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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Pakpahan, Victoria M.
"Many scholars believed that the changing of national leadership will to some extent also lead to the changing of foreign policy. This also applies to US foreign policy when Donald Trump took office as the 45th President of the US.Particularly in the foreign policy, his campaigns rhetoric brought up questions on the direction of US relations with its allies and adversaries. Previously, the US goverment under President Barrack Obama focused his foreign policy to Asia Pacific and Indonesia in particular with his "rebalance policy". With the changing of leadership of the US, some may argue that Donald Trump will also make some changes of his foreign policy toward Southeast Asia. This article discusses the possible impacts of the new US foreign polcy to Southeast Asia, in particular to Indonesia. It argues that in the short term, US foreign policy will pay more attention to non-Asia Pacific affairs. However, with the dynamic changes in the region, the US foreign policy to the region and especially to Indonesia will not alter substantially. US Vice President Mike Pence visit to Indonesia on April, 2017 indicated a positive continuity in US-Indonesia bilateral relations especially with discussion on deepening economic and security cooperation. To put it another way, there will be components of changes and continuity of US foreign policy to Indonesia due to its strategic interest to the region and to Indonesia."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2017
330 ASCSM 39 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yugolastarob Komeni
Tesis ini merupakan sebuah langkah analisa yang ditempuh untuk
menganalisa mengapa postur pertahanan Indonesia mengalami stagnasi atau tidak merespon perubahan lingkungan strategis di kawasan Asia Tenggara periode 2001-2004. Analisa penelitian ini menggunakan konsep lingkungan strategis untuk menjelaskan perubahan lingkungan strategis di kawasan Asia Tenggara dan teori postur pertahanan ofensif-defensif untuk menjelaskan pengaruh doktrin pertahanan Indonesia yang inward-looking terhadap pengembangan postur
pertahanan Indonesia periode 2001-2004. Analisa tesis ini akan menjadi sebuah bentuk penelitian eksplanatif yang dilakukan untuk melihat pola hubungan antarvariabel: dependen dan independen atau interaksi sebab-akibat antarvariabel: dependen dan independen, yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian analisa yang bersifat eksplanatif sebagai bentuk refleksi terhadap kenyataan
realitas sosial. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan menjawab pertanyaan penelitian dan membuktikan hipotesa bahwa stagnasi postur pertahanan disebabkan cara pandang doktrin pertahanan Indonesia yang masih inward-looking. Uji hipotesa diperkuat dengan berbagai temuan data, seperti kebijakan global Amerika Serikat
pasca pemboman gedung WTC dan ancaman terorisme global dan regional, konflik klaim teritorial dan kepentingan politik yang mengarah pada terjadinya potensi perselisihan kepentingan atas wilayah laut. Potensi konflik tersebut memicu sikap negara-negara di kawasan, mengembangkan kemampuan militer. Di sisi lain, cara pandang doktrin pertahanan Indonesia yang inward-looking
berimplikasi terhadap stagnasi pengembangan postur pertahanan. Stagnasi terlihat pada pengembangan kekuatan alutsista Indonesia yang tidak didukung oleh besaran alokasi anggaran pertahanan, orientasi pengembangan kekuatan militer sama sekali tidak menyentuh pada akuisisi alutsista yang mendukung dalam melakukan operasi militer keluar batas nasional, implementasi gelar pasukan yang
tidak ditempatkan pada wilayah-wilayah penting dan tidak didukung kualitas dan kuantitas divisi, dan kemampuan diplomasi Indonesia yang sama sekali tidak beranjak pada fungsi diplomasi pertahanan untuk memperkuat sistem pertahanan dan keamanan negara yang diarahkan untuk melindungi kedaulatan wilayah dan usaha balancing untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan politik di kawasan.

This thesis is a kind of research to analyze and to answer the research question of why did Indonesia?s defense postur modernization run into stagnation or not respon the dynamic and alternation of strategic environment in 2001-2004?. Analysis of this thesis deploys strategic environment concept to analyze the
dynamic and the alternation of strategic environment in Southeast Asia and defense postur of defensif-ofensif theory to analyze and to explain the inwardlooking point of view of military doctrine influencing stagnation of Indonesia?s defence postur modernization in 2001-2004. Analysis of this thesis is a kind of eksplanatif research. This research is a picture of Indonesia?s inward-looking military doctrine influencing stagnation of its defence posture and empirical condition of strategic environmentas, done to analyze, identify, and explain factor
and indicator, which are directed to explain empirical condition and theoretical understanding.
Analysis of strategic environment and point of view of military doctrine
influencing defence postur modernization will be done to explain interaction patterns between independent and dependent variables, which are used to answer research question and to prove hypothesis of this analysis. Hypothesis of thisanalysis is supported by data which explain the global policy done by United States of America and the existence of global dan regional terrorism. In regional, there are conflict of territorial and clash of interest about sea territorial value
among states. These conflict and clash trigger most of states in region to develop their military capability to respon situation. On the other side, there is inwardlooking point of view of Indonesia?s military doctrine influencing stagnation of its defense postur. The stagnation is pictured by very low defence budget and orientation of military equipment procurement which are not directed to support military operations outside of national territorial, including capability and quantity of manpower and divisions which are not supported by quantity and quality of military equipment, also the strategic deployment of manpower and divisions which not reflects the hotspot area, and the last, the capability of defense diplomacy which is not intended to create balancing strategy to increase Indonesia?s defense and security system."
T 26254
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library