Rambe, Mhd. Arsyad Elfiqah
ABSTRAKFornas merupakan daftar obat acuan yang digunakan dalam program Jaminan
Kesehatan Nasional sehingga perlu diteliti penggunaanya dilapangan. Penelitian
ini bertujuan untuk melihat proporsi penggunaan obat yang sesuai Fornas dan
menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan obat yang sesuai
Fornas di Unit Rawat Jalan RSUD Kota Padangsidimpuan. Metodenya adalah
metode kuantitatif (deskriptif analitik dengan 380 data rekam medis) dan metode
kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Proporsi
penggunaan obat Fornas hanya 83,2%. Pencapaian yang tidak mencapai 100% ini
dipengaruhi oleh tidak adanya prosedur internal penggunaan obat Fornas,
disfungsi Instalasi Farmasi, Tim Farmasi dan Terapi belum terbentuk, tidak
adanya evaluasi dari manajemen rumah sakit, metode pengarahan atau sosialisasi
hanya bersifat lisan serta terbatasnya dukungan dana dari APBD. Saran dari
penelitian ini adalah melakukan metode lain untuk sosialisasi, merevitalisasi
instalasi farmasi, membentuk Tim Farmasi dan Terapi, mempertimbangkan opsi
perubahan status menjadi BLUD, meninjau ulang kerjasama dengan Apotek KPN
dan menerapkan sistem satu pintu dalam pelayanan kefarmasian serta melakukan
advokasi kepada pemerintah Kota Padangsidimpuan untuk mengembangkan
RSUD Kota Padangsidimpuan.
ABSTRACTThe national formulary is list of reference medicines that used in national health
insurance program. Thus it is important to do research towards its use at the
hospital. This research aims to evaluate the proportion of the national formulary
medicines used in accordance with the national formulary and analyze the factors
that influence it at Kota Padangsidimpuan hospital. The method of this study is
mixed of quantitative (descriptive analytic by using data from 380 medical
records) and qualitative (by doing in-depth interview and documentary review).
Proportion of the national formulary medicines used in Kota Padangsidimpuan
hospital only reach 83,2%. This is influenced by several factors: no internal
procedur of the use of national formulary medicines, disfunction of pharmacy
department, no pharmacy and therapy team, no evaluation done by management.
no written dissemination method and limited support by local government budget
(APBD). This study suggestied to do written dissemination method, revitalize
pharmacy department, established pharmacy and therapy committee, consider to
change into BLUD status, application o a one-door system in pharmaceutical
services and advocate Padangsidimpuan local government to promote Kota
Padangsidimpuan hospital., The national formulary is list of reference medicines that used in national health
insurance program. Thus it is important to do research towards its use at the
hospital. This research aims to evaluate the proportion of the national formulary
medicines used in accordance with the national formulary and analyze the factors
that influence it at Kota Padangsidimpuan hospital. The method of this study is
mixed of quantitative (descriptive analytic by using data from 380 medical
records) and qualitative (by doing in-depth interview and documentary review).
Proportion of the national formulary medicines used in Kota Padangsidimpuan
hospital only reach 83,2%. This is influenced by several factors: no internal
procedur of the use of national formulary medicines, disfunction of pharmacy
department, no pharmacy and therapy team, no evaluation done by management.
no written dissemination method and limited support by local government budget
(APBD). This study suggestied to do written dissemination method, revitalize
pharmacy department, established pharmacy and therapy committee, consider to
change into BLUD status, application o a one-door system in pharmaceutical
services and advocate Padangsidimpuan local government to promote Kota
Padangsidimpuan hospital.]"