi untuk pasien dengan onkologi ginekologi di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang (cross sectional). Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah pasien yang didiagnosis dengan kanker ginekologi yang berobat ke Poliklinik Onkologi Ginekologi RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dan direncanakan atau telah menjalani terapi pada Oktober 2020 - September 2021. Pasien dengan riwayat keganasan primer selain keganasan ginekologi, menerima terapi kortikosteroid oral atau intravena, riwayat pembedahan saluran cerna yang memengaruhi absorpsi/asupan nutrisi, dan riwayat penyakit liver akut atau kronik dan alkoholisme dieksklusi dari penelitian. Hasil: Didapatkan sebanyak 90 subjek yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian. Secara keseluruhan, nilai rerata albumin yaitu 4,19 g/dL, rerata prealbumin yaitu 39,1 mg/dL, dan rerata skor PG-SGA yaitu 3 atau kategori A. Terdapat korelasi positif lemah antar kadar albumin dengan prealbumin (r=0,378, p=0,000), Terdapat korelasi negatif lemah antara kadar albumin terhadap skor PG-SGA (r=-0,313, p=0,003), sedangkan tidak terdapat korelasi kadar prealbumin terhadap skor PG-SGA (r=-0,145, p=0,173). Kesimpulan: Didapatkan korelasi antara albumin terhadap skor PG-SGA, namun tidak didapatkan korelasi antara prealbumin terhadap skor PG-SGA. ......Background: Cancer is still one of the major health problems in the world. The incidence of gynecological cancer in Indonesia is still high. Nutritional aspect is one of the most frequent aspects of abnormalities in patients with cancer. Patient Generated-Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) is a nutritional screening modality that combines qualitative and semi-quantitative data. Systemic inflammatory process that occurs in cancer patients can result in a decrease in albumin and prealbumin levels. However, there have not been many previous studies looking at the correlation between albumin and prealbumin levels on the PG-SGA score. Objective: Knowing the best parameters in detecting malnutrition for gynecological oncology patients at RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional method. The subjects of this study were diagnosed with gynecological cancer who went to the Gynecological Oncology Polyclinic of RSUPN Dr. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and planned or already undergoing therapy during October 2020 - September 2021. Patients with a history of primary malignancy other than gynecological malignancy, receiving oral or intravenous corticosteroid therapy, history of gastrointestinal surgery affecting nutrient absorption/intake, and history of acute or chronic liver disease and alcoholism was excluded from the study. Results: There were 90 subjects who were included in this study. Overall, the average level of albumin was 4.19 g/dL, the average level of prealbumin was 39.1 mg/dL, and the average of scored-PG-SGA was 3 or category A. There was a weak positive correlation between albumin and prealbumin levels (r=0.378, p=0.000). This study showed a weak negative correlation between albumin level and scored-PG-SGA (r=-0.313, p=0.003), whereas there was no correlation between prealbumin levels and scored-PG-SGA (r=-0.145, p=0.173). Conclusion: A weak negative correlation was found between albumin and the scored-PG-SGA, but no correlation was found between prealbumin and the scored-PG-SGA.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chaerul Achmad
