"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh komitmen organisasi, stres kerja, loyalitas, dan dukungan organisasi terhadap kinerja Personel Bintara di Reskrimsus Wilayah Polda Banten. Variabel bebas pertama adalah variabel komitmen organisasi (X1) yang terdiri dari indikator antara lain komitmen efektif, komitmen normatif, dan komitmen berkelanjutan. Variabel kedua adalah stres kerja (X2) yang terdiri dari indikator antara lain lingkungan dan personal. Variabel ketiga adalah loyalitas (X3) yang terdiri dari indikator antara lain rasional (logis), dan emosional (perasaan). Variabel keempat adalah dukungan organisasi (X4) dengan indikator dukungan organisasi. Variabel terikat adalah kinerja personal bintara (Y) yang terdiri dari kinerja spesifik dan kinerja generik.
Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 87 orang responden yang merupakan sampel dari populasi 152 orang Personel Bintara di Reskrimsus Wilayah Polda Banten. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik korelasi Rank Spearman untuk menguji hubungan tiap-tiap sub variabel independen terhadap sub variabel dependen kinerja personel bintara dan mengetahui tingkat pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda.
Dari hasil analisis membuktikan bahwa secara simultan dan parsial (1). Tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja personel bintara di reskrimsus wilayah polda Banten, (2). Ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara stres kerja terhadap kinerja personel bintara di reskrimsus wilayah polda Banten, (3). Ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara loyalitas terhadap kinerja personel bintara di reskrimsus wilayah polda Banten, (4). Ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara dukungan organisasi terhadap kinerja personel bintara di reskrimsus wilayah polda Banten, dan (5). Diketahui bahwa variabel loyalitas yang dianalisis terhadap kinerja personel bintara baik secara simultan maupun parsial menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas personel bintara bekerja karena loyalitas yang tinggi di dalam organisasi.
This research has a purpose to analyze influences from organization commitment, work stress, loyalty, and organizational support to the workperformance of Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) personnel from Criminal Investigation Unit of Banten Regional Police Department. The first independent variable is organization commitment (X1) composed from indicators of effective commitment, normative commitment, and sustainable commitment. The second independent variable is the work stress (X2) composed from environmental and personal indicators. The third independent variable is loyalty (X3) consisted from rational (logical) and emotional (feelings) indicators. The fourth independent variable is organizational support (X4) consisted of appreciation and concern to employee’s welfare indicators. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is the workperformance of Non-Commissioned Officers (Y) which divided into specific workperformance and generic workperformance.Research was conducted to 87 respondents as the research sample from population of 152 personnel of Non-Commissioned Officer from Criminal Investigation Unit of Banten Regional Police Department. Data analysis technique used in this study is Rank Spearman Correlation to test relationship of each sub independent variable to each sub dependent variable of workperformance from Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) personnel as well as understanding level of influences from independent variables to dependent variables by employing the multiple linear regression analysis.The result analysis gave evidence in simultaneously and partially that: (1) there is no significant influence found between the organization commitment (X1) to the workperformance of Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) personnel from Criminal Investigation Unit of Banten Regional Police Department, (2) there is a significant influence found between the work stress (X2) to the workperfomance of Non- Commissioned Officer (NCO) personnel from Criminal Investigation Unit of Banten Regional Police Department, (3) there is a significant influence found between loyalty (X3) to the workperformance of Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) personnel from Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banten Regional Police Department, (4) There is a significant influence found between the organizational support (X4) to the workperformance of Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) personnel from Criminal Investigation Unit of Banten Regional Police Department, and (5) it is evident that loyalty variable analyzed on the workperformance of Non- Commissioned Officer (NCO) personnel both in simultaneous and partial analysis showed the majority of Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) personnel are working due to a high loyalty inside their organization."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024