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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Risa Yunia Arsie
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Masa remaja adalah suatu saat dimana seseorang mencari jati dirinya. Hubungan sosial dengan orang lain menjadi hal yang tak terpisahkan dalam masa ini, dan seringkali susunan gigi-geligi, berpengaruh terhadap perlakuan sosial yang diterima seorang remaja dari lingkungannya. Berbagai penelitian telah menemukan maloklusi gigi anterior atas berdampak negatif terhadap relasi sosial remaja. Meskipun demikian, penelitian seperti ini masih jarang ditemukan di Indonesia. Material dan metode: Subjek berasal dari 2 SMP di Jakarta Timur, sebanyak 173 orang, yang dibagi menjadi 4 macam karakteristik oklusi: gigi anterior atas berjejal, gigi anterior atas bercelah, dan gigi anterior atas protrusif, menggunakan kuesioner PIDAQ (Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetic Questionnaire). Hasil: Analisis menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna dalam dampak terhadap rasa percaya diri antara remaja oklusi normal dengan maloklusi gigi berjejal, bercelah, maupun protrusif, serta perbedaan bermakna antara dampak psikologis yang dimiliki remaja oklusi normal dengan gigi bercelah. Kesimpulan: Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahan serta perawatan ortodonti dini pada remaja dengan maloklusi agar dapat mencegah timbulnya gangguan perkembangan psikososial remaja.
Introduction: Adolescence is a one of significant periods in one?s life. Relating with others in this phase has become an inseparable aspect, and often physical appearance, especially facial and dental, considerably determines the quality of social treatment received from one?s surrounding. Several studies have found the role of upper anterior malocclusion in rendering negatively one?s social connection with his peers. Despite the quite fascinating findings, such studies are relatively rare to be found in Indonesian context. Material and method: impact of various anterior occlusion on adolescent psychosocial from SMP 51 and SMP 195 in East Jakarta area by using PIDAQ (Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetic Questionnaire). Two school were contacted and 173 subjects participated, classified into four occlusal characteristics: normal, upper anterior crowding, upper anterior spacing, and upper anterior protruding. Result: There is significant difference between adolescents with normal occlusion and those suffering from malocclusions, either crowding, spacing, or protruding. Moreover, there is a significant psychological impact difference between adolescents with normal dentition and those who have upper anterior spacing. Conclusion: It can be concluded that anterior malocclusion has the possibility to affect adolescents psychological condition. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to take preventive action as well as early orthodontic treatment on adolescents suffering from malocclusions in order to nullify the impact on their psychosocial development.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sena Arianto
Abstrak :
Kedokteran gigi estetik dipengaruhi berbagai faktor. Digital Smile Design (DSD) merupakan salah satu kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi yang sangat menunjang perawatan dalam bidang estetika. Dokter gigi dapat langsung memberi gambaran rencana perawatan pada pasien. Proporsi gigi anterior merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam perencanaan perawatan dalam bidang estetik Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi kepuasan pasien terhadap estetika desain senyum yang dihasilkan dengan dan tanpa panduan DSD. Subjek berjumlah 25 orang dengan indikasi rehabilitasi estetik diminta untuk menilai kepuasan estetika desain senyum dengan 2 metode mock up, yaitu dengan dan tanpa panduan Digital Smile Design serta menjawab kuesioner estetik yang sudah tervalidasi dengan nilai alpha cronbach 0,98. Mock up dengan panduan DSD menghasilkan kepuasan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan mock up tanpa panduan DSD.
In the field of dentistry, aesthetic is influenced by various factors. Advances in science and technology, supports in aesthetic treatment, especially in this modern era, the dentist can immediately provide an overview plan of treatment. One of the main factor in planning an aesthetic treatment is the proportion of upper anterior teeth. Twenty-five subjects with the aesthetic rehabilitation indications were asked to assess the aesthetic satisfaction with 2 mock-up methods, with and without a guide of Digital Smile Design, followed by answering an aesthetic questionnaire that has been validated with a value of Cronbach?s alpha = 0.98.Patients? satisfaction with the aesthetic proportion of upper anterior teeth with a mock-up guide Digital Smile Design is better than a mock-up without Digital Smile Design., In the field of dentistry, aesthetic is influenced by various factors. Advances in science and technology, supports in aesthetic treatment, especially in this modern era, the dentist can immediately provide an overview plan of treatment. One of the main factor in planning an aesthetic treatment is the proportion of upper anterior teeth. Twenty-five subjects with the aesthetic rehabilitation indications were asked to assess the aesthetic satisfaction with 2 mock-up methods, with and without a guide of Digital Smile Design, followed by answering an aesthetic questionnaire that has been validated with a value of Cronbach’s alpha = 0.98.Patients’ satisfaction with the aesthetic proportion of upper anterior teeth with a mock-up guide Digital Smile Design is better than a mock-up without Digital Smile Design.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhira Rama Haidar Prakasita
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Maloklusi adalah ketidaksesuaian susunan gigi geligi, salah satu bentuknya adalah protrusi gigi anterior atas dengan overjet lebih besar dari normal (>3mm). Protrusi gigi anterior atas dapat disebabkan oleh kebiasaan buruk di rongga mulut, antara lain menghisap ibu jari, bernafas melalui mulut, dan menghisap bibir bawah. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan faktor kebiasaan buruk di rongga mulut dengan protrusi gigi anterior atas pada siswa-siswi kelas IV-VI SD Negeri 10 Johar Baru, Jakarta, Indonesia. Metode: Digunakan 157 anak dan dilakukan pemeriksaan intraoral dan ekstraoral terhadap dugaan kebiasaan buruk serta pengukuran overjet. Didapatkan 60 anak dengan kebiasaan buruk dan protrusi anterior atas; menghisap ibu jari 28 anak, bernafas melalui mulut 7 anak, menghisap bibir bawah 25 anak, dan 25 anak sebagai kontrol yang dipilih secara acak. Dilakukan uji korelasi padasemua kelompok. Hasil: Hasil uji korelasi kelompok kebiasaan buruk menghisap ibu jari dengan protrusi gigi anterior atas p=0.001; kelompok kebiasaan buruk menghisap bibir bawah dengan protrusi gigi anterior atas p=0.001. Besarnya overjet pada protrusi gigi anterior atas yaitu 3-6mm. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara kebiasaan buruk di rongga mulut menghisap ibu jari dan menghisap bibir bawah dengan protrusi gigi anterior atas pada siswa-siswi kelas IV-VI SD Negeri 10 Johar Baru, Jakarta.
One form of malocclusion is maxillary protrusion of the anterior teeth and its distinctive feature such as an overjet of 3mm. It is commonly caused by bad oral habits such as thumb sucking, mouth breathing, and lower lip biting. Objective: Analyze the relationship between bad oral habits and maxillary protrusion of the anterior teeth in primary students grade 4 to 6 in SD Negeri 10 Johar Baru, Jakarta. Method: Out of 157 students who were examined, only 60 students that fits the criteria and were divided based on their bad oral habits with 28 students on thumb sucking, 7 students on mouth breathing, 25 students on lower lip biting, and 25 as case control. Correlation test is used to determine the relationship between each group. Result: Test results shows that there is a significant correlation between thumb sucking and lower lip biting toward maxillary protrusion of the anterior teeth. (p=0.001) Teeth protrusion range around 3 to 6 mm. Conclusion: Bad oral habits such as thumb sucking, and lower lip biting has significant correlation towards maxillary protrusion of the anterior teeth in primary students grade 4 to 6 in SD Negeri 10 Johar Baru, Jakarta.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library