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Penyakit arteri perifer terjadi akibat penyempitan pembuluh darah arteri karena proses ateroskierosis. Beberapa studi yang lalu menunjukan bahwa penyakit arteri perifer dihubungkan dengan peningkatan kesakitan dan kematian penyakit kardiovaskular secara signifikan. Deteksi yang mampu menilai darah secara cepat sebelum kejadian nekrosis menunjukan hal yang berharga pada triage pasien dalam menurunkan biaya perawatan. N-terminal albumin yang mengalami kerusakan atau terikat dengan tembaga dinamakan ischemia modified albumin (IMA). Test albumin cobalt binding (ACB) merupakan tes diagnosis kuantitatif yang dapat mendeteksi albumin yang termodifikasi yang terjadi pada saat albumin terekspos jaringan iskernik melalui pengukuran kapasitas ikatan albumin dalam serum atau plasma manusia. Pada studi eksperimental ini, diteliti peningkatan ACB akibat lamanya proses iskernik. Metode. 10 hewan kelinci dengan jenis kelamin jantan dari ras New Zealand White (NZW) usia 5 bulan mengalami perlakuan iskemia total pada tungkai kin. ACB serum darah diukur sebelum dilakukan iskemi tungkai dan ini dilihat sebagai kontrol. Pengukuran dilanjutkan pada menit ke-15 dan menit 150 secara berurutan. Analisis statistik menggunakan program SPSS versi 11,5 dengan menggunakan tes general linear models (GLM) repeated measured. Hasil. Nilai rerata ACB sebelum iskemia adalah 48,30 + 5,95 u/ml dan nilai reratanya meningkat menjadi 103,43 ± 13,67 u/ml pada 15 menit sesudah mengalami iskernia. Terjadi peningkatan delta sebelum iskemia dan 15 menit setelah iskemia sebesar 55,13 u/mL. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kadar ACB pada menit ke-15 setelah iskemia dengan sebelum iskemia. Nilai rerata ACB menit ke-150 setelah iskernia adalah 155,42 ± 22,87 u/ml. Terdapat peningkatan kadar ACB antara sebelum iskemia, 15 menit, dan 150 menit setelah iskemia masing-masing sebesar 51,98 dan 107,12 ulmL. Kesimpulan. Kadar ACB meningkat pada kelinci yang mengalami iskemia tungkai dan peningkatan kadar ACB sesuai dengan lamanya iskemia. Kata kunci: Penyakit arteri perifer, ischemia modified albumin, albumin cobalt binding.
Background. Peripheral arterial diseases (PAD) commonly result from progressive narrowing of arteries due to atherosclerosis. Previous studies have shown that PAD associated with a significantly elevated risk of cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. A rapid blood test capable of detecting prior to necrosis would prove invaluable in patient triage and in reducing health care cost. Albumin in which the N-terminus is either damaged or bound to copper is termed ischemia modified albumin (IMA). The albumin cobalt binding (ACB) test is quantitative diagnostic test that detect modification to albumin that occur when albumin is exposed to ischemic tissue by measuring the cobalt binding capacity of albumin in human serum or plasma. In this experimental study, the increase of ACB was observed with induced by duration of ischemia. Methods. Ten male New Zealand White Rabbits aged 5 months experienced total ischemia of the left limb. Blood serum ACB was measured before performing ischemia of the left limb as a control. Fifteen minutes and 150 minutes after ischemia blood serum ACB as secondary and thirdly measurement were measured. Statistical analysis program SPSS version 11.5 by using General linear Model (GLM) repeated measure test. Results. The mean value of ACB before ischemia was 48.30 1 5.95 u/ml and increased mean value of ACB 103.43 13.67 u/ml in 15 minutes after ischemia. There was increasing delta before ischemia and 15 minutes after ischemia was 55.13 u/ml. There were significant differences of ACB level in the 15 minutes after ischemia compared with before ischemia. The mean level of ACB 150 minutes after ischemia was 155.42 ± 22.87 u/ml. There were increasing level ACB before compared to 15 minutes and 150 minutes after ischemia (51.98 and 107.12, respectively). Conclusions. ACB level increased in rabbits with acute limb ischemia, where increasing level ACB parallel with length of occlusion. Key words: Peripheral artery disease, ischemia modified albumin, albumin cobalt binding.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Allan Taufiq Rivai
Abstrak :
