"Salah satu indikator untuk mengetahui mutu layanan ialah dengan mengukur kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan. Kepuasan pasien dapat dipergunakan sebagai umpan balik bagi manajemen dan diperlukan untuk menilai kualitas pelayanan. Kepuasan pasien yang rendah menggambarkan kualitas layanan yang berada dibawah standar dan akan berdampak terhadap citra apotik.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang kepuasan pasien Rawat Jalan Tingkat Lanjutan (RJTL) peserta Askes terhadap mutu pelayanan di Apotik Arwana Pontianak. Diketahui gambaran kepuasan pasien yang berhubungan dengan karakteristik pasien dan dimensi mutu layanan yang telah diberikan. Kepuasan pasien diperoleh dan tingkat kesesuaianlnilai puas yang merupakan rasio persepsi dengan harapan pasien terhadap pelayanan di Apotik Arwana Pontianak.
Pengukuran kepuasan pasien dilakukan terhadap 341 responden yang sudah pernah berkunjung ke apotik dan merupakan kunjungan pertama pada waktu penelitian dengan mengisi sendiri kuesioner yang diberikan. Jenis penelitian merupakan diskriptif analitik yang dilakukan dengan pendekalan cross sectional secara kuantitatif Dimensi mutu pelayanan yang digunakan untuk mengukur kepuasan pasien adalah sarana fisik/bukti langsung (tangibles), keandalan (reliability), ketanggapan petugas (responsiveness), jaminan/keyakinan (assurance) dan dimensi kepedulian (empathy).
Faktor karakteristik pasien yang ingin diketahui hubungannya dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien adalah variabel Jenis kelamin, umur, pendidikan, status kepeserlaan, dan golongan peserta. Analisa data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Analisa terhadap dimensi mutu pelayanan dengan self scale survey menggunakan Diagram Kartesius.
Hasil didapat menunjukkan bahwa proporsi pasien yang puas sebesar 50,1 % dan pasien yang tidak puas sebesar 49,9 % dengan tingkat kesesuaian/nilai puas 95,4 %. Uji bivariat dengan Chi- square didapat variabel yang berhubungan dengan kepuasan pasien adalah variabel jenis kelamin, umur dan golongan. Uji multivariat dengan regresi logistik didapat variabel yang dominan adalah variabel golongan peserta, dimana pasien peserta Askes dengan golongan rendah berisiko untuk puas 3 kali dibandingkan dengan pasien golongan tinggi.
Analisa terhadap dimensi mutu pelayanan yang digunakan diketahui bahwa dimensi keandalan (reliability) merupakan dimensi yang penting dan prioritas bagi pasien. Dimensi jaminanikeyakinan (assurance) merupakan dimensi mutu pelayanan yang harus dipertahankan dan pasien merasa puas. Sarana Fisik/bukti langsung (tangibles), ketanggapan petugas (responsiveness) dan kepedulian (empathy) merupakan dimensi mutu pelayanan yang dianggap tidak panting oleh pasien tetapi pasien tidak puas pada dimensi.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan kepada pihak apotik untuk memperhatikan karakteristik pasien khususnya jenis kelamin, umur dan golongan peserta dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pasien. Selain itu pihak apotik harus memperlahankan dimensi mutu pelayanan assurance yang telah dapat memuaskan pasien dan segera memperbaiki serta mengoreksi dimensi mutu reliability.
Kepustakaan 37 (1980 - 2000)
Satisfaction of Askes Member Patients of Advance Out Patient Program toward the Quality of Service at Arwana Drugstore Pontianak Year 2000One of the indicators of the quality of service is by measuring patients' level of satisfaction toward the service provided. The patients' satisfaction serves as feedback for the management and is required to assess the quality of the service. Low patients' satisfaction may indicate a below-standard service. This low satisfaction may impact the drugstore' image.
This study was aimed at investigating the level of satisfaction of Askes Member Patients of Advance Out Patient Program, or Rawat Jalan Tingkat Lanjutan (RJTL) Peserta Askes, toward the service provided by Arwana drugstore. It was expected that this study would reveal description of patients' satisfaction that related to their characteristics and the dimension of the service provided Patients' satisfaction was measured by compliance scale that included perception ratio with the patients' expectation toward the service provided by Arwana drugstore Pontianak.
Measurement of patients' level of satisfaction was conducted over 341 respondents that consisted of those who had ever visited the drugstore and those who visited the drugstore for their first time. The respondents were required to complete the provided self-scale survey. This study employed a descriptive analytical by using a quantitative cross sectional approach. Dimensions of the quality of the service used to measure the patients' level of satisfaction included tangibles items, reliability, drugstore workers' responsiveness, assurance and empathy.
The characteristics of the patients that this study investigated to reveal their correlation with the patients' level of satisfaction covered the following variables: gender, age, education, status of membership, and occupation of the patients. Data analysis was conducted by using univariat, bivariat, and multivariat techniques. Analysis of the quality of the service obtained from the self-scale survey was conducted by referring to Kartesius diagram.
The study results show that the proportion of satisfied patients reach to 50.1% and unsatisfied patients reach to 49.9% with level of compliance of 95.4%. The bivariat test by using Chi-square reveals that variables that correlate with patients' satisfaction were gender, age and occupation. The multivariat test by using logistic regression shows that the most dominant variable was occupation where Askes patients who occupied lower structural positions or lower occupation in their office were likely to be satisfied 3 times compared to patients who occupied higher structural positions or higher occupation.
Analysis of the dimensions of the service quality indicates that the reliability dimension is the significant dimension and a priority for the patients. The assurance dimension is one of the service quality dimensions that should be maintained for it proved to satisfy the patients. Tangibles items, drugstore workers' responsiveness and empathy were not considered much of significance by the patients and the patients were not satisfied with these dimensions.
This study recommends the drugstore to put emphasis on patients' characteristics particularly on their gender, age and occupation in order to increase their level of satisfaction. It is also recommended that the drugstore maintain its assurance that proved to satisfy the patients and that it immediately improve and review its reliability.
Reference List: 37 (1980-2000)"