ABSTRAKAnak talasemia sering mengalami masalah perubahan perilaku. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perubahan perilaku anak talasemia. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode potong lintang menggunakan kuesioner pada 105 orang tua dan anak talasemia usia 6-18 tahun. Hasilnya tidak terdapat hubungan antara faktor karakteristik anak, hospitalisasi berulang, multitransfusi, dan faktor orang tua terhadap kecemasan dan penurunan perhatian. Usia anak, jenis kelamin, suku, dan hospitalisasi berulang berhubungan dengan masalah sosial. Hasil analisis regresi menyatakan bahwa remaja beresiko 0,4 kali mengalami masalah sosial sedangkan ekonomi rendah 2,37 kali meningkatkan resiko masalah penurunan perhatian. Perawat bertanggung jawab untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan perilaku pada anak talasemia.
ABSTRACTChildren with thalassemia often have behavioral changes. The study aims is to identify factors related to behavioral changes in thalassemia?s children. This cross sectional study consist of 105 children respondent (6-18 years old) and their parents to filled questionnaire. The results shown that there are no associaton between children caracteristic, repeated hospitalization, multitransfusi, and parents factors with anxiety and attention deficits. Age, sex, ethnic, and repeated hospitalization have significant association with social problem. Regression analysis states that adolescents affecting social problem 0,4 times and low economic affecting attention deficits 2,37 times. Nurses responsible to asses behavioral change in thalassemia?s children, Children with thalassemia often have behavioral changes. The study aims is to identify factors related to behavioral changes in thalassemia’s children. This cross sectional study consist of 105 children respondent (6-18 years old) and their parents to filled questionnaire. The results shown that there are no associaton between children caracteristic, repeated hospitalization, multitransfusi, and parents factors with anxiety and attention deficits. Age, sex, ethnic, and repeated hospitalization have significant association with social problem. Regression analysis states that adolescents affecting social problem 0,4 times and low economic affecting attention deficits 2,37 times. Nurses responsible to asses behavioral change in thalassemia’s children]"