Hipoalbuminemia merupakan komplikasi yang umum ditemui pada penyakit ginjal kronik. Hemodialisis dapat pula menyebabkan keadaan hipoalbuminemia. Kadar albumin kurang dari 4 g/dl termasuk faktor risiko utama mortalitas pada pasien hemodialisis. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui status albumin serum pasien hemodialisis di RSCM pada bulan Februari tahun 2009 dan hubungannya dengan kelompok usia, jenis kelamin dan derajat lama hemodialisis (¡Ü 1 tahun dan > 1 tahun). Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang. Subjek adalah pasien yang menjalani hemodialisis di RSCM pada bulan Februari 2009. Data kadar albumin serum dibagi menjadi dua status, yakni normal dan hipoalbuminemia. Hubungan antara kelompok usia, jenis kelamin derajat lama hemodialisis dan status albumin serum diuji dengan uji chi square (p<0,05). Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan 108 subjek dengan umur rerata 50,48 (SD 13,44) tahun, terdiri dari 57% pria dan 43% wanita. Median lama hemodialisis 2,3 (0,3-17,5) tahun. Proporsi hipoalbuminemia (kadar albumin serum < 4 g/dl) pada pasien penyakit ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisis di RSCM bulan Februari 2009 sebesar 41,7%. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kelompok usia (< 50 tahun dan ¡Ý 50 tahun) ataupun jenis kelamin dengan status albumin serum (normal dan hipoalbuminemia). Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara derajat lama hemodialisis (¡Ü 1 tahun dan > 1 tahun) dengan status albumin serum pasien hemodialisis di RSCM pada bulan Februari tahun 2009 (OR = 2,56; CI: 1,01 ¨C 6,58). Kadar albumin serum cenderung lebih rendah pada pasien dengan lama hemodialisis satu tahun atau kurang. ......Hypoalbuminemia is a common complication in chronic renal disease. Hemodialysis can also cause hypoalbuminemia. Serum albumin level less than 4g/dl is a major risk factor for mortality in hemodialysis patients. The objective of the study is to know the state of serum albumin of hemodialysis patients in RSCM on February 2009 and its relationship with group age, sex, and degree of hemodialysis duration (¡Ü 1 year and > 1 year). The design used was cross sectional study. Subjects were patients who undergo hemodialysis in RSCM on February 2009. The data of serum albumin level was categorized into normal or hypoalbuminemia state. The association between group age, sex, and degree of hemodialysis duration with the state of serum albumin were tested using chisquare test (p<0.05). From the study, there were 108 patients with a mean age of 50.48 (SD 13.44) years old and a median hemodialysis duration of 2.3 (0.3-17.5) years, 57% were male and 43% were female. Proportion of hypoalbuminemia (serum albumin level < 4 g/dl) in patients who undergo hemodialysis in RSCM on February 2009 is 41.7%. There are no significant relationship between group age (< 50 years old and ¡Ý 50 years old) and sex with the state of serum albumin. The relationship between degree of hemodialysis duration (¡Ü 1 year and > 1 year) and the state of serum albumin is significant (OR = 2.56, CI: 1.01 ¨C 6.58). Serum albumin level tend to be lower in patients who undergo hemodialysis for 1 year or less.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bonita Effendi
Abstrak :
Penegakkan diagnosis sepsis lebih dini perlu dilakukan agar tepat dalam inisiasi penatalaksanaan sepsis, terutama saat di instalasi gawat darurat. Insidens sepsis cenderung meningkat, di Indonesia mortalitas pada tahun 2000 mencapai 84,5%. Penyebab dari sepsis bersifat multifaktorial. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi peningkatan risiko mortalitas berdasarkan jumlah sumber infeksi, asal infeksi (komunitas atau nosokomial), jumlah komorbid, sistem skor, albumin, kalium, dan kreatinin darah pada pasien terdiagnosis sepsis. Desain studi adalah kohort retrospektif dengan data rekam medis RSCM dan penelitian sepsis Divisi Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI/RSCM. Kriteria inklusi meliputi pasien dewasa berusia > 18 tahun terdiagnosis sepsis sesuai kriteria Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2012 (SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS) tahun 2012 dan dirawat inap di RSCM dari Januari 2014?Desember 2015. Studi dianalisis dengan SPSS ver 12.0. Dari 286 pasien, 75,9% memiliki jumlah sumber infeksi tunggal dan 53,5% berasal dari infeksi nosokomial. Selain itu, 80,8% dilaporkan dengan jumlah komorbid multipel. Dari pemantauan selama 28 hari, peningkatan kalium, skor qSOFA > 2, dan skor MSOFA > 11 meningkatkan risiko terjadinya mortalitas akibat sepsis dengan HR kalium > 5,0 mEq/l 1,91 (IK 95% 1,32?1,78, p 0,001) ; HR qSOFA > 2 1,19 (IK 95% 0,92-1,54, p 0,17) dan HR MSOFA > 11 1,38 (IK 95% 0,96?1,98, p 0,07). Median lama rawat inap dari pasien dengan sepsis hari ke-3 (IK 95% 2,53?3,47). Semakin lama pemantauan, maka probabilitas kesintasan akan semakin menurun. Kalium darah, skor qSOFA, dan skor MSOFA merupakan faktor yang memengaruhi mortalitas pasien sepsis di IGD dan dirawat di RSCM selama pemantauan 28 hari. ......Early diagnosis of sepsis is essential to initiate sepsis management especially in emergency room. Sepsis incidence rate tends to increase, in Indonesia the mortality rate year 2000 reached 84.5%. The cause of sepsis is multifactorial. The objectives are to determine factors associated with increased mortality risk based on single/multiple infection sources and comorbidity, community/nosocomial infection, scoring system, albumin/potassium/creatinine concentration in patients with sepsis. This is a cohort retrospective study based on medical records and research tree of sepsis from Division of Tropic and Infection, Internal Medicine Department, FMUI-RSCM. Inclusion criteria includes patients aged > 18 years diagnosed with sepsis based on Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2012 (SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS), hospitalized in RSCM within January 2014- December 2015. Analysis is based on SPSS ver 12.0. From 286 patients, there were 75.9% suffered from single source of infection and 53.5% due to nosocomial infection. There were 80.8% of septic patients had > 1 comorbidities. Within 28 days, increased potassium, qSOFA score > 2, and MSOFA score > 11 tended to increase mortality risk due to sepsis with HR of potassium > 5,0 mEq/l 1.91 (95% CI 1.32?1.78, p .001) ; HR qSOFA > 2 1.19 (95% CI 0.92?1.54, p .17) dan HR MSOFA > 11 1.38 (95% CI 0.96?1.98, p .07). Median lifetime within 28 days was 3 days (95% CI 2.53?3.47). The longer the duration of survival analysis, the lower the probability of survival. Potassium, qSOFA and MSOFA scoring system were factors associated with increased risk of mortality in patients with sepsis admitted in emergency room and hospitalized in RSCM within 28 days of survival analysis.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hubertus Hosti Hayuanta
Abstrak :
Pasien sirosis hati perlu dievaluasi secara berkala untuk menentukan adanya varises esofagus (VE) dan ukurannya (besar atau kecil), karena VE besar membutuhkan penatalaksanaan yang lebih agresif. Evaluasi ini dilakukan dengan endoskopi yang tidak selalu ada, invasif, dan berbiaya tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan yang non invasif, lebih murah, dan lebih mudah diakses untuk menentukan besarnya VE. Parameter yang diteliti adalah hitung trombosit, prothrombin time (PT), kadar albumin, dan bilirubin. Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang dengan 64 subjek, terdiri atas 24 pasien sirosis hati dengan VE besar dan 40 tanpa VE besar. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada hitung trombosit, PT, dan kadar albumin antara kedua kelompok, sedangkan kadar bilirubin tidak memberikan perbedaan yang bermakna. Untuk parameter hitung trombosit didapatkan besar area under the curve untuk memprediksi VE besar sebesar 80,9%, dengan cutoff 89,5 x 103/μL didapatkan sensitivitas 79,2% dan spesifisitas 75,0%; PT 68,4%, dengan cutoff 14,05 detik didapatkan sensitivitas 70,8% dan spesifisitas 67,5%; kadar albumin 76,6%, dengan cutoff 3,275 g/dL didapatkan sensitivitas 70,8% dan spesifisitas 75,0%. Model prediksi sirosis hati dengan VE besar adalah P = 1/(1 + Exp-Logit (y)) dengan Logit (y) = 11,989 – 0,026 x hitung trombosit – 2,243 x kadar albumin – 0,184 x PT. ......Patients with liver cirrhosis require periodic evaluation to determine the presence and size of esophageal varices (EV), because the large ones demand more aggressive management. Evaluation is done using endoscopy, which is not always available, invasive, and costly. This study aims to acquire tests that are noninvasive, cheaper, and more accessible to determine the size of EV. Studied parameters were platelet count, prothrombin time (PT), albumin, and bilirubin level. The study design was cross sectional with 64 subjects, consisted of 24 liver cirrhotic patients with large VE and 40 without. This study found significant difference in platelet count, PT, and albumin level between both groups, while bilirubin level was not. The size of area under the curve for platelet count to predict large VE was 80.9%, cutoff 89.5 x 103/μL (sensitivity 79.2%, specificity 75.0%), PT 68.4%, cutoff 14.05 seconds (sensitivity 70.8%, specificity 67.5%), and albumin level 76.6%, cutoff 3.275 g/dL (sensitivity 70.8%, specificity 75.0%). Prediction model for liver cirrhosis with large VE was P = 1/(1 + Exp-Logit (y)) with Logit (y) = 11.989 – 0.026 x platelet count – 2.243 x albumin level – 0.184 x PT.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zatira Novyanti Tasya Elfizri
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Penduduk pemukiman kumuh dan nonkumuh memiliki pola pajanan pathogen yang berbeda sehingga diduga menyebabkan perbedaan profil imun. Rasio albumin globulin dan komplemen C3, fraksi β-globulin yang berfungsi sebagai pusatkonvergensi sistem komplemen yang merupakan sistem imun bawaan, diduga memiliki profil yang berbeda berdasarkan tipe pemukiman dan pola pajanannya. Metode: Studi potong lintang ini melibatkan masing-masing 20 orang dari penduduk sekitar TPU Bantar Gebang yang mewakili populasi kumuh dan civitas Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Yarsi, Jakarta yang mewakili populasi nonkumuh. Nilai rasio albumin globulin diukur dengan cara membandingkan nilai albumin dengan selisih antara protein total dengan albumin. Komplemen C3 diukur menggunakan metode radial immunodiffusion. Hasil: Populasi kumuh memiliki nilai rasio albumin globulin lebih rendah signifikan dibanding populasi nonkumuh (p =0,004). 65% populasi kumuh memiliki ekspresi komplemen C3 tinggi (>1275,0) sedangkan 70% populasi nonkumuh memiliki ekspresi komplemen C3 rendah (≤1275,0) (p = 0,027). Rasio albumin globulin dan komplemen C3 memiliki tren korelasi negatif (R= −0,251, p = 0,062). Lima puluh persen populasi kumuh memiliki rasio albumin globulin rendah (≤1,38) dan ekspresi komplemen C3 tinggi (>1275,0) (p = 0,018). Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan rerata rasio albumin globulin dan perbedaan proporsi ekspresi komplemen C3 yang signifikan pada populasi kumuh dan nonkumuh. Terdapat tren hubungan terbalik antara rasio albumin globulin dan ekspresi komplemen C3. Proporsi rasio albumin globulin rendah dan ekspresi komplemen C3 tinggi lebih banyak
Introduction: Slum and non-slum dwellers have different pathogenic exposure patterns that are thought to cause differences in immune profile. The ratio of albumin globulin and C3 complement, the β-globulin fraction that functions as a center convergence of the complement system which is the innate immune system, is thought to have a different profile based on the type of settlement and its exposure patterns. Method - This cross-sectional study involved 20 people from each population around the Bantar Gebang TPU which represents the slum population and the Yarsi University Faculty of Medicine community, Jakarta representing the non-slum population. The value of albumin globulin ratio is measured by comparing the value of albumin with the difference between total protein with albumin. C3 supplements are measured using the radial immunodiffusion method. Results: Slum populations have significantly lower albumin globulin ratios compared to non-slum populations (p = 0.004). 65% of the slum population has high C3 complement expression (> 1275.0) while 70% of the non-slum population has low C3 complement expression (≤1275.0) (p = 0.027). The ratio of albumin globulin and complement C3 has a negative correlation trend (R = −0.251, p = 0.062). Fifty percent of the slum population had a low albumin globulin ratio (≤1.38) and high C3 complement expression (> 1275.0) (p = 0.018). Conclusion- There is a significant difference in the ratio of albumin globulin and a significant difference in the proportion of C3 complement expression in slum and non-slum populations. There is a trend of an inverse relationship between albumin globulin ratio and C3 complement expression. The proportion of albumin globulin ratio is low and the expression of high C3 complement is higher
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roza Mulyana
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang.Ophiocephalus striatus berpotensi meningkatkan kadar IGF-1 dan albumin karena mengandung asam amino, asam lemak, vitamin, dan mineral. Belum ada penelitian menggunakan ekstrak Ophiocephalus striatus khusus pada pasien usia lanjut dengan malnutrisi.Tujuan. Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak Ophiocephalus striatus terhadap kadar IGF-1 dan albumin pasien usia lanjut dengan malnutrisiMetode. Uji klinis acak tersamar ganda dilakukan pada pasien rawat inap yang telah melewati kondisi akut dan dibolehkan pulang, berusia ge; 60 tahun dengan skor Mini Nutritional Assessment le; 23,5 dan kadar albumin < 3,5 g/dL. Dilakukan randomisasi untuk mendapatkan ekstrak Ophiocephalus striatus 10 gram sehari atau plasebo selama 14 hari. Kadar IGF-1 dan albumin diperiksa sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak OS dianalisis menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan atau uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil. Randomisasi dilakukan terhadap 109 subjek, sebanyak 90 subjek menyelesaikan penelitian hingga 14 hari masing-masing kelompok45 orang . Median usia 69 64;75 tahun dengan perbandingan laki-laki dan perempuan 2 : 3. Didapatkan perubahan kadar IGF-1 dan albumin sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok ekstrak OS vs plaseboberturut-turut 14,70 0,30;31,50 ng/mL vs 1,00 -6;13,15 ng/mL p = 0,002 dan 0,50 0,15;0,70 g/dL vs 0,10 0,0;0,50 g/dL p = 0,003 . Simpulan. Ekstrak Ophiocephalus striatus dapat meningkatkan kadar IGF-1 dan albumin pasien usia lanjut dengan malnutrisi
Backgound.Supplementation with Ophiocephalus striatus is potential to increase IGF 1 and albumin levels in elderly malnourished patients beacause of the contents of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.Objective.This study was conducted to confirm the effect of Ophiocephalus striatusextract on levels of IGF 1 and albumin in elderly malnourished patients. Method.The study design is a double blind randomized controlledtrial involving hospitalizedmalnourished ge 60 years old patientsin acute ward before discharged, with Mini Nutritional Assessment score le 23.5 and albumin level 3.5 g dL.A total of 109 subjects were randomly divided into two groups including one group received Ophiocephalus striatus extract 10 g per day and another group received plasebo for 14 days. Albumin and IGF 1 levelswere obtained before and after intervention. Results.Ninety subjects completed the study extract group 45 subjects plasebo goup 45 subjects for 14 days. Median of age was 69 64 75 years, with male to female ratio were 2 3. The delta differences of IGF 1 and albumin levels between extract group and placebo group were 14.7 0.30 31.5 ng mL vs 1.00 6 13.15 ng mL p 0.002 and 0.50 0.15 0.70 g dL vs 0.10 0,0 0.50 g dL p 0.003 , respectively. There were significant differences between extract and placebo group. Conclusions. Supplementation with Ophiocephalus striatus extract was associated with a significant increase in IGF 1 and albumin levels.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulkifli Amin
Abstrak :
Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) merupakan infeksi nosokomial yang paling sering diteuka di intensive care unit (ICU) dan memiliki angka mortalitas yang tinggi. Hipoalbuminemia telah lama diketahui sebagai pertanda prognosis buruk pada pasien dengan penyakit kritis, namun peranannya pada pasien VAP belum jelas diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan albumin serum inisial dalam memprediksi mortalitas pasien VAP. Metode: Kami melakukan penelitian kohort retrospektif dengan menganalisis data pasien VAP yang dirawat di rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo selama kurun waktu tahun 2003- 2012. Pasien dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok berdasarkan kadar albumin serum inisial: Grup-1 (kurang dari 2,7 g/dL), Grup-2 (2,7-3,5 g/dL), Grup-3 (lebih dari 3,5 g/dL). Risiko mortalitas selama perawatan dianalisis dengan Cox propotional hazard model. Hasil: Dari 194 pasien yang diikutsertakan, sebanyak 95 (49%) pasien termasuk dalam Grup-1, 83 (42,8%) pasien termasuk dalam Grup-2 dan 16 (8,2%) pasien termasuk dalam Grup-3. Mortalitas selama perawatan terjadi terjadi pada 58,2% subjek. Rasio hazard terjadinya mortalitas untuk Grup-1 dan Grup-2 adalah 2,48 (IK 95% 1,07 sampai 5,74; p = 0,033) dan 1,42 (IK 95% 0,60 sampai 3,34; p = 0,43) apabila dibandingkan dengan Grup-3. Simpulan: Adanya hipoalbuminemia akan meningkatkan risiko mortalitas. Kadar serum albumin inisial sebaiknya dipertimbangkan sebagai prediktor mortalitas pada pasien VAP.
Jakarta: Departement of Internal Medicine. Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, 2016
616 UI-JCHEST 3:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roza Mulyana
Abstrak :
Background: a freshwater fish Ophiocephalus striatus or known locally to Indonesian as haruan,can potentially increases IGF-1 and albumin levels in elderly patients with hypoalbuminemia due to the contents of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Ophiocephalus striatus extract on the level of IGF-1 and albumin in elderly patients with hypoalbuminemia due to the contents of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Ophiocephalus striatus extract on the level of IGF-1 and albumin in elderly patients with hypoalbuminemia. Methods: the study is a double-blind randomized controlled trial involving malnourished elderly inpatients (≥60 years old) recovering from acute condition before hospital discharge, with Mini Nutritional Assessment score ≤23.5 and albumin level <3.5 g/dL. A total of 109 subjects were randomly divided into two groups: one group received 10 g Ophiocephalus striatus extract per day for 14 days and another group received placebo. Albumin and IGF-1 levels were obtained before and after intervention. Results: ninety subjects completed the study (extract group=45 subjects; placebo group =45 subjects) for 14 days. The median of age were 69 (64;75) years and the male to female ratio were 2 : 3. The changes of IGF-1 and albumin levels from before to after intervention between extract group compared to placebo group were 14.7 (0.30;31.5) ng/mL vs 1.0 (-6;13.15) ng/mL (p=0.002) and 0.5 (0.15;0.70) g/dL vs 0.10 (0.0;0.50) g/dL (p=0.003), respectively. There were significant differences in the improvement of IGF-1 and albumin levels between extract and placebo group. Conclusion: supplementation of Ophiocephalus striatus extract was associated with a significant increase in IGF-1 and albumin levels in elderly patients with hypoalbuminemia.
Jakarta: Interna Publishing, 2017
610 IJIM 49:4 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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